The method used in EPANET to solve the flow continuity and headloss equations that characterize the hydraulic state of the pipe network at a given point in time can be termed a hybrid node-loop approach. Todini and Pilati (1987) and later Salgado et al. (1988) chose to call it the "Gradient Method". Similar approaches have been described by Hamam and Brameller (1971) (the "Hybrid Method) and by Osiadacz (1987) (the "Newton Loop-Node Method"). The only difference between these methods is the way in which link flows are updated after a new trial solution for nodal heads has been found. Because Todini's approach is simpler, it was chosen for use in EPANET.
Assume we have a pipe network with N junction nodes and NF fixed grade nodes (tanks and reservoirs). Let the flow-headloss relation in a pipe between nodes i and j be given as: \boldsymbol{\nabla} is the nabla operator.
H _{i} -H _{j} =h _{ij} =rQ _{ij}^{n} +mQ _{ij}^{2} ~~~~~~ (D.1)where H = nodal head, h = headloss, r = resistance coefficient, Q = flow rate, n = flow exponent, and m = minor loss coefficient. The value of the resistance coefficient will depend on which friction headloss formula is being used (see below). For pumps, the headloss (negative of the head gain) can be represented by a power law of the form
{ h}_{ij }={ -\omega }^{ 2} ( { h}_{0}-r { ( { Q}_{ij }/\omega )}^{2 } )where h0 is the shutoff head for the pump, ω is a relative speed setting, and r and n are the pump curve coefficients. The second set of equations that must be satisfied is flow continuity around all nodes:
\sum_{j} {Q}_{ij }-{ D}_{i }=0 ~~~~~~~\text{ for i = 1,... N. }~~~~~~ (D.2)where Di is the flow demand at node i and by convention, flow into a node is positive. For a set of known heads at the fixed grade nodes, we seek a solution for all heads Hi and flows Qij that satisfy Eqs. (D.1) and (D.2).
The Gradient solution method begins with an initial estimate of flows in each pipe that may not necessarily satisfy flow continuity. At each iteration of the method, new nodal heads are found by solving the matrix equation:
\boldsymbol{AH} = \boldsymbol{F} ~~~~~~ (D.3)where A = an (NxN) Jacobian matrix, H = an (Nx1) vector of unknown nodal heads, and F = an (Nx1) vector of right hand side terms
The diagonal elements of the Jacobian matrix are:
{ A}_{ij }= \sum_{j} { P}_{ij }while the non-zero, off-diagonal terms are:
{ A}_{ij }= -{ P}_{ij }where pij is the inverse derivative of the headloss in the link between nodes i and j with respect to flow. For pipes,
{ P}_{ij }= \frac{ 1}{nr {{ | { Q}_{ji } |}^{ n-1}}+2m | { Q}_{ji } |}while for pumps
{ P}_{ij }=\frac{ 1} {n{ \omega }^{2 }r{ ({ Q}_{ij }/\omega )}^{n-1 }}Each right hand side term consists of the net flow imbalance at a node plus a flow correction factor:
{ F}_{i }= ( \sum_{{ j}}{ Q}_{ij }-{ D}_{i } )+ \sum_{{ j}}{ y}_{ij } + \sum_{{ f}}{ P}_{ij }{ H}_{f }where the last term applies to any links connecting node i to a fixed grade node f and the flow correction factor yij is:
{ y}_{ij }={ P}_{ij } ( r{ | { Q}_{ij } |}^{n } +m{ | { Q}_{ij } |}^{2 } )sgn ( { Q}_{ij } )for pipes and
{ y}_{ij }={- P}_{ij }{ \omega }^{ 2} ( { h}_{0 } -r { ({ Q}_{ij }/\omega )}^{n } )for pumps, where sgn(x) is 1 if x > 0 and -1 otherwise. (Qij is always positive for pumps.)
After new heads are computed by solving Eq. (D.3), new flows are found from:
{Q}_{ij }={Q}_{ij } - ( { y}_{ij } -{ P}_{ij} ({ H}_{i }- { H}_{j } ) ) ~~~~~~ (D.4)If the sum of absolute flow changes relative to the total flow in all links is larger than some tolerance (e.g., 0.001), then Eqs. (D.3) and (D.4) are solved once again. The flow update formula (D.4) always results in flow continuity around each node after the first iteration.
EPANET implements this method using the following steps:
The linear system of equations D.3 is solved using a sparse matrix method based on node re-ordering (George and Liu, 1981). After re- ordering the nodes to minimize the amount of fill-in for matrix A, a symbolic factorization is carried out so that only the non-zero elements of A need be stored and operated on in memory. For extended period simulation this re-ordering and factorization is only carried out once at the start of the analysis.
