- Create yml or xliff file for domain settings (example: settings.en.yml) in any of your bundles or directly in app/Resources (note: your bundle must be activated after DmishhSettingsBundle in AppKernel.php)
- Add your settings translations like in the following example for yml format:
my_custom_setting: My Custom Label
profile_update_interval: Profile update interval
Clear your cache with app/console cache:clear
- Create, if not yet, yml or xliff file for domain settings (example: settings.en.yml) in any of your bundles or directly in app/Resources (note: your bundle must be activated after DmishhSettingsBundle in AppKernel.php)
- Add your choices translations like in the following example for yml format (add _choice postfix to your setting's name):
gender: Gender
m: Male
f: Female
Clear your cache with app/console cache:clear