Built with React + Styled Components. If you are looking for the backend repo, it lives here backend
- Frontend - Our beloved React
- State Management - ApolloClient (requests, updating UI, caching)
- Styling - Styled Components
- Routing - React Router
- Notifications - React Toastify
- Popups- Reactjs popup
- Prisma - provides data modelling and a nice set of CRUD APIs to work with
- GraphQLServer - graphql-yoga
- Authentication - JWT
- Image upload - Cloudinary
- Login / Signup
- New Tweet
- Like
- Retweet
- Comment
- View Profile
- Edit Profile
- Search by users, tags, people
- Toggle between light and dark mode
- Cycle through five different accent colors
- Create a new file 'config.js' at src/config.js
- Make sure you have these variables setup
export const CLOUDINARY_URL =
- Then run 'npm install && npm start' to see the twitter clone in action.
- Real-time notifications using GraphQL subscriptions
- Bookmark tweeets
- Show retweets on user profile
- Show trending tags
- Better mobile support
- Add OLED theme