This repo includes a complete Digital Ocean infrastructure with Kubernetes, Container Registry, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Load Balancers and Project Resource Management all built using CDKTF & Terraform Cloud.
The repo also includes a PaaS workflow integration with that streamlines Developer Experience for utilizing the infrastructure, which includes interactive workflows that work in the CLI & Slack, but also full CI/CD & Preview Environments for all delivery.
- Docker, Node (NVM) 12+ & npm installed
- Sign up for, setup team
- Install Ops CLI, Connect Github & Slack
Follow the documentation to get your environment ready for start using this workflows
These workflows allows to manage Crystal Commerce Infrastructure over DigitalOcean, the resources that are defined for be managed are the following.
- Docker Registry
- Kubernetes Cluster
- MySQL Databases
- Postgres Databases
- Redis Databases
- Load balancers
You can add or remove resources changing the code of this repository or by editing the configuration parameters in your team.
The following are the commands already implemented in this repository and are able to run from the CLI or Slack
In first place you need to sign in into the platform for that you can run in your CLI the following command.
ops account:signin
your browser goings to pops up asking for login credentials, once done you can go back to the CLI
💻 - The CLI built for Teams 🚀
👋 Welcome to the The Ops CLI!
Authenticating using Single Sign On... Finished
Authenticating... Done!
👋 Welcome back demo-user!
You need to be sure that you are running in the right team, you can do it using the following command.
ops team:switch
Then select the desired team
🔍 Searching for your teams... Done
Here's the list of your teams:
Select a team (Use arrow keys or type to search)
→ demo-user
This command deploys/updates your infrastructure reading its configuration from your team, the following are the parameters related with the infrastructure deployment
- DO_DEV_K8S_CONFIG: Kubernetes configuration for DEV environment.
- DO_STG_K8S_CONFIG: Kubernetes configuration for STG environment.
- DO_PRD_K8S_CONFIG: Kubernetes configuration for PRD environment.
- DO_DEV_REDIS_CONFIG: Redis configuration for DEV environment.
- DO_STG_REDIS_CONFIG: Redis configuration for STG environment.
- DO_PRD_REDIS_CONFIG: Redis configuration for PRD environment.
- DO_DEV_POSTGRES_CONFIG: Postgres configuration for DEV environment.
- DO_STG_POSTGRES_CONFIG: Postgres configuration for STG environment.
- DO_PRD_POSTGRES_CONFIG: Postgres configuration for PRD environment.
- DO_DEV_MYSQL_CONFIG: MySQL configuration for DEV environment.
- DO_STG_MYSQL_CONFIG: MySQL configuration for STG environment.
- DO_PRD_MYSQL_CONFIG: MySQL configuration for PRD environment.
You can check the current values for this parameters going to your team. In a later section this parameters would be explained in detail.
Then you can deploy/setup your infrastructure with the following command
ops run setup
for almost all commands you going to be asked for the environment
Select a •Command, •Pipeline or •Service to run →
🌎 = Public 🔑 = Private 🖥 = Local 🔍 Search: • 🔑 setup - Setup Kubernetes infrastructure on Digital Ocean
⚙️ Running setup...
🛠 Loading the do-k8s stack for the cto-ai team...
What is the name of the environment? [dev]: dev
Then all your infrastructure would be deployed/updated a the end you going to get some information about the resources deployed.
urn: 'do:vpc:ac43df94-962a-414e-9e1f-b0dfc0755f6a'
'cross-stack-output-digitalocean_container_registryregistry-do-k8s-registryendpoint': '',
registry: {
createdAt: '2022-03-04 16:40:48 +0000 UTC',
endpoint: '',
id: 'cto-ai',
name: 'cto-ai',
region: 'fra1',
serverUrl: '',
storageUsageBytes: 1901222912,
subscriptionTierSlug: 'professional'
👀 Check your Digital Ocean dashboard or Lens for status.
Happy Workflowing!
