This file contains a description of the way graphs are created in dproofreaders.
In case of problems, please post to the DP Site Code forum at the primary DP site.
Graphs are drawn on the browser using a set of functions from svgGraphs.js that interact with the d3js library to render Scalable Vector Graphics (svg) elements. The 4 types of graphs that are supported are
- Bar
- Line
- Pie
- Stacked Area
These graphs are configured using a plain old javascript object. To facilitate creating the javascript to render a graph from PHP, a PHP utility method build_svg_graph_inits was created. It is a function that takes an array of arrays representing the graphs to render. Each graph to render is a PHP array where the entries are
- type - type of graph to be rendered. Either
, orstackedAreaGraph
- id - id of the div on the page to render the graph into
- configuration - PHP array configuring the graph. Expanded on below.
Example Usage:
build_svg_graph_inits([["barLineGraph", "myGraphId", $graphConfig]]);
This will give you a string you can use to pass to js_data in the output_header function. Something like
"$(function(){barLineGraph('myGraphId', graphConfigEncodedAsJSON)});"
In some cases, you may wish to embed a graph as if it were an image. Examples include site news items or other cases where you may not be able to output scripts to draw the graphs. In these scenarios, we recommend you create a standalone page that renders just the graph, and then embed that page as an iframe. You may want to style the iFrame to remove any iFrame borders to have a seamless image like experience.
One such page for example of a page designed for being embedded as an iFrame is round_backlog_days.php. It can be embedded in a news item with the following html.
<iframe src="/stats/round_backlog_days.php" style="width: 320px; height: 205px; border: 0;">
Each graph type supports a configuration object that allows control of the appearance of the graph as well as the data to the graph. Each graph type respects different configuration properties.
// Width of the graph in pixels. Defaults to 640 if not provided.
width?: number;
// Height of the graph in pixels. Defaults to 400 if not provided.
height?: number;
// Y axis label. Defaults to first series label or legend box for multiple
// series.
yAxisLabel?: string;
// Height of x axis in pixels. Defaults to 50 if not provided.
xAxisHeight?: number;
// Maximum bumber of y axis ticks to show. Defaults to d3js implementation.
yAxisTickCount?: number;
// Should be set to true when multiple bar series are set in data that share.
// the same x values;
groupBars?: boolean;
// An array of class names for the bars to be colored.
barColors?: string[];
// Title of the graph, shown at the top center.
title?: string;
// Offset to legend box drawn when there are multiple series.
legendAdjustment?: {
x: number; // x offset for legend box
y: number; // y offset for legend box
// A value indicating whether the y axis label should be drawn at the bottom.
// Useful for error scenarios.
bottomLegend?: boolean;
// Data to render
data: {
[seriesTitle: string]: {
x: string[]; // X axis labels
y: string[]; // Y axis values, converted to a number
type: "bar" | "line"; // type of series. Defaults to "bar"
// Width of the graph in pixels. Defaults to 640 if not provided.
width?: number;
// Height of the graph in pixels. Defaults to 400 if not provided.
height?: number;
// Title of the graph, shown at the top center.
title?: string;
// Offset to legend box drawn when there are multiple series.
legendAdjustment?: {
x: number; // x offset for legend box
y: number; // y offset for legend box
// Message to show in the case there isn't data to render.
error?: string;
// Labels of pie wedges
labels: string[];
// Raw values corresponding to each label.
data: number[];
// Y axis label. Defaults to first series label or legend box for multiple
// series.
yAxisLabel?: string;
// Title of the graph, shown at the top center.
title?: string;
// Offset to legend box drawn when there are multiple series.
legendAdjustment?: {
x: number; // x offset for legend box
y: number; // y offset for legend box
// Data to render
data: {
[seriesTitle: string]: {
x: string[]; // X axis labels, converted to a date
y: string[]; // Y axis values, converted to a number