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Moments Related API

  • Post Moments

    • Text Moments

      • Request Params

           text: string,
           title: string,
           description: string,
           contentUrl: string,
           media: MomentsMedia[], // []
           count: number, // 0
      • Response Result

             data: string,
             message: string,
             status: number,
    • Media Moments(picture, video, picture + text)

      • Request Params

             text: string, // 若不想配文,置''即可
             title: string,
             description: string,
             contentUrl: string,
             media: MomentsMedia[], // 图片/视频资源数组
             count: number, // 数组的长度
         MomentsMedia {
           height?: string, // 图片高度,默认"0.0"
           thumb: string, // 图片小图地址/图文链接图片地址/视频预览图地址
           totalSize: string, // 视频大小,未知则填""
           url: string, // 图片大图地址/图文链接图片地址/视频地址
           width?: string, // 图片宽度,默认"0.0"
      • Response Result

             data: string,
             message: string,
             status: number,
    • UrlLink Moments

      • Request Params

             text: string,
             title: string,
             description: string,
             contentUrl: string,
             media: MomentsMedia[], // put url link thumbnail here
             count: number, // the media length
      • Response Result

             data: string,
             message: string,
             status: number,
  • Moments List

    • Request Params (NO NEED)

    • Response Result

       MomentsListGrpcResponse {
         SnsObjectsCount: string,
         status: string,
         source: string,
         message: string,
         FirstPageMd5: string,
         ReqTime: string,
         data: string,

      The data is string of class MomentsItemGrpcResponse

       MomentsItemGrpcResponse {
         WithUserCount: number,
         create_time: number,
         user_name: string,
         description: string,
         CommentCount: number,
         id: string,
         NickName: string,
         LikeCount: number,
         like?: MomentsLikeGrpcDetail[],
         comment?: MomentsCommentsGrpcDetail[],
       MomentsLikeGrpcDetail {
         create_time: number,
         user_name: string,
         nick_name: string,
       MomentsCommentsGrpcDetail {
         create_time: number,
         reply_id: number,
         user_name: string,
         nick_name: string,
         reply_user_name: string,
         id: number,
         content: string,
  • Moments List of Contact

    • Request Params

       	snsId: string, // 朋友圈ID
       	firstPageMd5: string, // 上次朋友圈请求获取的MD5,无则传""
       	friendUserName: string, // 指定好友微信号
    • Response Result

       MomentsListGrpcResponse {
         SnsObjectsCount: string,
         status: string,
         source: string,
         message: string,
         FirstPageMd5: string,
         ReqTime: string,
         data: string,

      The data is string of class MomentsItemGrpcResponse

       MomentsItemGrpcResponse {
         WithUserCount: number,
         create_time: number,
         user_name: string,
         description: string,
         CommentCount: number,
         id: string,
         NickName: string,
         LikeCount: number,
         like?: MomentsLikeGrpcDetail[],
         comment?: MomentsCommentsGrpcDetail[],
       MomentsLikeGrpcDetail {
         create_time: number,
         user_name: string,
         nick_name: string,
       MomentsCommentsGrpcDetail {
         create_time: number,
         reply_id: number,
         user_name: string,
         nick_name: string,
         reply_user_name: string,
         id: number,
         content: string,
  • Moments Detail

    • Request Params

       	snsId: string, // 朋友圈ID
    • Response Result

       MomentsDetailGrpcResponse {
         data: string,
         message: string,
         status: string,

      The data of MomentsDetailGrpcResponse is string of class MomentsItemGrpcResponse

  • Comment / Like

    • Request Params

       	toUserName: string, // 朋友圈发送者的wxid
       	userName: string, // 机器人的wxid
       	comment: string, // 若为 '' 则为点赞
       	snsId: string, // 朋友圈ID
       	replyId: number, // 回复某评论的ID
    • Response Result

       	message: string,
       	status: number,
  • Delete Moments / Dislike

    • Request Params

       	type: number,
       	commentType: 2 || 3, // 固定数值
       	commentId: '0', // 评论ID,暂不支持删除评论,故此处填固定数值
       	snsId: string, // 朋友圈ID
    • Response Result

       	message: string,
       	status: 0, // 成功
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