This command is for destroy infrastructure or a service, you need to be extremely careful with this one.
ops run destroy
you going to get all the info about the destroy process, a the end a summary of the destroyed resources would be shown.
Destroying Stack: stg-do-k8s
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_DATABAS digitalocean_database_cluster.stg-do-k8
E_CLUSTER s-postgres
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_DATABAS digitalocean_database_cluster.stg-do-k8
E_CLUSTER s-redis-1
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_DATABAS digitalocean_database_cluster.stg-do-k8
E_CLUSTER s-redis-2
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_DATABAS digitalocean_database_db.stg-do-k8s-db
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_DATABAS digitalocean_database_user.stg-do-k8s-d
E_USER b-user
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_KUBERNE digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.stg-do-
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_PROJECT digitalocean_project.stg-do-k8s-project
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_PROJECT digitalocean_project_resources.stg-do-k
_RESOURCES 8s-resources
✔ DIGITALOCEAN_VPC digitalocean_vpc.stg-do-k8s-vpc
Summary: 9 destroyed.
This command deploys a Service Docker Image into Kubernetes cluster applying all configurations defined for each service in team. it includes a certain number of replicas, a load balancer, health checks and set some environment variables. The parameters that are consider for this config are the following.
- DO_DEV_SERVICES: Services settings for DEV environment.
- DO_STG_SERVICES: Services settings for STG environment.
- DO_PRD_SERVICES: Services settings for PRD environment.
The command is the following.
ops run deploy
We going to be asked for which service we want to deploy (service are get from config)
Select a •Command, •Pipeline or •Service to run →
🌎 = Public 🔑 = Private 🖥 = Local 🔍 Search: • 🔑 deploy - Deploy a service to Kubernetes infrastructure on DigitalOcean
⚙️ Running deploy...
🛠 Loading the do-k8s stack for the cto-ai team...
What is the name of the environment?: dev
What is the name of the application repo?:
> my-service-api
then it ask again for the tag of the image that we want to deploy
What is the name of the environment?: dev
What is the name of the application repo?: my-service-api
What is the name of the tag or branch?: do-dev
after the process completes we got a confirmation
✅ Deployed. Load Balancer may take some time to provision on your first deploy.
✅ View state in Terraform Cloud (
👀 Check your Digital Ocean dashboard or for status & IP.
Happy Workflowing!
This command allows to manage secrets in Kubernetes, these secrets are injected as environment variables to your pods in Kubernetes.
- Init
This command option allows you to initialize the vault, and it should be executed when you create a new Kubernetes cluster.
ops run . vault init
- Set
Set command option creates or update a new key/value pair in the vault
ops run . vault set
then you just need to provide the environment, key and value
⚙️ Running vault...
🛠 Loading the do-k8s stack for the cto-ai team...
What is the name of the environment?: dev
What is the key for the secret?: test-key
What is the value for the secret?: test-val
Are you sure you want to set test-key to test-val in the dev-do-k8s? → yes
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in "/home/ops/.kube/config"
Notice: Setting current-context to do-nyc3-dev-k8s-cto-ai-02022022
⚡️ Confirming connection to dev-k8s-cto-ai-02022022:
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c3flc Ready <none> 41d v1.22.7
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c3flu Ready <none> 41d v1.22.7
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c8lk1 Ready <none> 35d v1.22.7
🔐 Setting test-key to test-val on the dev-do-k8s with type string
✅ test-key set to test-val in the dev-do-k8s vault
- List
This command option list all key/value pairs in the vault
ops run . vault ls
Select a •Command, •Pipeline or •Service to run →
🌎 = Public 🔑 = Private 🖥 = Local 🔍 Search: • 🖥 vault - manage secrets vault
⚙️ Running vault...
🛠 Loading the do-k8s stack for the cto-ai team...
