The current weather of a zone is based on the current unix epoch, and a zone weather table (WeatherRate).
A forecast target integer is first calculated. This value to the frequency of the zone's weather.
When the number is less than the cumulative rate at which a weather pattern occurs, that weather will appear in the zone.
For example, in Gridania it's raining 20% of the time, and foggy 10%. It rains when the number is < 20, and foggy when it's >= 20 and < 30, and so on.
calculateForecastTarget: function(lDate) {
// Thanks to Rogueadyn's SaintCoinach library for this calculation.
// lDate is the current local time.
var unixSeconds = parseInt(lDate.getTime() / 1000);
// Get Eorzea hour for weather start
var bell = unixSeconds / 175;
// Do the magic 'cause for calculations 16:00 is 0, 00:00 is 8 and 08:00 is 16
var increment = (bell + 8 - (bell % 8)) % 24;
// Take Eorzea days since unix epoch
var totalDays = unixSeconds / 4200;
totalDays = (totalDays << 32) >>> 0; // Convert to uint
// 0x64 = 100
var calcBase = totalDays * 100 + increment;
// 0xB = 11
var step1 = (calcBase << 11) ^ calcBase;
var step2 = (step1 >>> 8) ^ step1;
// 0x64 = 100
return step2 % 100;