This is a Tool I wrote to make Raffles at out company easyer. Just enter the Number of Contestens and number of Prices and the Tool gives you the winners.
We have 5 Contestens and 3 Devices. The Tool outputs "1, 3, 4, 2". These Numbers can now be copy&pasted into a excel and you have your winners.
There are no packages/Requirments for this Project. It only uses Python included librarys.
You can use the Release Version or compile it yourself.
Exe Location -> ZIP -> APPS -> VerlosungsTool.exe
1. Clone repo
2. Add app_icon.ico to graphics folder.
3. install INVOKE
4. Edit the Variables of to be correct for your setup. (Version, ZipName, ExeName, Venv)
5. invoke create-exe
Please create a Issue.