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File metadata and controls

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General Instructions

EPANET can also be run as a console application from the command line within a DOS window. In this case network input data are placed into a text file and results are written to a text file. The command line for running EPANET in this fashion is:

epanet2d  inpfile  rptfile  outfile

Here inpfile is the name of the input file, rptfile is the name of the output report file, and outfile is the name of an optional binary output file that stores results in a special binary format. If the latter file is not needed then just the input and report file names should be supplied. As written, the above command assumes that you are working in the directory in which EPANET was installed or that this directory has been added to the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Otherwise full pathnames for the executable epanet2d.exe and the files on the command line must be used. The error messages for command line EPANET are the same as those for Windows EPANET and are listed in Appendix B.

Input File Format

The input file for command line EPANET has the same format as the text file that Windows EPANET generates from its File >> Export >> Network command. It is organized in sections, where each section begins with a keyword enclosed in brackets. The various keywords are listed below.

Network Components System Operation Water Quality Options and Reporting Network Map/Tags
[PUMPS] [RULES]      

The order of sections is not important. However, whenever a node or link is referred to in a section it must have already been defined in the [JUNCTIONS], [RESERVOIRS], [TANKS], [PIPES], [PUMPS], or [VALVES] sections. Thus it is recommended that these sections be placed first, right after the [TITLE] section. The network map and tags sections are not used by command line EPANET and can be eliminated from the file.

Each section can contain one or more lines of data. Blank lines can appear anywhere in the file and the semicolon (;) can be used to indicate that what follows on the line is a comment, not data. A maximum of 255 characters can appear on a line. The ID labels used to identify nodes, links, curves and patterns can be any combination of up to 15 characters and numbers.

Figure C.1 displays the input file that represents the tutorial network discussed in Chapter 2.


;ID Elev Demand
2 0 0
3 710 650
4 700 150
5 695 200
6 700 150

;ID Head
1 700

;ID Elev InitLvl MinLvl MaxLvl Diam Volume
7 850 5 0 15 70 0

;ID Node1 Node2 Length Diam Roughness
1 2 3 3000 12 100
2 3 6 5000 12 100
3 3 4 5000 8 100
4 4 5 5000 8 100
5 5 6 5000 8 100
6 6 7 7000 10 100

;ID Node1 Node2 Parameters
7 1 2 HEAD 1

;ID Multipliers
1 0.5 1.3 1 1.2

;ID X-Value Y-Value
1 1000 200

;Node InitQual
1 1

Global Bulk -1
Global Wall 0

Duration 24:00
Hydraulic Timestep 1:00
Quality Timestep 0:05
Pattern Timestep 6:00

Page 55
Energy Yes
Nodes All
Links All

Units GPM
Headloss H-W
Pattern 1
Quality Chlorine mg/L
Tolerance 0.01


Figure C.1 Example EPANET Input File

On the pages that follow the contents and formats of each keyword section are described in alphabetical order <F_en2_section_keywords.rst>.

Report File Format

Statements supplied to the [REPORT] section of the input file control the contents of the report file generated from a command-line run of EPANET. A portion of the report generated from the input file of Figure C.1 is shown in Figure C.2. In general a report can contain the following sections:

  • Status Section
  • Energy Section
  • Nodes Section
  • Links Section

Status Section

The Status Section of the output report lists the initial status of all reservoirs, tanks, pumps, valves, and closed pipes as well as any changes in the status of these components as they occur over time in an extended period simulation. The status of reservoirs and tanks indicates whether they are filling or emptying. The status of links indicates whether they are open or closed and includes the relative speed setting for pumps and the pressure/flow setting for control valves. To include a Status Section in the report use the command STATUS YES in the [REPORT] section of the input file.

Using STATUS FULL will also produce a full listing of the convergence results for all iterations of each hydraulic analysis made during a simulation. This listing will also show which components are changing status during the iterations. This level of detail is only useful when one is trying to debug a run that fails to converge because a component’s status is cycling.

Energy Section

The Energy Section of the output report lists overall energy consumption and cost for each pump in the network. The items listed for each pump include:

  • Percent Utilization (percent of the time that the pump is on-line)
  • Average Efficiency
  • Kilowatt-hours consumed per million gallons (or cubic meters) pumped
  • Average Kilowatts consumed
  • Peak Kilowatts used
  • Average cost per day

Also listed is the total cost per day for pumping and the total demand charge (cost based on the peak energy usage) incurred. To include an Energy Section in the report the command ENERGY YES must appear in the [REPORT] section of the input file.

