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File metadata and controls

152 lines (105 loc) · 5.53 KB

Coding Guidelines


We want our code to be resistant to the passage of time and also to its growth. With the API already stable, the code will be read much more frequently than it is written, which is why we prefer the code to be tedious to write but easy to read.

In this context, the objective of these guidelines is to manage the complexity of our code. Below you will find a list of tools and guides to help you in that regard:

The important thing is that you are aware when you make a contribution, and try to follow the same style that is already used in the code. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us!

Development Tips and Environment Tools

App Specs

This app is written in GoLang 1.19. In order to contribute to this project, you must provide tested code to keep our coverage as high as possible.


To prepare your environment, we recommend running the command below, as it adds our pre-commit hook to ensure some rules before pushing code. To include it you must run just once (or when the script is updated):

make hooks

Editor Configuration

To be able to run/debug this application on VSCode, here is a example of a launch.json:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Launch",
      "type": "go",
      "request": "launch",
      "mode": "auto",
      "program": "${workspaceRoot}/cmd/api/",
      "env": {},
      "envFile": [
      "args": []

Required environments

Some variables are necessary to run application:

export APP_PATH="/Users/username/go/src/<new-project-name>"
export SCOPE="local"
export checksumEnabled="false"

Dependency Management

This app manages its dependencies using go mod, in this topic there are some instructions on how to prepare your environment to have it working.

How to set up project to use go modules

When developing using Go modules, it is imperative that you add the following env var to your local environment (usually in your ~/.profile or equivalent):

export GOPRIVATE="<new-project-name>"

If using Go 1.13+ you can run once:

go env -w GOPRIVATE="<new-project-name>"

Once you've set GOPRIVATE, Go modules resolver will use git to clone repositories that match with the value in the env variable. Go modules clones using https by default, in order to authenticate with Github and be able to clone private repositories you usually need to use ssh. In order to force git to use ssh on Github, you need to set the following lines in your ~/.gitconfig:

[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
    insteadOf =


Building, Running and Testing

This repository has some make commands that helps developers to get started to it. To used you MUST have docker and docker-compose installed locally.

To get all support services running, just run make dev and it will run all support service containers.

To run the tests, you just need to run make test.

To execute the app locally in docker, the command is make run

When executing inside a container, the application is configured to perform the migrations in /migrations/mysql/testlocal automatically at startup.

To execute the process outside the application container, it is necessary that the environment variables are properly configured. cmd/migration/main.go is a file that performs the migration process, and can be called with the UP | DOWN parameters.

It can be executed directly using golang: Eg:

go run cmd/migration/main.go UP

To populate local database with valid data for testing purposes, you can run make fixtures. make fixtures will load the fixtures and generate test data for flight, forecasts and recommendations for next week.

The fixture files are located in /resources/fixtures folder. The cmd/fixtures/app is responsible for starting the application modules invoking the data generation methods in order.

Running the App Locally with Debugging

To run the application locally with debugging capabilities, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Run > Edit Configurations... and select + to add a new configuration.
  2. Select Go Build and name it Build Name of the APP.
  3. In Environment variables, add the following: APP_PATH=$PWD;configFileName=configFileName=resources/config/
  4. Click on EnvFile tab and add select + to add new envfile
  5. Choose variables.env on project root folder
  6. Click on Apply and OK.
  7. Run the APP by clicking the green play button in the top right corner.
  8. You should now be able to access the APP at http://localhost:8080.

For more detailed instructions and additional configurations, refer to the Goland guide.

How to configure golangci-lint


Editor Integration

run make lint to execute linter locally