For the very first iteration, the flow in a pipe is chosen equal to the flow corresponding to a velocity of 1 ft/sec, while the flow through a pump equals the design flow specified for the pump. (All computations are made with head in feet and flow in cfs).
The resistance coefficient for a pipe (r) is computed as described in Table 3.1. For the Darcy-Weisbach headloss equation, the friction factor f is computed by different equations depending on the flow’s Reynolds Number (Re):
Hagen – Poiseuille formula for Re < 2,000 (Bhave, 1991):
f= \frac{ 64} {Re }Swamee and Jain approximation to the Colebrook - White equation for Re > 4,000 (Bhave, 1991):
f= \frac{0.25} {{ [ Ln ( \frac{ \varepsilon }{3.7d } +\frac{ 5.74}{{ Re}^{0.9 } }) ] }^{ 2} }Cubic Interpolation From Moody Diagram for 2,000 < Re < 4,000 (Dunlop, 1991):
f= ( X1+R ( X2+R (X3+X4 ) ) )R= \frac{ Re} {2000 }X1=7FA-FBX2=0.128-17FA+2.5FBX3=-0.128+13FA-2FBX4=R ( 0.032-3FA+0.5FB )FA={ ( Y3 )}^{-2 }FB=FA ( 2-\frac{ 0.00514215} { ( Y2 ) ( Y3 ) } )Y2= \frac{ \varepsilon } {3.7d }+\frac{ 5.74}{{ Re}^{ 0.9} }Y3=-0.86859 Ln ( \frac{ \varepsilon }{ 3.7d}+\frac{ 5.74}{{ 4000}^{0.9 } } )where σ = pipe roughness and d = pipe diameter.
The minor loss coefficient based on velocity head (K) is converted to one based on flow (m) with the following relation:
m=\frac{ 0.02517K} {{ d}^{4 } }Emitters at junctions are modeled as a fictitious pipe between the junction and a fictitious reservoir. The pipe’s headloss parameters are n = (1/γ), r = (1/C):sup:n, and m = 0 where C is the emitter’s discharge coefficient and γ is its pressure exponent. The head at the fictitious reservoir is the elevation of the junction. The computed flow through the fictitious pipe becomes the flow associated with the emitter.
Open valves are assigned an r-value by assuming the open valve acts as a smooth pipe (f = 0.02) whose length is twice the valve diameter. Closed links are assumed to obey a linear headloss relation with a large resistance factor, i.e., h = 108Q, so that p = 10-8 and y = Q. For links where (r+m)Q < 10-7, p = 107 and y = Q/n.
Status checks on pumps, check valves (CVs), flow control valves, and pipes connected to full/empty tanks are made after every other iteration, up until the 10th iteration. After this, status checks are made only after convergence is achieved. Status checks on pressure control valves (PRVs and PSVs) are made after each iteration.
During status checks, pumps are closed if the head gain is greater than the shutoff head (to prevent reverse flow). Similarly, check valves are closed if the headloss through them is negative (see below). When these conditions are not present, the link is re-opened. A similar status check is made for links connected to empty/full tanks. Such links are closed if the difference in head across the link would cause an empty tank to drain or a full tank to fill. They are re- opened at the next status check if such conditions no longer hold.
Simply checking if h < 0 to determine if a check valve should be closed or open was found to cause cycling between these two states in some networks due to limits on numerical precision. The following procedure was devised to provide a more robust test of the status of a check valve (CV):
if |h| > Htol then if h < -Htol then status = CLOSED if Q < -Qtol then status = CLOSED else status = OPEN else if *Q* < -Qtol then status = CLOSED else status = unchangedwhere Htol = 0.0005 ft and Qtol = 0.001 cfs.
If the status check closes an open pump, pipe, or CV, its flow is set to 10-6 cfs. If a pump is re-opened, its flow is computed by applying the current head gain to its characteristic curve. If a pipe or CV is re- opened, its flow is determined by solving Eq. (D.1) for Q under the current headloss h, ignoring any minor losses.
Matrix coefficients for pressure breaker valves (PBVs) are set to the following: p = 108 and y = 108Hset, where Hset is the pressure drop setting for the valve (in feet). Throttle control valves (TCVs) are treated as pipes with r as described in item 6 above and m taken as the converted value of the valve setting (see item 4 above).
Matrix coefficients for pressure reducing, pressure sustaining, and flow control valves (PRVs, PSVs, and FCVs) are computed after all other links have been analyzed. Status checks on PRVs and PSVs are made as described in item 7 above. These valves can either be completely open, completely closed, or active at their pressure or flow setting.