What is the name of the environment?: dev
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in "/home/ops/.kube/config"
Notice: Setting current-context to do-nyc3-dev-k8s-cto-ai-02022022
⚡️ Confirming connection to dev-k8s-cto-ai-02022022:
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c3flc Ready <none> 41d v1.22.7
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c3flu Ready <none> 41d v1.22.7
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c8lk1 Ready <none> 35d v1.22.7
🔐 dev-do-k8s has the following secrets:
test-key: test-val
- Delete
This option allows to delete any key value pair from the vault
ops run . vault rm
Select a •Command, •Pipeline or •Service to run →
🌎 = Public 🔑 = Private 🖥 = Local 🔍 Search: • 🖥 vault - manage secrets vault
⚙️ Running vault...
🛠 Loading the do-k8s stack for the cto-ai team...
What is the name of the environment?: dev
What is the key for the secret?: test-key
Are you sure you want to remove test-key from the dev-do-k8s vault? → yes
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in "/home/ops/.kube/config"
Notice: Setting current-context to do-nyc3-dev-k8s-cto-ai-02022022
⚡️ Confirming connection to dev-k8s-cto-ai-02022022:
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c3flc Ready <none> 42d v1.22.7
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c3flu Ready <none> 42d v1.22.7
dev-do-k8s-k8s-node-cto-ai-02022022-c8lk1 Ready <none> 36d v1.22.7
🔐 Deleting test-key from the dev-do-k8s vault
✅ test-key removed from the dev-do-k8s vault
- Destroy
This vault option destroys the vault from the Kubernetes cluster, so you need to be extremely careful with this, because after the deletion you going to lose all you key/value for the selected environment
ops run . vault destroy
Most of the changes against infrastructure and services can be done without modify the code, just adjusting the parameters in team config.Then you can re-run ops run setup
for apply the changes in infrastructure and re-run ops run deploy
for apply changes in services.
These parameters set the Kubernetes capacity cluster depending on the environment and taking this values from the config
in the CTO's team. The definition of the size of the cluster is given in the following 3 config
One parameter for each environment, this config parameter is a string containing a json
in the following format:
"dropletSize": "s-1vcpu-2gb",
"nodeCount": 3,
“minNodes": 1,
"maxNodes": 5,
"autoScale": true
The same approach can be used for other resources, like in this case a Redis
and Postgres
clusters which is defined by the following parameters:
In this case the redis cluster config string has the following format.
"name": "my-service-api-redis",
"dropletSize": "db-s-1vcpu-1gb",
"nodeCount": 1,
"version": "6"
"name": "my-service-app-redis",
"dropletSize": "db-s-1vcpu-1gb",
"nodeCount": 1,
"version": "6"
The same approach is used for MySQL and Postgres
"name": "my-service-api-db",
"dropletSize": "db-s-1vcpu-1gb",
"nodeCount": 1,
"version": "8",
"db_user": "my-service-api",
"db_name": "dev-my-service-api-db",
"auth": "mysql_native_password"
"name": "my-service-app-db",
"dropletSize": "db-s-1vcpu-1gb",
"nodeCount": 1,
"version": "8",
"db_user": "my-service-app-db",
"db_name": "dev-my-service-app-db",
"auth": "mysql_native_password"
To setup multiple services in the same cluster, we store all the deployment parameters like port, replicas, etc. as config
parameter in team, it would makes deployments easier. The variables as shown before would be by environment as follows.
It contains an array of services with parameters in json
"replicas" : 2,
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 3000
} ],
"lb_ports" : [ {
"protocol": "TCP",
"port": 3000,
"targetPort": 3000
} ],
"hc_port": 3000
Since in many cases you have to deploy multiple services using the same vault, you can find cases in which a variable name is the same for different services and generates conflicts, in order to solve this issue you can use map
parameter in the json string for services, this allows you to map this variables. following is the json for a sample service.
"sample-expressjs": {
"replicas" : 2,
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 3000
} ],
"lb_ports" : [ {
"protocol": "TCP",
"port": 3000,
"targetPort": 3000
} ],
"hc_port": 3000,
"sticky_sessions": "no",
"map": {
each pair maps pod env variable to vault variable so for example DB_HOST in the pod going to have the value of SP_DB_HOST from the vault.