- Use bedtools to intersect the VCF and the separate GFF files corresponding to BUSCO genes
- Use the resulting VCF files to create the FASTA files (already aligned) with
- Concatenate FASTA files using
toolkit) - Run separate
analyses of concatenated SNPs from BUSCO genes located on chromosomes 1-15 and on the non-recombining region of chromosome 16
Create conda environments
conda create -n variant_analysis
conda activate variant_analysis
conda install -c bioconda bcftools
conda install -c bioconda bedtools
conda create -n genometools python=2.7
conda activate genometools
conda install -c bioconda genometools-genometools
GFF files on Dropbox
Soli.Roddy.Dec2020/gffs.tar.gz (5,851 GFFs for BUSCO genes)
Check integrity of GFF files.
gt gff3 -retainids -checkids -sort -tidy input.gff3
This CDS file produces an error.
gt gff3 -retainids -checkids -sort -tidy SolInvGFF.corrected.only.CDS.gff.gz
# gt gff3: error: Parent "mRNA1" on line 3 in file "SolInvGFF.corrected.only.CDS.gff.gz" was not defined (via "ID=")
mRNA GFF passed format checks.
gt gff3 -retainids -checkids -sort -tidy SolInvGFF.corrected.only.mRNA.gff.gz
Compute descriptive statistics.
gt gff3 -sort -tidy SolInvGFF.corrected.only.CDS.gff | gt stat
VCF files on Dropbox:
bcftools stats gt.vcf.gz
bcftools stats busco4.merged.filtered.SNP.genotypes.MaxMissing25.vcf.gz > \
BUSCO genes separated according to chromosome of origin:
gng20170922.busco4.chr1-15.complete.tsv = 5479
gng20170922.busco4.chr16nr.complete.tsv = 178
gng20170922.busco4.chr16r.complete.tsv = 212
5479 + 178 + 212 = 5869
The gt.vcf.gz
file includes the following comment line:
mkdir sinv_busco_raxml && cd sinv_busco_raxml
The "gffs" folder contains 5,851 mRNA GFF files
mkdir intersect_cds_mrna && cd intersect_cds_mrna
# Intersect the CDS and BUSCO mRNA features
# -wa Write the original entry in A for each overlap
# -u Write original A entry once if any overlaps found in B... report the fact at least one overlap was found in B.
ls ../gffs/*.gff | parallel -j 40 'bedtools intersect -wa -u -a ../SolInvGFF.corrected.only.CDS.gff.gz -b {} > {/.}.CDS.gff' &!
ls intersect_cds_mrna | wc -l
# Concatenate the BUSCO mRNA GFF files
# These files have only "mRNA" features and lack headers
# cat *.gff > busco5851.mrna.annotation.inv.gff
# bedtools intersect -wa -u -a SolInvGFF.corrected.only.CDS.gff.gz -b busco5851.mrna.annotation.inv.gff > \
# SolInvGFF.corrected.only.CDS.busco5851.gff
mkdir intersect_vcf_gff && intersect_vcf_gff
# Intersect using the 5851 separate CDS GFFs
ls ../intersect_cds_mrna/*.gff | parallel -j 40 'bedtools intersect -header -wa -a ../gt.vcf.gz -b {} > {/.}.intersect.gt.vcf' &!
Reference: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2540861, https://github.com/edgardomortiz/vcf2phylip
Paper citing vcf2phylip
: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-019-0982-3
python vcf2phylip.py --input input.vcf --phylip-disable --fasta > vcf2phylip.log 2>&1 &!
ls intersect_vcf_gff/*.vcf | parallel -j 40 'python vcf2phylip.py --input {} --phylip-disable --fasta > {.}.log 2>&1' &!
mkdir vcf2fasta
mv intersect_vcf_gff/*.log vcf2fasta/
mv intersect_vcf_gff/*.fasta vcf2fasta/
Three files containing the ortholog identifiers according to chromosome of origin ("Soli.Roddy.Dec2020" folder)
Get ortholog identifiers according to chromosome of origin
# chr16nr
ls vcf2fasta | grep -w "$(awk '{print $4}' gng20170922.busco4.chr16nr.complete.tsv)" > \
mkdir vcf2fasta_chr16nr
cd vcf2fasta
while read file; do cp "$file" ../vcf2fasta_chr16nr/; done < ../gng20170922.busco4.chr16nr.complete.vcf2fasta.list
cd vcf2fasta_chr16nr
ls *.fasta | wc -l
# 210
mkdir log_files
mv *.log log_files/
# chr1-15
ls vcf2fasta | grep -w "$(awk '{print $4}' gng20170922.busco4.chr1-15.complete.tsv)" > \
mkdir vcf2fasta_chr1-15
cd vcf2fasta
while read file; do cp "$file" ../vcf2fasta_chr1-15/; done < ../gng20170922.busco4.chr1-15.complete.vcf2fasta.list
cd vcf2fasta_chr1-15
ls *.fasta | wc -l
# 5450
mkdir log_files
mv *.log log_files/
# Total: 210 + 5450 = 5660
conda install -c bioconda phyx
# chr16nr
cd vcf2fasta_chr16nr
pxcat -s *.fasta -p busco.chr16nr.parts.model -o busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.fasta
# chr1-15
cd vcf2fasta_chr1-15
pxcat -s *.fasta -p busco.chr1-15.parts.model -o busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.fasta
# Print summaries of supermatrices
pxlssq -s busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.fasta
# File type: fasta
# Number of sequences: 370
# Is aligned: true
# Sequence length: 20067
# --------Nucl TABLE---------
# Nucl Total Proportion
# A 693097 0.093349
# C 2.89986e+06 0.390564
# G 2.89953e+06 0.39052
# T 699543 0.0942172
# - 0 0
# ? 232765 0.0313497
# G+C 5.79938e+06 0.781084
# --------Nucl TABLE---------
pxlssq -s busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.fasta
# File type: fasta
# Number of sequences: 370
# Is aligned: true
# Sequence length: 428888
# --------Nucl TABLE---------
# Nucl Total Proportion
# A 1.50076e+07 0.0945724
# C 6.19553e+07 0.390421
# G 6.16637e+07 0.388583
# T 1.5125e+07 0.0953125
# - 0 0
# ? 4.93696e+06 0.031111
# G+C 1.23619e+08 0.779004
# --------Nucl TABLE---------
conda install -c bioconda raxml-ng
# chr16nr
mkdir chr16nr_raxml
cd chr16nr_raxml
mv ../vcf2fasta_chr16nr/{busco.chr16nr.parts.model,busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.fasta,phyx.logfile} .
