We are using Gradle's axion-release plugin for release & version management.
If current commit is tagged commit, project has a release version( i.e., 0.1.0).
If there were any commits after last tag, project is in SNAPSHOT version( i.e., 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT).axion-release
follows the structure of git, only knows about tags on given branch.
first time generating a new library project
gradle init --type kotlin-library --dsl kotlin
Options for all gradle commands: -D or --system-prop, -P or --project-prop, -m or --dry-run
Check Task Dependencies With a Dry Run with dryRun: -m or --dry-run i.e., gradle publish -m
display computed version
gradle cV
gradle currentVersion
# to get version # as plain text
export VERSION=$(gradle cV -q -Prelease.quiet)
gradle test
gradle jacocoTestReport
gradle jacocoTestCoverageVerification
# gotcha: jacoco reports need to be generated before any of the sonar task
gradle check
gradle sonarqube
Using kotlinx-benchmark
Benchmark tasks
gradle assembleBenchmarks - Generate and build all benchmarks in a project
gradle benchmark - Execute all benchmarks in a project
gradle benchmarksBenchmark - Execute benchmark for 'benchmarks'
gradle benchmarksBenchmarkCompile - Compile JMH source files for 'benchmarks'
gradle benchmarksBenchmarkGenerate - Generate JMH source files for 'benchmarks'
gradle benchmarksBenchmarkJar - Build JAR for JMH compiled files for 'benchmarks'
Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool that attempts to detect publicly disclosed vulnerabilities contained within a project’s dependencies.
gradle dependencyCheckAggregate
Kover is Code Coverage plugin for Kotlin
Note: Cross-module tests are not supported in reports and validation yet. For each test, only the classpath belonging to the current module is taken.
gradle koverMergedReport -x test # Generates code coverage report for all enabled test tasks in all projects.
gradle koverMergedVerify # Verifies code coverage metrics of all projects based on specified rules. Always executes before `check` task.
gradle koverReport # Executes both koverXmlReport and koverHtmlReport tasks for one project.
gradle koverVerify # Verifies code coverage metrics of one project based on specified rules.
# spotlessCheck - Checks that sourcecode satisfies formatting steps.
gradle spotlessCheck
# spotlessApply - Applies code formatting steps to sourcecode in-place.
gradle spotlessApply
# addExtension - Adds Quarkus extensions specified by the user to the project.
gradle :services:greeting:addExtension --extensions="health,metrics,openapi"
gradle :services:greeting:addExtension --extensions="hibernate-validator"
gradle :services:greeting:addExtension --extensions="jdbc,agroal,non-exist-ent"
# buildNative - Building a native image
gradle :services:greeting:buildNative
gradle :services:greeting:testNative
# generateConfig - Generates an example config file
# listExtensions - Lists the available quarkus extensions
gradle :services:greeting:listExtensions
# quarkusBuild - Quarkus builds a runner jar based on the build jar
# quarkusDev - Development mode: enables hot deployment with background compilation
gradle :services:greeting:quarkusDev -Dsuspend -Ddebug
# quarkusTestConfig - Sets the necessary system properties for the Quarkus tests to run.
Docs: Gradle Flyway Plugin
Ref Adding dependencies on Flyway Database Types
For some Flyway database types, like [Cloud Spanner] and [SQL Server], you'll need to add a dependency to the database type in a buildscript
closure to get your Gradle commands to work properly.
This puts the database type on the build classpath, and not the project classpath.
Here is an example settings.gradle.kts
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.flywaydb:flyway-mysql:{{ site.flywayVersion }} "
Without this you may see an error like the following: No database found to handle jdbc:...
