Topic: #healthygamergg #mental_health #anxiety Tags: #review #literature_note_v1_1 Links: [[Anxiety]] Author: Dr. K Date Created: 19-09-21
Anxiety has multiple facets :
- Emotion anxiety -> "I feel anxious"
- Cognitive anxiety -> "I have anxious thoughts",
- Diagnosed anxiety -> Illness
Our brain evolved in different ways. Anxiety is a protective mecanism to make us safe. Protect us from suffering or danger. Source of suffering -> fuel anxiety
Anxiety is the future focused mind. Anxiety is our mind thinking about the future. => remedies => present => playing video games, procrastination, video games => meditation that makes us go back to the present helps us feel less anxious
One is cognitive, one is physical.
If we neglect one of those then it gets worse. Anxiety = see a doctor => emphasize the cognitive
[[Cognitive Anxiety]] is about particular fear or insecurities. These insecurities come from experiences in our earlier life.
[[Physiologic Anxiety]] is where our brain and body create the feeling of anxiety. The adrenaline surge which will make sweaty palms and cramp in our stomach, make our thoughts black/white :
- Adrenaline => makes our thoughts black/white yes/no. "These people are laughing at me"
- Cortisol => activated by anxiety, prevent us from sleeping, relaxing
Anxiety can come from body or mind.
Thought -> Thought -> Thought => Overwhelming Thought overload
- avoid the situation => promotion, driving, etc... => giving in our fears => feel traps
- wanting reassurance => alleviate anxiety => makes us dependant