This project is part of Udacity's VR Developer Nanodegree.
The project consists on design and implement a Virtual Reality (VR) application, to immerse the user in a Virtual Reality state of the art showroom.
This work is developed using Unity and GoogleVR, with the aim of learn about VR design, VR development and VR project management. I have chosen as showroom theme: Greek Mythology Gods. I have decided to ambient the application in a showroom to focus the attention of the user to the content.
Find a write-up, with detailed information about the specifications of this project and some information about the project schedule:
This project have given me the opportunity to learn about Virtual Reality Design, gaining practical experience on all the steps of a Virtual Reality project.
As future work, we could adapt the controls to other Virtual Reality platforms that use a joystick controller like Google Day Dream. With this approach, the experience could be more ergonomic for the users, they could move the pointer with out move their head, only moving the joystick. This new feature could reduce the simulation sickness produced by unnecessary head movements.