The logic used to test the status of a PRV is as follows:
If current status = ACTIVE then if Q < -Qtol then new status = CLOSED if Hi < Hset + Hml – Htol then new status = OPEN else new status = ACTIVE If curent status = OPEN then if Q < -Qtol then new status = CLOSED if Hi > Hset + Hml + Htol then new status = ACTIVE else new status = OPEN If current status = CLOSED then if Hi > Hj + Htol and Hi < Hset – Htol then new status = OPEN if Hi > Hj + Htol and Hj < Hset - Htol then new status = ACTIVE else new status = CLOSEDwhere Q is the current flow through the valve, Hi is its upstream head, Hj is its downstream head, Hset is its pressure setting converted to head, Hml is the minor loss when the valve is open (= mQ2), and Htol and Qtol are the same values used for check valves in
item 9 above. A similar set of tests is used for PSVs, except that when testing against Hset, the i and j subscripts are switched as are the > and < operators.
Flow through an active PRV is maintained to force continuity at its downstream node while flow through a PSV does the same at its upstream node. For an active PRV from node i to j:
{p}_{ij} = 0{F}_{j } = {F}_{j} + {10}^{8} Hset{A}_{jj }= {A}_{jj} + {10}^{8 }This forces the head at the downstream node to be at the valve setting Hset. An equivalent assignment of coefficients is made for an active PSV except the subscript for F and A is the upstream node i. Coefficients for open/closed PRVs and PSVs are handled in the same way as for pipes.
For an active FCV from node i to j with flow setting Qset, Qset is added to the flow leaving node i and entering node j, and is subtracted from Fi and added to Fj. If the head at node i is less than that at node j, then the valve cannot deliver the flow and it is treated as an open pipe.
After initial convergence is achieved (flow convergence plus no change in status for PRVs and PSVs), another status check on pumps, CVs, FCVs, and links to tanks is made. Also, the status of links controlled by pressure switches (e.g., a pump controlled by the pressure at a junction node) is checked. If any status change occurs, the iterations must continue for at least two more iterations (i.e., a convergence check is skipped on the very next iteration). Otherwise, a final solution has been obtained.
For extended period simulation (EPS), the following procedure is implemented:
- After a solution is found for the current time period, the time step for the next solution is the minimum of:
- the time until a new demand period begins,
- the shortest time for a tank to fill or drain,
- the shortest time until a tank level reaches a point that triggers a change in status for some link (e.g., opens or closes a pump) as stipulated in a simple control,
- the next time until a simple timer control on a link kicks in,
- the next time at which a rule-based control causes a status change somewhere in the network.
In computing the times based on tank levels, the latter are assumed to change in a linear fashion based on the current flow solution. The activation time of rule-based controls is computed as follows:
- Starting at the current time, rules are evaluated at a rule time step. Its default value is 1/10 of the normal hydraulic time step (e.g., if hydraulics are updated every hour, then rules are evaluated every 6 minutes).
- Over this rule time step, clock time is updated, as are the water levels in storage tanks (based on the last set of pipe flows computed).
- If a rule's conditions are satisfied, then its actions are added to a list. If an action conflicts with one for the same link already on the list then the action from the rule with the higher priority stays on the list and the other is removed. If the priorities are the same then the original action stays on the list.
- After all rules are evaluated, if the list is not empty then the new actions are taken. If this causes the status of one or more links to change then a new hydraulic solution is computed and the process begins anew.
- If no status changes were called for, the action list is cleared and the next rule time step is taken unless the normal hydraulic time step has elapsed.
- Time is advanced by the computed time step, new demands are found, tank levels are adjusted based on the current flow solution, and link control rules are checked to determine which links change status.
- A new set of iterations with Eqs. (D.3) and (D.4) are begun at the current set of flows.
The governing equations for EPANET’s water quality solver are based on the principles of conservation of mass coupled with reaction kinetics. The following phenomena are represented (Rossman et al., 1993; Rossman and Boulos, 1996):
A dissolved substance will travel down the length of a pipe with the same average velocity as the carrier fluid while at the same time reacting (either growing or decaying) at some given rate. Longitudinal dispersion is usually not an important transport mechanism under most operating conditions. This means there is no intermixing of mass between adjacent parcels of water traveling down a pipe. Advective transport within a pipe is represented with the following equation:
\frac{ \partial{C}_{i}} {\partial t} = - u_{i} \frac{\partial{C}_{i}}{\partial x} + r({ C}_{i }) ~~~~~~ (D.5)where Ci = concentration (mass/volume) in pipe i as a function of distance x and time t, ui = flow velocity (length/time) in pipe i, and r = rate of reaction (mass/volume/time) as a function of concentration.
