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Audit 402
Audit 402 Invitational


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Audit 402 smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between July 1 — July 15, 2024.


In Code4rena's Invitational audits, the competition is limited to a small group of wardens; for this audit, 5 wardens participated:

  1. SpicyMeatball
  2. ladboy233
  3. Ch_301
  4. monrel
  5. t0x1c

This audit was judged by 0xsomeone.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 2 unique vulnerabilities, both receiving a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 4 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Audit 402 repository, and is composed of 21 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 2544 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

Medium Risk Findings (2)

Submitted by SpicyMeatball

The SwapLayerIntegrationBase.sol contract will not work if user specifies full path for his swaps.

Proof of Concept

While using SwapLayerIntegrationBase.sol users can specify either the stripped path for their swaps (pool->token->pool) or the full path (tokenIn->pool->token->pool->usdc). The _encodeSwapParams function makes sure that the user provided path is encoded in a way the SwapLayer expects:

  • 4 bytes - deadline;
  • 16 bytes - output amount.
  • 1 byte - swap type.
  • 3 bytes - first pool.
  • 1 byte - partial path length.
  • N * (20 + 3) bytes - partial path, where N - number of swaps in the path.
  function _encodeSwapParams(
    EvmSwapParams memory params,
    bool checkTokens,
    address fromToken,
    address toToken
  ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { unchecked {
>>  uint startOffset = _swapPathStartOffset(params.path, checkTokens, fromToken, toToken);
    (uint24 firstPoolId, uint offset) = params.path.asUint24Unchecked(startOffset);
>>  uint pathLength = (params.path.length - startOffset) / SHARED_PATH_ELEMENT_SIZE;
    _checkMax(pathLength, type(uint8).max);
>>  (bytes memory finalPath, ) =
      params.path.sliceUnchecked(offset, pathLength * SHARED_PATH_ELEMENT_SIZE);

    return abi.encodePacked(
      _encodeSharedSwapParams(params.deadline, params.outputAmount),

If a user provides a full path _swapPathStartOffset will return 20 bytes offset to skip the input token address. However, the encoded finalPath will be incorrect because the output token address is not removed. For example, if we have the path weth(20 bytes)->pool(3 bytes)->usdc(20 bytes), startOffset is 20, pathLength = 43 - 20 / 23 = 1; which means the final partial path will be incorrectly sliced and will look like usdc + 0x000000 instead of zero bytes.

Check this coded POC for test/Initiate.t.sol, run testPreapprovalUniswap:

  function _testPreapproval(EvmSwapType swapType) internal {
    uint amount = USER_AMOUNT * 10 ** MOCK_TOKEN_DECIMALS;
    _dealOverride(address(mockToken), user, amount);
    mockToken.approve(address(swapLayer), amount);

    uint deadline = 0;
    uint minOut = 1e6;
    bytes memory path = abi.encodePacked(
      _evmSwapTypeToPoolId(swapType == EvmSwapType.UniswapV3

    InitiateToken memory params = InitiateToken({
      targetParams: TargetParams(FOREIGN_CHAIN_ID, recipient.toUniversalAddress()),
      inputToken: address(mockToken),
      amount: amount,
      isExactIn: true,
      approveCheck: true,
      evmSwapParams: EvmSwapParams(deadline, minOut, swapType, path),
      outputParams: _swapLayerEncodeOutputParamsUsdc()


  function testPreapprovalUniswap() public {

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

  function _encodeSwapParams(
    EvmSwapParams memory params,
    bool checkTokens,
    address fromToken,
    address toToken
  ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { unchecked {
    uint startOffset = _swapPathStartOffset(params.path, checkTokens, fromToken, toToken);
    (uint24 firstPoolId, uint offset) = params.path.asUint24Unchecked(startOffset);
-   uint pathLength = (params.path.length - startOffset) / SHARED_PATH_ELEMENT_SIZE;
+   uint pathLength = (params.path.length - startOffset - offset) / SHARED_PATH_ELEMENT_SIZE;

Assessed type


djb15 (Audit 402) confirmed and commented:

Nice catch! Fixed here.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has outlined how the swap path encoding mechanism will improperly encode full execution paths due to mishandling the path length.

I believe a medium risk severity rating is appropriate given that swaps can still occur albeit under a different encoding scheme. Kudos on this finding!

Submitted by SpicyMeatball

The SwapLayerUniswapV3R.sol contract calls the exactOutput function with incorrect parameters, causing the initiate transaction to always revert if isExactIn == false.

Proof of Concept

When the user calls the initiate function in the SwapLayer.sol contract, he has the option to specify whether his swap will be isExactIn == true or isExactIn == false:

  function _acquireUsdc(
    uint totalFee,
    ModesOffsetsSizes memory mos,
    bytes memory params
  ) private returns (uint64 usdcAmount, uint wormholeFee) { unchecked {

      else if (inputTokenType == IoToken.Other) {
        wormholeFee = msg.value; //same as above
        (approveCheck, offset) = params.asBoolUnchecked(offset);
        (inputToken,  offset) = parseIERC20(params, offset);
        (inputAmount, offset) = params.asUint128Unchecked(offset);
        offset = _acquireInputTokens(inputAmount, inputToken, params, offset);
      // @audit: the path is always inputToken => usdc
>>    (uint256 deadline, uint outputAmount, uint swapType, bytes memory path, ) =
        parseEvmSwapParams(address(inputToken), address(_usdc), params, offset);

      //adjust outputAmount to ensure that the received usdc amount on the target chain is at least
      //  the specified outputAmount
      outputAmount += totalFee;

      uint inOutAmount = _swap(
>>      mos.isExactIn,
        true, //revert on failure

Let's take a look at the _swap function parameters:

  • inputAmount is the tokens that user transfers to the SwapLayer and wants to swap for USDC;
  • outputAmount is a slippage control value in case of isExactIn == true or the USDC amount after swap if isExactIn == false;
  • path is the encoded tokenIn-...-tokenOut path for the router, that is received from the parseEvmSwapParams function, in our case it always inputToken => USDC:
function parseEvmSwapParams(
  address inputToken,
  address outputToken,
  bytes memory params,
  uint offset
) pure returns (uint, uint, uint, bytes memory, uint) { unchecked {
  bytes memory partialPath;
  (partialPath, offset) = params.sliceUnchecked(offset, sliceLen);
>> bytes memory path = abi.encodePacked(inputToken, firstPoolId, partialPath, outputToken);
  return (deadline, outputAmount, swapType, path, offset);

Now, let's check the SwapLayerUniswapV3R.sol contract that will make a swap for us:

  function _uniswapSwap(
    bool isExactIn,
    uint inputAmount,
    uint outputAmount,
    IERC20 inputToken,
    IERC20, //outputToken
    bool revertOnFailure,
    bool approveCheck,
    bytes memory path
  ) internal override returns (uint /*inOutAmount*/) {
    if (approveCheck && inputToken.allowance(address(this), _uniswapRouter) < inputAmount)
      _maxApprove(inputToken, _uniswapRouter);

>>  SwapParams memory swapParams =
      SwapParams(path, address(this), block.timestamp, inputAmount, outputAmount);

    bytes memory funcCall = abi.encodeWithSelector(
      ? IUniswapV3SwapRouter.exactInput.selector
      : IUniswapV3SwapRouter.exactOutput.selector,

It can be observed that the same SwapParams are used for exactInput and exactOutput functions. However, Uniswap V3 router expects reverse path if the exactOutput is called, on top of that inputAmount and outputAmount should trade places. The correct implementation can be found in the SwapLayerUniswapUR.sol contract:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Implement the same algorithm like in the SwapLayerUniswapUR.sol to reverse the path and correctly use inputAmount and outputAmount variables, if the isExactIn == false is specified.

Assessed type


djb15 (Audit 402) confirmed and commented:

We forgot to point out that the code for the V3 router is stale and only for reference. But yes, this is absolutely correct, nice catch. We've deleted the V3 router in this commit.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has highlighted how the code will fail to execute an exact output swap using the UniswapV3R router during an initiate call as it fails to reverse the swap path before supplying it to the router.

As the SwapLayerUniswapV3R contract was in the scope of the audit, all submissions in relation to it are eligible for a reward. In this case, a medium severity rating is appropriate as the inexecutability of the outlined code path is a non-blocking factor to the overall cross-chain flows supported by the Swap Layer.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 4 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by ladboy233 received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Ch_301, SpicyMeatball, and monrel.

[01] Permit/Permit2 is subject to frontrunning and denial of service when acquiring USDC token

When a user initiates the transfer by calling initial, the code logic involves acquiring USDC token.

else if (acquireMode == AcquireMode.Permit) {
      uint256 value; uint256 deadline; bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v;
      (value, deadline, r, s, v, offset) = parsePermit(params, offset);
 @     IERC20Permit(address(inputToken)).permit(msg.sender, address(this), value, deadline, v, r, s);
      inputToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), inputAmount);
    else if (acquireMode == AcquireMode.Permit2Transfer) {
      uint256 amount; uint256 nonce; uint256 sigDeadline; bytes memory signature;
      (amount, nonce, sigDeadline, signature, offset) = parsePermit2Transfer(params, offset);
  @    _permit2.permitTransferFrom(
          permitted: ISignatureTransfer.TokenPermissions(address(inputToken), amount),
          nonce: nonce,
          deadline: sigDeadline
        ISignatureTransfer.SignatureTransferDetails(address(this), inputAmount),
    else if (acquireMode == AcquireMode.Permit2Permit) {
      uint160 amount; uint48 expiration; uint48 nonce; uint256 sigDeadline; bytes memory signature;
      (amount, expiration, nonce, sigDeadline, signature, offset) =
        parsePermit2Permit(params, offset);
@      _permit2.permit(
          details: IAllowanceTransfer.PermitDetails(address(inputToken), amount, expiration, nonce),
          spender: address(this),
          sigDeadline: sigDeadline

If the user selects the AcquireMode.Permit, a malicious user can frontrun user's transaction by consuming the signature first, then calling:

IERC20Permit(address(inputToken)).permit(msg.sender, address(this), value, deadline, v, r, s);

Calling again will revert because the nonce that match the signature is already consumed.

