diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 3774c7c..970933f 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,13 +1,19 @@ # Change Log All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented in this file. +## v1.1.3 +2024-02-26 +[main] (@webdevnerdstuff) +* Fix external rollup config +* Update packages + ## v1.1.2 -01-11-24 +2024-01-11 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Update packages ## v1.1.0 -01-05-24 +2024-01-05 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fix typescript issues * Fix issue with header color not working on sortable columns @@ -17,13 +23,13 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Update node version to v20.10.0 ## v1.0.1 -11-09-23 +2023-11-23 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fix header slot name * Update docs ## v1.0.0 -11-09-23 +2023-11-09 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Update lab components to regular components due to Vuetify official releases * Update packages @@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Update docs ## v1.0.0-beta-14 -11-01-23 +2023-11-01 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Change how the header/footer/border colors work. (breaking change) * Add props for the new color functionality @@ -41,31 +47,30 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Update docs ## v1.0.0-beta-13 -10-03-23 +2023-10-03 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Update packages * Fix bugs due to changes in vuetify data-tables updates * Fix loading issue on deeper levels * Add setting to not include Vuetify styles that are not needed - ## v1.0.0-beta-10 -06-29-23 +2023-06-29 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Change default debounceDelay to zero ## v1.0.0-beta-9 -06-29-23 +2023-06-29 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fix search not working when using top slot... again ## v1.0.0-beta-8 -06-28-23 +2023-06-28 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fix search not working when using top slot ## v1.0.0-beta-7 -06-28-23 +2023-06-28 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fix expand icon not expanding row when expandOnClick is true * Fix issue with colors prop mutating all table settings @@ -75,12 +80,12 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Updated docs ## v1.0.0-beta-6 -06-26-23 +2023-06-26 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fixed rendering functions ## v1.0.0-beta-5 -06-23-23 +2023-06-23 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Added ability to pass VTextField props and events to bind to the search field * Added ability to pass props to bind to the VProgressLinear, VProgressCircular, and VSkeletonLoader @@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Cleaning up ## v1.0.0-beta-4 -06-22-23 +2023-06-22 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Added match column widths functionality * Updating Playground examples @@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Cleaning up ## v1.0.0-beta-3 -06-20-23 +2023-06-20 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Fixing checkbox functionality * Updating Playground examples @@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ All notable changes to the "vuetify-drilldown-table" plugin will be documented i * Cleaning up ## v1.0.0-beta-2 -06-13-23 +2023-06-13 [main] (@webdevnerdstuff) * Adjust entry point * Update to check for fontawesome to adjust icon size diff --git a/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.cjs.js b/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.cjs.js index 91bee1e..ed1b5ef 100644 --- a/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.cjs.js +++ b/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.cjs.js @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ "use strict";/** * @name @wdns/vuetify-drilldown-table - * @version 1.1.2 + * @version 1.1.3 * @description The Vuetify Drilldown Table is a powerful component that enhances the functionality of the Vuetify framework's VDataTable and VDataTableServer. It provides a recursive table structure, allowing you to display hierarchical data in a nested format. * @author WebDevNerdStuff & Bunnies... lots and lots of bunnies! (https://webdevnerdstuff.com) * @copyright Copyright 2024, WebDevNerdStuff * @homepage https://webdevnerdstuff.github.io/vuetify-drilldown-table/ * @repository https://github.com/webdevnerdstuff/vuetify-drilldown-table * @license MIT License - */Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});const t=require("vue"),qt=require("vuetify"),gr=Symbol("data");function D(e,o){return l=>Object.keys(e).reduce((n,a)=>{const r=typeof e[a]=="object"&&e[a]!=null&&!Array.isArray(e[a])?e[a]:{type:e[a]};return n[a]=l&&a in l?{...r,default:l[a]}:r,o&&!n[a].source&&(n[a].source=o),n},{})}const ne=D({class:[String,Array],style:{type:[String,Array,Object],default:null}},"component"),fe=typeof window<"u",Nl=fe&&"IntersectionObserver"in window;function rn(e,o,l){const n=o.length-1;if(n<0)return e===void 0?l:e;for(let a=0;aEe(e[n],o[n]))}function rt(e,o,l){return e!=null&&o&&typeof o=="string"?e[o]!==void 0?e[o]:rn(e,(o=(o=o.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g,".$1")).replace(/^\./,"")).split("."),l):l}function me(e,o,l){if(o===!0)return e===void 0?l:e;if(o==null||typeof o=="boolean")return l;if(e!==Object(e)){if(typeof o!="function")return l;const a=o(e,l);return a===void 0?l:a}if(typeof o=="string")return rt(e,o,l);if(Array.isArray(o))return rn(e,o,l);if(typeof o!="function")return l;const n=o(e,l);return n===void 0?l:n}function bt(e){let o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:0;return Array.from({length:e},(l,n)=>o+n)}function Z(e){let o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:"px";return e==null||e===""?void 0:isNaN(+e)?String(e):isFinite(+e)?`${Number(e)}${o}`:void 0}function fl(e){return e!==null&&typeof e=="object"&&!Array.isArray(e)}function Nt(e){if(e&&"$el"in e){const o=e.$el;return(o==null?void 0:o.nodeType)===Node.TEXT_NODE?o.nextElementSibling:o}return e}const lo=Object.freeze({enter:13,tab:9,delete:46,esc:27,space:32,up:38,down:40,left:37,right:39,end:35,home:36,del:46,backspace:8,insert:45,pageup:33,pagedown:34,shift:16}),oo=Object.freeze({enter:"Enter",tab:"Tab",delete:"Delete",esc:"Escape",space:"Space",up:"ArrowUp",down:"ArrowDown",left:"ArrowLeft",right:"ArrowRight",end:"End",home:"Home",del:"Delete",backspace:"Backspace",insert:"Insert",pageup:"PageUp",pagedown:"PageDown",shift:"Shift"});function ll(e,o){return o.every(l=>e.hasOwnProperty(l))}function sn(e,o){const l={},n=new Set(Object.keys(e));for(const a of o)n.has(a)&&(l[a]=e[a]);return l}function no(e,o,l){const n=Object.create(null),a=Object.create(null);for(const r in e)o.some(i=>i instanceof RegExp?i.test(r):i===r)&&!(l!=null&&l.some(i=>i===r))?n[r]=e[r]:a[r]=e[r];return[n,a]}function Me(e,o){const l={...e};return o.forEach(n=>delete l[n]),l}const un=/^on[^a-z]/,Ft=e=>un.test(e),hr=["onAfterscriptexecute","onAnimationcancel","onAnimationend","onAnimationiteration","onAnimationstart","onAuxclick","onBeforeinput","onBeforescriptexecute","onChange","onClick","onCompositionend","onCompositionstart","onCompositionupdate","onContextmenu","onCopy","onCut","onDblclick","onFocusin","onFocusout","onFullscreenchange","onFullscreenerror","onGesturechange","onGestureend","onGesturestart","onGotpointercapture","onInput","onKeydown","onKeypress","onKeyup","onLostpointercapture","onMousedown","onMousemove","onMouseout","onMouseover","onMouseup","onMousewheel","onPaste","onPointercancel","onPointerdown","onPointerenter","onPointerleave","onPointermove","onPointerout","onPointerover","onPointerup","onReset","onSelect","onSubmit","onTouchcancel","onTouchend","onTouchmove","onTouchstart","onTransitioncancel","onTransitionend","onTransitionrun","onTransitionstart","onWheel"];function Fl(e){const[o,l]=no(e,[un]),n=Me(o,hr),[a,r]=no(l,["class","style","id",/^data-/]);return Object.assign(a,o),Object.assign(r,n),[a,r]}function ve(e){return e==null?[]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e]}function _e(e){let o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:0,l=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:1;return Math.max(o,Math.min(l,e))}function ao(e,o){return e+(arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:"0").repeat(Math.max(0,o-e.length))}function Ue(){let e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{},l=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0;const n={};for(const a in e)n[a]=e[a];for(const a in o){const r=e[a],i=o[a];fl(r)&&fl(i)?n[a]=Ue(r,i,l):Array.isArray(r)&&Array.isArray(i)&&l?n[a]=l(r,i):n[a]=i}return n}function cn(e){return e.map(o=>o.type===t.Fragment?cn(o.children):o).flat()}function Re(){let e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:"";if(Re.cache.has(e))return Re.cache.get(e);const o=e.replace(/[^a-z]/gi,"-").replace(/\B([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();return Re.cache.set(e,o),o}function Vt(e,o){if(!o||typeof o!="object")return[];if(Array.isArray(o))return o.map(l=>Vt(e,l)).flat(1);if(Array.isArray(o.children))return o.children.map(l=>Vt(e,l)).flat(1);if(o.component){if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o.component.provides).includes(e))return[o.component];if(o.component.subTree)return Vt(e,o.component.subTree).flat(1)}return[]}function _l(e){const o=t.reactive({}),l=t.computed(e);return t.watchEffect(()=>{for(const n in l.value)o[n]=l.value[n]},{flush:"sync"}),t.toRefs(o)}function _t(e,o){return e.includes(o)}function ro(e){return e[2].toLowerCase()+e.slice(3)}Re.cache=new Map;const ye=()=>[Function,Array];function so(e,o){return!!(e[o="on"+t.capitalize(o)]||e[`${o}Once`]||e[`${o}Capture`]||e[`${o}OnceCapture`]||e[`${o}CaptureOnce`])}function ml(e){let o=!(arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0)||arguments[1];const l=["button","[href]",'input:not([type="hidden"])',"select","textarea","[tabindex]"].map(n=>`${n}${o?':not([tabindex="-1"])':""}:not([disabled])`).join(", ");return[...e.querySelectorAll(l)]}function dn(e,o,l){let n,a=e.indexOf(document.activeElement);const r=o==="next"?1:-1;do a+=r,n=e[a];while((!n||n.offsetParent==null||!((l==null?void 0:l(n))??1))&&a=0);return n}function At(e,o){var n,a,r,i;const l=ml(e);if(o)if(o==="first")(n=l[0])==null||n.focus();else if(o==="last")(a=l.at(-1))==null||a.focus();else if(typeof o=="number")(r=l[o])==null||r.focus();else{const s=dn(l,o);s?s.focus():At(e,o==="next"?"first":"last")}else e!==document.activeElement&&e.contains(document.activeElement)||((i=l[0])==null||i.focus())}function wt(e){return e==null||typeof e=="string"&&e.trim()===""}function Et(e,o){if(!(fe&&typeof CSS<"u"&&CSS.supports!==void 0&&CSS.supports(`selector(${o})`)))return null;try{return!!e&&e.matches(o)}catch{return null}}function pn(e){return e.some(o=>!t.isVNode(o)||o.type!==t.Comment&&(o.type!==t.Fragment||pn(o.children)))?e:null}const vn=["top","bottom"],yr=["start","end","left","right"];function gl(e,o){let[l,n]=e.split(" ");return n||(n=_t(vn,l)?"start":_t(yr,l)?"top":"center"),{side:io(l,o),align:io(n,o)}}function io(e,o){return e==="start"?o?"right":"left":e==="end"?o?"left":"right":e}function ol(e){return{side:{center:"center",top:"bottom",bottom:"top",left:"right",right:"left"}[e.side],align:e.align}}function nl(e){return{side:e.side,align:{center:"center",top:"bottom",bottom:"top",left:"right",right:"left"}[e.align]}}function uo(e){return{side:e.align,align:e.side}}function co(e){return _t(vn,e.side)?"y":"x"}class Le{constructor(o){let{x:l,y:n,width:a,height:r}=o;this.x=l,this.y=n,this.width=a,this.height=r}get top(){return this.y}get bottom(){return this.y+this.height}get left(){return this.x}get right(){return this.x+this.width}}function po(e,o){return{x:{before:Math.max(0,o.left-e.left),after:Math.max(0,e.right-o.right)},y:{before:Math.max(0,o.top-e.top),after:Math.max(0,e.bottom-o.bottom)}}}function fn(e){return Array.isArray(e)?new Le({x:e[0],y:e[1],width:0,height:0}):e.getBoundingClientRect()}function Al(e){const o=e.getBoundingClientRect(),l=getComputedStyle(e),n=l.transform;if(n){let a,r,i,s,u;if(n.startsWith("matrix3d("))a=n.slice(9,-1).split(/, /),r=+a[0],i=+a[5],s=+a[12],u=+a[13];else{if(!n.startsWith("matrix("))return new Le(o);a=n.slice(7,-1).split(/, /),r=+a[0],i=+a[3],s=+a[4],u=+a[5]}const c=l.transformOrigin,v=o.x-s-(1-r)*parseFloat(c),f=o.y-u-(1-i)*parseFloat(c.slice(c.indexOf(" ")+1)),p=r?o.width/r:e.offsetWidth+1,d=i?o.height/i:e.offsetHeight+1;return new Le({x:v,y:f,width:p,height:d})}return new Le(o)}function qe(e,o,l){if(e.animate===void 0)return{finished:Promise.resolve()};let n;try{n=e.animate(o,l)}catch{return{finished:Promise.resolve()}}return n.finished===void 0&&(n.finished=new Promise(a=>{n.onfinish=()=>{a(n)}})),n}const St=new WeakMap,He=2.4,vo=.2126729,fo=.7151522,mo=.072175,br=.55,wr=.58,Sr=.57,kr=.62,kt=.03,go=1.45,xr=5e-4,Cr=1.25,Vr=1.25,ho=.078,yo=12.82051282051282,xt=.06,bo=.001;function wo(e,o){const l=(e.r/255)**He,n=(e.g/255)**He,a=(e.b/255)**He,r=(o.r/255)**He,i=(o.g/255)**He,s=(o.b/255)**He;let u,c=l*vo+n*fo+a*mo,v=r*vo+i*fo+s*mo;if(c<=kt&&(c+=(kt-c)**go),v<=kt&&(v+=(kt-v)**go),Math.abs(v-c)c){const f=(v**br-c**wr)*Cr;u=f-bo?0:f>-ho?f-f*yo*xt:f+xt}return 100*u}function nt(e){t.warn(`Vuetify: ${e}`)}function mn(e){t.warn(`Vuetify error: ${e}`)}function al(e){return!!e&&/^(#|var\(--|(rgb|hsl)a?\()/.test(e)}const So=/^(?(?:rgb|hsl)a?)\((?.+)\)/,Br={rgb:(e,o,l,n)=>({r:e,g:o,b:l,a:n}),rgba:(e,o,l,n)=>({r:e,g:o,b:l,a:n}),hsl:(e,o,l,n)=>ko({h:e,s:o,l,a:n}),hsla:(e,o,l,n)=>ko({h:e,s:o,l,a:n}),hsv:(e,o,l,n)=>st({h:e,s:o,v:l,a:n}),hsva:(e,o,l,n)=>st({h:e,s:o,v:l,a:n})};function tt(e){if(typeof e=="number")return(isNaN(e)||e<0||e>16777215)&&nt(`'${e}' is not a valid hex color`),{r:(16711680&e)>>16,g:(65280&e)>>8,b:255&e};if(typeof e=="string"&&So.test(e)){const{groups:o}=e.match(So),{fn:l,values:n}=o,a=n.split(/,\s*/).map(r=>r.endsWith("%")&&["hsl","hsla","hsv","hsva"].includes(l)?parseFloat(r)/100:parseFloat(r));return Br[l](...a)}if(typeof e=="string"){let o=e.startsWith("#")?e.slice(1):e;[3,4].includes(o.length)?o=o.split("").map(n=>n+n).join(""):[6,8].includes(o.length)||nt(`'${e}' is not a valid hex(a) color`);const l=parseInt(o,16);return(isNaN(l)||l<0||l>4294967295)&&nt(`'${e}' is not a valid hex(a) color`),function(n){n=function(u){return u.startsWith("#")&&(u=u.slice(1)),u=u.replace(/([^0-9a-f])/gi,"F"),(u.length===3||u.length===4)&&(u=u.split("").map(c=>c+c).join("")),u.length!