This library reads the ADS1115 chip and returns the voltage on the selected pin to the calling program. The example app will read an ADS1115 chip and print the voltage values from pins a0-a3 on the screen.
Copyright (c) 2019 Wade Ryan
On your Raspberry Pi, please use the raspi-config program to enable the I2C interface. Then use the gpio command to make sure your i2c devices can be found. The default address for an ADS1115 chip is 0x48.
$ sudo raspi-config
$ gpio i2cd
Use git to download the software from
$ cd ~/projects { or wherever you keep downloads }
$ git clone
To compile this library, navigate into the src folder and use the make utility to compile and install the library.
$ cd [project folder]
$ cd src
$ make && sudo make install
Complie your applications using these command line arguments: -lwiringPi -lwiringPiADS1115rpi
To run the example program, nagaviate into the example folder and use make to compile the program. The timestamp
$ cd ../example
$ make
$ ./knobtest
$ $ accessing ads1115 chip on i2c address 48
$ Timestamp Delta A0 A1 A2 A3
$ 1575219689268 44 1.73 3.91 0.00 0.00