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191 lines (134 loc) · 5.82 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (134 loc) · 5.82 KB



  • fix: issue 320



  • ci: add github workflows for test/build/publish



  • InfiniteLoader now support reset finish status


Breaking Changes

  • Remove mobile_detect utilities, ActionSheet and Dialog will needs to provide a platform by user.
  • Used standard prop-types library
  • css file now in react-weui/build/packages/react-weui.css


  • e43fcb2 remove findDOMNode from searchbar
  • 0410833 typing error
  • 08e50f4 update lint rule and adjust code within project
  • ec45e68 fix grid links
  • #174 add lang props to CityPicker
  • CityPicker will selected default selections
  • #182 Msg Component now support child element, it will not display title or description if it's not provided
  • #197 SearchBar add new property defaultValue
  • InfiniteLoader add disable, onScroll and onScrollEnd property
  • PullToRefresh add disable property
  • Use Rollup.js as bundler for library
  • Use Webpack 3, React-router 4 for demo and docs
  • Use ES2015 module standard
  • Include classnames, warning function in library

New Addon Component

  • Page

Known Problem Pending Fix

  • Issues #203 Upload Image angle problem



  • Gallery now support multiple image, pass array of urls to src property
  • Add DefaultIndex to Gallery to use with multiple image source
  • Uploader updates with Gallery component to use multiple images

New Addon Components

  • Swiper


  • fix some server rendering issues with component

New Addon Components

  • PullToRefresh
  • InfiniteLoader


  • user have to manully import some patch css from 'lib/react-weui.min.css'



  • Update class to compliance with weui 1.0.x


  • Update to Babel 6
  • Add Depreciate warnings

Breaking Changes:

  • Remove Dialog.Alert (use Dialog directly)
  • Remove Dialog.Confirm (use Dialog directly)
  • Icon (safe-warn, safe-success) are taking off from weui

New Components:

  • Agreement
  • VCode
  • Toptips
  • Gallery
  • GalleryDelete
  • Flex
  • FlexItem
  • Footer
  • FooterText
  • FooterLinks
  • FooterLink
  • LoadMore
  • Preview
  • PreviewHeader
  • PreviewBody
  • PreviewFooter
  • PreviewItem
  • PreviewButton
  • Picker
  • Slider
  • Badge
  • version

New Addon Components:

  • Popup
  • PopupHeader

New Property:

  • Cell & Button add property component, you can pass in component like (Link from react-router)
  • Button type add 'vcode'
  • Uploader onFileClick(event, file, index)
  • Cell link property
  • Icon add primary property (only use for warn currently)
  • Progress add showCancel property

Depreciate on next release

  • Cells Access
  • Panel Access
  • Uploader -> File -> onClick
  • Icons value safe_success, safe_warn, success_circle, success_no_circle, waiting_circle,info_circle

Known Issues

  • React-Router Warnings from using older version of react-router

0.4.0 (2016-04-28)

  • [增强] ActionSheet 的 menus 和 actions 增加支持传入自定义 className
  • [增强] Cell 组件增加支持传入自定义的 className
  • [改进] 升级到 react v15
  • [修复] 更新 weui 依赖版本, 修复 navbar 在 iOS 下无法点击的 bug
  • [修复] 修复 searchbar, toast icon size


  • 42bf8f3 #51 ActionSheet 的 menus 和 actions 增加支持传入自定义 className
  • a09719a #68 Cell* 增加支持传入自定义 className
  • 513cca0 修复 package.son 依赖
  • 3bd5517 update react version and move to peerDependencies (#66)
  • f12d858 update weui version
  • 9df3c19 #58, patched searchbar, add iconSize for toast #62, change weui dependency to 0.4.1 (#63)

0.3.0-beta (2016-03-30)

  • 【新增】增加 tab 组件
  • 【新增】增加搜索框组件
  • 【新增】增加上传组件
  • 【新增】增加 radio, input, textarea, label 等表单元素
  • 【新增】增加 switch 组件
  • 【修复】修复页面不能滚动的bug
  • 【改进】demo 页面切换增加动画效果


  • a8eeed8 add tabs and serachbar withou doc and test
  • 065c51d add uploader w/ test files
  • 4a751f9 add radio,checkbox,select w/o testand doc
  • 81f0859 add switch
  • d4a0125 fix 页面不能滚动的bug
  • b88affc 页面切换添加动画效果

0.2.0 (2015-12-29)

  • 0146ad #7 remove toast show & hide method, use show prop instead
  • 437e5d #7 remove Alert show & hide method, use show prop instead
  • 77c885 #7 remove Confirm show & hide method, use show prop instead
  • 3a158e #7 remove ActionSheet show & hide method, use show prop instead
  • 3a4c8b #14 add loading icon & loading toast
  • 862d98 #15 Cells允许传入自定义className

0.1.0 (2015-12-14)

  • Initial release