==6&&(u=ao(ao(u,6),8,"F")),u}(n);let[a,r,i,s]=function(u){let c=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:1;const v=[];let f=0;for(;fparseInt(u,16));return s=s===void 0?s:s/255,{r:a,g:r,b:i,a:s}}(o)}if(typeof e=="object"){if(ll(e,["r","g","b"]))return e;if(ll(e,["h","s","l"]))return st(gn(e));if(ll(e,["h","s","v"]))return st(e)}throw new TypeError(`Invalid color: ${e==null?e:String(e)||e.constructor.name} -Expected #hex, #hexa, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla(), object or number`)}function st(e){const{h:o,s:l,v:n,a}=e,r=s=>{const u=(s+o/60)%6;return n-n*l*Math.max(Math.min(u,4-u,1),0)},i=[r(5),r(3),r(1)].map(s=>Math.round(255*s));return{r:i[0],g:i[1],b:i[2],a}}function ko(e){return st(gn(e))}function gn(e){const{h:o,s:l,l:n,a}=e,r=n+l*Math.min(n,1-n);return{h:o,s:r===0?0:2-2*n/r,v:r,a}}const $t=Symbol.for("vuetify:defaults");function El(){const e=t.inject($t);if(!e)throw new Error("[Vuetify] Could not find defaults instance");return e}function Ce(e,o){const l=El(),n=t.ref(e),a=t.computed(()=>{if(t.unref(o==null?void 0:o.disabled))return l.value;const r=t.unref(o==null?void 0:o.scoped),i=t.unref(o==null?void 0:o.reset),s=t.unref(o==null?void 0:o.root);if(n.value==null&&!(r||i||s))return l.value;let u=Ue(n.value,{prev:l.value});if(r)return u;if(i||s){const c=Number(i||1/0);for(let v=0;v<=c&&u&&"prev"in u;v++)u=u.prev;return u&&typeof s=="string"&&s in u&&(u=Ue(Ue(u,{prev:u}),u[s])),u}return u.prev?Ue(u.prev,u):u});return t.provide($t,a),a}function Pr(){let e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},o=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0,l=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:El();const n=ie("useDefaults");if(o=o??n.type.name??n.type.__name,!o)throw new Error("[Vuetify] Could not determine component name");const a=t.computed(()=>{var s;return(s=l.value)==null?void 0:s[e._as??o]}),r=new Proxy(e,{get(s,u){var v,f,p,d;const c=Reflect.get(s,u);return u==="class"||u==="style"?[(v=a.value)==null?void 0:v[u],c].filter(h=>h!=null):typeof u!="string"||function(h,g){var y,b;return((y=h.props)==null?void 0:y[g])!==void 0||((b=h.props)==null?void 0:b[Re(g)])!==void 0}(n.vnode,u)?c:((f=a.value)==null?void 0:f[u])??((d=(p=l.value)==null?void 0:p.global)==null?void 0:d[u])??c}}),i=t.shallowRef();return t.watchEffect(()=>{if(a.value){const s=Object.entries(a.value).filter(u=>{let[c]=u;return c.startsWith(c[0].toUpperCase())});i.value=s.length?Object.fromEntries(s):void 0}else i.value=void 0}),{props:r,provideSubDefaults:function(){const s=function(u){let c=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:ie("injectSelf");const{provides:v}=c;if(v&&u in v)return v[u]}($t,n);t.provide($t,t.computed(()=>i.value?Ue((s==null?void 0:s.value)??{},i.value):s==null?void 0:s.value))}}}function it(e){if(e._setup=e._setup??e.setup,!e.name)return nt("The component is missing an explicit name, unable to generate default prop value"),e;if(e._setup){e.props=D(e.props??{},e.name)();const o=Object.keys(e.props).filter(l=>l!=="class"&&l!=="style");e.filterProps=function(l){return sn(l,o)},e.props._as=String,e.setup=function(l,n){const a=El();if(!a.value)return e._setup(l,n);const{props:r,provideSubDefaults:i}=Pr(l,l._as??e.name,a),s=e._setup(r,n);return i(),s}}return e}function J(){let e=!(arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0)||arguments[0];return o=>(e?it:t.defineComponent)(o)}function hn(e){let o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:"div",l=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0;return J()({name:l??t.capitalize(t.camelize(e.replace(/__/g,"-"))),props:{tag:{type:String,default:o},...ne()},setup(n,a){let{slots:r}=a;return()=>{var i;return t.h(n.tag,{class:[e,n.class],style:n.style},(i=r.default)==null?void 0:i.call(r))}}})}function yn(e){if(typeof e.getRootNode!="function"){for(;e.parentNode;)e=e.parentNode;return e!==document?null:document}const o=e.getRootNode();return o!==document&&o.getRootNode({composed:!0})!==document?null:o}const It="cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)";function xo(e,o,l){return Object.keys(e).filter(n=>Ft(n)&&n.endsWith(o)).reduce((n,a)=>(n[a.slice(0,-o.length)]=r=>e[a](r,l(r)),n),{})}function ie(e,o){const l=t.getCurrentInstance();if(!l)throw new Error(`[Vuetify] ${e} ${o||"must be called from inside a setup function"}`);return l}function ke(){const e=ie(arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:"composables").type;return Re((e==null?void 0:e.aliasName)||(e==null?void 0:e.name))}let bn=0,Bt=new WeakMap;function Se(){const e=ie("getUid");if(Bt.has(e))return Bt.get(e);{const o=bn++;return Bt.set(e,o),o}}function wn(e){let o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0&&arguments[1];for(;e;){if(o?Nr(e):$l(e))return e;e=e.parentElement}return document.scrollingElement}function Dt(e,o){const l=[];if(o&&e&&!o.contains(e))return l;for(;e&&($l(e)&&l.push(e),e!==o);)e=e.parentElement;return l}function $l(e){if(!e||e.nodeType!==Node.ELEMENT_NODE)return!1;const o=window.getComputedStyle(e);return o.overflowY==="scroll"||o.overflowY==="auto"&&e.scrollHeight>e.clientHeight}function Nr(e){if(!e||e.nodeType!==Node.ELEMENT_NODE)return!1;const 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j;return!m.error&&!((j=m.errorMessages)!=null&&j.length)&&(!m.rules.length||(E.value?!T.value.length&&!O.value.lazy||null:!T.value.length))}),X=t.shallowRef(!1),q=t.computed(()=>({[`${S}--error`]:H.value===!1,[`${S}--dirty`]:R.value,[`${S}--disabled`]:G.value,[`${S}--readonly`]:_.value})),K=t.computed(()=>m.name??t.unref(w));function I(){x.value=null,t.nextTick(M)}function M(){E.value=!0,O.value.lazy?T.value=[]:z(!0)}async function z(){let j=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0&&arguments[0];const A=[];X.value=!0;for(const W of m.rules){if(A.length>=+(m.maxErrors??1))break;const ee=typeof W=="function"?W:()=>W,U=await ee(N.value);U!==!0&&(U===!1||typeof U=="string"?A.push(U||""):console.warn(`${U} is not a valid value. 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m;return(m=e.errorMessages)!=null&&m.length||!g.value&&f.value.length?f.value:e.hint&&(e.persistentHint||e.focused)?e.hint:e.messages});return le(()=>{var N,$,T,E;const m=!(!n.prepend&&!e.prependIcon),S=!(!n.append&&!e.appendIcon),w=F.value.length>0,x=!e.hideDetails||e.hideDetails==="auto"&&(w||!!n.details);return t.createVNode("div",{class:["v-input",`v-input--${e.direction}`,{"v-input--center-affix":e.centerAffix,"v-input--hide-spin-buttons":e.hideSpinButtons},r.value,i.value,C.value,e.class],style:e.style},[m&&t.createVNode("div",{key:"prepend",class:"v-input__prepend"},[(N=n.prepend)==null?void 0:N.call(n,B.value),e.prependIcon&&t.createVNode(s,{key:"prepend-icon",name:"prepend"},null)]),n.default&&t.createVNode("div",{class:"v-input__control"},[($=n.default)==null?void 0:$.call(n,B.value)]),S&&t.createVNode("div",{key:"append",class:"v-input__append"},[e.appendIcon&&t.createVNode(s,{key:"append-icon",name:"append"},null),(T=n.append)==null?void 0:T.call(n,B.value)]),x&&t.createVNode("div",{class:"v-input__details"},[t.createVNode(Zr,{id:v.value,active:w,messages:F.value},{message:n.message}),(E=n.details)==null?void 0:E.call(n,B.value)])])}),{reset:V,resetValidation:P,validate:k,isValid:y,errorMessages:f}}}),ts=D({...Ml(),...Me(Zn(),["inline"])},"VCheckbox"),jl=J()({name:"VCheckbox",inheritAttrs:!1,props:ts(),emits:{"update:modelValue":e=>!0,"update:focused":e=>!0},setup(e,o){let{attrs:l,slots:n}=o;const a=se(e,"modelValue"),{isFocused:r,focus:i,blur:s}=Ol(e),u=Se(),c=t.computed(()=>e.id||`checkbox-${u}`);return le(()=>{const[v,f]=Fl(l),p=Lt.filterProps(e),d=Ye.filterProps(e);return t.createVNode(Lt,t.mergeProps({class:["v-checkbox",e.class]},v,p,{modelValue:a.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":h=>a.value=h,id:c.value,focused:r.value,style:e.style}),{...n,default:h=>{let{id:g,messagesId:y,isDisabled:b,isReadonly:V}=h;return 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E;return[Yt(P.value,"v-chip"),x&&t.createVNode(Bn,{key:"filter"},{default:()=>[t.withDirectives(t.createVNode("div",{class:"v-chip__filter"},[a.filter?t.createVNode(we,{key:"filter-defaults",disabled:!e.filterIcon,defaults:{VIcon:{icon:e.filterIcon}}},a.filter):t.createVNode(ce,{key:"filter-icon",icon:e.filterIcon},null)]),[[t.vShow,y.isSelected.value]])]}),$&&t.createVNode("div",{key:"prepend",class:"v-chip__prepend"},[a.prepend?t.createVNode(we,{key:"prepend-defaults",disabled:!N,defaults:{VAvatar:{image:e.prependAvatar,start:!0},VIcon:{icon:e.prependIcon,start:!0}}},a.prepend):t.createVNode(t.Fragment,null,[e.prependIcon&&t.createVNode(ce,{key:"prepend-icon",icon:e.prependIcon,start:!0},null),e.prependAvatar&&t.createVNode(dt,{key:"prepend-avatar",image:e.prependAvatar,start:!0},null)])]),t.createVNode("div",{class:"v-chip__content"},[((E=a.default)==null?void 0:E.call(a,{isSelected:y==null?void 0:y.isSelected.value,selectedClass:y==null?void 0:y.selectedClass.value,select:y==null?void 0:y.select,toggle:y==null?void 0:y.toggle,value:y==null?void 0:y.value.value,disabled:e.disabled}))??e.text]),S&&t.createVNode("div",{key:"append",class:"v-chip__append"},[a.append?t.createVNode(we,{key:"append-defaults",disabled:!m,defaults:{VAvatar:{end:!0,image:e.appendAvatar},VIcon:{end:!0,icon:e.appendIcon}}},a.append):t.createVNode(t.Fragment,null,[e.appendIcon&&t.createVNode(ce,{key:"append-icon",end:!0,icon:e.appendIcon},null),e.appendAvatar&&t.createVNode(dt,{key:"append-avatar",end:!0,image:e.appendAvatar},null)])]),w&&t.createVNode("button",t.mergeProps({key:"close",class:"v-chip__close",type:"button"},k.value),[a.close?t.createVNode(we,{key:"close-defaults",defaults:{VIcon:{icon:e.closeIcon,size:"x-small"}}},a.close):t.createVNode(ce,{key:"close-icon",icon:e.closeIcon,size:"x-small"},null)])]}}),[[t.resolveDirective("ripple"),P.value&&e.ripple,null]])}}}),bl=Symbol.for("vuetify:list");function oa(){const e=t.inject(bl,{hasPrepend:t.shallowRef(!1),updateHasPrepend:()=>null}),o={hasPrepend:t.shallowRef(!1),updateHasPrepend:l=>{l&&(o.hasPrepend.value=l)}};return t.provide(bl,o),e}function na(){return t.inject(bl,null)}const as={open:e=>{let{id:o,value:l,opened:n,parents:a}=e;if(l){const r=new Set;r.add(o);let i=a.get(o);for(;i!=null;)r.add(i),i=a.get(i);return r}return n.delete(o),n},select:()=>null},aa={open:e=>{let{id:o,value:l,opened:n,parents:a}=e;if(l){let r=a.get(o);for(n.add(o);r!=null&&r!==o;)n.add(r),r=a.get(r);return n}return n.delete(o),n},select:()=>null},rs={open:aa.open,select:e=>{let{id:o,value:l,opened:n,parents:a}=e;if(!l)return n;const r=[];let i=a.get(o);for(;i!=null;)r.push(i),i=a.get(i);return new Set(r)}},wl=e=>{const o={select:l=>{let{id:n,value:a,selected:r}=l;if(n=t.toRaw(n),e&&!a){const i=Array.from(r.entries()).reduce((s,u)=>{let[c,v]=u;return v==="on"?[...s,c]:s},[]);if(i.length===1&&i[0]===n)return r}return r.set(n,a?"on":"off"),r},in:(l,n,a)=>{let r=new Map;for(const i of l||[])r=o.select({id:i,value:!0,selected:new Map(r),children:n,parents:a});return r},out:l=>{const n=[];for(const[a,r]of l.entries())r==="on"&&n.push(a);return n}};return o},Ro=e=>{const o=wl(e);return{select:l=>{let{selected:n,id:a,...r}=l;a=t.toRaw(a);const i=n.has(a)?new Map([[a,n.get(a)]]):new Map;return o.select({...r,id:a,selected:i})},in:(l,n,a)=>{let r=new Map;return l!=null&&l.length&&(r=o.in(l.slice(0,1),n,a)),r},out:(l,n,a)=>o.out(l,n,a)}},pt=Symbol.for("vuetify:nested"),ra={id:t.shallowRef(),root:{register:()=>null,unregister:()=>null,parents:t.ref(new Map),children:t.ref(new Map),open:()=>null,openOnSelect:()=>null,select:()=>null,opened:t.ref(new Set),selected:t.ref(new Map),selectedValues:t.ref([])}},ss=D({selectStrategy:[String,Function],openStrategy:[String,Object],opened:Array,selected:Array,mandatory:Boolean},"nested"),is=e=>{let o=!1;const l=t.ref(new Map),n=t.ref(new Map),a=se(e,"opened",e.opened,f=>new 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B=b.get(C),F=B.every(S=>y.get(S)==="on"),m=B.every(S=>!y.has(S)||y.get(S)==="off");y.set(C,F?"on":m?"off":"indeterminate"),C=V.get(C)}return f&&!g&&Array.from(y.entries()).reduce((F,m)=>{let[S,w]=m;return w==="on"?[...F,S]:F},[]).length===0?P:y},in:(d,h,g)=>{let y=new Map;for(const b of d||[])y=p.select({id:b,value:!0,selected:new Map(y),children:h,parents:g});return y},out:(d,h)=>{const g=[];for(const[y,b]of d.entries())b!=="on"||h.has(y)||g.push(y);return g}};return p})(e.mandatory)}}),i=t.computed(()=>{if(typeof e.openStrategy=="object")return e.openStrategy;switch(e.openStrategy){case"list":return rs;case"single":return as;default:return aa}}),s=se(e,"selected",e.selected,f=>r.value.in(f,l.value,n.value),f=>r.value.out(f,l.value,n.value));function u(f){const p=[];let d=f;for(;d!=null;)p.unshift(d),d=n.value.get(d);return p}t.onBeforeUnmount(()=>{o=!0});const c=ie("nested"),v={id:t.shallowRef(),root:{opened:a,selected:s,selectedValues:t.computed(()=>{const f=[];for(const[p,d]of 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n.value=="string"?n.value:null),r=n.value??a??null,i={...n,key:a,value:r,sortable:n.sortable??(n.key!=null||!!n.sort),children:n.children?Ga(n.children):void 0};o.push(i)}return o}function Ha(e,o){const l=t.ref([]),n=t.ref([]),a=t.ref(),r=t.ref();t.watchEffect(()=>{var d,h,g;const s=(e.headers||Object.keys(e.items[0]??{}).map(y=>({key:y,title:t.capitalize(y)}))).slice(),u=Wa(s);(d=o==null?void 0:o.groupBy)!=null&&d.value.length&&!u.has("data-table-group")&&s.unshift({key:"data-table-group",title:"Group"}),(h=o==null?void 0:o.showSelect)!=null&&h.value&&!u.has("data-table-select")&&s.unshift({key:"data-table-select"}),(g=o==null?void 0:o.showExpand)!