start/stop dependent services for your app
# start local redis
gradle redisComposeUp
# stop local redis before restart again
gradle redisComposeDown
# copy container logs to `build/containers-logs`
gradle redisComposeLogs
The detector allows for three options for affected modules:
- Changed Projects: These are projects which had files changed within them – enabled with
) - Dependent Projects: These are projects which are dependent on projects which had changes within them enabled with
) - All Affected Projects: This is the union of Changed Projects and Dependent Projects (this is the default configuration)
# Running All Affected Projects (Changed Projects + Dependent Projects)
gradle runAffectedUnitTests -Paffected_module_detector.enable
# Running All Changed Projects
gradle runAffectedUnitTests -Paffected_module_detector.enable -Paffected_module_detector.changedProjects
# Running All Dependent Projects
gradle runAffectedUnitTests -Paffected_module_detector.enable -Paffected_module_detector.dependentProjects
# runs connected tests
gradle runAffectedAndroidTests -Paffected_module_detector.enable
# assembles but does not run on device tests, useful when working with device labs
gradle assembleAffectedAndroidTests -Paffected_module_detector.enable
build jar
gradle build
gradle build -x test
# overriding version
gradle build -Prelease.forceVersion=3.0.0
gradle run
gradle dokkaHtmlMultimodule -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx4096m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m"
gradle dokkaHtmlMultimodule
gradle dokkaHtml
bump git Tag and Push
# dryRun
gradle release -Prelease.dryRun
# disable all checks for current release
gradle release -Prelease.disableChecks -Prelease.dryRun
# real release
gradle release -Prelease.customUsername=sxc460 -Prelease.customPassword=
# bump Minor Version : 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
gradle markNextVersion -Prelease.incrementer=incrementMinor -Prelease.dryRun
# in CI enveroment
gradle release -Prelease.disableChecks -Prelease.pushTagsOnly -x test --profile
# if you want to manually set version with Jenkins params
gradle createRelease -Prelease.disableChecks -Prelease.versionIncrementer=incrementMajor -Prelease.dryRun
gradle markNextVersion -Prelease.disableChecks -Prelease.incrementer=incrementMajor -Prelease.dryRun
With every release, run
# first time
git-chglog --init
# on release branch, generate CHANGELOG.md and commit before merging back to develop & main.
git-chglog -c .github/chglog/config.yml -o CHANGELOG.md
git-chglog -c .github/chglog/config.yml -o CHANGELOG.md --next-tag 2.0.0
# prints the last published version and calculated next version
gradle changelogPrint
# throws an error if the changelog is not formatted according to your rules
gradle changelogCheck
## Update the changelog, commit, push
# updates the changelog on disk with the next version and the current UTC date
gradle changelogBump -Prelease=true
# commits the changelog, tags, and pushes
gradle changelogPush
publish after release
gradle publish
# skip tests in CI
gradle publish -x test --profile
gradle build publish -Prelease.forceSnapshot
gradle build publish -Prelease.forceVersion=3.0.0
# set `CI=true` to publish from laptop
CI=true gradle publish -Prelease.forceSnapshot
# Build an image tarball,
# then you can load with `docker load --input build/jib-image.tar`
gradle jibBuildTar
# Build and publish docker image
gradle jib
# Build image locally useing your Docker daemon (on publish)
gradle jibDockerBuild
pull a remote image and locally use it as base image
# pull base image first
docker pull gcr.io/distroless/java:11
# use local docker image as base, build image only (on publish)
gradle jibDockerBuild -PbaseDockerImage=docker://gcr.io/distroless/java:11
# you can run your local docker image
docker run -it xmlking/micro-apps-demo:1.6.5-SNAPSHOT
This use versions plugin and version-catalog-update-plugin
# Report dependencies
gradle dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release -DoutputFormatter=json,xml
# Update dependencies, `dependsOn dependencyUpdates`
# Creating a libs.versions.toml file, If you don't have a catalog file yet
gradle versionCatalogUpdate --create
# Updating the libs.versions.toml file
gradle versionCatalogUpdate
# Generate delta updates file `libs.versions.updates.toml` that you can apply manually
gradle versionCatalogUpdate --interactive
# upgrade gradlew
# upgrade project gradle version
gradle wrapper --distribution-type all
# gradle wrapper --gradle-version=8.1
# gradle daemon status
gradle --status
gradle --stop
# show dependencies
gradle classifier:dependencies
gradle classifier:dependencyInsight --dependency spring-messaging
# refresh dependencies
gradle build -x test --refresh-dependencies
# viewing and debugging dependencies
gradle -q :services:greeting:dependencyInsight --dependency org.ow2.asm:asm --configuration testCompileClasspath
# display version
gradle cV
Remove a local built dependency from local-maven-repository
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DmanualInclude="com.redis.om:redis-om-spring"
- Gradle version catalogs FAQ