The Epigram server is primarily configured by a YAML file, while certain parameters can be overwritten by environment variables.
On Windows, the default configuration file location is .\config.yml
, while on Linux, the default location is /etc/epigram/config.yml
. On both platforms, the config file location can be overwritten by the EP_CONFIG
environment variable.
Many configuration parameters can be set from multiple sources. The following list outlines the order in which configuration parameters are merged. If a parameter is specified by multiple sources, the value from the last source (highest number) will be used. The exception is boolean parameters (such as DevMode and TrustProxy), which are merged by logical OR, and therefore a value of false will not overwrite a prior true.
- Default values
- Configuration file
- Environment variables
The following table outlines parameters which can be configured, as well as their corresponding environment variables (if applicable), and their default values.
Parameter | YAML key | Environment variable | Default value |
Address to listen for incoming requests. on. | address |
Port to listen for incoming requests. on. | port |
80 |
BaseURL is the complete domain and path to access the root of the web server, used for creating callback URLs. | baseURL |
Title is the name of the application to be shown in the frontend. | title |
Epigram |
Description is a short description of the application to be shown in the frontend. | description |
Epigram is a simple web service for communities to immortalize the enlightening, funny, or downright dumb quotes that they hear. |
Repo dictates what type of storage the application should use for data persistence. (either 'inmemory' or 'sqlite') | repo |
inmemory |
DBLoc is the location where the database can be found. In the case of an SQLite repository, this is the path to database file. It has no effect on an in-memory repository. | DBLoc |
Unix: /var/epigram/epigram.db , Windows: .\epigram.db |
TrustProxy dictates whether X-Forwarded-For header should be trusted to obtain the client IP, or if the requester IP should be used instead. |
trustProxy |
false |
DevMode dictates whether the application should run in development mode, which disables asset embedding and caching for easier frontend development. | devMode |
false |
LogJSON enables JSON formatted structured logging as opposed to human-readable text. | logJSON |
false |
NoColor disables colored logging output when set to any value (see | NO_COLOR |
Additionally, an OpenID Connect provider is required to authenticate users. The following parameters are required to configure the OIDC provider. These parameters cannot be set via environment variables, and have no default values. They should be specified in the configuration file as a map under the OIDCProvider
Parameter | YAML key | Example value |
Name of the OIDC provider, used to build it's callback URL. | name |
IssuerURL of the OIDC provider. | issuerURL | |
ClientID assigned by the OIDC provider. | clientID | |
ClientSecret used to authenticate against the OIDC provider. | clientSecret |
your-client-secret |
The entry quiz is a simple quiz which is presented to users when they first visit the site. These parameters cannot be set via environment variables, and have no default values. They should be specified in the configuration file as a sequence of maps under the entryQuiz
Parameter | YAML key | Example value |
Question to be asked to the user. | question |
What is the best color? |
Answer to the question. | answer |
purple |
port: 8080
baseURL: http://localhost:8080
title: Epigram Demo
description: A place to record quotes.
repo: SQLite
DBLoc: ./epigram.db
trustProxy: false
devMode: false
name: google
issuerURL: ""
clientId: ""
clientSecret: "your-client-secret"
- question: What is the best color?
answer: purple
- question: What is the best animal?
answer: dog