# Parse the supermatrix
raxml-ng --parse --msa busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.fasta --model GTR+G --prefix busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.msacheck
# chr1-15
mkdir chr1-15_raxml
cd chr1-15_raxml
mv ../vcf2fasta_chr1-15/{busco.chr1-15.parts.model,busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.fasta,phyx.logfile} .
# Parse the supermatrix
raxml-ng --parse --msa busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.fasta --model GTR+G --prefix busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.msacheck
# Submit array jobs for searches and bootstraps
conda activate variant_analysis
# chr16nr
#$ -pe smp 8
#$ -l h_vmem=1G
#$ -l h_rt=6:0:0
#$ -t 1-10
#$ -cwd
#$ -V
#$ -j y
#$ -N busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.raxml.array
cd chr16nr_raxml_array
raxml-ng --msa ../busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.fasta \
--model GTR+G \
--prefix busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.${SGE_TASK_ID} \
--threads 8 --workers auto --tree pars{1},rand{1} > \
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.${SGE_TASK_ID}.raxml.log 2>&1
#$ -pe smp 8
#$ -l h_vmem=1G
#$ -l h_rt=6:0:0
#$ -t 1-100
#$ -cwd
#$ -V
#$ -j y
#$ -N busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.bootstrap.raxml.array
cd chr16nr_raxml_bootstrap
raxml-ng --bootstrap --msa ../busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.fasta \
--model GTR+G --prefix busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.bootstrap.${SGE_TASK_ID} \
--threads 8 --workers auto --force perf_threads \
--bs-trees 1 > busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.bootstrap.${SGE_TASK_ID}.raxml.log 2>&1
# Choose the tree with the best likelihood score
# chr16nr
cd chr16nr_raxml_array
grep "Final" *.log
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.10.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349760.711747
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.1.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349817.170912
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.2.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349866.437269
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.3.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349704.764196
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.4.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349897.541516
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.5.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349780.597999
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.6.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349780.597999
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.7.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349740.392708
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.8.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349888.403673
busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.9.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349760.711747
grep "Final" *.log | awk -F" " '{print $3}' | sort -g
Highest likelihood score = busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.3.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -349704.764196
cd chr16nr_raxml_bootstrap
cat *.bootstraps > busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.raxml.100.bootstraps.trees
mkdir chr16nr_raxml_boostrap_support
cd chr16nr_raxml_boostrap_support
cp ../chr16nr_raxml_array/busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.3.raxml.bestTree .
cp ../chr16nr_raxml_bootstrap/busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.raxml.100.bootstraps.trees .
# Calcultate support values
raxml-ng --support \
--tree busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.3.raxml.bestTree \
--bs-trees busco.chr16nr.supermatrix.raxml.100.bootstraps.trees \
--bs-metric TBE
# chr1-15nr
cd chr1-15_raxml_array
grep "Final" *.log
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.10.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8446885.990171
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.1.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8446563.393314
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.2.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8447314.352549
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.3.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8447739.411846
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.4.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8447161.086874
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.5.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8447206.986304
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.6.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8446978.155766
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.7.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8447546.619656
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.8.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8446868.076419
busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.9.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8447551.577616
grep "Final" *.log | awk -F" " '{print $3}' | sort -g
Highest likelihood score = busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.1.raxml.log:Final LogLikelihood: -8446563.393314
cd chr1-15_raxml_bootstrap
cat *.bootstraps > busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.raxml.100.bootstraps.trees
mkdir chr1-15_raxml_boostrap_support
cd chr1-15_raxml_boostrap_support
cp ../chr1-15_raxml_array/busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.1.raxml.bestTree .
cp ../chr1-15_raxml_bootstrap/busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.raxml.100.bootstraps.trees .
# Calcultate support values
raxml-ng --support \
--tree busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.1.raxml.bestTree \
--bs-trees busco.chr1-15.supermatrix.raxml.100.bootstraps.trees \
--bs-metric TBE
| label | newlabel |
| SRR7028251_AL-149-bigB-m | SRR7028251_AL-149-littleb |
| SRR7028257_AL-158-bigB-m | SRR7028257_AL-158-littleb |
| SRR7028261_AL-139-bigB-m | SRR7028261_AL-139-littleb |
| SRR7028249_AL-145-bigB-m | SRR7028249_AL-145-littleb |
| SRR7028250_AL-141-bigB-m | SRR7028250_AL-141-littleb |
| AR164-6-bigB-p | AR164-6-littleb-p |
| AR18-1-littleb-p | AR187-1-littleb-p |
| AR187-1-littleb-p | AR18-1-littleb-p |
Removed tips "AR142-1-bigB-m-1" and "AR66-5-bigB-p" from trees.