=null&&g.value&&!u.has("data-table-expand")&&s.push({key:"data-table-expand"});const c=Ga(s);(function(y){let b=!1;function V(C){if(C)if(arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0&&arguments[1]&&(C.fixed=!0),C.fixed)if(C.children)for(let B=C.children.length-1;B>=0;B--)V(C.children[B],!0);else b?isNaN(+C.width)&&mn(`Multiple fixed columns should have a static width (key: ${C.key})`):C.lastFixed=!0,b=!0;else if(C.children)for(let B=C.children.length-1;B>=0;B--)V(C.children[B]);else b=!1}for(let C=y.length-1;C>=0;C--)V(y[C]);function P(C){let B=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:0;if(!C)return B;if(C.children){C.fixedOffset=B;for(const F of C.children)B=P(F,B)}else C.fixed&&(C.fixedOffset=B,B+=parseFloat(C.width||"0")||0);return B}let k=0;for(const C of y)k=P(C,k)})(c);const v=Math.max(...c.map(y=>Ul(y)))+1,f=ii(c,v);l.value=f.headers,n.value=f.columns;const p=f.headers.flat(1);a.value=p.reduce((y,b)=>(b.sortable&&b.key&&b.sort&&(y[b.key]=b.sort),y),{}),r.value=p.reduce((y,b)=>(b.key&&b.filter&&(y[b.key]=b.filter),y),{})});const i={headers:l,columns:n,sortFunctions:a,filterFunctions:r};return t.provide(ja,i),i}function el(){const e=t.inject(ja);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing headers!");return e}const 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k?k.order==="asc"?e.sortAscIcon:e.sortDescIcon:e.sortAscIcon}const{backgroundColorClasses:g,backgroundColorStyles:y}=Ae(e,"color"),b=t.computed(()=>({headers:f.value,columns:v.value,toggleSort:n,isSorted:r,sortBy:a.value,someSelected:i.value,allSelected:s.value,selectAll:u,getSortIcon:h})),V=P=>{let{column:k,x:C,y:B}=P;const F=k.key==="data-table-select"||k.key==="data-table-expand";return t.createVNode(Hl,t.mergeProps({tag:"th",align:k.align,class:["v-data-table__th",{"v-data-table__th--sortable":k.sortable,"v-data-table__th--sorted":r(k),"v-data-table__th--fixed":k.fixed,"v-data-table__th--sticky":e.sticky},p.value],style:{width:Z(k.width),minWidth:Z(k.minWidth),...d(k,B)},colspan:k.colspan,rowspan:k.rowspan,onClick:k.sortable?()=>n(k):void 0,fixed:k.fixed,lastFixed:k.lastFixed,noPadding:F},k.headerProps),{default:()=>{var w;const m=`header.${k.key}`,S={column:k,selectAll:u,isSorted:r,toggleSort:n,sortBy:a.value,someSelected:i.value,allSelected:s.value,getSortIcon:h};return 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0:e.loading,indeterminate:!0},{default:l.loader})])])]))}}),ui=D({item:{type:Object,required:!0}},"VDataTableGroupHeaderRow"),ci=J()({name:"VDataTableGroupHeaderRow",props:ui(),setup(e,o){let{slots:l}=o;const{isGroupOpen:n,toggleGroup:a,extractRows:r}=Va(),{isSelected:i,isSomeSelected:s,select:u}=Qt(),{columns:c}=el(),v=t.computed(()=>r([e.item]));return()=>t.createVNode("tr",{class:"v-data-table-group-header-row",style:{"--v-data-table-group-header-row-depth":e.item.depth}},[c.value.map(f=>{var p,d;if(f.key==="data-table-group"){const h=n(e.item)?"$expand":"$next",g=()=>a(e.item);return((p=l["data-table-group"])==null?void 0:p.call(l,{item:e.item,count:v.value.length,props:{icon:h,onClick:g}}))??t.createVNode(Hl,{class:"v-data-table-group-header-row__column"},{default:()=>[t.createVNode(Te,{size:"small",variant:"text",icon:h,onClick:g},null),t.createVNode("span",null,[e.item.value]),t.createVNode("span",null,[t.createTextVNode("("),v.value.length,t.createTextVNode(")")])]})}if(f.key==="data-table-select"){const h=i(v.value),g=s(v.value)&&!h,y=b=>u(v.value,b);return((d=l["data-table-select"])==null?void 0:d.call(l,{props:{modelValue:h,indeterminate:g,"onUpdate:modelValue":y}}))??t.createVNode("td",null,[t.createVNode(Ye,{modelValue:h,indeterminate:g,"onUpdate:modelValue":y},null)])}return t.createVNode("td",null,null)})])}}),di=D({index:Number,item:Object,cellProps:[Object,Function],onClick:ye(),onContextmenu:ye(),onDblclick:ye()},"VDataTableRow"),pi=J()({name:"VDataTableRow",props:di(),setup(e,o){let{slots:l}=o;const{isSelected:n,toggleSelect:a}=Qt(),{isExpanded:r,toggleExpand:i}=Sa(),{columns:s}=el();le(()=>t.createVNode("tr",{class:["v-data-table__tr",{"v-data-table__tr--clickable":!!(e.onClick||e.onContextmenu||e.onDblclick)}],onClick:e.onClick,onContextmenu:e.onContextmenu,onDblclick:e.onDblclick},[e.item&&s.value.map((u,c)=>{const v=e.item,f=`item.${u.key}`,p={index:e.index,item:v.raw,internalItem:v,value:rt(v.columns,u.key),column:u,isSelected:n,toggleSelect:a,isExpanded:r,toggleExpand:i},d=typeof e.cellProps=="function"?e.cellProps({index:p.index,item:p.item,internalItem:p.internalItem,value:p.value,column:u}):e.cellProps,h=typeof u.cellProps=="function"?u.cellProps({index:p.index,item:p.item,internalItem:p.internalItem,value:p.value}):u.cellProps;return t.createVNode(Hl,t.mergeProps({align:u.align,fixed:u.fixed,fixedOffset:u.fixedOffset,lastFixed:u.lastFixed,noPadding:u.key==="data-table-select"||u.key==="data-table-expand",width:u.width},d,h),{default:()=>{var g,y;return l[f]?l[f](p):u.key==="data-table-select"?((g=l["item.data-table-select"])==null?void 0:g.call(l,p))??t.createVNode(Ye,{disabled:!v.selectable,modelValue:n([v]),onClick:t.withModifiers(()=>a(v),["stop"])},null):u.key==="data-table-expand"?((y=l["item.data-table-expand"])==null?void 0:y.call(l,p))??t.createVNode(Te,{icon:r(v)?"$collapse":"$expand",size:"small",variant:"text",onClick:t.withModifiers(()=>i(v),["stop"])},null):t.toDisplayString(p.value)}})})]))}}),qa=D({loading:[Boolean,String],loadingText:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.dataIterator.loadingText"},hideNoData:Boolean,items:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},noDataText:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.noDataText"},rowProps:[Object,Function],cellProps:[Object,Function]},"VDataTableRows"),Wt=J()({name:"VDataTableRows",inheritAttrs:!1,props:qa(),setup(e,o){let{attrs:l,slots:n}=o;const{columns:a}=el(),{expandOnClick:r,toggleExpand:i,isExpanded:s}=Sa(),{isSelected:u,toggleSelect:c}=Qt(),{toggleGroup:v,isGroupOpen:f}=Va(),{t:p}=$e();return le(()=>{var d,h;return!e.loading||e.items.length&&!n.loading?e.loading||e.items.length||e.hideNoData?t.createVNode(t.Fragment,null,[e.items.map((g,y)=>{var P;if(g.type==="group"){const 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0:d.call(n))??p(e.noDataText)])]):t.createVNode("tr",{class:"v-data-table-rows-loading",key:"loading"},[t.createVNode("td",{colspan:a.value.length},[((h=n.loading)==null?void 0:h.call(n))??p(e.loadingText)])])}),{}}}),Ka=D({fixedHeader:Boolean,fixedFooter:Boolean,height:[Number,String],hover:Boolean,...ne(),...xe(),...pe(),...ue()},"VTable"),Gt=J()({name:"VTable",props:Ka(),setup(e,o){let{slots:l,emit:n}=o;const{themeClasses:a}=de(e),{densityClasses:r}=Pe(e);return le(()=>t.createVNode(e.tag,{class:["v-table",{"v-table--fixed-height":!!e.height,"v-table--fixed-header":e.fixedHeader,"v-table--fixed-footer":e.fixedFooter,"v-table--has-top":!!l.top,"v-table--has-bottom":!!l.bottom,"v-table--hover":e.hover},a.value,r.value,e.class],style:e.style},{default:()=>{var i,s,u;return[(i=l.top)==null?void 0:i.call(l),l.default?t.createVNode("div",{class:"v-table__wrapper",style:{height:Z(e.height)}},[t.createVNode("table",null,[l.default()])]):(s=l.wrapper)==null?void 0:s.call(l),(u=l.bottom)==null?void 0:u.call(l)]}})),{}}}),vi=D({items:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},itemValue:{type:[String,Array,Function],default:"id"},itemSelectable:{type:[String,Array,Function],default:null},rowProps:[Object,Function],cellProps:[Object,Function],returnObject:Boolean},"DataTable-items");function fi(e,o,l){return o.map((n,a)=>function(r,i,s,u){const c=r.returnObject?i:me(i,r.itemValue),v=me(i,r.itemSelectable,!0),f=u.reduce((p,d)=>(d.key!=null&&(p[d.key]=me(i,d.value)),p),{});return{type:"item",key:r.returnObject?me(i,r.itemValue):c,index:s,value:c,selectable:v,columns:f,raw:i}}(e,n,a,l))}function Ya(e,o){return{items:t.computed(()=>fi(e,e.items,o.value))}}const 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0:ee.call(n,K.value),n.body?n.body(K.value):t.createVNode(Wt,t.mergeProps(l,z,{items:T.value}),n),(U=n["body.append"])==null?void 0:U.call(n,K.value)]),(Y=n.tbody)==null?void 0:Y.call(n,K.value),(Q=n.tfoot)==null?void 0:Q.call(n,K.value)])},bottom:()=>n.bottom?n.bottom(K.value):t.createVNode(t.Fragment,null,[t.createVNode(ia,null,null),t.createVNode(jt,I,{prepend:n["footer.prepend"]})])})}),{}}}),hi=D({itemsLength:{type:[Number,String],required:!0},..._a(),...Xa(),...Gl()},"VDataTableServer"),yi=J()({name:"VDataTableServer",props:hi(),emits:{"update:modelValue":e=>!0,"update:page":e=>!0,"update:itemsPerPage":e=>!0,"update:sortBy":e=>!0,"update:options":e=>!0,"update:expanded":e=>!0,"update:groupBy":e=>!0},setup(e,o){let{attrs:l,slots:n}=o;const{groupBy:a}=xa(e),{sortBy:r,multiSort:i,mustSort:s}=Oa(e),{page:u,itemsPerPage:c}=Ea(e),v=t.computed(()=>parseInt(e.itemsLength,10)),{columns:f,headers:p}=Ha(e,{groupBy:a,showSelect:t.toRef(e,"showSelect"),showExpand:t.toRef(e,"showExpand")}),{items:d}=Ya(e,f),{toggleSort:h}=Ma({sortBy:r,multiSort:i,mustSort:s,page:u}),{opened:g,isGroupOpen:y,toggleGroup:b,extractRows:V}=Ca({groupBy:a,sortBy:r}),{pageCount:P,setItemsPerPage:k}=$a({page:u,itemsPerPage:c,itemsLength:v}),{flatItems:C}=Na(d,a,g),{isSelected:B,select:F,selectAll:m,toggleSelect:S,someSelected:w,allSelected:x}=Ra(e,{allItems:d,currentPage:d}),{isExpanded:N,toggleExpand:$}=wa(e),T=t.computed(()=>V(d.value));Fa({page:u,itemsPerPage:c,sortBy:r,groupBy:a,search:t.toRef(e,"search")}),t.provide("v-data-table",{toggleSort:h,sortBy:r}),Ce({VDataTableRows:{hideNoData:t.toRef(e,"hideNoData"),noDataText:t.toRef(e,"noDataText"),loading:t.toRef(e,"loading"),loadingText:t.toRef(e,"loadingText")}});const 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.v-drilldown-table--level-5 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-4 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-3 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-2 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-1 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-0 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td{background:rgb(var(--v-border-color) var(--v-hover-opacity))}.v-drilldown-table--expand-icon{transform:rotate(0);transition:all .3s 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th:not(:last-child){border-right:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical thead tr th:nth-last-child(2){border-right:0!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tbody>tr>td{border-bottom:0!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tbody>tr>td:not(:last-child){border-right:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tbody>tr:first-child>td{border-top:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tbody>tr:last-child>td{border-bottom:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tfoot tr th{border-bottom:var(--vdt-border)!important;border-top:0!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tfoot tr th:not(:last-child){border-right:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-vertical tfoot tr th:nth-last-child(2){border-right:0!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell thead tr th{border-bottom:0!important;border-top:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell thead tr th:not(:last-child){border-right:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell tbody>tr>td:not(:last-child){border-right:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell tbody>tr:first-child>td{border-top:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell tbody>tr:last-child>td{border-bottom:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell tfoot>tr th{border-bottom:var(--vdt-border)!important;border-top:0!important}.v-drilldown-table--separator-cell tfoot>tr th:not(:last-child){border-right:var(--vdt-border)!important}.v-drilldown-table tbody{height:2px;min-height:2px;position:relative}.v-drilldown-table .v-table--fixed-header>.v-table__wrapper>table>thead>tr>th{box-shadow:none}.v-drilldown-table--fixed-header .v-table__wrapper>table>thead>tr>th{box-shadow:none!important}.v-drilldown-table--fixed-header .v-table__wrapper>table>thead>tr>td{background:unset}.v-drilldown-table .v-data-table-footer{border-bottom:var(--vdt-border);padding-bottom:4px;padding-top:4px}")),document.head.appendChild(t)}}catch(r){console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js",r)}})(); diff --git a/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.es.js b/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.es.js index b96f5b9..d96c498 100644 --- a/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.es.js +++ b/dist/vuetify-drilldown-table.es.js @@ -1,8 +1,16 @@ -import { Fragment as pe, reactive as Xt, computed as m, watchEffect as Re, toRefs as gn, isVNode as cs, Comment as ds, capitalize as Ft, unref as b, warn as El, ref as J, provide as ke, inject as Se, shallowRef as de, defineComponent as rt, camelize as Xa, h as $t, getCurrentInstance as ps, onBeforeUnmount as Ze, watch as ae, readonly as mn, onScopeDispose as Le, effectScope as yn, toRaw as nt, TransitionGroup as vs, Transition as mt, createVNode as c, mergeProps as ee, onBeforeMount as hn, nextTick as Fe, withDirectives as Ge, resolveDirective as yt, vShow as Vt, isRef as It, onMounted as ht, toRef as q, Text as fs, resolveDynamicComponent as Ja, Teleport as gs, cloneVNode as ms, createTextVNode as vl, onBeforeUpdate as ys, withModifiers as en, toDisplayString as Za, renderSlot as be, openBlock as ne, createElementBlock as ye, normalizeClass as ge, normalizeStyle as Te, createElementVNode as Ke, createBlock as we, withCtx as fe, normalizeProps as _e, guardReactiveProps as We, createCommentVNode as Ce, useSlots as Jt, renderList as He, getCurrentScope as hs, mergeDefaults as bs, useAttrs as Ss, onUnmounted as xs, resolveComponent as ws, createSlots as dt } from "vue"; -import { useTheme as Tl } from "vuetify"; +import { defineComponent as de, renderSlot as W, unref as e, computed as y, openBlock as v, createElementBlock as V, normalizeClass as M, normalizeStyle as Q, createElementVNode