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These instructions cover a fresh install of Guiguts. If you are upgrading, see before beginning.

Please direct any help requests to the DP forum Help with: guiguts thread.

See also


Using Guiguts on Windows requires installing the following pieces:

  • Perl
  • Guiguts
  • Perl modules
  • Java (if you want to use the bundled HTML and CSS checkers)

These instructions walk you through using Strawberry Perl. Strawberry Perl is the recommended Perl interpreter as that is what the developers have tested, it supports the latest version of Perl, and includes all necessary Perl modules. It can coexist along side other interpreters.


A recent incompatibility between Perl and Perl/Tk has arisen, so you should install Perl version 5.32.1, not any later version.

If you have an existing Perl distribution installed (including if you are hoping to use the Perl distributed with a previous Guiguts release), read Other Perl distributions before following the Recommended installation procedure below, as it describes edits you may need to make if not using the standard setup. If following the standard procedure below, there is no need to remove your old version of Guiguts - it should continue to use its own bundled Perl.

Recommended installation procedure

Unless you are confident with editing .bat files and altering the system PATH variable, please use the recommended instructions and directory names below.

Note that you must do step 6, even if you have done it previously, as the version of Guiguts you are installing may require additional Perl modules to any previous versions.

  1. Download Strawberry Perl. Since a recent incompatibility between Perl and Perl/Tk has arisen, you should install version 5.32.1, not any later version.
  2. Double click the downloaded file to install Strawberry Perl. It is recommended that you install in the default folder c:\Strawberry.
  3. Download the latest from the Guiguts releases page.
  4. Unzip to some location on your computer (double click the zip file). A common place for this is c:\guiguts although it can be placed anywhere.
  5. Using File Explorer, navigate to the guiguts folder you unzipped earlier.
  6. Double click the file This should display a command window listing the Perl modules as it installs them. Note that this can take several minutes to complete. If instead, Windows says it does not know how to run that file, or it opens the file in a text editor like Notepad, you will need to re-associate .pl files with the Perl program/app. Follow the steps in the note below, then return to re-try this step.
  7. Double click the run_guiguts.bat file in the same folder, and Guiguts should start up and be ready for use. Open the Preferences menu, then File Paths, then select Copy Settings From A Release. Use the dialog that pops up to select the top level of the release (eg: c:\guiguts). This should be the folder that contains, headerdefault.txt, etc. Using this option will copy necessary configuration files from the release into a new folder named %HOMEPATH%\Documents\GGprefs where %HOMEPATH% is your home directory, e.g. C:\Users\user1\Documents\GGprefs. When you have done this once, you will not normally need to do it again because all your settings will be safe in the GGprefs folder.
  8. If you want to use the Spell Check tool, see the Guiguts Windows Installation wiki page for information on installing the Aspell spell checker. If you intend to use the new Spell Query tool instead, you do not need Aspell. The same wiki page describes how to install an image viewer to display scans and edit images. You can also find out how to obtain the Calibre e-book software suite if you want your local version of ebookmaker to create Kindle files in addition to epub files.
  9. Install Java to be able to check your HTML and CSS from within Guiguts.

Problems running install_cpan_modules

Only use the following if double-clicking was unsuccessful, (may vary slightly for different versions of Windows):

  1. Right-click in File Explorer, and choose Open with.
  2. Choose More apps (may say "Choose Default Program" on some systems)
  3. Scroll to the bottom then choose Look for another app on this PC (may say "Browse" on some systems)
  4. Navigate to c:\Strawberry\perl\bin and choose perl.exe.
  5. Return to re-attempt the "Double-click" step.

Other Perl distributions

This section is for advanced users only. Most Guiguts Windows users should follow the Recommended installation procedure above and can skip this section.

