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How to format other SVG Icons for blog post labels? #21

rnwolf opened this issue Mar 4, 2020 · 0 comments

How to format other SVG Icons for blog post labels? #21

rnwolf opened this issue Mar 4, 2020 · 0 comments


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rnwolf commented Mar 4, 2020

I've been trying to use SVG icons from but no luck.
I have resized the icon in inkscape and then extracted d= for labels.
For example
Any tips on how to format SVG for label icons?

Here is an example for the design icon that does not work, based on the Noun Project.

      name: "m 49.335485,124.42799 c -0.126006,-0.30903 -0.05906,-0.66023 0.170085,-0.89519 l 0.605072,-0.61978 -1.764897,-1.80653 -0.605904,0.61975 c -0.229137,0.2351 -0.572635,0.30308 -0.89035,0.16693 -0.298584,-0.12586 -0.491542,-0.4214 -0.491542,-0.75257 v -0.87474 h -0.852923 c -0.03785,-0.68661 -0.162184,-1.35021 -0.368449,-1.97893 l 4.812296,-4.92587 c 0.634182,-0.64915 0.983503,-1.51197 0.983503,-2.42973 0,-1.89421 -1.50582,-3.43556 -3.356382,-3.43556 -0.896588,0 -1.73953,0.35756 -2.373296,1.00627 l -4.807306,4.92117 c -0.621706,-0.21362 -1.28084,-0.33799 -1.961597,-0.375 -0.573882,-1.02628 -1.6522,-1.72143 -2.888126,-1.72143 -0.316468,0 -0.621706,0.0486 -0.912391,0.13312 -0.717768,-1.3813 -2.112137,-2.26159 -3.662036,-2.26159 -2.293035,0 -4.158569,1.90956 -4.158569,4.2567 0,0.32608 0.0391,0.64703 0.110202,0.96116 -1.025088,0.31757 -1.77363,1.29278 -1.77363,2.44421 0,1.40854 1.11907,2.55401 2.495142,2.55401 h 3.016626 c -0.06903,0.421 -0.105628,0.84836 -0.105628,1.27703 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-0.563486,-0.57679 c 0.03327,-0.1146 0.05655,-0.23295 0.05655,-0.35798 0,-0.30225 -0.10729,-0.57636 -0.279455,-0.7956 0.258662,-0.71468 0.664124,-1.28637 1.136121,-1.81421 0.178818,1.46857 1.403518,2.60981 2.886047,2.60981 1.605207,0 2.910998,-1.33704 2.910998,-2.97971 0,-1.64266 -1.305791,-2.97967 -2.910998,-2.97967 -0.04075,0 -0.08026,0.005 -0.120598,0.005 0.281534,-0.59807 0.474908,-1.2915 0.523563,-2.13433 h 0.0129 v 0.0242 c 0,0.67724 0.395064,1.28213 1.019266,1.54562 0.613804,0.263 1.314107,0.12264 1.782779,-0.35759 l 0.01746,-0.0188 0.588852,0.60277 -0.01747,0.0188 c -0.468257,0.47972 -0.605488,1.19612 -0.343914,1.83804 0.252424,0.62574 0.842942,1.03013 1.50457,1.03013 h 0.02287 z",
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