Sample high availability LAMP on GCP that demonstrates
- Global LoadBalancer
- SSL termination at LB
- Regional Managed Instance Group
- Autoscale Instance Group based on CPU usage
- Apache+PHP
- Cloud SQL Master + N replicas
- Cloud SQL proxy
- Stackdriver Logging with apache plugin
- Stackdriver Monitoring with apache plugin
- X-Forwarded-For IP address in Cloud Logging
- Stackdriver Trace with custom spans
- GCS Backend Bucket as backend service for static content
This is a deployment manager script which demonstrates all the above in several 'easy' steps.
This is NOT intended to run in production but to give you a sample to demonstrate various HA capabilities of Google Compute Engine. It also features StackDriver monitoring and Logging as well as Cloud Trace.
NB: i know very little PHP; i just happned to use that as language here for other reasons...
You can find a stand-alone example here that demonstrates the standard "BookShelf" set:
You can use an existing project or create a new one with a $300 free trial. You are welcome to delete the project or deployment entirely later on to clean up.
You will need to install and configure Google Cloud SDK
First list your project details to make sure this is the correct project
gcloud config list
This sample exercises the following APIs so run each
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
Set the environment variables for the current project
export GCP_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
export COMPUTE_SVC_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --filter="displayName:'Compute Engine default service account'" --format='value(email)')
The following creates the docroot where you will upload some .php files.
During runtime, the startup script will download the php files from this bucket.
gsutil mb gs://$GCP_PROJECT-mylampdocroot
gsutil cp docroot/* gs://$GCP_PROJECT-mylampdocroot
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$COMPUTE_SVC_ACCOUNT:objectAdmin gs://$GCP_PROJECT-mylampdocroot
There are many, many better variations do not have to use can use Google Cloud Source Repository, github, and so on. I ended up using this to simplify.
This bucket hosts the static content (images, css, .j). The
/staic/* path will be automatically get fetched from GCS so the request never hits the webserver.
gsutil mb gs://$GCP_PROJECT-mylampstaticroot
gsutil cp static/google-cloud.png gs://$GCP_PROJECT-mylampstaticroot/static/google-cloud.png
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://$GCP_PROJECT-mylampstaticroot/static/google-cloud.png
Get the bucket names to setup for the config files
echo $GCP_PROJECT-mylampdocroot
echo $GCP_PROJECT-mylampstaticroot
Edit cluster.yaml
change to: staticBucket: your-project-here-mylampstaticroot docrootBucket: your-project-here-mylampdocroot
The following may take 10mins
$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create yy60 --config cluster.yaml
yy60-cluster-as compute.v1.regionAutoscaler COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-beb compute.beta.backendBucket COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-bes compute.v1.backendService COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-config runtimeconfig.v1beta1.config COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-firewall-80 compute.v1.firewall COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-hc-http compute.v1.httpHealthCheck COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-igm compute.v1.regionInstanceGroupManager COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-it compute.v1.instanceTemplate COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-l7lb compute.v1.globalForwardingRule COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-mysql-master sqladmin.v1beta4.instance COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-mysql-replica-0 sqladmin.v1beta4.instance COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-sslcert compute.v1.sslCertificate COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-targetproxy compute.v1.targetHttpsProxy COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-urlmap compute.v1.urlMap COMPLETED []
yy60-cluster-waiter runtimeconfig.v1beta1.waiter COMPLETED []
You can find the progress here with Deployment Manager section of GCP
Once complete, you should see:
Goto "Network Services >> Load Balancing" and note down the IP address:
In the case above, its
Also note that
- /static/* is served by a backend bucket
- VMs are in us-central1 (regional)
- SSL certificate was assigned to the LB
You can verify that the requsite VM count is up and running and spread across zones for HA:
Note that the VMs are across availability zones
Now we can check each endpoint to see them working.
for i in {1..1000}; do curl -k -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n"; done
Open a browser and goto ```https://GlobalIP/db.php
You shouldsee the following text which denotes a successful connection from PHP to both the master and replica count you setup
Localhost via UNIX socket
5.7.14-google-log to yy60-cluster-mysql-master
Localhost via UNIX socket
5.7.14-google to yy60-cluster-mysql-replica-0
Open a browser and goto https://GlobalIP/trace.php
You should see the text similar to the bit below
done span 1
done span2
Trace successful
Doesn't look like much but on the Cloud Console, goto "Cloud Trace" to see:
What that shows is cloud trace loaded and two spans emitted.
You can see the Loadbalancer logs by going to Cloud Logging--> LoadBalancer
Then to go see the apache logs, see:
Note, the apache configuration accounts for X-Forwarded-For Header in the apache configuration file:
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-For "^.*\..*\..*\..*" forwarded
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" forwarded
Which means the actual orgin IP address of the browser is sent through to apache.
The Apache FluentD plugin is disabled at the moment because it cannot process structured exports. That is, the following is commented out for now:
#sed -i 's/format none/format apache/' /etc/google-fluentd/config.d/apache.conf
(for reference, see issue#10)
The sample DM script installs and configures not only Stackdriver, but the Apache Plugin as well for Stackdriver.
What that means is you will see both the default Host Metrics:
but also the Apache specific metrics
Goto ``https://GlobalIP/static/google-cloud.php```
You should see a simple logo. This being served directly from a GCS Bucket: