date updated |
2021-09-07T19:09:52+02:00 |
Topic: [[Zettelkasten]] Tags: #review #literature_note_v1_1 Links: [[Ahrens - How to take Smart Notes]] Author: Ahrens Date Created: 07-09-21
place where you put your notes. Luhman, the original creator of Zettelkasten had two boxes:
- Bibliographical, which contains references and brief notes on the content of the literature
- Main, which contains his ideas
The purpose of this structure is from the notes generated in the bibliographical slip-box to process the ideas, link them together and then generate original thought in the main slip-box.[^1]
He did not sort his notes by topic, but used an arbitrary numbering system, only choosing the same number with a letter if the notes were linked together because it was a comment, correction or addition.
He did not copied the notes, but translated in his own words adding the context in which he intended to use the content stemming from the literature note.
He always made sure to add references and links after finishing writing a note. This allows to improve the meaning of a note.
Instead of starting out from a blank piece of paper, the idea is to create a draft. To create this draft, one must create a series of documents containing ideas, references, quotes that are linked together. The writing part is then the easiest part. Thinking and reading is the hard part.
- [[@ahrensHowTakeSmart2017]]