as re, createBlock as j, withCtx as O, createVNode as ge, normalizeProps as q, guardReactiveProps as X, createCommentVNode as N, mergeProps as ie, createTextVNode as dt, toDisplayString as ct, useSlots as ve, ref as Z, inject as Se, watch as ee, Fragment as ne, renderList as le, withModifiers as ut, onMounted as Ue, isRef as pt, nextTick as ht, getCurrentScope as mt, mergeDefaults as gt, toRefs as yt, useAttrs as vt, shallowRef as ft, onBeforeMount as kt, reactive as Ft, watchEffect as He, onUnmounted as Ct, resolveComponent as wt, resolveDynamicComponent as bt, createSlots as se } from "vue"; +import { VDataTableServer as xt, VDataTable as Pt } from "vuetify/components"; +import { useTheme as Pe } from "vuetify"; +import { VRow as qe, VCol as ce } from "vuetify/lib/components/VGrid/index.mjs"; +import { VProgressCircular as Bt } from "vuetify/lib/components/VProgressCircular/index.mjs"; +import { VProgressLinear as Dt } from "vuetify/lib/components/VProgressLinear/index.mjs"; +import { VSkeletonLoader as $t } from "vuetify/lib/components/VSkeletonLoader/index.mjs"; +import { VCheckbox as Ae } from "vuetify/lib/components/VCheckbox/index.mjs"; +import { VIcon as Ye } from "vuetify/lib/components/VIcon/index.mjs"; +import { VTextField as St } from "vuetify/lib/components/VTextField/index.mjs"; /** * @name @wdns/vuetify-drilldown-table - * @version 1.1.2 + * @version 1.1.3 * @description The Vuetify Drilldown Table is a powerful component that enhances the functionality of the Vuetify framework's VDataTable and VDataTableServer. It provides a recursive table structure, allowing you to display hierarchical data in a nested format. * @author WebDevNerdStuff & Bunnies... lots and lots of bunnies! (https://webdevnerdstuff.com) * @copyright Copyright 2024, WebDevNerdStuff @@ -10,4152 +18,544 @@ import { useTheme as Tl } from "vuetify"; * @repository https://github.com/webdevnerdstuff/vuetify-drilldown-table * @license MIT License */ -const ks = Symbol("data"); -function O(e, n) { - return (t) => Object.keys(e).reduce((l, a) => { - const o = typeof e[a] == "object" && e[a] != null && !Array.isArray(e[a]) ? e[a] : { type: e[a] }; - return l[a] = t && a in t ? { ...o, default: t[a] } : o, n && !l[a].source && (l[a].source = n), l; - }, {}); -} -const ve = O({ class: [String, Array], style: { type: [String, Array, Object], default: null } }, "component"), Ee = typeof window < "u", bn = Ee && "IntersectionObserver" in window; -function Qa(e, n, t) { - const l = n.length - 1; - if (l < 0) - return e === void 0 ? t : e; - for (let a = 0; a < l; a++) { - if (e == null) - return t; - e = e[n[a]]; - } - return e == null || e[n[l]] === void 0 ? t : e[n[l]]; -} -function st(e, n) { - if (e === n) - return !0; - if (e instanceof Date && n instanceof Date && e.getTime() !== n.getTime() || e !== Object(e) || n !== Object(n)) - return !1; - const t = Object.keys(e); - return t.length === Object.keys(n).length && t.every((l) => st(e[l], n[l])); -} -function zt(e, n, t) { - return e != null && n && typeof n == "string" ? e[n] !== void 0 ? e[n] : Qa(e, (n = (n = n.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1")).replace(/^\./, "")).split("."), t) : t; -} -function De(e, n, t) { - if (n === !0) - return e === void 0 ? t : e; - if (n == null || typeof n == "boolean") - return t; - if (e !== Object(e)) { - if (typeof n != "function") - return t; - const a = n(e, t); - return a === void 0 ? t : a; - } - if (typeof n == "string") - return zt(e, n, t); - if (Array.isArray(n)) - return Qa(e, n, t); - if (typeof n != "function") - return t; - const l = n(e, t); - return l === void 0 ? t : l; -} -function al(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0; - return Array.from({ length: e }, (t, l) => n + l); -} -function oe(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "px"; - return e == null || e === "" ? void 0 : isNaN(+e) ? String(e) : isFinite(+e) ? `${Number(e)}${n}` : void 0; -} -function tn(e) { - return e !== null && typeof e == "object" && !Array.isArray(e); -} -function fl(e) { - if (e && "$el" in e) { - const n = e.$el; - return (n == null ? void 0 : n.nodeType) === Node.TEXT_NODE ? n.nextElementSibling : n; - } - return e; -} -const qn = Object.freeze({ enter: 13, tab: 9, delete: 46, esc: 27, space: 32, up: 38, down: 40, left: 37, right: 39, end: 35, home: 36, del: 46, backspace: 8, insert: 45, pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, shift: 16 }), Un = Object.freeze({ enter: "Enter", tab: "Tab", delete: "Delete", esc: "Escape", space: "Space", up: "ArrowUp", down: "ArrowDown", left: "ArrowLeft", right: "ArrowRight", end: "End", home: "Home", del: "Delete", backspace: "Backspace", insert: "Insert", pageup: "PageUp", pagedown: "PageDown", shift: "Shift" }); -function zl(e, n) { - return n.every((t) => e.hasOwnProperty(t)); -} -function eo(e, n) { - const t = {}, l = new Set(Object.keys(e)); - for (const a of n) - l.has(a) && (t[a] = e[a]); - return t; -} -function Yn(e, n, t) { - const l = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), a = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); - for (const o in e) - n.some((s) => s instanceof RegExp ? s.test(o) : s === o) && !(t != null && t.some((s) => s === o)) ? l[o] = e[o] : a[o] = e[o]; - return [l, a]; -} -function bt(e, n) { - const t = { ...e }; - return n.forEach((l) => delete t[l]), t; -} -const to = /^on[^a-z]/, gl = (e) => to.test(e), Cs = ["onAfterscriptexecute", "onAnimationcancel", "onAnimationend", "onAnimationiteration", "onAnimationstart", "onAuxclick", "onBeforeinput", "onBeforescriptexecute", "onChange", "onClick", "onCompositionend", "onCompositionstart", "onCompositionupdate", "onContextmenu", "onCopy", "onCut", "onDblclick", "onFocusin", "onFocusout", "onFullscreenchange", "onFullscreenerror", "onGesturechange", "onGestureend", "onGesturestart", "onGotpointercapture", "onInput", "onKeydown", "onKeypress", "onKeyup", "onLostpointercapture", "onMousedown", "onMousemove", "onMouseout", "onMouseover", "onMouseup", "onMousewheel", "onPaste", "onPointercancel", "onPointerdown", "onPointerenter", "onPointerleave", "onPointermove", "onPointerout", "onPointerover", "onPointerup", "onReset", "onSelect", "onSubmit", "onTouchcancel", "onTouchend", "onTouchmove", "onTouchstart", "onTransitioncancel", "onTransitionend", "onTransitionrun", "onTransitionstart", "onWheel"]; -function Sn(e) { - const [n, t] = Yn(e, [to]), l = bt(n, Cs), [a, o] = Yn(t, ["class", "style", "id", /^data-/]); - return Object.assign(a, n), Object.assign(o, l), [a, o]; -} -function Ie(e) { - return e == null ? [] : Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; -} -function at(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0, t = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : 1; - return Math.max(n, Math.min(t, e)); -} -function Xn(e, n) { - return e + (arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "0").repeat(Math.max(0, n - e.length)); -} -function Pt() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}, n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, t = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0; - const l = {}; - for (const a in e) - l[a] = e[a]; - for (const a in n) { - const o = e[a], s = n[a]; - tn(o) && tn(s) ? l[a] = Pt(o, s, t) : Array.isArray(o) && Array.isArray(s) && t ? l[a] = t(o, s) : l[a] = s; - } - return l; -} -function lo(e) { - return e.map((n) => n.type === pe ? lo(n.children) : n).flat(); -} -function vt() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : ""; - if (vt.cache.has(e)) - return vt.cache.get(e); - const n = e.replace(/[^a-z]/gi, "-").replace(/\B([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(); - return vt.cache.set(e, n), n; -} -function cl(e, n) { - if (!n || typeof n != "object") - return []; - if (Array.isArray(n)) - return n.map((t) => cl(e, t)).flat(1); - if (Array.isArray(n.children)) - return n.children.map((t) => cl(e, t)).flat(1); - if (n.component) { - if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n.component.provides).includes(e)) - return [n.component]; - if (n.component.subTree) - return cl(e, n.component.subTree).flat(1); - } - return []; -} -function xn(e) { - const n = Xt({}), t = m(e); - return Re(() => { - for (const l in t.value) - n[l] = t.value[l]; - }, { flush: "sync" }), gn(n); -} -function ml(e, n) { - return e.includes(n); -} -function Jn(e) { - return e[2].toLowerCase() + e.slice(3); -} -vt.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -const Ne = () => [Function, Array]; -function Zn(e, n) { - return !!(e[n = "on" + Ft(n)] || e[`${n}Once`] || e[`${n}Capture`] || e[`${n}OnceCapture`] || e[`${n}CaptureOnce`]); -} -function ln(e) { - let n = !(arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0) || arguments[1]; - const t = ["button", "[href]", 'input:not([type="hidden"])', "select", "textarea", "[tabindex]"].map((l) => `${l}${n ? ':not([tabindex="-1"])' : ""}:not([disabled])`).join(", "); - return [...e.querySelectorAll(t)]; -} -function no(e, n, t) { - let l, a = e.indexOf(document.activeElement); - const o = n === "next" ? 1 : -1; - do - a += o, l = e[a]; - while ((!l || l.offsetParent == null || !((t == null ? void 0 : t(l)) ?? 1)) && a < e.length && a >= 0); - return l; -} -function yl(e, n) { - var l, a, o, s; - const t = ln(e); - if (n) - if (n === "first") - (l = t[0]) == null || l.focus(); - else if (n === "last") - (a = t.at(-1)) == null || a.focus(); - else if (typeof n == "number") - (o = t[n]) == null || o.focus(); - else { - const r = no(t, n); - r ? r.focus() : yl(e, n === "next" ? "first" : "last"); - } - else - e !== document.activeElement && e.contains(document.activeElement) || ((s = t[0]) == null || s.focus()); -} -function ol(e) { - return e == null || typeof e == "string" && e.trim() === ""; -} -function hl(e, n) { - if (!(Ee && typeof CSS < "u" && CSS.supports !== void 0 && CSS.supports(`selector(${n})`))) - return null; - try { - return !!e && e.matches(n); - } catch { - return null; - } -} -function ao(e) { - return e.some((n) => !cs(n) || n.type !== ds && (n.type !== pe || ao(n.children))) ? e : null; -} -const oo = ["top", "bottom"], Ps = ["start", "end", "left", "right"]; -function nn(e, n) { - let [t, l] = e.split(" "); - return l || (l = ml(oo, t) ? "start" : ml(Ps, t) ? "top" : "center"), { side: Qn(t, n), align: Qn(l, n) }; -} -function Qn(e, n) { - return e === "start" ? n ? "right" : "left" : e === "end" ? n ? "left" : "right" : e; -} -function Gl(e) { - return { side: { center: "center", top: "bottom", bottom: "top", left: "right", right: "left" }[e.side], align: e.align }; -} -function Hl(e) { - return { side: e.side, align: { center: "center", top: "bottom", bottom: "top", left: "right", right: "left" }[e.align] }; -} -function ea(e) { - return { side: e.align, align: e.side }; -} -function ta(e) { - return ml(oo, e.side) ? "y" : "x"; -} -class ft { - constructor(n) { - let { x: t, y: l, width: a, height: o } = n; - this.x = t, this.y = l, this.width = a, this.height = o; - } - get top() { - return this.y; - } - get bottom() { - return this.y + this.height; - } - get left() { - return this.x; - } - get right() { - return this.x + this.width; - } -} -function la(e, n) { - return { x: { before: Math.max(0, n.left - e.left), after: Math.max(0, e.right - n.right) }, y: { before: Math.max(0, n.top - e.top), after: Math.max(0, e.bottom - n.bottom) } }; -} -function ro(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? new ft({ x: e[0], y: e[1], width: 0, height: 0 }) : e.getBoundingClientRect(); -} -function wn(e) { - const n = e.getBoundingClientRect(), t = getComputedStyle(e), l = t.transform; - if (l) { - let a, o, s, r, i; - if (l.startsWith("matrix3d(")) - a = l.slice(9, -1).split(/, /), o = +a[0], s = +a[5], r = +a[12], i = +a[13]; - else { - if (!l.startsWith("matrix(")) - return new ft(n); - a = l.slice(7, -1).split(/, /), o = +a[0], s = +a[3], r = +a[4], i = +a[5]; - } - const u = t.transformOrigin, v = n.x - r - (1 - o) * parseFloat(u), f = n.y - i - (1 - s) * parseFloat(u.slice(u.indexOf(" ") + 1)), p = o ? n.width / o : e.offsetWidth + 1, d = s ? n.height / s : e.offsetHeight + 1; - return new ft({ x: v, y: f, width: p, height: d }); - } - return new ft(n); -} -function Bt(e, n, t) { - if (e.animate === void 0) - return { finished: Promise.resolve() }; - let l; - try { - l = e.animate(n, t); - } catch { - return { finished: Promise.resolve() }; - } - return l.finished === void 0 && (l.finished = new Promise((a) => { - l.onfinish = () => { - a(l); - }; - })), l; -} -const rl = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Ct = 2.4, na = 0.2126729, aa = 0.7151522, oa = 0.072175, Bs = 0.55, As = 0.58, _s = 0.57, Fs = 0.62, sl = 0.03, ra = 1.45, $s = 5e-4, Vs = 1.25, Is = 1.25, sa = 0.078, ia = 12.82051282051282, il = 0.06, ua = 1e-3; -function ca(e, n) { - const t = (e.r / 255) ** Ct, l = (e.g / 255) ** Ct, a = (e.b / 255) ** Ct, o = (n.r / 255) ** Ct, s = (n.g / 255) ** Ct, r = (n.b / 255) ** Ct; - let i, u = t * na + l * aa + a * oa, v = o * na + s * aa + r * oa; - if (u <= sl && (u += (sl - u) ** ra), v <= sl && (v += (sl - v) ** ra), Math.abs(v - u) < $s) - return 0; - if (v > u) { - const f = (v ** Bs - u ** As) * Vs; - i = f < ua ? 0 : f < sa ? f - f * ia * il : f - il; - } else { - const f = (v ** Fs - u ** _s) * Is; - i = f > -ua ? 0 : f > -sa ? f - f * ia * il : f + il; - } - return 100 * i; -} -function jt(e) { - El(`Vuetify: ${e}`); -} -function so(e) { - El(`Vuetify error: ${e}`); -} -function Kl(e) { - return !!e && /^(#|var\(--|(rgb|hsl)a?\()/.test(e); -} -const da = /^(?(?:rgb|hsl)a?)\((?.