* E P A N E T *
* Hydraulic and Water Quality *
* Analysis for Pipe Networks *
* Version 2.0 *
Input Data File ................... tutorial.inp
Number of Junctions................ 5
Number of Reservoirs............... 1
Number of Tanks ................... 1
Number of Pipes ................... 6
Number of Pumps ................... 1
Number of Valves .................. 0
Headloss Formula .................. Hazen-Williams
Hydraulic Timestep ................ 1.00 hrs
Hydraulic Accuracy ................ 0.001000
Maximum Trials .................... 40
Quality Analysis .................. Chlorine
Water Quality Time Step ........... 5.00 min
Water Quality Tolerance ........... 0.01 mg/L
Specific Gravity .................. 1.00
Relative Kinematic Viscosity ...... 1.00
Relative Chemical Diffusivity ..... 1.00
Demand Multiplier ................. 1.00
Total Duration .................... 24.00 hrs
Reporting Criteria:
All Nodes
All Links
Energy Usage:
Usage Avg. Kw-hr Avg. Peak Cost
Pump Factor Effic. /Mgal Kw Kw /day
7 100.00 75.00 746.34 51.34 51.59 0.00
                   Demand Charge: 0.00
                      Total Cost: 0.00

Node Results at 0:00 hrs:
Demand Head Pressure Chlorine
Node gpm ft psi mg/L
2 0.00 893.37 387.10 0.00
3 325.00 879.78 73.56 0.00
4 75.00 874.43 75.58 0.00
5 100.00 872.69 76.99 0.00
6 75.00 872.71 74.84 0.00
1 -1048.52 700.00 0.00 1.00 Reservoir
7 473.52 855.00 2.17 0.00 Tank
Link Results at 0:00 hrs:
Flow Velocity Headloss
Link gpm fps /1000ft
1 1048.52 2.97 4.53
2 558.33 1.58 1.41
3 165.19 1.05 1.07
4 90.19 0.58 0.35
5 -9.81 0.06 0.01
6 473.52 1.93 2.53
7 1048.52 0.00 -193.37 Pump
Node Results at 1:00 hrs:
Demand Head Pressure Chlorine
Node gpm ft psi mg/L
2 0.00 893.92 387.34 1.00
3 325.00 880.42 73.84 0.99
4 75.00 875.12 75.88 0.00
5 100.00 873.40 77.30 0.00
6 75.00 873.43 75.15 0.00
1 -1044.60 700.00 0.00 1.00 Reservoir
7 469.60 855.99 2.59 0.00 Tank
Link Results at 1:00 hrs:
Flow Velocity Headloss
Link gpm fps /1000ft
1 1044.60 2.96 4.50
2 555.14 1.57 1.40
3 164.45 1.05 1.06
4 89.45 0.57 0.34
5 -10.55 0.07 0.01
6 469.60 1.92 2.49
7 1044.60 0.00 -193.92 Pump

Figure C.2 Excerpt from a Report File

Nodes Section

The Nodes Section of the output report lists simulation results for those nodes and parameters identified in the [REPORT] section of the input file. Results are listed for each reporting time step of an extended period simulation. The reporting time step is specified in the [TIMES] section of the input file. Results at intermediate times when certain hydraulic events occur, such as pumps turning on or off or tanks closing because they become empty or full, are not reported.

To have nodal results reported the [REPORT] section of the input file must contain the keyword NODES followed by a listing of the ID labels of the nodes to be included in the report. There can be several such NODES lines in the file. To report results for all nodes use the command NODES ALL.

The default set of reported quantities for nodes includes Demand, Head, Pressure, and Water Quality. You can specify how many decimal places to use when listing results for a parameter by using commands such as PRESSURE PRECISION 3 in the input file (i.e., use 3 decimal places when reporting results for pressure). The default precision is 2 decimal places for all quantities. You can filter the report to list only the occurrences of values below or above a certain value by adding statements of the form PRESSURE BELOW 20 to the input file.

Links Section

The Links Section of the output report lists simulation results for those links and parameters identified in the [REPORT] section of the input file. The reporting times follow the same convention as was described for nodes in the previous section.

As with nodes, to have any results for links reported you must include the keyword LINKS followed by a list of link ID labels in the [REPORT] section of the input file. Use the command LINKS ALL to report results for all links.

The default parameters reported on for links includes Flow, Velocity, and Headloss. Diameter, Length, Water Quality, Status, Setting, Reaction Rate, and Friction Factor can be added to these by using commands such as DIAMETER YES or DIAMETER PRECISION 0. The same conventions used with node parameters for specifying reporting precision and filters also applies to links.

Binary Output File Format

If a third file name is supplied to the command line that runs EPANET then the results for all parameters for all nodes and links for all reporting time periods will be saved to this file in a special binary format. This file can be used for special post- processing purposes. Data written to the file are 4-byte integers, 4-byte floats, or fixed-size strings whose size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This allows the file to be divided conveniently into 4-byte records. The file consists of four sections of the following sizes in bytes:

Section Size in bytes
Prolog 852 + 20*Nnodes + 36*Nlinks + 8*Ntanks
Energy Use 28*Npumps + 4
Extended Period (16*Nnodes + 32*Nlinks)*Nperiods
Epilog 28


Nnodes = number of nodes (junctions + reservoirs + tanks) Nlinks = number of links (pipes + pumps + valves) Ntanks = number of tanks and reservoirs

Npumps = number of pumps

Nperiods = number of reporting periods

and all of these counts are themselves written to the file's Prolog or Epilog sections.

