OmicsNetR is the underlying R package synchronized with OmicsNet web server. It is designed for network-based multi-omics integration and systems-level interpretation. The R package is composed of R functions necessary for the web-server to perform network creation, trimming and analysis.
Following installation and loading of OmicsNetR, users will be able to reproduce web server results from their local computers using the R command history downloaded from OmicsNet. Running the R functions will allow more flexibility and reproducibility.
Note - OmicsNetR is still under development - we cannot guarantee full functionality
Step 1. Install package dependencies
To use OmcisNetR, make sure your R version is >4.0.3 and install all package dependencies. Ensure that you are able to download packages from Bioconductor. To install package dependencies, use the pacman R package. Note that some of these packages may require additional library dependencies that need to be installed prior to their own successful installation.
pacman::p_load(igraph, RColorBrewer, qs, rjson, RSQLite)
Step 2. Install the package
OmicsNetR is freely available from GitHub. The package documentation, including the vignettes for each module and user manual is available within the downloaded R package file. If all package dependencies were installed, you will be able to install the OmicsNetR.
Install the package directly from github using the devtools package. Open R and enter:
# Step 1: Install devtools
# Step 2: Install OmicsNetR WITHOUT documentation
devtools::install_github("xia-lab/OmicsNetR", build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", "--no-build-vignettes"))
# Step 2: Install OmicsNetR WITH documentation
devtools::install_github("xia-lab/OmicsNetR", build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"), build_vignettes = TRUE)
- The first function that you will use in every module is the
function, which initiates the dataSet object that stores user's data for further processing and analysis. - The OmicsNetR package will output data files/tables/analysis/networks outputs in your current working directory.
- Every function must be executed in sequence as it is shown on the R Command history, please do not skip any commands as this can result in errors downstream.
- Each main function in OmicsNetR is documented. Use the ?Function format to open its documentation. For instance, use
to find out more about this function.
# Step 1. Initiate the dataSet object
# Step 2. Map list of genes to the application
dataSet<-PrepareInputList(dataSet,"#Entrez logFC
4495 61.12
4496 51.06
4499 23.79
6354 21.04
6369 19.76", "hsa", "gene", "entrez", "direct");
# Step 3. Identify interacting partners
dataSet<-QueryNet(dataSet, "gene", "innate")
# Step 4. Build interaction subnetwork
# Step 5. Prepare the network file to be used for visualization, the output will be in JSON format.
dataSet<-PrepareNetwork(dataSet, "subnetwork1", "omicsnet_1.json")
# Step 1. Initiate the dataSet object
# Step 2. Map list of genes to the application
dataSet<-PrepareInputList(dataSet,"#Entrez logFC
4495 61.12
4496 51.06
4499 23.79
6354 21.04
6369 19.76", "hsa", "gene", "entrez");
# Step 2. Map list of miRNA to the application
hsa-mir-510-5p", "hsa", "mir", "mir_id");
# Step 3. Build PPI network from uploaded list of genes
dataSet<-QueryNetMulti(dataSet, "gene", "innate", "gene" )
# Step 4. Build miRNA-gene network from uploaded list of miRNA
dataSet<-QueryNetMulti(dataSet, "mir", "mirtarbase", "mir" )
# Step 5. Merge networks together through shared nodes and decompose into interconnected subnetworks
# Step 6. Prepare the network file to be used for visualization, the output will be in JSON format.
dataSet<-PrepareNetwork(dataSet, "subnetwork1", "omicsnet_1.json")
# Step 1. Initiate the dataSet object
# Step 2. Map list of genes to the application
dataSet<-PrepareInputList(dataSet,"#Entrez logFC
4495 61.12
4496 51.06
4499 23.79
6354 21.04
6369 19.76", "hsa", "gene", "entrez", "direct");
# Step 3. Identify interacting partners
dataSet<-QueryNet(dataSet, "gene", "innate")
# Step 4. Decompose network into interconnected subnetworks
# Step 5. Save the JSON file, this file can be uploaded again to restore analysis session
# Step 1. Initiate the dataSet object
# Step 2. Read graph file, specify correct file format
dataSet<-ReadGraphFile(dataSet, "Your file path", "jsonOmicsnet");
# Step 3. Prepare the network file to be used for visualization, the output will be in JSON format.
dataSet<-PrepareNetwork(dataSet, "subnetwork1", "omicsnet_1.json")