Lied script for SuperCollider. Turns text into music.
“What is a poet? A poet is an unhappy being whose heart is torn by secret sufferings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and the cries escape them, they sound like beautiful music.”
-Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or
video documentation available here
Enter text using the text field at the bottom of the screen. Text you enter will be added to history, which appears immediately above the text entry field, on the left side of the screen.
The grid of buttons (either on the screen or a connected monome grid using the monomeSC library) works this way:
Row 1: recall lines you've typed from history
Row 2: toggle synth patterns on or off
Row 3: apply the active line (either the most-recently-entered one or the one you've recalled with row 1) to the pattern immediately above
Row 4: toggle sample playback and playback speed manipulation. Samples will be cut up and have their playback speed manipulated in ways determined by the active line
Row 5: apply the active line (either the most-recently-entered one or the one you've recalled with row 1) to the sample cutter/speed slot immediately above
Row 6: mirrors row 3 (more samplers)
Row 7: mirrors row 4 (sends lines to samplers in row 6)
Row 8: toggle sample playback. These samples play in their entirety and are unaffected by the active line (works nicely for drums) – except for the ~secret buttons~
, that is
secret buttons: the last 3 buttons in row 8 deal with input audio. The third button from the right turns audio send to Carter's Delay on or off. The second button from the right turns playback from Carter's Delay on or off. The button furthest to the right turns the clean mic signal to your audio output on or off.
The knobs (either on the screen or a connected midi fighter twister) correspond roughly to the synths and samplers on the grid. 128 knobs, 128 buttons. Play around with them. See what happens.
The "samples" folder should be saved in the same place as the main superLied.scd file.
note: in order for superLied.scd to work properly, you'll need to add the 4 .sc files in the "classes" folder to your extensions folder (if you don't know where your extensions folder is, SuperCollider's IDE will show you! Just hit file > open user support directory)