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Dice Helper

wrycu edited this page Dec 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

New players may not be sure how to spend things such as advantage or threat. This feature provides a button which provides spending tips based on the results of the roll. This can be clicked by players or by the GM, though it requires a GM to be logged in.

  • This can be disabled via settings by disabling Dice Helper
  • The default setting is enabled
  • You can extend this to include non-combat skills by expanding the JSON as described in defining custom contents


Defining custom contents

You may specify custom content for the dice result spending tips by populating a Journal with the name specified in the settings with JSON representing the tips to provide (example). Due to various constraints, this is now required for non-English support. The Journal contents must be on a single line and must follow this format:

    "cool": {
        "su": [
                "text": "this is the text that will be sent if the check has at least 1 uncancelled success",
                "required": 1
                "text": "this text will also be sent if there is at least 1 uncancelled success",
                "required": 1
        "fa": [
                "text": "this is the text that will be sent if the check has at least 1 uncancelled failure",
                "required": 1
        "ad": [
                "text": "this is the text that will be sent if the check has at least 2 uncancelled advantage",
                "required": 2
        "th": [
                "text": "this is the text that will be sent if the check has at least 3 uncancelled threat",
                "required": 3
        "tr": [
                "text": "this is the text that will be sent if the check has at least 1 triumph",
                "required": 1
        "de": [
                "text": "this is the text that will be sent if the check has at least 1 despair",
                "required": 1
    "astrogation": {}
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