- Multiple SDE instances per CL is not supported in this release. Support planned for future release.
- DRAM Data retention is not supported for CL designs with less than 4 DDRs enabled
- Combinatorial loops in CL designs are not supported.
- Automatic Traffic Generator (ATG) in SYNC mode does not wait for write response transaction before issuing read transactions. The fix for this issue is planned in a future release.
SDAccel (For additional restrictions see SDAccel ERRATA)
Virtual Ethernet is not supported when using SDAccel
DRAM Data retention is not supported for kernels that provision less than 4 DDRs
Combinatorial loops in CL designs are not supported.
When using Xilinx runtime(XRT) version 2018.3.3.1 or AWS FPGA Developer AMI Version 1.6.0 your host application could fail with following error:
: symbol lookup error: /opt/xilinx/xrt/lib/libxrt_aws.so: undefined symbol: uuid_parse!
The SDAccel examples included in the developer kit use a SDAccel configuration file [sdaccel.ini]. To workaround this error please copy the SDAccel configuration file sdaccel.ini to your executable directory and try executing your application again. AWS is working with Xilinx to release a XRT patch to fix this issue.