From 450891f415f35a126ff976f0a647cd3a12975ae0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "i.navrotskyj" Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:24:44 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] WTEL-4560 --- .../sqlstore/migration/24.08/24.04-24.08.sql | 627 +++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 626 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/store/sqlstore/migration/24.08/24.04-24.08.sql b/store/sqlstore/migration/24.08/24.04-24.08.sql index d0f6752..4cdeef0 100644 --- a/store/sqlstore/migration/24.08/24.04-24.08.sql +++ b/store/sqlstore/migration/24.08/24.04-24.08.sql @@ -2178,4 +2178,629 @@ create unique index cc_agent_today_stats_usr_uidx on call_center.cc_agent_today_stats (user_id); alter table call_center.cc_queue - alter column calendar_id drop not null; \ No newline at end of file + alter column calendar_id drop not null; + + +create or replace view call_center.cc_distribute_stage_1 + (id, type, strategy, team_id, buckets, types, resources, offset_ids, lim, domain_id, priority, sticky_agent, + sticky_agent_sec, recall_calendar, wait_between_retries_desc, strict_circuit, ins, min_wt) +as +WITH queues AS MATERIALIZED (SELECT q_1.domain_id, +, + q_1.calendar_id, + q_1.type, + q_1.sticky_agent, + q_1.recall_calendar, + CASE + WHEN jsonb_typeof(q_1.payload -> 'ignore_calendar'::text) = 'boolean'::text + THEN (q_1.payload -> 'ignore_calendar'::text)::boolean + ELSE false + END AS ignore_calendar, + CASE + WHEN q_1.sticky_agent + THEN COALESCE((q_1.payload -> 'sticky_agent_sec'::text)::integer, 30) + ELSE NULL::integer + END AS sticky_agent_sec, + CASE + WHEN q_1.strategy::text = 'lifo'::text THEN 1 + WHEN q_1.strategy::text = 'strict_fifo'::text THEN 2 + ELSE 0 + END AS strategy, + q_1.priority, + q_1.team_id, + (q_1.payload -> 'max_calls'::text)::integer AS lim, + (q_1.payload -> 'wait_between_retries_desc'::text)::boolean AS wait_between_retries_desc, + COALESCE((q_1.payload -> 'strict_circuit'::text)::boolean, false) AS strict_circuit, + array_agg( + ROW (m.bucket_id::integer, m.member_waiting::integer, m.op)::call_center.cc_sys_distribute_bucket + ORDER BY cbiq.priority DESC NULLS LAST, cbiq.ratio DESC NULLS LAST, m.bucket_id) AS buckets, + m.op, + min(m.min_wt) AS min_wt + FROM (WITH mem AS MATERIALIZED (SELECT a.queue_id, + a.bucket_id, + count(*) AS member_waiting, + false AS op, + min(EXTRACT(epoch FROM a.joined_at)::bigint) AS min_wt + FROM call_center.cc_member_attempt a + WHERE a.bridged_at IS NULL + AND a.leaving_at IS NULL + AND a.state::text = 'wait_agent'::text + GROUP BY a.queue_id, a.bucket_id + UNION ALL + SELECT q_2.queue_id, + q_2.bucket_id, + q_2.member_waiting, + true AS op, + 0 AS min_wt + FROM call_center.cc_queue_statistics q_2 + WHERE q_2.member_waiting > 0) + SELECT rank() OVER (PARTITION BY mem.queue_id ORDER BY mem.op) AS pos, + mem.queue_id, + mem.bucket_id, + mem.member_waiting, + mem.op, + mem.min_wt + FROM mem) m + JOIN call_center.cc_queue q_1 ON = m.queue_id + LEFT JOIN call_center.cc_bucket_in_queue cbiq + ON cbiq.queue_id = m.queue_id AND cbiq.bucket_id = m.bucket_id + WHERE m.member_waiting > 0 + AND q_1.enabled + AND q_1.type > 0 + AND NOT COALESCE((q_1.payload -> 'manual_distribution'::text)::boolean, false) + AND (cbiq.bucket_id IS NULL OR NOT cbiq.disabled) + GROUP BY q_1.domain_id,, q_1.calendar_id, q_1.type, m.op + LIMIT 1024), + calend AS MATERIALIZED (SELECT AS calendar_id, + AS queue_id, + CASE + WHEN queues.recall_calendar AND + NOT (tz.offset_id = ANY (array_agg(DISTINCT + THEN array_agg(DISTINCT[] + tz.offset_id::integer + ELSE array_agg(DISTINCT[] + END AS l, + queues.recall_calendar AND + NOT (tz.offset_id = ANY (array_agg(DISTINCT AS recall_calendar, + tz.offset_id = ANY (array_agg(DISTINCT AS in_calendar + FROM flow.calendar c + LEFT JOIN flow.calendar_timezones