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Webpack ES6 Starter Project w/ MVU architecture

A modular front-end boilerplate using the power and simplicity of MVU architecture, Webpack 4 + HMR, and ES6+ via Babel. Includes Webpack's Tree Shaking configuration. Utilizing functional javascript paradigm, BEM and mobile-first responsive approach. It's suitable for scalable applications.

The provided boilerplate is powered by the following technology stack:

Bundlers & task runners

  • npm — package manager and task runner.
  • Webpack 4 — module bundler.
  • Gulp 4 — task runner.


  • ESLint — modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles.
  • StyleLint — reporter for syntax and style issues.


  • Babel 7 — transpiler from ES6 to ES5.

CSS ecosystem

JavaScript ecosystem

  • jQuery — javascript library.
  • Waypoints — javascript library that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
  • Ramda — javascript functional library.
  • Hyperscript Helpers — terse syntax for hyperscript.
  • Virtual DOM — a javascript DOM model supporting element creation, diff computation and patch operations for efficient re-rendering.


  • Ejs — embedded JavaScript templates.


Quick start

Clone the project using the following command:

git clone app-name
cd app-name
npm install

Run development:

npm run dev

Run production:

npm run prod

Run production server:

npm run prod:serve


Support for Node.js > 8

White Label It


Expose App on Your Local Dev Machine

Assign yourself a unique publicly accessible url that will proxy all requests to your locally running webserver.

npm install -g ngrok
npm run tunnel # run in a new tab

You will receive a url, for example, that you can share with anyone. Any requests will be routed to your local service at the specified port.

What's happening under the hood when I run npm run dev?

Webpack serves your app in memory when you run npm run dev. No physical files are written. However, the web root is /src, so you can reference files under /src in index.html.

What's happening under the hood when I run npm run prod?

When the app is built using npm run prod, physical files are written to /dist folder and the app is served from /dist with command npm run prod:serve.

How do I deploy this?

npm run prod. This will prepare and build the project for production use. It does the following:

  • Minifies all JS and CSS
  • Inline base64 URLs for images and fonts if their size is less than specified limit
  • Places the resulting built project files into /dist directory. (This is the folder you'll expose to the world).


Gulp Tasks

This task takes multiple svg files from src/assets/icons and generates single sprite file in src/assets/sprites/. Also generates a CSS file src/styles/postcss/generated/_sprite.css from template gulp/templates/sprite. To use it, add class="icon .icon--*" into your html.

npm run gulp:icons

A custom build of Modernizr for feature detection. Generates src/vendors/modernizr.js file from options in .browserslistrc. Used in webpack build.

npm run gulp:modernizr



MIT License, 2019.

Brought to you by Domagoj-Mario Mendas