date updated |
2021-09-07T19:11:48+02:00 |
Topic: #connection #note_taking #zettelkasten Tags: #review #literature_note_v1_1 Links: [[Ahrens - How to take Smart Notes]] Author: Ahrens Date Created: 07-09-21
The most important thing when taking notes and writing thoughts isn't the thought or the idea itself, it's the connection between past ideas and new ideas that creates meaning or value through new [[Insight]].
Ahrens pulls out some interesting ideas from the book Getting things done[^1]. Indeed the principle of GTD is to collect everything important[^2] in one place and processed in a standardised way. The idea being that it forces us to make clear choices and stay in touch with the bigger picture.
The challenge here is the complexity that stems from new information.
Since Ahrens interest himself in creative writing GTD is too restrictive. Indeed writing is not a linear process. Therefore, what will be retained from GTD is the [[holistic]] perspective. This means that everything needs to be taken care of and needs to fit in the bigger picture.
- [[@ahrensHowTakeSmart2017]]