Malwarelytics Cordova Plugin is distributed as an NPM package. The private Maven repository for the Android native library and the private CocoaPods repository for the iOS native library is used under the hood.
Malwarelytics Cordova Plugin supports iOS 11 and Android 5.1 (SDK version 22) and above.
Personalized Configuration Required.
In order to use the Malwarelytics Cordova Plugin, you need a custom configuration and access credentials for both the service and artifact repositories. Contact your sales representative or technical consultant in order to obtain the required prerequisites.
Create the malwarelytics.xml
file inside your app root folder with your Malwarelytics service credentials and credentials for the repository of the Android/iOS native library.
You can visit malwarelytics.xml inside the demo app..
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!-- Configuration for the integration in the Android platform. -->
Service configuration (different than the Apple service settings).
username : Username for the Malwarelytics service
password : Password for the Malwarelytics service
publicKey : [OPTIONAL] Public key of the service
environment: Either 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST'
Maven repository configuration
username : Username for the m2 repo
password : Password for the m2 repo
url : [OPTIONAL] Custom URL to the m2 repo
UI configuration [OPTIONAL]
resourcesFolder : Folder that will be copied (merged) into the android app resources folder
theme : Theme resource path that will be applied to the threat screen
notificationIcon : Resource icon used in threat notifications
settingsIcon : Resource icon used in threat screen for settings
deleteIcon : Resource icon used in threat screen for deleting malware
<!-- Configuration for the integration in Apple platforms (iOS/iPadOS). -->
Service configuration (different than the Android service settings).
username : Username for the Malwarelytics service
password : Password for the Malwarelytics service
publicKey : [OPTIONAL] Public key of the service
netrc file configuration (for private CocoaPods access)
Note that artifactory credentials will be added (if not present) to the
.netrc/_netrc file in your home folder.
login : Login for the repo
password : Password for the repo
machine : [OPTIONAL] Custom URL to the repo
RASP configuration for Apple.
appPresenceQueries : Query URL schemes for Info.plist. Each should be added as <string>SCHEME</string> subtag.
Mode detailed explanation of the <ui>
tag inside the <android>
configuration can be found here.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-malwarelytics
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-malwarelytics
In your app js
or ts
file, you can now access window.plugins.malwarelytics
Initialize the plugin:
async initializeMalwarelytics() {
try {
// example configuration
await window.plugins.malwarelytics.initialize({
androidConfig: {
languageCode: "en",
antivirusConfig: {
enableSilentMode: false
raspConfig: {
root: {
action: "EXIT",
exitUrl: ""
appleConfig: {
raspConfig: {
debugger: {
action: "EXIT",
exitUrl: ""
} catch (error) {
In case you're using TypeScript to build the app, there is a Malwarelytics.d.ts
definition file in the package. You can reference it in your file and use it as follow:
/// <reference path="../../plugins/cordova-plugin-malwarelytics/www/MalwarelyticsPlugin.d.ts"/>
declare interface Window {
plugins: {
malwarelytics: MalwarelyticsPlugin;
// now you can use window.plugins.malwarelytics with autocompletion