At junctions receiving inflow from two or more pipes, the mixing of fluid is taken to be complete and instantaneous. Thus the concentration of a substance in water leaving the junction is simply the flow-weighted sum of the concentrations from the inflowing pipes. For a specific node k one can write:
C_{i|x=0} = \frac{\sum_{ j \in I_k} Q_{j} C_{j|x= L_j}+Q_{k,ext} C_{k,ext}} {\sum_{j \in I_k} Q_j + Q_{k,ext}} ~~~~~~ (D.6)where i = link with flow leaving node k, Ik = set of links with flow into k, Lj = length of link j, Qj = flow (volume/time) in link j, Qk,ext = external source flow entering the network at node k, and Ck,ext = concentration of the external flow entering at node k. The notation Ci|x=0 represents the concentration at the start of link i, while Ci|x=L is the concentration at the end of the link.
It is convenient to assume that the contents of storage facilities (tanks and reservoirs) are completely mixed. This is a reasonable assumption for many tanks operating under fill-and-draw conditions providing that sufficient momentum flux is imparted to the inflow (Rossman and Grayman, 1999). Under completely mixed conditions the concentration throughout the tank is a blend of the current contents and that of any entering water. At the same time, the internal concentration could be changing due to reactions. The following equation expresses these phenomena:
\frac{\partial ({ V}_{s } { C}_{s }) }{\partial t} = \sum_{i \in I_{s}} {Q}_{i}{C}_{ i | x={L}_{i}} - \sum_{j \in O_{s}} {Q}_{j}{C}_{s} + r ({C}_{s}) ~~~~~~ (D.7)where Vs = volume in storage at time t, Cs = concentration within the storage facility, Is = set of links providing flow into the facility, and Os = set of links withdrawing flow from the facility.
While a substance moves down a pipe or resides in storage it can undergo reaction with constituents in the water column. The rate of reaction can generally be described as a power function of concentration:
r=k{ C}^{n }where k = a reaction constant and n = the reaction order. When a limiting concentration exists on the ultimate growth or loss of a substance then the rate expression becomes
R={ K}_{b } ( { C}_{L }-C ) { C}^{n-1 }R={ K}_{b } ( C-{ C}_{L } ) { C}^{n-1 }for n > 0, Kb > 0 for n > 0, Kb < 0
where CL = the limiting concentration.
Some examples of different reaction rate expressions are:
Simple First-Order Decay (CL = 0, Kb < 0, n = 1)
R={ K}^{b }CThe decay of many substances, such as chlorine, can be modeled adequately as a simple first-order reaction.
First-Order Saturation Growth (CL > 0, Kb > 0, n = 1):
R={ K}_{b } ( { C}_{L }-C )This model can be applied to the growth of disinfection by-products, such as trihalomethanes, where the ultimate formation of by-product (CL) is limited by the amount of reactive precursor present.
Two-Component, Second Order Decay (CL ≠ 0, Kb < 0, n = 2):
R={ K}_{b }C ( { C}_{L }-C )This model assumes that substance A reacts with substance B in some unknown ratio to produce a product P. The rate of disappearance of A is proportional to the product of A and B remaining. CL can be either positive or negative, depending on whether either component A or B is in excess, respectively. Clark (1998) has had success in applying this model to chlorine decay data that did not conform to the simple first-order model.
Michaelis-Menton Decay Kinetics (CL > 0, Kb < 0, n < 0):
R = \frac{ { K}_{b }C} {{ C}_{L }-C }As a special case, when a negative reaction order n is specified, EPANET will utilize the Michaelis-Menton rate equation, shown above for a decay reaction. (For growth reactions the denominator becomes CL + C.) This rate equation is often used to describe enzyme-catalyzed reactions and microbial growth. It produces first- order behavior at low concentrations and zero-order behavior at higher concentrations. Note that for decay reactions, CL must be set higher than the initial concentration present.
Koechling (1998) has applied Michaelis-Menton kinetics to model chlorine decay in a number of different waters and found that both Kb and CL could be related to the water’s organic content and its ultraviolet absorbance as follows:
{ K}_{b }=-0.32UV{ A}^{1.365 }\frac{ ( 100UVA )}{DOC }{ C}_{L }=4.98UVA-1.91DOCwhere UVA = ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm) and DOC = dissolved organic carbon concentration (mg/L).
Note: These expressions apply only for values of Kb and CL used with Michaelis-Menton kinetics.
Zero-Order growth (CL = 0, Kb = 1, n = 0) R = 1.0
This special case can be used to model water age, where with each unit of time the “concentration” (i.e., age) increases by one unit.