tz ON = c.timezone_id + JOIN queues ON queues.calendar_id = + JOIN LATERAL unnest(c.accepts) a(disabled, day, start_time_of_day, end_time_of_day) + ON true + JOIN flow.calendar_timezone_offsets o1 ON ( + 1) = + date_part('isodow'::text, timezone(o1.names[1], now()))::integer AND + (to_char(timezone(o1.names[1], now()), 'SSSS'::text)::integer / + 60) >= a.start_time_of_day AND + (to_char(timezone(o1.names[1], now()), 'SSSS'::text)::integer / + 60) <= a.end_time_of_day + WHERE NOT a.disabled IS TRUE + AND NOT (EXISTS(SELECT 1 + FROM unnest(c.excepts) x(disabled, date, name, repeat, work_start, work_stop, working) + WHERE NOT x.disabled IS TRUE + AND CASE + WHEN x.repeat IS TRUE THEN to_char( + (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz.sys_name)::date::timestamp with time zone, + 'MM-DD'::text) = to_char( + (to_timestamp(( / 1000)::double precision) AT TIME ZONE + tz.sys_name)::date::timestamp with time zone, + 'MM-DD'::text) + ELSE (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz.sys_name)::date = + (to_timestamp(( / 1000)::double precision) AT TIME ZONE + tz.sys_name)::date + END + AND NOT (x.working AND + (to_char((CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz.sys_name), 'SSSS'::text)::integer / + 60) >= x.work_start AND + (to_char((CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz.sys_name), 'SSSS'::text)::integer / + 60) <= x.work_stop))) + GROUP BY,, queues.recall_calendar, tz.offset_id), + resources AS MATERIALIZED (SELECT l_1.queue_id, + array_agg(ROW (cor.communication_id,, (l_1.l & l2.x::integer[])::smallint[], cor.resource_group_id::integer)::call_center.cc_sys_distribute_type) AS types, + array_agg(ROW (, (cor."limit" - used.cnt)::integer, cor.patterns)::call_center.cc_sys_distribute_resource) AS resources, + call_center.cc_array_merge_agg(l_1.l & l2.x::integer[]) AS offset_ids + FROM calend l_1 + JOIN (SELECT corg.queue_id, + corg.priority, + corg.resource_group_id, + corg.communication_id, + corg."time", + (corg.cor).id AS id, + (corg.cor)."limit" AS "limit", + (corg.cor).enabled AS enabled, + (corg.cor).updated_at AS updated_at, + (corg.cor).rps AS rps, + (corg.cor).domain_id AS domain_id, + (corg.cor).reserve AS reserve, + (corg.cor).variables AS variables, + (corg.cor).number AS number, + (corg.cor).max_successively_errors AS max_successively_errors, + (corg.cor).name AS name, + (corg.cor).last_error_id AS last_error_id, + (corg.cor).successively_errors AS successively_errors, + (corg.cor).created_at AS created_at, + (corg.cor).created_by AS created_by, + (corg.cor).updated_by AS updated_by, + (corg.cor).error_ids AS error_ids, + (corg.cor).gateway_id AS gateway_id, + (corg.cor).email_profile_id AS email_profile_id, + (corg.cor).payload AS payload, + (corg.cor).description AS description, + (corg.cor).patterns AS patterns, + (corg.cor).failure_dial_delay AS failure_dial_delay, + (corg.cor).last_error_at AS last_error_at + FROM calend calend_1 + JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT cqr.queue_id, + corig.priority, + AS resource_group_id, + corg_1.communication_id, + corg_1."time", + CASE + WHEN cor_1.enabled AND gw.enable + THEN ROW (, cor_1."limit", cor_1.enabled, cor_1.updated_at, cor_1.rps, cor_1.domain_id, cor_1.reserve, cor_1.variables, cor_1.number, cor_1.max_successively_errors,, cor_1.last_error_id, cor_1.successively_errors, cor_1.created_at, cor_1.created_by, cor_1.updated_by, cor_1.error_ids, cor_1.gateway_id, cor_1.email_profile_id, cor_1.payload, cor_1.description, cor_1.patterns, cor_1.failure_dial_delay, cor_1.last_error_at, NULL::jsonb)::call_center.cc_outbound_resource + WHEN cor2.enabled AND gw2.enable + THEN ROW (, cor2."limit", cor2.enabled, cor2.updated_at, cor2.rps, cor2.domain_id, cor2.reserve, cor2.variables, cor2.number, cor2.max_successively_errors,, cor2.last_error_id, cor2.successively_errors, cor2.created_at, cor2.created_by, cor2.updated_by, cor2.error_ids, cor2.gateway_id, cor2.email_profile_id, cor2.payload, cor2.description, cor2.patterns, cor2.failure_dial_delay, cor2.last_error_at, NULL::jsonb)::call_center.cc_outbound_resource + ELSE NULL::call_center.cc_outbound_resource + END AS cor + FROM call_center.cc_queue_resource cqr + JOIN call_center.cc_outbound_resource_group corg_1 + ON cqr.resource_group_id = + JOIN call_center.cc_outbound_resource_in_group corig + ON = corig.group_id + JOIN call_center.cc_outbound_resource cor_1 + ON = corig.resource_id::integer + JOIN directory.sip_gateway gw ON = cor_1.gateway_id + LEFT JOIN call_center.cc_outbound_resource cor2 + ON = corig.reserve_resource_id AND cor2.enabled + LEFT JOIN directory.sip_gateway gw2 ON = cor2.gateway_id AND cor2.enabled + WHERE CASE + WHEN cor_1.enabled AND gw.enable THEN + WHEN cor2.enabled AND gw2.enable THEN + ELSE NULL::integer + END IS NOT NULL + ORDER BY cqr.queue_id, corig.priority DESC) corg + ON corg.queue_id = calend_1.queue_id) cor + ON cor.queue_id = l_1.queue_id + JOIN LATERAL ( WITH times + AS (SELECT (e.value -> 'start_time_of_day'::text)::integer AS start, + (e.value -> 'end_time_of_day'::text)::integer AS "end" + FROM jsonb_array_elements(cor."time") e(value)) + SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT AS x + FROM flow.calendar_timezone_offsets t, + times, + LATERAL ( SELECT timezone(t.names[1], CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AS t) with_timezone + WHERE (to_char(with_timezone.t, 'SSSS'::text)::integer / 60) >= + times.start + AND (to_char(with_timezone.t, 'SSSS'::text)::integer / 60) <= + times."end") l2 ON l2.* IS NOT NULL + LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT count(*) AS cnt + FROM (SELECT 1 AS cnt + FROM call_center.cc_member_attempt c_1 + WHERE c_1.resource_id = + AND (c_1.state::text <> ALL + (ARRAY ['leaving'::character varying::text, 'processing'::character varying::text]))) c) used + ON true + WHERE cor.enabled + AND (cor.last_error_at IS NULL OR cor.last_error_at <= + (now() - ((cor.failure_dial_delay || ' s'::text)::interval))) + AND (cor."limit" - used.cnt) > 0 + GROUP BY l_1.queue_id) +SELECT, + q.type, + q.strategy::smallint AS strategy, + q.team_id, + q.buckets, + r.types, + r.resources, + CASE + WHEN q.type = ANY ('{7,8}'::smallint[]) THEN calend.l + ELSE r.offset_ids + END AS offset_ids, + CASE + WHEN q.lim = '-1'::integer THEN NULL::integer + ELSE GREATEST((q.lim - COALESCE(l.usage, 0::bigint))::integer, 0) + END AS lim, + q.domain_id, + q.priority, + q.sticky_agent, + q.sticky_agent_sec, + calend.recall_calendar, + q.wait_between_retries_desc, + q.strict_circuit, + q.op AS ins, + q.min_wt +FROM queues q + LEFT JOIN calend ON calend.queue_id = + LEFT JOIN resources r ON q.op AND r.queue_id = + LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT count(*) AS usage + FROM call_center.cc_member_attempt a + WHERE a.queue_id = + AND a.state::text <> 'leaving'::text) l ON q.lim > 0 +WHERE q.type = 7 + OR (q.type = ANY (ARRAY [1, 6])) AND (q.ignore_calendar OR calend.in_calendar) + OR q.type = 8 AND GREATEST((q.lim - COALESCE(l.usage, 0::bigint))::integer, 0) > 0 + OR q.type = 5 AND NOT q.op + OR q.op AND (q.type = ANY (ARRAY [2, 3, 4, 5])) AND r.