Testrunner is a binary and docker container for running common tests
without requiring to write code. It's a simple and fast way to add
functional testing to an application, as its test spec is defined in
a yaml
Testrunner also has useful integrations with GCP Deployment Manager and Kubernetes applications.
This repository uses bazel to build the binary and container. It also supports cloudbuild to build and publish your container on GCP from source.
The repository is also compatible with go
tool. You'll need to
install dependencies separately as they are not vendored.
bazel run //:gazelle
Build and run the binary:
bazel run //runner:main -- -logtostderr --test_spec=$PWD/examples/testspecs/http.yaml
To build and run the docker container:
# Run tests
bazel test //...
# Build binary
bazel build //runner:main
# Make temporary directory
mkdir -p tmp
# Copy the file and rename it
cp bazel-bin/runner/testrunner tmp/testrunner
# Copy all Docker specific files
cp docker/* tmp
# Build container
docker build --tag=testrunner tmp
# Run the installed container, mounting the test definition
# files as a volume.
docker run --rm \
-v=$PWD/examples:/examples \
testrunner -logtostderr --test_spec=/examples/testspecs/http.yaml
Two workarounds before running the command below:
Execute the following.
rm -r bazel-*
Then execute the following.
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
This publishes a testrunner
container in your project (i.e.
whatever the default project for your gcloud
You can test by pulling the published image and run it.
export PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
docker run --rm \
-v=$PWD/examples:/examples \
gcr.io/$PROJECT/testrunner -logtostderr --test_spec=/examples/testspecs/http.yaml