diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index acf684b..849d648 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,68 +1,106 @@
-A style agnostic, slightly opinionated, style seasoning to bootstrap your projects.
+## Documentation
+> If it’s not documented, it doesn’t exist. Documentation should become the default – an integrated part of the development process.
+> — Miriam Suzanne
+[See full documentation](https://whitesmith.github.io/qnorr-styles/)
## install
-Install via `npm`.
+Install via `npm` or `yarn`.
-yarn add @whitesmith/@whitesmith/qnorr-styles
+yarn add @whitesmith/qnorr-styles
## usage
-**at your `main.scss`**
+**at your `{main,index,app}.scss`**
@import "path/to/node_modules/@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/qnorr";
-or if your using a bundler with alias for modules (webpack)
-@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/qnorr"
+// or if your using a bundler with alias for node_modules (webpack / parcel)
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/qnorr";
+// if your using node_sass and defined a custom importer or includePaths
+@import "@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/qnorr";
**at your entry file `index.js`**
import "@whitesmith/qnorr-styles"; // this will import qnorr.css from dist/qnorr.css
-// you can also import sass directly if your bunlder is configure to handle it
-import "@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/qnorr.scss;
-const someJsFunction = _ => {
- ...
-### Documentation
-> If it’s not documented, it doesn’t exist. Documentation should become the default – an integrated part of the development process.
-> — Miriam Suzanne
-[See full documentation](https://whitesmith.github.io/qnorr-styles/)
+## Customizing
+Want a custom flavour? Go the sassy way.
+ _"~" is an alias path to `node_modules` and can be different in your system_
-### Customizing
-Choose your seasonings
-// Required
+// at your {main, index, app}.scss file all your config variables overrides;
+$qnorr-grid-columns-number: 10;
+// import settings to be overriden by the configuration above;
@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/settings";
-@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/tools";
-// optional external dependency
-@import "~normalize.css/normalize.css";
-// Optional (check all modules available at scss/** )
-@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/base/reset";
-@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/objects/media";
-@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/utilties/spacers";
+/// [1] - in perfect world this would also import qnorr-styles required dependencies
+/// (mappy-breakpoints), but we're not in a perfect world so check issue#10
+/// for why we decide to not include it by default for now
+/// [2] - You can also import individual function and mixins, but then you have
+/// check their dependencies on documentation, since there's no output code
+/// it makes little sence to do it. It's possible. But not practical.
+@import "~mappy-breakpoints/_mappy-breakpoints"; // [1] required
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/tools"; // [2] all functions and mixins
+/// ready to use OOCSS elements, generated with your config
+/// [3] - Similar [1], not influenced by any configuration
+@import "~normalize.css/normalize.css"; // [3]
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/global/_g.resets";
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/objects/_o.media";
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/objects/_o.grid";
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/objects/_o.skeleton";
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/utilities/_u.spacers";
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/utilities/_u.widths";
+@import "~@whitesmith/qnorr-styles/scss/utilities/_u.text";
## Dependencies
qnorr ships with two dependencies by default:
-- [mappy-breakpoints](https://github.com/zellwk/mappy-breakpoints) to handle our media query needs (required, no-opt-out)
-- [normalize.css](https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/) to reset browser styles (optional import if you're using scss verison)
+- [mappy-breakpoints (required)](https://github.com/zellwk/mappy-breakpoints) to handle our media query needs
+- [normalize.css (optional)](https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/) to reset browser styles (optional import if you're using scss verison)
+Note: read more about [sass module dependency import issues here](https://github.com/whitesmith/qnorr-styles/issues/10);
## Developing
- We use [gulp@4.0^](https://gulpjs.com/) to build the library (legacy CLI scripts are also available but they are way difficult to maintain).
-- We use [parcel](https://parceljs.org/) and [posthtml plugins](https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml) to build a basic site located under `/site` folder. If you want to help build a real documentation site, create a `docs` folder and let's use the monorepo approach — docs building are separated from library and we can use any tool to make it happen (vuepress, gitbook, etc.), suggestions are welcomed.
+- We use [sassdoc](https://sassdoc.com/) to build and generate documentation `/docs` folder. Head to the site to learn how to use it, or just check any source file for an example, you'll get it super fast. A pretty custom theme is possible but let's leave it for version 2.
+- We use [parcel](https://parceljs.org/) and [posthtml plugins](https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml) to build a basic site located under `/site` folder so you can play around with the framework.
-# watch mode for qnorr, dev server for demo site
+# watch mode for qnorr will also start a server for documentation
yarn run start
diff --git a/scss/qnorr.scss b/scss/qnorr.scss
index 5c7f850..08c037f 100644
--- a/scss/qnorr.scss
+++ b/scss/qnorr.scss
@@ -11,15 +11,9 @@
/// @author Whitesmith
/// @link https://github.com/whitesmith/qnorr-styles
-/// @todo [1] investigate why gulp-sass includePaths is
-/// not working and we have to ref node modules with
-/// this ugly paths
-/// @todo [2] solving includePaths might actual break
-/// npm deploy because of dependencies might be loded by other bundlers
-/// although we can advise to not import qnorr.scss directly but only its
-/// modules, and import dependencies from node_modules directly
-/// think about it.
+/// @todo [1] watching sass developments on dynamic imports
+/// so we can specify configurable import paths to our dependencies
+/// https://github.com/whitesmith/qnorr-styles/issues/10
@@ -27,8 +21,8 @@
@import "settings/index";
-// TOOLS [2]
-@import "../node_modules/mappy-breakpoints/_mappy-breakpoints.scss"; //[1]
+@import "../node_modules/mappy-breakpoints/_mappy-breakpoints.scss"; // [1]
@import "tools/index";
diff --git a/scss/tools/mixins/_mx.media.scss b/scss/tools/mixins/_mx.media.scss
index b2b297d..1607196 100644
--- a/scss/tools/mixins/_mx.media.scss
+++ b/scss/tools/mixins/_mx.media.scss
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
-/// The holy grail of layout reused patterns
-/// Figure + text + alignment
-/// @group GroupName
-/// @author AuthorName
-/// @link http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2010/06/25/the-media-object-saves-hundreds-of-lines-of-code/
-/// @todo naming, should we namespace o use more verbose media-object
+/// @group Tools
/// Creates the media object wrapper
@mixin media {