* IS NOT NULL +ORDER BY q.domain_id, q.priority DESC, q.op; + + +create or replace function call_center.cc_distribute_inbound_call_to_queue(_node_name character varying, _queue_id bigint, _call_id character varying, variables_ jsonb, bucket_id_ integer, _priority integer DEFAULT 0, _sticky_agent_id integer DEFAULT NULL::integer) returns record + language plpgsql +as +$$declare + _timezone_id int4; + _discard_abandoned_after int4; + _weight int4; + dnc_list_id_ int4; + _domain_id int8; + _calendar_id int4; + _queue_updated_at int8; + _team_updated_at int8; + _team_id_ int; + _list_comm_id int8; + _enabled bool; + _q_type smallint; + _sticky bool; + _sticky_ignore_status bool; + _call record; + _attempt record; + _number varchar; + _name varchar; + _max_waiting_size int; + _grantee_id int8; + _qparams jsonb; + _ignore_calendar bool; +BEGIN + select c.timezone_id, + (payload ->> 'discard_abandoned_after')::int discard_abandoned_after, + q.domain_id, + q.dnc_list_id, + q.calendar_id, + q.updated_at, + ct.updated_at, + q.team_id, + q.enabled, + q.type, + q.sticky_agent, + (payload ->> 'max_waiting_size')::int max_size, + case when jsonb_typeof(payload->'sticky_ignore_status') = 'boolean' + then (payload->'sticky_ignore_status')::bool else false end sticky_ignore_status, + q.grantee_id, + call_center.cc_queue_params(q), + case when jsonb_typeof(q.payload->'ignore_calendar') = 'boolean' then (q.payload->'ignore_calendar')::bool else false end + from call_center.cc_queue q + left join flow.calendar c on q.calendar_id = + left join call_center.cc_team ct on q.team_id = + where = _queue_id + into _timezone_id, _discard_abandoned_after, _domain_id, dnc_list_id_, _calendar_id, _queue_updated_at, + _team_updated_at, _team_id_, _enabled, _q_type, _sticky, _max_waiting_size, _sticky_ignore_status, _grantee_id, _qparams, _ignore_calendar; + + if + not _q_type = 1 then + raise exception 'queue not inbound'; + end if; + + if + not _enabled = true then + raise exception 'queue disabled'; + end if; + + select * + from call_center.cc_calls c + where = _call_id::uuid +-- for update + into _call; + + if + _call.domain_id != _domain_id then + raise exception 'the queue on another domain'; + end if; + + if + isnull or _call.direction isnull then + raise exception 'not found call'; + ELSIF + _call.direction <> 'outbound' or _call.user_id notnull then + _number = _call.from_number; + _name = _call.from_name; + else + _number = _call.destination; + end if; + +-- raise exception '%', _name; + + + if not _ignore_calendar and + not exists(select accept + from flow.calendar_check_timing(_domain_id, _calendar_id, null) + as x (name varchar, excepted varchar, accept bool, expire bool) + where accept + and excepted is null + and not expire) + then + raise exception 'number % calendar not working [%]', _number, _calendar_id; + end if; + + + if + _max_waiting_size > 0 then + if (select count(*) + from call_center.cc_member_attempt aa + where aa.queue_id = _queue_id + and aa.bridged_at isnull + and aa.leaving_at isnull + and (bucket_id_ isnull or aa.bucket_id = bucket_id_)) >= _max_waiting_size then + raise exception using + errcode = 'MAXWS', + message = 'Queue maximum waiting size'; + end if; + end if; + + if + dnc_list_id_ notnull then + select + into _list_comm_id + from call_center.cc_list_communications clc + where (clc.list_id = dnc_list_id_ + and clc.number = _number) + limit 1; + end if; + + if + _list_comm_id notnull then + raise exception 'number % banned', _number; + end if; + + if + _discard_abandoned_after > 0 then + select case + when log.result = 'abandoned' then + extract(epoch from now() - log.leaving_at)::int8 + coalesce(_priority, 0) + else coalesce(_priority, 0) + end + from call_center.cc_member_attempt_history log + where log.leaving_at >= (now() - (_discard_abandoned_after || ' sec')::interval) + and log.queue_id = _queue_id + and log.destination ->> 'destination' = _number + order by log.leaving_at desc + limit 1 + into _weight; + end if; + + if + _sticky_agent_id notnull and _sticky then + if not exists(select 1 + from call_center.cc_agent a + where = _sticky_agent_id + and a.domain_id = _domain_id + and (a.status = 'online' or _sticky_ignore_status is true) + and exists(select 1 + from call_center.cc_skill_in_agent sa + inner join call_center.cc_queue_skill qs + on qs.skill_id = sa.skill_id and qs.queue_id = _queue_id + where sa.agent_id = _sticky_agent_id + and sa.enabled + and sa.capacity between qs.min_capacity and qs.max_capacity) + ) then + _sticky_agent_id = null; + end if; + else + _sticky_agent_id = null; + end if; + + insert into call_center.cc_member_attempt (domain_id, state, queue_id, team_id, member_id, bucket_id, weight, + member_call_id, destination, node_id, sticky_agent_id, + list_communication_id, + parent_id, queue_params, queue_type) + values (_domain_id, 'waiting', _queue_id, _team_id_, null, bucket_id_, coalesce(_weight, _priority), _call_id, + jsonb_build_object('destination', _number, 'name', coalesce(_name, _number)), + _node_name, _sticky_agent_id, null, _call.attempt_id, _qparams, 1) -- todo inbound queue + returning * into _attempt; + + update call_center.cc_calls + set queue_id = _attempt.queue_id, + team_id = _team_id_, + attempt_id =, + payload = case when jsonb_typeof(variables_::jsonb) = 'object' then variables_ else coalesce(payload, '{}') end, --coalesce(variables_, '{}'), + grantee_id = _grantee_id + where id = _call_id::uuid + returning * into _call; + + if + isnull or _call.direction isnull then + raise exception 'not found call'; + end if; + + return row ( +, + _attempt.queue_id::int, + _queue_updated_at::int8, + _attempt.destination::jsonb, + variables_::jsonb, + _call.from_name::varchar, + _team_updated_at::int8, +, + _call.state::varchar, + _call.direction::varchar, + _call.destination::varchar, + call_center.cc_view_timestamp(_call.timestamp)::int8, + _call.app_id::varchar, + _number::varchar, + case + when (_call.direction <> 'outbound' + and _call.to_name:: varchar <> '' + and _call.to_name:: varchar notnull) + then _call.from_name::varchar + else _call.to_name::varchar end, + call_center.cc_view_timestamp(_call.answered_at)::int8, + call_center.cc_view_timestamp(_call.bridged_at)::int8, + call_center.cc_view_timestamp(_call.created_at)::int8 + ); + +END; +$$; + +create or replace function call_center.cc_distribute_inbound_chat_to_queue(_node_name character varying, _queue_id bigint, _conversation_id character varying, variables_ jsonb, bucket_id_ integer, _priority integer DEFAULT 0, _sticky_agent_id integer DEFAULT NULL::integer) returns record + language plpgsql +as +$$declare + _timezone_id int4; + _discard_abandoned_after int4; + _weight int4; + dnc_list_id_ int4; + _domain_id int8; + _calendar_id int4; + _queue_updated_at int8; + _team_updated_at int8; + _team_id_ int; + _enabled bool; + _q_type smallint; + _attempt record; + _con_created timestamptz; + _con_name varchar; + _con_type varchar; + _last_msg varchar; + _client_name varchar; + _inviter_channel_id varchar; + _inviter_user_id varchar; + _sticky bool; + _sticky_ignore_status bool; + _max_waiting_size int; + _qparams jsonb; + _ignore_calendar bool; +BEGIN + select c.timezone_id, + (coalesce(payload->>'discard_abandoned_after', '0'))::int discard_abandoned_after, + q.domain_id, + q.dnc_list_id, + q.calendar_id, + q.updated_at, + ct.updated_at, + q.team_id, + q.enabled, + q.type, + q.sticky_agent, + (payload->>'max_waiting_size')::int max_size, + case when jsonb_typeof(payload->'sticky_ignore_status') = 'boolean' + then (payload->'sticky_ignore_status')::bool else false end sticky_ignore_status, + call_center.cc_queue_params(q), + case when jsonb_typeof(q.payload->'ignore_calendar') = 'boolean' then (q.payload->'ignore_calendar')::bool else false end + from call_center.cc_queue q + left join flow.calendar c on q.calendar_id = + left join call_center.cc_team ct on q.team_id = + where = _queue_id + into _timezone_id, _discard_abandoned_after, _domain_id, dnc_list_id_, _calendar_id, _queue_updated_at, + _team_updated_at, _team_id_, _enabled, _q_type, _sticky, _max_waiting_size, _sticky_ignore_status, _qparams, _ignore_calendar; + + if not _q_type = 6 then + raise exception 'queue