This project is part of Udacity's VR Developer Nanodegree.
The GitHub link with the unity project and the build:
Find "" file in the same folder as " file.".
Game play video (on Unity Editor).
Total 500 points.
The player is immersed in a giant world to feel like a mice.
A locomotion system have been implemented to emulate the movement of a mice.
The player feels like a small mice, empathizing with small animals that are vulnerable in humans world.
Gravity is used to simulate falling tic tac toe pieces when the player is under de table.
At the end of the game a video with a mice eating cheese is showed.
Total 500 points.
The player can choose from two different paths clicking red or blue spheres at the beginning of the simulation.
The application have some familiar objects like:
- Cat to indicate the player loose the game.
- Cheese to indicate the player loose the game.
- Potion to revive.
- Red sphere to go through the unsafe path.
- Green sphere to go through the safe path.
Total 500 points.
A shader have been implemented to reproduce the mice eating cheese video when the player wins the game.