When installing the Perl modules, either with the helper script or manually running cpanm, ensure that the Strawberry Perl versions of perl and cpanm are the ones being run. Both programs have a --version argument you can use to see which version of perl is being run. Ensure the version matches that of Strawberry Perl you installed. Note that ActiveState Perl puts its directories at the front of the path and Strawberry Perl puts its directories at the end of the path.

If you have multiple Perl distributions installed you should edit the run_guiguts.bat file and adjust the PATH to the version you want to run Guiguts. The batch file prepends the default Strawberry Perl directories to the path and will preferentially use it if available. If your setup is complex, it may be easiest to clear your path in run_guiguts.bat before directories are added. To do this, directly below the line which saves your existing path, set OLDPATH=%PATH% add the following line set PATH=

Other Perl distributions, such as ActiveState Perl, may be used to run Guiguts after installing additional Perl modules. Note that ActiveState Perl versions after 5.10 will not successfully install Tk and cannot be used with Guiguts.

The bundled perl interpreter included with Guiguts 1.0.25 may also work but is no longer maintained. The bundled perl includes the required modules used in 1.0.25 which may not be the full set needed by later versions.

While not officially supported, if you wish to use the perl included with Guiguts 1.0.25, copy the perl directory from the top level directory of your 1.0.25 installation to the top level of your new installation, e.g. copy the perl directory from C:\dp\guiguts\guiguts-win-1.0.25 to C:\dp\guiguts\guiguts-win-1.1.0. You also need to copy the Tk directory from the old lib directory to the new one, e.g. copy the Tk directory from C:\dp\guiguts\guiguts-win-1.0.25\lib to C:\dp\guiguts\guiguts-win-1.1.0\lib


To use Guiguts you need to be running macOS High Sierra (10.13) or higher. If you're running a version of macOS that is newer than that, but out of support by Apple, you may get warnings about some components no longer working. Running Guiguts on macOS requires installing the following pieces of software. The list may seem intimidating but it's rather straightforward and only needs to be done once. These instructions walk you through it.

This is necessary because the version of Perl that comes with macOS does not have the necessary header files to build the Perl package dependencies that Guiguts requires.

Extracting Guiguts

Download and unzip to some location on your computer (double click the zip file in Finder or run unzip on the command line). You can move the guiguts directory it creates to anywhere you want. A common place for this is your home directory.

XCode Command Line Tools

Homebrew requires either the Xcode Command Line Tools or full Xcode. If you have the full Xcode installed, skip this step. Otherwise, install the Xcode Command Line tools by opening and running:

xcode-select --install


Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that provides the version of Perl and relevant Perl modules that Guiguts needs. To install it, your user account must have Administrator rights on the computer.

Open and install Homebrew with:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You will be prompted for your password and walked through the installation. You can accept the defaults it presents to you. The prompt for your password will probably show a small key icon, and will not display any characters as you type in your password.

If you already have homebrew installed, it's a good idea to update/upgrade it before starting this process.


XQuartz is an X11 windows manager. If you don't have it installed already, you can either:

  • Download and install it manually from
  • Install it with Homebrew using
    brew install --cask xquartz

After you install XQuartz, you must log out and back in to your account on your computer, or reboot, before Guiguts can use it as the X11 server.

There are a couple of X11 preferences that can be useful for GG users.

  • Under the Input tab, check the "Follow system keyboard layout" option. This will allow you to type in Greek.
  • Under the Windows tab, click the "Click-through Inactive Windows" tab. This will allow clicking in popup windows (such as Spell Query) to pass the command straight through to the open document.

Perl & Perl modules

Using, use Homebrew to install Perl and cpanm:

brew install perl
brew pin perl
brew install cpanm

Close and reopen it to ensure that the brew-installed perl is on your path.

Then install all the necessary Perl modules.

In a Terminal window, navigate to your guiguts folder. There should be a file named in the directory. Installing these modules is most easily done by running the helper script:


Starting Guiguts

Guiguts can be started directly from the Terminal with:

perl &

To add it to your Dock, you can use the guiguts.command file. First, remove it from Apple's quarantine with:

xattr -d guiguts.command

Now you can double click it to run Guiguts or drag the file to your Dock for a one-click start.