The relationship between the bulk rate constant seen at one temperature (T1) to that at another temperature (T2) is often expressed using a van’t Hoff - Arrehnius equation of the form:
{ K}_{b2 }={ K}_{b1 }{ \theta }^{T2-T1 }where θ is a constant. In one investigation for chlorine, θ was estimated to be 1.1 when T1 was 20 deg. C (Koechling, 1998).
While flowing through pipes, dissolved substances can be transported to the pipe wall and react with material such as corrosion products or biofilm that are on or close to the wall. The amount of wall area available for reaction and the rate of mass transfer between the bulk fluid and the wall will also influence the overall rate of this reaction. The surface area per unit volume, which for a pipe equals 2 divided by the radius, determines the former factor. The latter factor can be represented by a mass transfer coefficient whose value depends on the molecular diffusivity of the reactive species and on the Reynolds number of the flow (Rossman et. al, 1994). For first- order kinetics, the rate of a pipe wall reaction can be expressed as:
r=\frac{ 2{ k}_{w }{ k}_{f }C} {R ( { k}_{w }+{ k}_{f } ) }where kw = wall reaction rate constant (length/time), kf = mass transfer coefficient (length/time), and R = pipe radius. For zero-order kinetics the reaction rate cannot be any higher than the rate of mass transfer, so
r=MIN ( { k}_{w },{ k}_{f }C ) ( 2/R )where kw now has units of mass/area/time.
Mass transfer coefficients are usually expressed in terms of a dimensionless Sherwood number (Sh):
{ k}_{f }=Sh \frac{ D} {d }in which D = the molecular diffusivity of the species being transported (length:sup:2/time) and d = pipe diameter. In fully developed laminar flow, the average Sherwood number along the length of a pipe can be expressed as
Sh=3.65+\frac{ 0.0668 ( d/L )ReSc} {1+0.04{ [ ( d/L )ReSc ]}^{2/3 } }in which Re = Reynolds number and Sc = Schmidt number (kinematic viscosity of water divided by the diffusivity of the chemical) (Edwards, 1976). For turbulent flow the empirical correlation of Notter and Sleicher (1971) can be used:
Sh=0.0149{ Re}^{0.88 }{ Sc}^{1/3 }
When applied to a network as a whole, Equations D.5-D.7 represent a coupled set of differential/algebraic equations with time-varying coefficients that must be solved for Ci in each pipe i and Cs in each storage facility s. This solution is subject to the following set of externally imposed conditions:
- initial conditions that specify Ci for all x in each pipe i and Cs in each storage facility s at time 0,
- boundary conditions that specify values for Ck,ext and Qk,ext for all time t at each node k which has external mass inputs
- hydraulic conditions which specify the volume Vs in each storage facility s and the flow Qi in each link i at all times t.
EPANET’s water quality simulator uses a Lagrangian time-based approach to track the fate of discrete parcels of water as they move along pipes and mix together at junctions between fixed-length time steps (Liou and Kroon, 1987). These water quality time steps are typically much shorter than the hydraulic time step (e.g., minutes rather than hours) to accommodate the short times of travel that can occur within pipes. As time progresses, the size of the most upstream segment in a pipe increases as water enters the pipe while an equal loss in size of the most downstream segment occurs as water leaves the link. The size of the segments in between these remains unchanged. (See Figure D.1).
The following steps occur at the end of each such time step:
The water quality in each segment is updated to reflect any reaction that may have occurred over the time step.
The water from the leading segments of pipes with flow into each junction is blended together to compute a new water quality value at the junction. The volume contributed from each segment equals the product of its pipe’s flow rate and the time step. If this volume exceeds that of the segment then the segment is destroyed and the next one in line behind it begins to contribute its volume.
Contributions from outside sources are added to the quality values at the junctions. The quality in storage tanks is updated depending on the method used to model mixing in the tank (see below).
New segments are created in pipes with flow out of each junction, reservoir, and tank. The segment volume equals the product of the pipe flow and the time step. The segment’s water quality equals the new quality value computed for the node.
To cut down on the number of segments, Step 4 is only carried out if the new node quality differs by a user-specified tolerance from that of the last segment in the outflow pipe. If the difference in quality is below the tolerance then the size of the current last segment in the outflow pipe is simply increased by the volume flowing into the pipe over the time step.
This process is then repeated for the next water-quality time step. At the start of the next hydraulic time step the order of segments in any links that experience a flow reversal is switched. Initially each pipe in the network consists of a single segment whose quality equals the initial quality assigned to the upstream node.
Figure D.1 Behavior of Segments in the Lagrangian Solution Method