cd .dataflow
. versions
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec dataflow-server java -jar shell.jar
- Spring Cloud Data Flow Dashboard - http://localhost:9393/dashboard
- Prometheus - http://localhost:9090
Below we will build, deploy and create simple stream that writes HTTP requests to the file.
mvn clean package -f ../pom.xml
directory is mapped under/target
service indocker-compose.yml
. -
Register HTTP source
using shell
docker-compose exec dataflow-server java -jar shell.jar
app register --name http-pro --type source --uri "file:///target/http-source-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/apps/source/http-pro' -i -X POST -d 'uri=file%3A%2F%2F%2Ftarget%2Fhttp-source-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar'
Define stream
We will define stream from HTTP Source to the file:
using shell
stream create --definition "http-pro --port=8090 | file --directory=/tmp --name=http-requests" --name http-to-file
using REST API
curl -X POST -d "name=http-to-file&definition=http-pro --port=8090 | file --directory=/tmp --name=http-requests" localhost:9393/streams/definitions?deploy=false
Validate stream
using shell
stream validate --name http-to-file
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/streams/validation/http-to-file' -i -X GET
Deploy stream
using shell
stream deploy --name http-to-file
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/streams/deployments/http-to-file' -i -X POST
Get stream details
using shell
stream info --name http-to-file
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/streams/deployments/http-to-file' -i
Test stream
generate request
docker-compose exec skipper-server curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"john"}' http://localhost:8090
monitor file
docker-compose exec skipper-server tail -f /tmp/http-requests
consume kafka topic
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --bootstrap-server=kafka:9092 --list docker-compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic http-to-file.http-pro
Undeploy stream
using shell
stream undeploy --name http-to-file
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/streams/deployments/http-to-file' -i -X DELETE
Destroy stream
using shell
stream destroy --name http-to-file
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/streams/definitions/http-to-file' -i -X DELETE
Unregister Http source
using shell
app unregister --type source --name http-pro
using REST API
curl 'http://localhost:9393/apps/source/http-pro' -i -X DELETE
Browse skipper logs for executed command:
docker-compose logs skipper-server | grep 'Command to be executed:'
Execute command manualy:
docker-compose exec skipper-server <command>