Preserving settings and customizations

Once you are in Guiguts, open the Preferences menu, then File Paths, then select Copy Settings From A Release. Use the dialog that pops up to select the top level guiguts directory you created earlier. This should be the folder that contains, headerdefault.txt, etc. Using this option will copy necessary configuration files from the release into a new folder named HOME/Documents/GGprefs where HOME is your home directory. When you have done this once, you will not normally need to do it again because all your settings will be safe in the GGprefs folder.

Helper applications

Homebrew provides some additional helper applications you might find useful (aspell is used for Spell Check, but not the new Spell Query tool):

brew install aspell
brew install bookloupe
brew install tidy-html5
brew install open-sp

See also the Jeebies installation instructions.

See also the EBookMaker installation instructions.

You will also need to obtain the Calibre e-book software suite if you want your local version of ebookmaker to create Kindle files in addition to epub files.

Install Java to be able to check your HTML and CSS from within Guiguts.

Linux (Ubuntu)

To install on Ubuntu (or really any Debian-based instance) you'll need root access to install some system packages but the other steps can be done as a non-root user.

Note: the following commands and scripts use cpanm not cpan to install perl modules.

System packages

Install some base system packages required to install/build the perl modules:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install perl-base cpanminus libx11-dev zlib1g-dev gcc

Perl modules

Note: you can skip the local::lib bits and just install all of the perl modules as root with sudo perl but that's not recommended.

Install the local::lib perl module as root. This enables installing the other modules as a non-root user:

sudo cpanm local::lib

Initialize the local::lib module and install the Guiguts modules. Initializing local::lib creates a perl5 directory in your home directory where the perl modules will be installed.

eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib -Mlocal::lib)

You'll need to run both of the lines above if you want to re-install or update any of the modules.

Starting Guiguts

To start Guiguts we need to use local::lib to tell perl where to find the installed modules, then start Guiguts. To make this easier, create a new file in your home directory called with the following contents -- you'll need to change /path/to/guiguts to where the Guiguts code is on your computer:

eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib -Mlocal::lib)
perl /path/to/guiguts/ &

Save the file and make it executable with chmod +x

Now you can start Guiguts with:



For other platforms, you will need to install Perl, the necessary Perl modules and possibly Java. Then extract and run


Follow the instructions in the Preserving settings and customizations section for macOS above. Your GGprefs folder will be $HOME/.GGprefs.

Using Guiguts from a Git checkout

This section is for advanced users who want to run the latest in-development version of Guiguts and are comfortable with git.

You can run Guiguts directly from the git repo with a few small changes.

  1. Clone the Guiguts repo somewhere. You'll find the main Guiguts files (, in src/.
  2. Install the necessary system dependencies (perl, perl modules, etc) as specified in the sections above.
  3. Create a fully-populated src/tools/ directory by copying one from a full release.
  4. (optional) Follow the instructions in that describe how to set up a GGprefs directory and customize header.txt.

You can now run Guiguts from the src/ directory.

Git will ignore the src/tools/ directory as well as the files that Guiguts creates allowing you to work with a pristine checkout for pulling updates and other git activities.

Perl Modules

Guiguts requires several Perl modules to be installed via CPAN. Both the instructions below and the helper script use cpanm, not cpan, to do the install.

The required Perl modules can be installed with the included helper script:


Or you can install them individually using cpanm. You should refer to the helper script for an up-to-date list of the modules required, and then install each one, for example:

cpanm --notest --install File::HomeDir
cpanm --notest --install Tk


Follow the instructions at to install the Java Runtime Environment if you want to be able to check your HTML and CSS from within Guiguts. Java is free for personal use, and is used by many applications and some websites, so you may already have it installed on your system. Without Java, you will need to check your HTML and CSS using the W3C online validators.