Releases: wp-media/rocket-lazy-load
Releases · wp-media/rocket-lazy-load
- Bugfix: Correctly ignore inline scripts with line breaks inside
- Bugfix: Correct an issue preventing lazyload from working
- Bugfix: Prevent incorrect display if JavaScript is disabled
- Bugfix: Don't apply lazyload on Divi/Extra/Beaver Builder Editor pages
- Bugfix: Use the correct URL for each iframe when multiple iframes are on the same page
- Bugfix: Ignore content inside inline script tags to prevent applying lazyload in it
- Bugfix: Fix an error in the compatibility for the AMP plugin
- Enhancement: Lazyload is now applied on the template_redirect hook, which should allow the plugin to apply the optimization on more images and encountering less conflicts at the same time
- Enhancement: Specifically target with the lazyload script images/iframes elements with a data-lazy-src attribute
- Enhancement: Update lazyload script to the latest version
- Enhancement: Possibility to apply lazyload on background-images with a specific markup, see FAQ
- Enhancement: Use a svg image as placeholder instead of a base64 gif
- Bugfix: Only use MutationObserver if available in the browser
- Bugfix: When using the Youtube thumbnail option, correctly format the Youtube query if the video URL is encoded
- Bugfix: Improve iframe matching to prevent unexpected results
- Bugfix: Update CSS for the Youtube thumbnail option to prevent issue with the Gutenberg embeds block
- Enhancement: Update lazyload script to the latest available version
- Enhancement: Use lazy-sizes to prevent W3C validation error when sizes is defined but srcset is not
- Enhancement: Parse images or iframes only if the element is selected to be lazyloaded in the options
- Fix: Prevent warning for lazyload+v in Google Search Console
- Fix: Prevent PHP Notice with WooCommerce for product images
- Notice: Minimum WordPress version required is now 4.7
- Enhancement: Update lazyload script version
- Enhancement: Remove placeholder image to improve perceived loading time
- Enhancement: Compatibility with Youtube privacy URL
- Enhancement: Update play image to match Youtube logo
- Enhancement: Support Youtube URL parameters
- Enhancement: Lazyload images displayed with wp_get_attachment_image(). /!\ no fallback if JavaScript is disabled
- Fix: Use the correct size set in srcset for the lazyloaded image
- Fix: Prevent Youtube thumbnail replacement on playlists
- Fix: Prevent iframe lazyload on AMP pages
- Fix: Correct text domain for translations (thanks @ Chantal Coolsma)
- Fix compatibility with infinite scroll
- Prevent lazyload on masterSlider images
- Correctly include version 8.5.2 of lazyload script
- Prevent 404 error on lazyload script if URL contains "-v"
- Rename Setting Page Name in WP Menu
- New Product Banner in Settings Page
- Conditionally load a different version of the script depending on browser support of IntersectionObserver
- Fix a bug where images initially hidden are not correctly displayed when coming into view (slider, tabs, accordion)
- Administration UI redesign