Prolog Section

The prolog section of the binary Output File contains the following data:

Item Type Number of Bytes
Magic Number ( = 516114521) Integer 4
Version (= 200) Integer 4

Number of Nodes

(Junctions + Reservoirs + Tanks)

Integer 4
Number of Reservoirs & Tanks Integer 4

Number of Links

(Pipes + Pumps + Valves)

Integer 4
Number of Pumps Integer 4
Number of Valves Integer 4

Water Quality Option 0 = none

1 = chemical

2 = age

3 = source trace

Integer 4
Index of Node for Source Tracing Integer 4

Flow Units Option 0 = cfs

1 = gpm

2 = mgd

3 = Imperial mgd 4 = acre-ft/day

5 = liters/second

6 = liters/minute

7 = megaliters/day

8 = cubic meters/hour 9 = cubic meters/day

Integer 4

Pressure Units Option 0 = psi

1 = meters

2 = kPa

Integer 4

Statistics Flag

0 = no statistical processing 1 = results are time-averaged

2 = only minimum values reported

3 = only maximum values reported 4 = only ranges reported

Integer 4
Reporting Start Time (seconds) Integer 4
Reporting Time Step (seconds) Integer 4
Simulation Duration (seconds) Integer 4
Problem Title (1st line) Char 80
Problem Title (2nd line) Char 80
Problem Title (3rd line) Char 80
Name of Input File Char 260
Name of Report File Char 260
Name of Chemical Char 16
Chemical Concentration Units Char 16
ID Label of Each Node Char 16
ID Label of Each Link Char 16
Index of Start Node of Each Link Integer 4*Nlinks
Index of End Node of Each Link Integer 4*Nlinks

Type Code of Each Link 0 = Pipe with CV

1 = Pipe

2 = Pump

3 = PRV

4 = PSV

5 = PBV

6 = FCV

7 = TCV

8 = GPV

Integer 4*Nlinks
Node Index of Each Tank Integer 4*Ntanks
Cross-Sectional Area of Each Tank Float 4*Ntanks
Elevation of Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Length of Each Link Float 4*Nlinks
Diameter of Each Link Float 4*Nlinks

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the order in which the ID labels for nodes and links are written to the file and the index numbers of these components. Also, reservoirs are distinguished from tanks by having their cross-sectional area set to zero.

Energy Use Section

The Energy Use section of the binary output file immediately follows the Prolog section. It contains the following data:

Item Type Number of Bytes
Repeated for each pump:    
  • Pump Index in List of Links
Float 4
  • Pump Utilization (%)
Float 4
  • Average Efficiency (%)
  • Average Kwatts/Million Gallons (/Meter:sup:3)
Float Float



  • Average Kwatts
Float 4
  • Peak Kwatts
Float 4
  • Average Cost Per Day
Float 4
Overall Peak Energy Usage Float 4

The statistics reported in this section refer to the period of time between the start of the output reporting period and the end of the simulation.

Extended Period Section

The Extended Period section of the binary Output File contains simulation results for each reporting period of an analysis (the reporting start time and time step are written to the Output File's Prolog section and the number of steps is written to the Epilog section). For each reporting period the following values are written to the file:

Item Type Size in Bytes
Demand at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Hydraulic Head at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Pressure at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Water Quality at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes

Flow in Each Link

(negative for reverse flow)

Float 4*Nlinks
Velocity in Each Link Float 4*Nlinks

Headloss per 1000 Units of Length for Each Link (Negative of head gain for pumps and total head

loss for valves)

Float 4*Nlinks
Average Water Quality in Each Link Float 4*Nlinks

Status Code for Each Link

0 = closed (max. head exceeded) 1 = temporarily closed

2 = closed

3 = open

4 = active (partially open)

5 = open (max. flow exceeded) 6 = open (flow setting not met)

7 = open (pressure setting not met)

Float 4*Nlinks

Setting for Each Link:

Roughness Coefficient for Pipes Speed for Pumps

Setting for Valves

Float 4*Nlinks
Reaction Rate for Each Link (mass/L/day) Float 4*Nlinks
Friction Factor for Each Link Float 4*Nlinks

Epilogue Section

The Epilogue section of the binary output file contains the following data:

Item Type Number of Bytes
Average bulk reaction rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Average wall reaction rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Average tank reaction rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Average source inflow rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Number of Reporting Periods Integer 4

Warning Flag:

0 = no warnings

1 = warnings were generated

Integer 4
Magic Number ( = 516114521) Integer 4

The mass units of the reaction rates both here and in the Extended Period output depend on the concentration units assigned to the chemical being modeled. The reaction rates listed in this section refer to the average of the rates seen in all pipes (or all tanks) over the entire reporting period of the simulation.