+)\)/, Es = { rgb: (e, n, t, l) => ({ r: e, g: n, b: t, a: l }), rgba: (e, n, t, l) => ({ r: e, g: n, b: t, a: l }), hsl: (e, n, t, l) => pa({ h: e, s: n, l: t, a: l }), hsla: (e, n, t, l) => pa({ h: e, s: n, l: t, a: l }), hsv: (e, n, t, l) => Gt({ h: e, s: n, v: t, a: l }), hsva: (e, n, t, l) => Gt({ h: e, s: n, v: t, a: l }) }; -function Mt(e) { - if (typeof e == "number") - return (isNaN(e) || e < 0 || e > 16777215) && jt(`'${e}' is not a valid hex color`), { r: (16711680 & e) >> 16, g: (65280 & e) >> 8, b: 255 & e }; - if (typeof e == "string" && da.test(e)) { - const { groups: n } = e.match(da), { fn: t, values: l } = n, a = l.split(/,\s*/).map((o) => o.endsWith("%") && ["hsl", "hsla", "hsv", "hsva"].includes(t) ? parseFloat(o) / 100 : parseFloat(o)); - return Es[t](...a); - } - if (typeof e == "string") { - let n = e.startsWith("#") ? e.slice(1) : e; - [3, 4].includes(n.length) ? n = n.split("").map((l) => l + l).join("") : [6, 8].includes(n.length) || jt(`'${e}' is not a valid hex(a) color`); - const t = parseInt(n, 16); - return (isNaN(t) || t < 0 || t > 4294967295) && jt(`'${e}' is not a valid hex(a) color`), function(l) { - l = function(i) { - return i.startsWith("#") && (i = i.slice(1)), i = i.replace(/([^0-9a-f])/gi, "F"), (i.length === 3 || i.length === 4) && (i = i.split("").map((u) => u + u).join("")), i.length !== 6 && (i = Xn(Xn(i, 6), 8, "F")), i; - }(l); - let [a, o, s, r] = function(i) { - let u = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 1; - const v = []; - let f = 0; - for (; f < i.length; ) - v.push(i.substr(f, u)), f += u; - return v; - }(l, 2).map((i) => parseInt(i, 16)); - return r = r === void 0 ? r : r / 255, { r: a, g: o, b: s, a: r }; - }(n); - } - if (typeof e == "object") { - if (zl(e, ["r", "g", "b"])) - return e; - if (zl(e, ["h", "s", "l"])) - return Gt(io(e)); - if (zl(e, ["h", "s", "v"])) - return Gt(e); - } - throw new TypeError(`Invalid color: ${e == null ? e : String(e) || e.constructor.name} -Expected #hex, #hexa, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla(), object or number`); -} -function Gt(e) { - const { h: n, s: t, v: l, a } = e, o = (r) => { - const i = (r + n / 60) % 6; - return l - l * t * Math.max(Math.min(i, 4 - i, 1), 0); - }, s = [o(5), o(3), o(1)].map((r) => Math.round(255 * r)); - return { r: s[0], g: s[1], b: s[2], a }; -} -function pa(e) { - return Gt(io(e)); -} -function io(e) { - const { h: n, s: t, l, a } = e, o = l + t * Math.min(l, 1 - l); - return { h: n, s: o === 0 ? 0 : 2 - 2 * l / o, v: o, a }; -} -const bl = Symbol.for("vuetify:defaults"); -function kn() { - const e = Se(bl); - if (!e) - throw new Error("[Vuetify] Could not find defaults instance"); - return e; -} -function Xe(e, n) { - const t = kn(), l = J(e), a = m(() => { - if (b(n == null ? void 0 : n.disabled)) - return t.value; - const o = b(n == null ? void 0 : n.scoped), s = b(n == null ? void 0 : n.reset), r = b(n == null ? void 0 : n.root); - if (l.value == null && !(o || s || r)) - return t.value; - let i = Pt(l.value, { prev: t.value }); - if (o) - return i; - if (s || r) { - const u = Number(s || 1 / 0); - for (let v = 0; v <= u && i && "prev" in i; v++) - i = i.prev; - return i && typeof r == "string" && r in i && (i = Pt(Pt(i, { prev: i }), i[r])), i; - } - return i.prev ? Pt(i.prev, i) : i; - }); - return ke(bl, a), a; -} -function Ts() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}, n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, t = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : kn(); - const l = Pe("useDefaults"); - if (n = n ?? l.type.name ?? l.type.__name, !n) - throw new Error("[Vuetify] Could not determine component name"); - const a = m(() => { - var r; - return (r = t.value) == null ? void 0 : r[e._as ?? n]; - }), o = new Proxy(e, { get(r, i) { - var v, f, p, d; - const u = Reflect.get(r, i); - return i === "class" || i === "style" ? [(v = a.value) == null ? void 0 : v[i], u].filter((h) => h != null) : typeof i != "string" || function(h, y) { - var S, x; - return ((S = h.props) == null ? void 0 : S[y]) !== void 0 || ((x = h.props) == null ? void 0 : x[vt(y)]) !== void 0; - }(l.vnode, i) ? u : ((f = a.value) == null ? void 0 : f[i]) ?? ((d = (p = t.value) == null ? void 0 : p.global) == null ? void 0 : d[i]) ?? u; - } }), s = de(); - return Re(() => { - if (a.value) { - const r = Object.entries(a.value).filter((i) => { - let [u] = i; - return u.startsWith(u[0].toUpperCase()); - }); - s.value = r.length ? Object.fromEntries(r) : void 0; - } else - s.value = void 0; - }), { props: o, provideSubDefaults: function() { - const r = function(i) { - let u = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Pe("injectSelf"); - const { provides: v } = u; - if (v && i in v) - return v[i]; - }(bl, l); - ke(bl, m(() => s.value ? Pt((r == null ? void 0 : r.value) ?? {}, s.value) : r == null ? void 0 : r.value)); - } }; -} -function Ht(e) { - if (e._setup = e._setup ?? e.setup, !e.name) - return jt("The component is missing an explicit name, unable to generate default prop value"), e; - if (e._setup) { - e.props = O(e.props ?? {}, e.name)(); - const n = Object.keys(e.props).filter((t) => t !== "class" && t !== "style"); - e.filterProps = function(t) { - return eo(t, n); - }, e.props._as = String, e.setup = function(t, l) { - const a = kn(); - if (!a.value) - return e._setup(t, l); - const { props: o, provideSubDefaults: s } = Ts(t, t._as ?? e.name, a), r = e._setup(o, l); - return s(), r; - }; - } - return e; -} -function le() { - let e = !(arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0) || arguments[0]; - return (n) => (e ? Ht : rt)(n); -} -function uo(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "div", t = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0; - return le()({ name: t ?? Ft(Xa(e.replace(/__/g, "-"))), props: { tag: { type: String, default: n }, ...ve() }, setup(l, a) { - let { slots: o } = a; - return () => { - var s; - return $t(l.tag, { class: [e, l.class], style: l.style }, (s = o.default) == null ? void 0 : s.call(o)); - }; - } }); -} -function co(e) { - if (typeof e.getRootNode != "function") { - for (; e.parentNode; ) - e = e.parentNode; - return e !== document ? null : document; - } - const n = e.getRootNode(); - return n !== document && n.getRootNode({ composed: !0 }) !== document ? null : n; -} -const Sl = "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)"; -function va(e, n, t) { - return Object.keys(e).filter((l) => gl(l) && l.endsWith(n)).reduce((l, a) => (l[a.slice(0, -n.length)] = (o) => e[a](o, t(o)), l), {}); -} -function Pe(e, n) { - const t = ps(); - if (!t) - throw new Error(`[Vuetify] ${e} ${n || "must be called from inside a setup function"}`); - return t; -} -function Ue() { - const e = Pe(arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "composables").type; - return vt((e == null ? void 0 : e.aliasName) || (e == null ? void 0 : e.name)); -} -let po = 0, dl = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); -function qe() { - const e = Pe("getUid"); - if (dl.has(e)) - return dl.get(e); - { - const n = po++; - return dl.set(e, n), n; - } -} -function vo(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 && arguments[1]; - for (; e; ) { - if (n ? Ds(e) : Cn(e)) - return e; - e = e.parentElement; - } - return document.scrollingElement; -} -function xl(e, n) { - const t = []; - if (n && e && !n.contains(e)) - return t; - for (; e && (Cn(e) && t.push(e), e !== n); ) - e = e.parentElement; - return t; -} -function Cn(e) { - if (!e || e.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) - return !1; - const n = window.getComputedStyle(e); - return n.overflowY === "scroll" || n.overflowY === "auto" && e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight; -} -function Ds(e) { - if (!e || e.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) - return !1; - const n = window.getComputedStyle(e); - return ["scroll", "auto"].includes(n.overflowY); -} -function ue(e) { - Pe("useRender").render = e; -} -function Dl(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "content"; - const t = J(), l = J(); - if (Ee) { - const a = new ResizeObserver((o) => { - e == null || e(o, a), o.length && (l.value = n === "content" ? o[0].contentRect : o[0].target.getBoundingClientRect()); - }); - Ze(() => { - a.disconnect(); - }), ae(t, (o, s) => { - s && (a.unobserve(fl(s)), l.value = void 0), o && a.observe(fl(o)); - }, { flush: "post" }); - } - return { resizeRef: t, contentRect: mn(l) }; -} -function gt(e, n) { - let t; - function l() { - t = yn(), t.run(() => n.length ? n(() => { - t == null || t.stop(), l(); - }) : n()); - } - ae(e, (a) => { - a && !t ? l() : a || (t == null || t.stop(), t = void 0); - }, { immediate: !0 }), Le(() => { - t == null || t.stop(); - }); -} -function xe(e, n, t) { - let l = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : (v) => v, a = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== void 0 ? arguments[4] : (v) => v; - const o = Pe("useProxiedModel"), s = J(e[n] !== void 0 ? e[n] : t), r = vt(n), i = m(r !== n ? () => { - var v, f, p, d; - return e[n], !(!((v = o.vnode.props) != null && v.hasOwnProperty(n)) && !((f = o.vnode.props) != null && f.hasOwnProperty(r)) || !((p = o.vnode.props) != null && p.hasOwnProperty(`onUpdate:${n}`)) && !((d = o.vnode.props) != null && d.hasOwnProperty(`onUpdate:${r}`))); - } : () => { - var v, f; - return e[n], !(!((v = o.vnode.props) != null && v.hasOwnProperty(n)) || !((f = o.vnode.props) != null && f.hasOwnProperty(`onUpdate:${n}`))); - }); - gt(() => !i.value, () => { - ae(() => e[n], (v) => { - s.value = v; - }); - }); - const u = m({ get() { - const v = e[n]; - return l(i.value ? v : s.value); - }, set(v) { - const f = a(v), p = nt(i.value ? e[n] : s.value); - p !== f && l(p) !== v && (s.value = f, o == null || o.emit(`update:${n}`, f)); - } }); - return Object.defineProperty(u, "externalValue", { get: () => i.value ? e[n] : s.value }), u; -} -qe.reset = () => { - po = 0, dl = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); -}; -const fo = Symbol.for("vuetify:locale"); -function it() { - const e = Se(fo); - if (!e) - throw new Error("[Vuetify] Could not find injected locale instance"); - return e; -} -function Et() { - const e = Se(fo); - if (!e) - throw new Error("[Vuetify] Could not find injected rtl instance"); - return { isRtl: e.isRtl, rtlClasses: e.rtlClasses }; -} -const fa = Symbol.for("vuetify:theme"), Be = O({ theme: String }, "theme"); -function $e(e) { - Pe("provideTheme"); - const n = Se(fa, null); - if (!n) - throw new Error("Could not find Vuetify theme injection"); - const t = m(() => e.theme ?? n.name.value), l = m(() => n.themes.value[t.value]), a = m(() => n.isDisabled ? void 0 : `v-theme--${t.value}`), o = { ...n, name: t, current: l, themeClasses: a }; - return ke(fa, o), o; -} -const Ve = O({ tag: { type: String, default: "div" } }, "tag"), Ls = O({ disabled: Boolean, group: Boolean, hideOnLeave: Boolean, leaveAbsolute: Boolean, mode: String, origin: String }, "transition"); -function Oe(e, n, t) { - return le()({ name: e, props: Ls({ mode: t, origin: n }), setup(l, a) { - let { slots: o } = a; - const s = { onBeforeEnter(r) { - l.origin && (r.style.transformOrigin = l.origin); - }, onLeave(r) { - if (l.leaveAbsolute) { - const { offsetTop: i, offsetLeft: u, offsetWidth: v, offsetHeight: f } = r; - r._transitionInitialStyles = { position: r.style.position, top: r.style.top, left: r.style.left, width: r.style.width, height: r.style.height }, r.style.position = "absolute", r.style.top = `${i}px`, r.style.left = `${u}px`, r.style.width = `${v}px`, r.style.height = `${f}px`; - } - l.hideOnLeave && r.style.setProperty("display", "none", "important"); - }, onAfterLeave(r) { - if (l.leaveAbsolute && (r != null && r._transitionInitialStyles)) { - const { position: i, top: u, left: v, width: f, height: p } = r._transitionInitialStyles; - delete r._transitionInitialStyles, r.style.position = i || "", r.style.top = u || "", r.style.left = v || "", r.style.width = f || "", r.style.height = p || ""; - } - } }; - return () => { - const r = l.group ? vs : mt; - return $t(r, { name: l.disabled ? "" : e, css: !l.disabled, ...l.group ? void 0 : { mode: l.mode }, ...l.disabled ? {} : s }, o.default); - }; - } }); -} -function go(e, n) { - let t = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "in-out"; - return le()({ name: e, props: { mode: { type: String, default: t }, disabled: Boolean }, setup(l, a) { - let { slots: o } = a; - return () => $t(mt, { name: l.disabled ? "" : e, css: !l.disabled, ...l.disabled ? {} : n }, o.default); - } }); -} -function mo() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : ""; - const n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 && arguments[1] ? "width" : "height", t = Xa(`offset-${n}`); - return { onBeforeEnter(o) { - o._parent = o.parentNode, o._initialStyle = { transition: o.style.transition, overflow: o.style.overflow, [n]: o.style[n] }; - }, onEnter(o) { - const s = o._initialStyle; - o.style.setProperty("transition", "none", "important"), o.style.overflow = "hidden"; - const r = `${o[t]}px`; - o.style[n] = "0", o.offsetHeight, o.style.transition = s.transition, e && o._parent && o._parent.classList.add(e), requestAnimationFrame(() => { - o.style[n] = r; - }); - }, onAfterEnter: a, onEnterCancelled: a, onLeave(o) { - o._initialStyle = { transition: "", overflow: o.style.overflow, [n]: o.style[n] }, o.style.overflow = "hidden", o.style[n] = `${o[t]}px`, o.offsetHeight, requestAnimationFrame(() => o.style[n] = "0"); - }, onAfterLeave: l, onLeaveCancelled: l }; - function l(o) { - e && o._parent && o._parent.classList.remove(e), a(o); - } - function a(o) { - const s = o._initialStyle[n]; - o.style.overflow = o._initialStyle.overflow, s != null && (o.style[n] = s), delete o._initialStyle; - } -} -const Os = O({ target: [Object, Array] }, "v-dialog-transition"), yo = le()({ name: "VDialogTransition", props: Os(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = { onBeforeEnter(a) { - a.style.pointerEvents = "none", a.style.visibility = "hidden"; - }, async onEnter(a, o) { - var p; - await new Promise((d) => requestAnimationFrame(d)), await new Promise((d) => requestAnimationFrame(d)), a.style.visibility = ""; - const { x: s, y: r, sx: i, sy: u, speed: v } = ma(e.target, a), f = Bt(a, [{ transform: `translate(${s}px, ${r}px) scale(${i}, ${u})`, opacity: 0 }, {}], { duration: 225 * v, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.0, 0, 0.2, 1)" }); - (p = ga(a)) == null || p.forEach((d) => { - Bt(d, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 0, offset: 0.33 }, {}], { duration: 450 * v, easing: Sl }); - }), f.finished.then(() => o()); - }, onAfterEnter(a) { - a.style.removeProperty("pointer-events"); - }, onBeforeLeave(a) { - a.style.pointerEvents = "none"; - }, async onLeave(a, o) { - var f; - await new Promise((p) => requestAnimationFrame(p)); - const { x: s, y: r, sx: i, sy: u, speed: v } = ma(e.target, a); - Bt(a, [{}, { transform: `translate(${s}px, ${r}px) scale(${i}, ${u})`, opacity: 0 }], { duration: 125 * v, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)" }).finished.then(() => o()), (f = ga(a)) == null || f.forEach((p) => { - Bt(p, [{}, { opacity: 0, offset: 0.2 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration: 250 * v, easing: Sl }); - }); - }, onAfterLeave(a) { - a.style.removeProperty("pointer-events"); - } }; - return () => e.target ? c(mt, ee({ name: "dialog-transition" }, l, { css: !1 }), t) : c(mt, { name: "dialog-transition" }, t); -} }); -function ga(e) { - var t; - const n = (t = e.querySelector(":scope > .v-card, :scope > .v-sheet, :scope > .v-list")) == null ? void 0 : t.children; - return n && [...n]; -} -function ma(e, n) { - const t = ro(e), l = wn(n), [a, o] = getComputedStyle(n).transformOrigin.split(" ").map((x) => parseFloat(x)), [s, r] = getComputedStyle(n).getPropertyValue("--v-overlay-anchor-origin").split(" "); - let i = t.left + t.width / 2; - s === "left" || r === "left" ? i -= t.width / 2 : s !