An overview of how deployment should work. Includes continuous integration and stuff
Up to date as of 09/03/2019
As of the above date, app deployment is done through Heroku and goes through the below steps:
git pull request => Travis CI builds the repo => CI runs tests => Coveralls obtains coverage => pull request merged manually => Heroku detects change in master and deploys
This isn't super efficient though. For starters, having the heroku-prebuild
script in package.json
isn't super efficient if we can deploy and run scripts from Travis CI directly.
In addition, as Travis CI lets you do staging, we can build a deployment pipeline where we can run integration tests there to ensure the frontend works with the backend.
Note: for the purposes of this projet, there probably won't be a CICD pipeline, but it is a good thing to think about. Especially for serious projects that are intended to be "sold" or provided for actual consumption.
So the pre-deployment staging pipeline would include end to end tests, might look like so:
- stage: "Unit test codebase"
# ... the rest of the jobs for that stage
- stage: "Staging for deployment"
if: branch = master
# add Mongo script to add example user
script: mongo use Todos-local && db.users.add(<add-mock-db-entries-here>)
# end to end tests
script: npm run e2e-ts
script: npm run e2e-tsx
script: npm run smoke-ts
script: npm run smoke-tsx