type not inbound chat'; + end if; + + if not _enabled = true then + raise exception 'queue disabled'; + end if; + + if not _ignore_calendar and not exists(select accept + from flow.calendar_check_timing(_domain_id, _calendar_id, null) + as x (name varchar, excepted varchar, accept bool, expire bool) + where accept and excepted is null and not expire) then + raise exception 'conversation [%] calendar not working [%] [%]', _conversation_id, _calendar_id, _queue_id; + end if; + + if _max_waiting_size > 0 then + if (select count(*) from call_center.cc_member_attempt aa + where aa.queue_id = _queue_id + and aa.bridged_at isnull + and aa.leaving_at isnull + and (bucket_id_ isnull or aa.bucket_id = bucket_id_)) >= _max_waiting_size then + raise exception using + errcode='MAXWS', + message='Queue maximum waiting size'; + end if; + end if; + + select cli.external_id, + c.created_at, + inviter_channel_id, + c.user_id, +, + lst.message, + c.type + from c + left join chat.client cli on = c.user_id + left join lateral ( + select coalesce(m.text, m.file_name, 'empty') message + from chat.message m + where m.conversation_id = _conversation_id::uuid + order by created_at desc + limit 1 + ) lst on true -- todo + where c.closed_at isnull + and c.conversation_id = _conversation_id::uuid + and not c.internal + into _con_name, _con_created, _inviter_channel_id, _inviter_user_id, _client_name, _last_msg, _con_type; + + if coalesce(_inviter_channel_id, '') = '' or coalesce(_inviter_user_id, '') = '' isnull then + raise exception using + errcode='VALID', + message='Bad request inviter_channel_id or user_id'; + end if; + + + if _discard_abandoned_after > 0 then + select + case when log.result = 'abandoned' then + extract(epoch from now() - log.leaving_at)::int8 + coalesce(_priority, 0) + else coalesce(_priority, 0) end + from call_center.cc_member_attempt_history log + where log.leaving_at >= (now() - (_discard_abandoned_after || ' sec')::interval) + and log.queue_id = _queue_id + and log.destination->>'destination' = _con_name + order by log.leaving_at desc + limit 1 + into _weight; + end if; + + if _sticky_agent_id notnull and _sticky then + if not exists(select 1 + from call_center.cc_agent a + where = _sticky_agent_id + and a.domain_id = _domain_id + and (a.status = 'online' or _sticky_ignore_status is true) + and exists(select 1 + from call_center.cc_skill_in_agent sa + inner join call_center.cc_queue_skill qs + on qs.skill_id = sa.skill_id and qs.queue_id = _queue_id + where sa.agent_id = _sticky_agent_id + and sa.enabled + and sa.capacity between qs.min_capacity and qs.max_capacity) + ) then + _sticky_agent_id = null; + end if; + else + _sticky_agent_id = null; + end if; + + insert into call_center.cc_member_attempt (domain_id, channel, state, queue_id, member_id, bucket_id, weight, member_call_id, + destination, node_id, sticky_agent_id, list_communication_id, queue_params, queue_type) + values (_domain_id, 'chat', 'waiting', _queue_id, null, bucket_id_, coalesce(_weight, _priority), _conversation_id::varchar, + jsonb_build_object('destination', _con_name, 'name', _client_name, 'msg', _last_msg, 'chat', _con_type), + _node_name, _sticky_agent_id, (select + from call_center.cc_list_communications clc + where (clc.list_id = dnc_list_id_ and clc.number = _conversation_id)), _qparams, 6) -- todo inbound chat queue + returning * into _attempt; + + + return row( +, + _attempt.queue_id::int, + _queue_updated_at::int8, + _attempt.destination::jsonb, + coalesce((variables_::jsonb), '{}'::jsonb) || jsonb_build_object('inviter_channel_id', _inviter_channel_id) || jsonb_build_object('inviter_user_id', _inviter_user_id), + _conversation_id::varchar, + _team_updated_at::int8, + + _conversation_id::varchar, + call_center.cc_view_timestamp(_con_created)::int8 + ); +END; +$$; \ No newline at end of file