== "right" && r !== "right" || (i += t.width / 2); - let u = t.top + t.height / 2; - s === "top" || r === "top" ? u -= t.height / 2 : s !== "bottom" && r !== "bottom" || (u += t.height / 2); - const v = t.width / l.width, f = t.height / l.height, p = Math.max(1, v, f), d = v / p || 0, h = f / p || 0, y = l.width * l.height / (window.innerWidth * window.innerHeight), S = y > 0.12 ? Math.min(1.5, 10 * (y - 0.12) + 1) : 1; - return { x: i - (a + l.left), y: u - (o + l.top), sx: d, sy: h, speed: S }; -} -Oe("fab-transition", "center center", "out-in"), Oe("dialog-bottom-transition"), Oe("dialog-top-transition"), Oe("fade-transition"), Oe("scale-transition"), Oe("scroll-x-transition"), Oe("scroll-x-reverse-transition"), Oe("scroll-y-transition"), Oe("scroll-y-reverse-transition"), Oe("slide-x-transition"), Oe("slide-x-reverse-transition"); -const ho = Oe("slide-y-transition"); -Oe("slide-y-reverse-transition"); -const Ms = go("expand-transition", mo()), bo = go("expand-x-transition", mo("", !0)), Ns = O({ defaults: Object, disabled: Boolean, reset: [Number, String], root: [Boolean, String], scoped: Boolean }, "VDefaultsProvider"), ze = le(!1)({ name: "VDefaultsProvider", props: Ns(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { defaults: l, disabled: a, reset: o, root: s, scoped: r } = gn(e); - return Xe(l, { reset: o, root: s, scoped: r, disabled: a }), () => { - var i; - return (i = t.default) == null ? void 0 : i.call(t); - }; -} }), St = O({ height: [Number, String], maxHeight: [Number, String], maxWidth: [Number, String], minHeight: [Number, String], minWidth: [Number, String], width: [Number, String] }, "dimension"); -function xt(e) { - return { dimensionStyles: m(() => ({ height: oe(e.height), maxHeight: oe(e.maxHeight), maxWidth: oe(e.maxWidth), minHeight: oe(e.minHeight), minWidth: oe(e.minWidth), width: oe(e.width) })) }; -} -const So = O({ aspectRatio: [String, Number], contentClass: String, inline: Boolean, ...ve(), ...St() }, "VResponsive"), ya = le()({ name: "VResponsive", props: So(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { aspectStyles: l } = function(o) { - return { aspectStyles: m(() => { - const s = Number(o.aspectRatio); - return s ? { paddingBottom: String(1 / s * 100) + "%" } : void 0; - }) }; - }(e), { dimensionStyles: a } = xt(e); - return ue(() => { - var o; - return c("div", { class: ["v-responsive", { "v-responsive--inline": e.inline }, e.class], style: [a.value, e.style] }, [c("div", { class: "v-responsive__sizer", style: l.value }, null), (o = t.additional) == null ? void 0 : o.call(t), t.default && c("div", { class: ["v-responsive__content", e.contentClass] }, [t.default()])]); - }), {}; -} }), Zt = O({ transition: { type: [Boolean, String, Object], default: "fade-transition", validator: (e) => e !== !0 } }, "transition"), tt = (e, n) => { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { transition: l, disabled: a, ...o } = e, { component: s = mt, ...r } = typeof l == "object" ? l : {}; - return $t(s, ee(typeof l == "string" ? { name: a ? "" : l } : r, o, { disabled: a }), t); -}; -function ha(e, n) { - var l; - const t = (l = e._observe) == null ? void 0 : l[n.instance.$.uid]; - t && (t.observer.unobserve(e), delete e._observe[n.instance.$.uid]); -} -const xo = { mounted: function(e, n) { - if (!bn) - return; - const t = n.modifiers || {}, l = n.value, { handler: a, options: o } = typeof l == "object" ? l : { handler: l, options: {} }, s = new IntersectionObserver(function() { - var f; - let r = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : [], i = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0; - const u = (f = e._observe) == null ? void 0 : f[n.instance.$.uid]; - if (!u) - return; - const v = r.some((p) => p.isIntersecting); - !a || t.quiet && !u.init || t.once && !v && !u.init || a(v, r, i), v && t.once ? ha(e, n) : u.init = !0; - }, o); - e._observe = Object(e._observe), e._observe[n.instance.$.uid] = { init: !1, observer: s }, s.observe(e); -}, unmounted: ha }, Rs = O({ alt: String, cover: Boolean, draggable: { type: [Boolean, String], default: void 0 }, eager: Boolean, gradient: String, lazySrc: String, options: { type: Object, default: () => ({ root: void 0, rootMargin: void 0, threshold: void 0 }) }, sizes: String, src: { type: [String, Object], default: "" }, crossorigin: String, referrerpolicy: String, srcset: String, position: String, ...So(), ...ve(), ...Zt() }, "VImg"), js = le()({ name: "VImg", directives: { intersect: xo }, props: Rs(), emits: { loadstart: (e) => !0, load: (e) => !0, error: (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { emit: t, slots: l } = n; - const a = Pe("VImg"), o = de(""), s = J(), r = de(e.eager ? "loading" : "idle"), i = de(), u = de(), v = m(() => e.src && typeof e.src == "object" ? { src: e.src.src, srcset: e.srcset || e.src.srcset, lazySrc: e.lazySrc || e.src.lazySrc, aspect: Number(e.aspectRatio || e.src.aspect || 0) } : { src: e.src, srcset: e.srcset, lazySrc: e.lazySrc, aspect: Number(e.aspectRatio || 0) }), f = m(() => v.value.aspect || i.value / u.value || 0); - function p(k) { - if ((!e.eager || !k) && (!bn || k || e.eager)) { - if (r.value = "loading", v.value.lazySrc) { - const w = new Image(); - w.src = v.value.lazySrc, x(w, null); - } - v.value.src && Fe(() => { - var w; - t("loadstart", ((w = s.value) == null ? void 0 : w.currentSrc) || v.value.src), setTimeout(() => { - var P; - if (!a.isUnmounted) - if ((P = s.value) != null && P.complete) { - if (s.value.naturalWidth || h(), r.value === "error") - return; - f.value || x(s.value, null), r.value === "loading" && d(); - } else - f.value || x(s.value), y(); - }); - }); - } - } - function d() { - var k; - a.isUnmounted || (y(), x(s.value), r.value = "loaded", t("load", ((k = s.value) == null ? void 0 : k.currentSrc) || v.value.src)); - } - function h() { - var k; - a.isUnmounted || (r.value = "error", t("error", ((k = s.value) == null ? void 0 : k.currentSrc) || v.value.src)); - } - function y() { - const k = s.value; - k && (o.value = k.currentSrc || k.src); - } - ae(() => e.src, () => { - p(r.value !== "idle"); - }), ae(f, (k, w) => { - !k && w && s.value && x(s.value); - }), hn(() => p()); - let S = -1; - function x(k) { - let w = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 100; - const P = () => { - if (clearTimeout(S), a.isUnmounted) - return; - const { naturalHeight: $, naturalWidth: D } = k; - $ || D ? (i.value = D, u.value = $) : k.complete || r.value !== "loading" || w == null ? (k.currentSrc.endsWith(".svg") || k.currentSrc.startsWith("data:image/svg+xml")) && (i.value = 1, u.value = 1) : S = window.setTimeout(P, w); - }; - P(); - } - Ze(() => { - clearTimeout(S); - }); - const A = m(() => ({ "v-img__img--cover": e.cover, "v-img__img--contain": !e.cover })), F = () => { - var P; - if (!v.value.src || r.value === "idle") - return null; - const k = c("img", { class: ["v-img__img", A.value], style: { objectPosition: e.position }, src: v.value.src, srcset: v.value.srcset, alt: e.alt, crossorigin: e.crossorigin, referrerpolicy: e.referrerpolicy, draggable: e.draggable, sizes: e.sizes, ref: s, onLoad: d, onError: h }, null), w = (P = l.sources) == null ? void 0 : P.call(l); - return c(tt, { transition: e.transition, appear: !0 }, { default: () => [Ge(w ? c("picture", { class: "v-img__picture" }, [w, k]) : k, [[Vt, r.value === "loaded"]])] }); - }, C = () => c(tt, { transition: e.transition }, { default: () => [v.value.lazySrc && r.value !== "loaded" && c("img", { class: ["v-img__img", "v-img__img--preload", A.value], style: { objectPosition: e.position }, src: v.value.lazySrc, alt: e.alt, crossorigin: e.crossorigin, referrerpolicy: e.referrerpolicy, draggable: e.draggable }, null)] }), B = () => l.placeholder ? c(tt, { transition: e.transition, appear: !0 }, { default: () => [(r.value === "loading" || r.value === "error" && !l.error) && c("div", { class: "v-img__placeholder" }, [l.placeholder()])] }) : null, _ = () => l.error ? c(tt, { transition: e.transition, appear: !0 }, { default: () => [r.value === "error" && c("div", { class: "v-img__error" }, [l.error()])] }) : null, V = () => e.gradient ? c("div", { class: "v-img__gradient", style: { backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(${e.gradient})` } }, null) : null, g = de(!1); - { - const k = ae(f, (w) => { - w && (requestAnimationFrame(() => { - requestAnimationFrame(() => { - g.value = !0; - }); - }), k()); - }); - } - return ue(() => { - const k = ya.filterProps(e); - return Ge(c(ya, ee({ class: ["v-img", { "v-img--booting": !g.value }, e.class], style: [{ width: oe(e.width === "auto" ? i.value : e.width) }, e.style] }, k, { aspectRatio: f.value, "aria-label": e.alt, role: e.alt ? "img" : void 0 }), { additional: () => c(pe, null, [c(F, null, null), c(C, null, null), c(V, null, null), c(B, null, null), c(_, null, null)]), default: l.default }), [[yt("intersect"), { handler: p, options: e.options }, null, { once: !0 }]]); - }), { currentSrc: o, image: s, state: r, naturalWidth: i, naturalHeight: u }; -} }), Tt = O({ border: [Boolean, Number, String] }, "border"); -function Qt(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - return { borderClasses: m(() => { - const t = It(e) ? e.value : e.border, l = []; - if (t === !0 || t === "") - l.push(`${n}--border`); - else if (typeof t == "string" || t === 0) - for (const a of String(t).split(" ")) - l.push(`border-${a}`); - return l; - }) }; -} -function Pn(e) { - return xn(() => { - const n = [], t = {}; - if (e.value.background) - if (Kl(e.value.background)) { - if (t.backgroundColor = e.value.background, !e.value.text && Kl(l = e.value.background) && !/^((rgb|hsl)a?\()?var\(--/.test(l)) { - const a = Mt(e.value.background); - if (a.a == null || a.a === 1) { - const o = function(s) { - const r = Math.abs(ca(Mt(0), Mt(s))); - return Math.abs(ca(Mt(16777215), Mt(s))) > Math.min(r, 50) ? "#fff" : "#000"; - }(a); - t.color = o, t.caretColor = o; - } - } - } else - n.push(`bg-${e.value.background}`); - var l; - return e.value.text && (Kl(e.value.text) ? (t.color = e.value.text, t.caretColor = e.value.text) : n.push(`text-${e.value.text}`)), { colorClasses: n, colorStyles: t }; - }); -} -function Je(e, n) { - const t = m(() => ({ text: It(e) ? e.value : n ? e[n] : null })), { colorClasses: l, colorStyles: a } = Pn(t); - return { textColorClasses: l, textColorStyles: a }; -} -function ot(e, n) { - const t = m(() => ({ background: It(e) ? e.value : n ? e[n] : null })), { colorClasses: l, colorStyles: a } = Pn(t); - return { backgroundColorClasses: l, backgroundColorStyles: a }; -} -const wt = O({ elevation: { type: [Number, String], validator(e) { - const n = parseInt(e); - return !isNaN(n) && n >= 0 && n <= 24; -} } }, "elevation"); -function Dt(e) { - return { elevationClasses: m(() => { - const n = It(e) ? e.value : e.elevation, t = []; - return n == null || t.push(`elevation-${n}`), t; - }) }; -} -const Qe = O({ rounded: { type: [Boolean, Number, String], default: void 0 } }, "rounded"); -function ut(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - return { roundedClasses: m(() => { - const t = It(e) ? e.value : e.rounded, l = []; - if (t === !0 || t === "") - l.push(`${n}--rounded`); - else if (typeof t == "string" || t === 0) - for (const a of String(t).split(" ")) - l.push(`rounded-${a}`); - return l; - }) }; -} -const Ws = [null, "default", "comfortable", "compact"], Ye = O({ density: { type: String, default: "default", validator: (e) => Ws.includes(e) } }, "density"); -function et(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - return { densityClasses: m(() => `${n}--density-${e.density}`) }; -} -const zs = ["elevated", "flat", "tonal", "outlined", "text", "plain"]; -function Ll(e, n) { - return c(pe, null, [e && c("span", { key: "overlay", class: `${n}__overlay` }, null), c("span", { key: "underlay", class: `${n}__underlay` }, null)]); -} -const ct = O({ color: String, variant: { type: String, default: "elevated", validator: (e) => zs.includes(e) } }, "variant"); -function Ol(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - const t = m(() => { - const { variant: o } = b(e); - return `${n}--variant-${o}`; - }), { colorClasses: l, colorStyles: a } = Pn(m(() => { - const { variant: o, color: s } = b(e); - return { [["elevated", "flat"].includes(o) ? "background" : "text"]: s }; - })); - return { colorClasses: l, colorStyles: a, variantClasses: t }; -} -const wo = O({ divided: Boolean, ...Tt(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...wt(), ...Qe(), ...Ve(), ...Be(), ...ct() }, "VBtnGroup"), ba = le()({ name: "VBtnGroup", props: wo(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { themeClasses: l } = $e(e), { densityClasses: a } = et(e), { borderClasses: o } = Qt(e), { elevationClasses: s } = Dt(e), { roundedClasses: r } = ut(e); - Xe({ VBtn: { height: "auto", color: q(e, "color"), density: q(e, "density"), flat: !0, variant: q(e, "variant") } }), ue(() => c(e.tag, { class: ["v-btn-group", { "v-btn-group--divided": e.divided }, l.value, o.value, a.value, s.value, r.value, e.class], style: e.style }, t)); -} }), ko = O({ modelValue: { type: null, default: void 0 }, multiple: Boolean, mandatory: [Boolean, String], max: Number, selectedClass: String, disabled: Boolean }, "group"), Co = O({ value: null, disabled: Boolean, selectedClass: String }, "group-item"); -function Po(e, n) { - let t = !(arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0) || arguments[2]; - const l = Pe("useGroupItem"); - if (!l) - throw new Error("[Vuetify] useGroupItem composable must be used inside a component setup function"); - const a = qe(); - ke(Symbol.for(`${n.description}:id`), a); - const o = Se(n, null); - if (!o) { - if (!t) - return o; - throw new Error(`[Vuetify] Could not find useGroup injection with symbol ${n.description}`); - } - const s = q(e, "value"), r = m(() => !(!o.disabled.value && !e.disabled)); - o.register({ id: a, value: s, disabled: r }, l), Ze(() => { - o.unregister(a); - }); - const i = m(() => o.isSelected(a)), u = m(() => i.value && [o.selectedClass.value, e.selectedClass]); - return ae(i, (v) => { - l.emit("group:selected", { value: v }); - }), { id: a, isSelected: i, toggle: () => o.select(a, !i.value), select: (v) => o.select(a, v), selectedClass: u, value: s, disabled: r, group: o }; -} -function Bo(e, n) { - let t = !1; - const l = Xt([]), a = xe(e, "modelValue", [], (u) => u == null ? [] : Sa(l, Ie(u)), (u) => { - const v = function(f, p) { - const d = []; - return p.forEach((h) => { - const y = f.findIndex((S) => S.id === h); - if (~y) { - const S = f[y]; - d.push(S.value != null ? S.value : y); - } - }), d; - }(l, u); - return e.multiple ? v : v[0]; - }), o = Pe("useGroup"); - function s() { - const u = l.find((v) => !v.disabled); - u && e.mandatory === "force" && !a.value.length && (a.value = [u.id]); - } - function r(u) { - if (e.multiple && jt('This method is not supported when using "multiple" prop'), a.value.length) { - const v = a.value[0], f = l.findIndex((h) => h.id === v); - let p = (f + u) % l.length, d = l[p]; - for (; d.disabled && p !== f; ) - p = (p + u) % l.length, d = l[p]; - if (d.disabled) - return; - a.value = [l[p].id]; - } else { - const v = l.find((f) => !f.disabled); - v && (a.value = [v.id]); - } - } - ht(() => { - s(); - }), Ze(() => { - t = !0; - }); - const i = { register: function(u, v) { - const f = u, p = cl(Symbol.for(`${n.description}:id`), o == null ? void 0 : o.vnode).indexOf(v); - p > -1 ? l.splice(p, 0, f) : l.push(f); - }, unregister: function(u) { - if (t) - return; - s(); - const v = l.findIndex((f) => f.id === u); - l.splice(v, 1); - }, selected: a, select: function(u, v) { - const f = l.find((p) => p.id === u); - if (!v || !(f != null && f.disabled)) - if (e.multiple) { - const p = a.value.slice(), d = p.findIndex((y) => y === u), h = ~d; - if (v = v ?? !h, h && e.mandatory && p.length <= 1 || !h && e.max != null && p.length + 1 > e.max) - return; - d < 0 && v ? p.push(u) : d >= 0 && !v && p.splice(d, 1), a.value = p; - } else { - const p = a.value.includes(u); - if (e.mandatory && p) - return; - a.value = v ?? !p ? [u] : []; - } - }, disabled: q(e, "disabled"), prev: () => r(l.length - 1), next: () => r(1), isSelected: (u) => a.value.includes(u), selectedClass: m(() => e.selectedClass), items: m(() => l), getItemIndex: (u) => function(v, f) { - const p = Sa(v, [f]); - return p.length ? v.findIndex((d) => d.id === p[0]) : -1; - }(l, u) }; - return ke(n, i), i; -} -function Sa(e, n) { - const t = []; - return n.forEach((l) => { - const a = e.find((s) => st(l, s.value)), o = e[l]; - (a == null ? void 0 : a.value) != null ? t.push(a.id) : o != null && t.push(o.id); - }), t; -} -const Ao = Symbol.for("vuetify:v-btn-toggle"), Gs = O({ ...wo(), ...ko() }, "VBtnToggle"); -le()({ name: "VBtnToggle", props: Gs(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { isSelected: l, next: a, prev: o, select: s, selected: r } = Bo(e, Ao); - return ue(() => { - const i = ba.filterProps(e); - return c(ba, ee({ class: ["v-btn-toggle", e.class] }, i, { style: e.style }), { default: () => { - var u; - return [(u = t.default) == null ? void 0 : u.call(t, { isSelected: l, next: a, prev: o, select: s, selected: r })]; - } }); - }), { next: a, prev: o, select: s }; -} }); -const me = [String, Function, Object, Array], Hs = Symbol.for("vuetify:icons"), wl = O({ icon: { type: me }, tag: { type: String, required: !0 } }, "icon"), xa = le()({ name: "VComponentIcon", props: wl(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - return () => { - const l = e.icon; - return c(e.tag, null, { default: () => { - var a; - return [e.icon ? c(l, null, null) : (a = t.default) == null ? void 0 : a.call(t)]; - } }); - }; -} }), Ks = Ht({ name: "VSvgIcon", inheritAttrs: !1, props: wl(), setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t } = n; - return () => c(e.tag, ee(t, { style: null }), { default: () => [c("svg", { class: "v-icon__svg", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", role: "img", "aria-hidden": "true" }, [Array.isArray(e.icon) ? e.icon.map((l) => Array.isArray(l) ? c("path", { d: l[0], "fill-opacity": l[1] }, null) : c("path", { d: l }, null)) : c("path", { d: e.icon }, null)])] }); -} }); -Ht({ name: "VLigatureIcon", props: wl(), setup: (e) => () => c(e.tag, null, { default: () => [e.icon] }) }), Ht({ name: "VClassIcon", props: wl(), setup: (e) => () => c(e.tag, { class: e.icon }, null) }); -const qs = ["x-small", "small", "default", "large", "x-large"], Lt = O({ size: { type: [String, Number], default: "default" } }, "size"); -function el(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - return xn(() => { - let t, l; - return ml(qs, e.size) ? t = `${n}--size-${e.size}` : e.size && (l = { width: oe(e.size), height: oe(e.size) }), { sizeClasses: t, sizeStyles: l }; - }); -} -const Us = O({ color: String, start: Boolean, end: Boolean, icon: me, ...ve(), ...Lt(), ...Ve({ tag: "i" }), ...Be() }, "VIcon"), Ae = le()({ name: "VIcon", props: Us(), setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const a = J(), { themeClasses: o } = $e(e), { iconData: s } = ((v) => { - const f = Se(Hs); - if (!f) - throw new Error("Missing Vuetify Icons provide!"); - return { iconData: m(() => { - var S; - const p = b(v); - if (!p) - return { component: xa }; - let d = p; - if (typeof d == "string" && (d = d.trim(), d.startsWith("$") && (d = (S = f.aliases) == null ? void 0 : S[d.slice(1)])), !d) - throw new Error(`Could not find aliased icon "${p}"`); - if (Array.isArray(d)) - return { component: Ks, icon: d }; - if (typeof d != "string") - return { component: xa, icon: d }; - const h = Object.keys(f.sets).find((x) => typeof d == "string" && d.startsWith(`${x}:`)), y = h ? d.slice(h.length + 1) : d; - return { component: f.sets[h ?? f.defaultSet].component, icon: y }; - }) }; - })(m(() => a.value || e.icon)), { sizeClasses: r } = el(e), { textColorClasses: i, textColorStyles: u } = Je(q(e, "color")); - return ue(() => { - var f, p; - const v = (f = l.default) == null ? void 0 : f.call(l); - return v && (a.value = (p = lo(v).filter((d) => d.type === fs && d.children && typeof d.children == "string")[0]) == null ? void 0 : p.children), c(s.value.component, { tag: e.tag, icon: s.value.icon, class: ["v-icon", "notranslate", o.value, r.value, i.value, { "v-icon--clickable": !!t.onClick, "v-icon--start": e.start, "v-icon--end": e.end }, e.class], style: [r.value ? void 0 : { fontSize: oe(e.size), height: oe(e.size), width: oe(e.size) }, u.value, e.style], role: t.onClick ? "button" : void 0, "aria-hidden": !t.onClick }, { default: () => [v] }); - }), {}; -} }); -function _o(e, n) { - const t = J(), l = de(!1); - if (bn) { - const a = new IntersectionObserver((o) => { - e == null || e(o, a), l.value = !!o.find((s) => s.isIntersecting); - }, n); - Ze(() => { - a.disconnect(); - }), ae(t, (o, s) => { - s && (a.unobserve(s), l.value = !1), o && a.observe(o); - }, { flush: "post" }); - } - return { intersectionRef: t, isIntersecting: l }; -} -const Ys = O({ bgColor: String, color: String, indeterminate: [Boolean, String], modelValue: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, rotate: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, width: { type: [Number, String], default: 4 }, ...ve(), ...Lt(), ...Ve({ tag: "div" }), ...Be() }, "VProgressCircular"), Fo = le()({ name: "VProgressCircular", props: Ys(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = 2 * Math.PI * 20, a = J(), { themeClasses: o } = $e(e), { sizeClasses: s, sizeStyles: r } = el(e), { textColorClasses: i, textColorStyles: u } = Je(q(e, "color")), { textColorClasses: v, textColorStyles: f } = Je(q(e, "bgColor")), { intersectionRef: p, isIntersecting: d } = _o(), { resizeRef: h, contentRect: y } = Dl(), S = m(() => Math.max(0, Math.min(100, parseFloat(e.modelValue)))), x = m(() => Number(e.width)), A = m(() => r.value ? Number(e.size) : y.value ? y.value.width : Math.max(x.value, 32)), F = m(() => 20 / (1 - x.value / A.value) * 2), C = m(() => x.value / A.value * F.value), B = m(() => oe((100 - S.value) / 100 * l)); - return Re(() => { - p.value = a.value, h.value = a.value; - }), ue(() => c(e.tag, { ref: a, class: ["v-progress-circular", { "v-progress-circular--indeterminate": !!e.indeterminate, "v-progress-circular--visible": d.value, "v-progress-circular--disable-shrink": e.indeterminate === "disable-shrink" }, o.value, s.value, i.value, e.class], style: [r.value, u.value, e.style], role: "progressbar", "aria-valuemin": "0", "aria-valuemax": "100", "aria-valuenow": e.indeterminate ? void 0 : S.value }, { default: () => [c("svg", { style: { transform: `rotate(calc(-90deg + ${Number(e.rotate)}deg))` }, xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: `0 0 ${F.value} ${F.value}` }, [c("circle", { class: ["v-progress-circular__underlay", v.value], style: f.value, fill: "transparent", cx: "50%", cy: "50%", r: 20, "stroke-width": C.value, "stroke-dasharray": l, "stroke-dashoffset": 0 }, null), c("circle", { class: "v-progress-circular__overlay", fill: "transparent", cx: "50%", cy: "50%", r: 20, "stroke-width": C.value, "stroke-dasharray": l, "stroke-dashoffset": B.value }, null)]), t.default && c("div", { class: "v-progress-circular__content" }, [t.default({ value: S.value })])] })), {}; -} }), wa = { center: "center", top: "bottom", bottom: "top", left: "right", right: "left" }, $o = O({ location: String }, "location"); -function Vo(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 && arguments[1], t = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0; - const { isRtl: l } = Et(); - return { locationStyles: m(() => { - if (!e.location) - return {}; - const { side: o, align: s } = nn(e.location.split(" ").length > 1 ? e.location : `${e.location} center`, l.value); - function r(u) { - return t ? t(u) : 0; - } - const i = {}; - return o !== "center" && (n ? i[wa[o]] = `calc(100% - ${r(o)}px)` : i[o] = 0), s !== "center" ? n ? i[wa[s]] = `calc(100% - ${r(s)}px)` : i[s] = 0 : (o === "center" ? i.top = i.left = "50%" : i[{ top: "left", bottom: "left", left: "top", right: "top" }[o]] = "50%", i.transform = { top: "translateX(-50%)", bottom: "translateX(-50%)", left: "translateY(-50%)", right: "translateY(-50%)", center: "translate(-50%, -50%)" }[o]), i; - }) }; -} -const Xs = O({ absolute: Boolean, active: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, bgColor: String, bgOpacity: [Number, String], bufferValue: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, clickable: Boolean, color: String, height: { type: [Number, String], default: 4 }, indeterminate: Boolean, max: { type: [Number, String], default: 100 }, modelValue: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, reverse: Boolean, stream: Boolean, striped: Boolean, roundedBar: Boolean, ...ve(), ...$o({ location: "top" }), ...Qe(), ...Ve(), ...Be() }, "VProgressLinear"), Io = le()({ name: "VProgressLinear", props: Xs(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = xe(e, "modelValue"), { isRtl: a, rtlClasses: o } = Et(), { themeClasses: s } = $e(e), { locationStyles: r } = Vo(e), { textColorClasses: i, textColorStyles: u } = Je(e, "color"), { backgroundColorClasses: v, backgroundColorStyles: f } = ot(m(() => e.bgColor || e.color)), { backgroundColorClasses: p, backgroundColorStyles: d } = ot(e, "color"), { roundedClasses: h } = ut(e), { intersectionRef: y, isIntersecting: S } = _o(), x = m(() => parseInt(e.max, 10)), A = m(() => parseInt(e.height, 10)), F = m(() => parseFloat(e.bufferValue) / x.value * 100), C = m(() => parseFloat(l.value) / x.value * 100), B = m(() => a.value !== e.reverse), _ = m(() => e.indeterminate ? "fade-transition" : "slide-x-transition"), V = m(() => e.bgOpacity == null ? e.bgOpacity : parseFloat(e.bgOpacity)); - function g(k) { - if (!y.value) - return; - const { left: w, right: P, width: $ } = y.value.getBoundingClientRect(), D = B.value ? $ - k.clientX + (P - $) : k.clientX - w; - l.value = Math.round(D / $ * x.value); - } - return ue(() => c(e.tag, { ref: y, class: ["v-progress-linear", { "v-progress-linear--absolute": e.absolute, "v-progress-linear--active": e.active && S.value, "v-progress-linear--reverse": B.value, "v-progress-linear--rounded": e.rounded, "v-progress-linear--rounded-bar": e.roundedBar, "v-progress-linear--striped": e.striped }, h.value, s.value, o.value, e.class], style: [{ bottom: e.location === "bottom" ? 0 : void 0, top: e.location === "top" ? 