Reference here.

If the user select the AcquireMode.Permit2Permit, the user can permissionlessly consume the permit2 signature first and then the transaction reverts if the code attempts to consume the same signature again.

          details: IAllowanceTransfer.PermitDetails(address(inputToken), amount, expiration, nonce),
          spender: address(this),
          sigDeadline: sigDeadline

It is recommended to try catch the permit call to make sure even the permit fails, the code should try to transfer the fund to avoid such DOS.

[02] If a recipient address cannot receive ETH, the redeem always reverts and fails.

When message is redeemed, even the swap can be from USDT to WETH, the code always try to convert WETH to ETH.

Then, it sends the ETH + the gas drop out:

   if (outputTokenType == IoToken.Gas) {f
      outputAmount = outputAmount + gasDropoff;
      _transferEth(sms.recipient, outputAmount);
    else {
      if (gasDropoff > 0)
        _transferEth(sms.recipient, gasDropoff);

      outputToken.safeTransfer(sms.recipient, outputAmount);

_transferETH always sends ETH to the recipient:

 function _transferEth(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
    (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(new bytes(0));
    if (!success)
      revert EthTransferFailed();

However, if the recipient address is a smart contract that is not capable of receiving ETH, transaction revert and funds are locked. It is recommended to transfer WETH instead of ETH out to avoid such issue.

[03] Tokens that revert in large approval/transfer is not compatible with the current implementation

There is a function _maxApprove:

  function _maxApprove(IERC20 token, address spender) internal {
    SafeERC20.forceApprove(token, spender, type(uint256).max);

Then, the smart contract triggers approve to type(256).max. However, according to this doc:

Some tokens (e.g. UNI, COMP) revert if the value passed to approve or transfer is larger than uint96.

For example, this is the UNI token implement of approval and the protocol clearly says that the token that reverts in large approval or transfer is in-scope here.

The impact is that the token that reverts in large approval is not compatible with the current implementation and user cannot swap from UNI to USDC when initializing the transaction, because the logic involves swap from UNI to USDC and the code needs to approve the router contract as a spender before making a swap.

[04] Output token is not validated in _traderJoeSwap

In _traderJobSwap:

  function _traderJoeSwap(
    bool isExactIn,
    uint inputAmount,
    uint outputAmount,
    IERC20 inputToken,
    IERC20, //outputToken // @audit, why?
    bool revertOnFailure,
    bool approveCheck,
    bytes memory path
  ) internal override returns (uint /*inOutAmount*/) { unchecked {

We can see the parameter outputToken is not validated, which allows users to pass in a outputToken but compose the payload to pass in the swap path and produce a different output token.

The impact has its limitation. While the user can spoof the USDC return out when initializing the transaction, this means a user can swap the input token to a fake token but return a large amount of inOutAmount.

uint inOutAmount = _swap(
true, //revert on failure

if (mos.isExactIn)
finalAmount = inOutAmount;

The finalAmount becomes usdcAmount, and when calling the function:

_liquidityLayer.placeFastMarketOrder{value: wormholeFee}(

If the function _liquidityLayer implements correctly and transfers the usdcAmount out, the transaction still reverts.

[05] Lack of handling for overpaid/underpaid msg.value fees when initiating the transaction

When initiating the transaction, the user needs to pay the wormHole fee:

  if (inputTokenType == IoToken.Usdc) {
      //we received USDC directly
      wormholeFee = msg.value; //we save the gas for an STATICCALL to look up the wormhole msg fee
                               //and rely on the liquidity layer to revert if msg.value != fee
      (finalAmount, offset) = params.asUint128Unchecked(offset);
      if (mos.isExactIn) {
        if (finalAmount < totalFee)
          revert InsufficientInputAmount(finalAmount, totalFee);
        finalAmount += totalFee;

      _acquireInputTokens(finalAmount, _usdc, params, offset);

However, all msg.value is forwarded to liquidity layer as fee when placing the order:

 _liquidityLayer.placeFastMarketOrder{value: wormholeFee}(

If the user overpays the wormholeFee, there is lack of refund logic. If the user underpays the wormholeFee, there is lack of input validation to ensure that sufficient fee is paid to make sure the market order gets filled.

[06] Address open TODOs

The protocol should ensure that all open TODO's are addressed.

  13: uint16 constant SOLANA_CHAIN_ID = 1; //TODO this should come from elsewhere

   56  // is this accurate?
   57: //TODO the following are estimates from forge tests (already adjusted upwards for more guardians
   58  //     on mainnet) - refine further with testnet measurements (+guardian count adjustments!)

  156      if (targetChain == SOLANA_CHAIN_ID) {
  157:       //TODO figure out what other (dynamic) fees might go into Solana fee calculations
  158        if (swapCount != 0 && swapType != SWAP_TYPE_JUPITERV6)

  67        {
  68:         //TODO either eventually replace this with proper memcpy or adjust parseEvmSwapParams
  69          //     so it expects an inverse path order for exact out swaps in case of uniswap and


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.