0 : void 0, height: e.active ? oe(A.value) : 0, "--v-progress-linear-height": oe(A.value), ...r.value }, e.style], role: "progressbar", "aria-hidden": e.active ? "false" : "true", "aria-valuemin": "0", "aria-valuemax": e.max, "aria-valuenow": e.indeterminate ? void 0 : C.value, onClick: e.clickable && g }, { default: () => [e.stream && c("div", { key: "stream", class: ["v-progress-linear__stream", i.value], style: { ...u.value, [B.value ? "left" : "right"]: oe(-A.value), borderTop: `${oe(A.value / 2)} dotted`, opacity: V.value, top: `calc(50% - ${oe(A.value / 4)})`, width: oe(100 - F.value, "%"), "--v-progress-linear-stream-to": oe(A.value * (B.value ? 1 : -1)) } }, null), c("div", { class: ["v-progress-linear__background", v.value], style: [f.value, { opacity: V.value, width: oe(e.stream ? F.value : 100, "%") }] }, null), c(mt, { name: _.value }, { default: () => [e.indeterminate ? c("div", { class: "v-progress-linear__indeterminate" }, [["long", "short"].map((k) => c("div", { key: k, class: ["v-progress-linear__indeterminate", k, p.value], style: d.value }, null))]) : c("div", { class: ["v-progress-linear__determinate", p.value], style: [d.value, { width: oe(C.value, "%") }] }, null)] }), t.default && c("div", { class: "v-progress-linear__content" }, [t.default({ value: C.value, buffer: F.value })])] })), {}; -} }), Bn = O({ loading: [Boolean, String] }, "loader"); -function An(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - return { loaderClasses: m(() => ({ [`${n}--loading`]: e.loading })) }; -} -function Eo(e, n) { - var l; - let { slots: t } = n; - return c("div", { class: `${e.name}__loader` }, [((l = t.default) == null ? void 0 : l.call(t, { color: e.color, isActive: e.active })) || c(Io, { absolute: e.absolute, active: e.active, color: e.color, height: "2", indeterminate: !0 }, null)]); -} -const Js = ["static", "relative", "fixed", "absolute", "sticky"], Zs = O({ position: { type: String, validator: (e) => Js.includes(e) } }, "position"); -function _n(e, n) { - const t = Ja("RouterLink"), l = m(() => !(!e.href && !e.to)), a = m(() => (l == null ? void 0 : l.value) || Zn(n, "click") || Zn(e, "click")); - if (typeof t == "string") - return { isLink: l, isClickable: a, href: q(e, "href") }; - const o = e.to ? t.useLink(e) : void 0, s = function() { - const r = Pe("useRoute"); - return m(() => { - var i; - return (i = r == null ? void 0 : r.proxy) == null ? void 0 : i.$route; - }); - }(); - return { isLink: l, isClickable: a, route: o == null ? void 0 : o.route, navigate: o == null ? void 0 : o.navigate, isActive: o && m(() => { - var r, i, u; - return e.exact ? s.value ? ((r = o.isExactActive) == null ? void 0 : r.value) && st(o.route.value.query, s.value.query) : (i = o.isExactActive) == null ? void 0 : i.value : (u = o.isActive) == null ? void 0 : u.value; - }), href: m(() => e.to ? o == null ? void 0 : o.route.value.href : e.href) }; -} -const Fn = O({ href: String, replace: Boolean, to: [String, Object], exact: Boolean }, "router"); -let ql = !1; -const an = Symbol("rippleStop"), Qs = 80; -function ka(e, n) { - e.style.transform = n, e.style.webkitTransform = n; -} -function on(e) { - return e.constructor.name === "TouchEvent"; -} -function To(e) { - return e.constructor.name === "KeyboardEvent"; -} -const kl = { show(e, n) { - var d; - let t = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}; - if (!((d = n == null ? void 0 : n._ripple) != null && d.enabled)) - return; - const l = document.createElement("span"), a = document.createElement("span"); - l.appendChild(a), l.className = "v-ripple__container", t.class && (l.className += ` ${t.class}`); - const { radius: o, scale: s, x: r, y: i, centerX: u, centerY: v } = function(h, y) { - var V; - let S = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}, x = 0, A = 0; - if (!To(h)) { - const g = y.getBoundingClientRect(), k = on(h) ? h.touches[h.touches.length - 1] : h; - x = k.clientX - g.left, A = k.clientY - g.top; - } - let F = 0, C = 0.3; - (V = y._ripple) != null && V.circle ? (C = 0.15, F = y.clientWidth / 2, F = S.center ? F : F + Math.sqrt((x - F) ** 2 + (A - F) ** 2) / 4) : F = Math.sqrt(y.clientWidth ** 2 + y.clientHeight ** 2) / 2; - const B = (y.clientWidth - 2 * F) / 2 + "px", _ = (y.clientHeight - 2 * F) / 2 + "px"; - return { radius: F, scale: C, x: S.center ? B : x - F + "px", y: S.center ? _ : A - F + "px", centerX: B, centerY: _ }; - }(e, n, t), f = 2 * o + "px"; - a.className = "v-ripple__animation", a.style.width = f, a.style.height = f, n.appendChild(l); - const p = window.getComputedStyle(n); - p && p.position === "static" && (n.style.position = "relative", n.dataset.previousPosition = "static"), a.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--enter"), a.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--visible"), ka(a, `translate(${r}, ${i}) scale3d(${s},${s},${s})`), a.dataset.activated = String(performance.now()), setTimeout(() => { - a.classList.remove("v-ripple__animation--enter"), a.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--in"), ka(a, `translate(${u}, ${v}) scale3d(1,1,1)`); - }, 0); -}, hide(e) { - var o; - if (!((o = e == null ? void 0 : e._ripple) != null && o.enabled)) - return; - const n = e.getElementsByClassName("v-ripple__animation"); - if (n.length === 0) - return; - const t = n[n.length - 1]; - if (t.dataset.isHiding) - return; - t.dataset.isHiding = "true"; - const l = performance.now() - Number(t.dataset.activated), a = Math.max(250 - l, 0); - setTimeout(() => { - t.classList.remove("v-ripple__animation--in"), t.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--out"), setTimeout(() => { - var s; - e.getElementsByClassName("v-ripple__animation").length === 1 && e.dataset.previousPosition && (e.style.position = e.dataset.previousPosition, delete e.dataset.previousPosition), ((s = t.parentNode) == null ? void 0 : s.parentNode) === e && e.removeChild(t.parentNode); - }, 300); - }, a); -} }; -function Do(e) { - return e === void 0 || !!e; -} -function Kt(e) { - const n = {}, t = e.currentTarget; - if (t != null && t._ripple && !t._ripple.touched && !e[an]) { - if (e[an] = !0, on(e)) - t._ripple.touched = !0, t._ripple.isTouch = !0; - else if (t._ripple.isTouch) - return; - if (n.center = t._ripple.centered || To(e), t._ripple.class && (n.class = t._ripple.class), on(e)) { - if (t._ripple.showTimerCommit) - return; - t._ripple.showTimerCommit = () => { - kl.show(e, t, n); - }, t._ripple.showTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { - var l; - (l = t == null ? void 0 : t._ripple) != null && l.showTimerCommit && (t._ripple.showTimerCommit(), t._ripple.showTimerCommit = null); - }, Qs); - } else - kl.show(e, t, n); - } -} -function Ca(e) { - e[an] = !0; -} -function Me(e) { - const n = e.currentTarget; - if (n != null && n._ripple) { - if (window.clearTimeout(n._ripple.showTimer), e.type === "touchend" && n._ripple.showTimerCommit) - return n._ripple.showTimerCommit(), n._ripple.showTimerCommit = null, void (n._ripple.showTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { - Me(e); - })); - window.setTimeout(() => { - n._ripple && (n._ripple.touched = !1); - }), kl.hide(n); - } -} -function Lo(e) { - const n = e.currentTarget; - n != null && n._ripple && (n._ripple.showTimerCommit && (n._ripple.showTimerCommit = null), window.clearTimeout(n._ripple.showTimer)); -} -let qt = !1; -function Oo(e) { - qt || e.keyCode !== qn.enter && e.keyCode !== qn.space || (qt = !0, Kt(e)); -} -function Mo(e) { - qt = !1, Me(e); -} -function No(e) { - qt && (qt = !1, Me(e)); -} -function Pa(e, n, t) { - const { value: l, modifiers: a } = n, o = Do(l); - if (o || kl.hide(e), e._ripple = e._ripple ?? {}, e._ripple.enabled = o, e._ripple.centered = a.center, e._ripple.circle = a.circle, tn(l) && l.class && (e._ripple.class = l.class), o && !t) { - if (a.stop) - return e.addEventListener("touchstart", Ca, { passive: !0 }), void e.addEventListener("mousedown", Ca); - e.addEventListener("touchstart", Kt, { passive: !0 }), e.addEventListener("touchend", Me, { passive: !0 }), e.addEventListener("touchmove", Lo, { passive: !0 }), e.addEventListener("touchcancel", Me), e.addEventListener("mousedown", Kt), e.addEventListener("mouseup", Me), e.addEventListener("mouseleave", Me), e.addEventListener("keydown", Oo), e.addEventListener("keyup", Mo), e.addEventListener("blur", No), e.addEventListener("dragstart", Me, { passive: !0 }); - } else - !o && t && Ro(e); -} -function Ro(e) { - e.removeEventListener("mousedown", Kt), e.removeEventListener("touchstart", Kt), e.removeEventListener("touchend", Me), e.removeEventListener("touchmove", Lo), e.removeEventListener("touchcancel", Me), e.removeEventListener("mouseup", Me), e.removeEventListener("mouseleave", Me), e.removeEventListener("keydown", Oo), e.removeEventListener("keyup", Mo), e.removeEventListener("dragstart", Me), e.removeEventListener("blur", No); -} -const Ml = { mounted: function(e, n) { - Pa(e, n, !1); -}, unmounted: function(e) { - delete e._ripple, Ro(e); -}, updated: function(e, n) { - n.value !== n.oldValue && Pa(e, n, Do(n.oldValue)); -} }, ei = O({ active: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, symbol: { type: null, default: Ao }, flat: Boolean, icon: [Boolean, String, Function, Object], prependIcon: me, appendIcon: me, block: Boolean, slim: Boolean, stacked: Boolean, ripple: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: !0 }, text: String, ...Tt(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...St(), ...wt(), ...Co(), ...Bn(), ...$o(), ...Zs(), ...Qe(), ...Fn(), ...Lt(), ...Ve({ tag: "button" }), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "elevated" }) }, "VBtn"), pt = le()({ name: "VBtn", directives: { Ripple: Ml }, props: ei(), emits: { "group:selected": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const { themeClasses: a } = $e(e), { borderClasses: o } = Qt(e), { colorClasses: s, colorStyles: r, variantClasses: i } = Ol(e), { densityClasses: u } = et(e), { dimensionStyles: v } = xt(e), { elevationClasses: f } = Dt(e), { loaderClasses: p } = An(e), { locationStyles: d } = Vo(e), { positionClasses: h } = function(k) { - let w = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - return { positionClasses: m(() => k.position ? `${w}--${k.position}` : void 0) }; - }(e), { roundedClasses: y } = ut(e), { sizeClasses: S, sizeStyles: x } = el(e), A = Po(e, e.symbol, !1), F = _n(e, t), C = m(() => { - var k; - return e.active !== void 0 ? e.active : F.isLink.value ? (k = F.isActive) == null ? void 0 : k.value : A == null ? void 0 : A.isSelected.value; - }), B = m(() => (A == null ? void 0 : A.disabled.value) || e.disabled), _ = m(() => e.variant === "elevated" && !(e.disabled || e.flat || e.border)), V = m(() => { - if (e.value !== void 0 && typeof e.value != "symbol") - return Object(e.value) === e.value ? JSON.stringify(e.value, null, 0) : e.value; - }); - function g(k) { - var w; - B.value || F.isLink.value && (k.metaKey || k.ctrlKey || k.shiftKey || k.button !== 0 || t.target === "_blank") || ((w = F.navigate) == null || w.call(F, k), A == null || A.toggle()); - } - return function(k, w) { - ae(() => { - var P; - return (P = k.isActive) == null ? void 0 : P.value; - }, (P) => { - k.isLink.value && P && w && Fe(() => { - w(!0); - }); - }, { immediate: !0 }); - }(F, A == null ? void 0 : A.select), ue(() => { - var M, T; - const k = F.isLink.value ? "a" : e.tag, w = !(!e.prependIcon && !l.prepend), P = !(!e.appendIcon && !l.append), $ = !(!e.icon || e.icon === !0), D = (A == null ? void 0 : A.isSelected.value) && (!F.isLink.value || ((M = F.isActive) == null ? void 0 : M.value)) || !A || ((T = F.isActive) == null ? void 0 : T.value); - return Ge(c(k, { type: k === "a" ? void 0 : "button", class: ["v-btn", A == null ? void 0 : A.selectedClass.value, { "v-btn--active": C.value, "v-btn--block": e.block, "v-btn--disabled": B.value, "v-btn--elevated": _.value, "v-btn--flat": e.flat, "v-btn--icon": !!e.icon, "v-btn--loading": e.loading, "v-btn--slim": e.slim, "v-btn--stacked": e.stacked }, a.value, o.value, D ? s.value : void 0, u.value, f.value, p.value, h.value, y.value, S.value, i.value, e.class], style: [D ? r.value : void 0, v.value, d.value, x.value, e.style], disabled: B.value || void 0, href: F.href.value, onClick: g, value: V.value }, { default: () => { - var N; - return [Ll(!0, "v-btn"), !e.icon && w && c("span", { key: "prepend", class: "v-btn__prepend" }, [l.prepend ? c(ze, { key: "prepend-defaults", disabled: !e.prependIcon, defaults: { VIcon: { icon: e.prependIcon } } }, l.prepend) : c(Ae, { key: "prepend-icon", icon: e.prependIcon }, null)]), c("span", { class: "v-btn__content", "data-no-activator": "" }, [!l.default && $ ? c(Ae, { key: "content-icon", icon: e.icon }, null) : c(ze, { key: "content-defaults", disabled: !$, defaults: { VIcon: { icon: e.icon } } }, { default: () => { - var K; - return [((K = l.default) == null ? void 0 : K.call(l)) ?? e.text]; - } })]), !e.icon && P && c("span", { key: "append", class: "v-btn__append" }, [l.append ? c(ze, { key: "append-defaults", disabled: !e.appendIcon, defaults: { VIcon: { icon: e.appendIcon } } }, l.append) : c(Ae, { key: "append-icon", icon: e.appendIcon }, null)]), !!e.loading && c("span", { key: "loader", class: "v-btn__loader" }, [((N = l.loader) == null ? void 0 : N.call(l)) ?? c(Fo, { color: typeof e.loading == "boolean" ? void 0 : e.loading, indeterminate: !0, size: "23", width: "2" }, null)])]; - } }), [[yt("ripple"), !B.value && e.ripple, null]]); - }), {}; -} }), ti = O({ start: Boolean, end: Boolean, icon: me, image: String, text: String, ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...Qe(), ...Lt(), ...Ve(), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "flat" }) }, "VAvatar"), Ut = le()({ name: "VAvatar", props: ti(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { themeClasses: l } = $e(e), { colorClasses: a, colorStyles: o, variantClasses: s } = Ol(e), { densityClasses: r } = et(e), { roundedClasses: i } = ut(e), { sizeClasses: u, sizeStyles: v } = el(e); - return ue(() => c(e.tag, { class: ["v-avatar", { "v-avatar--start": e.start, "v-avatar--end": e.end }, l.value, a.value, r.value, i.value, u.value, s.value, e.class], style: [o.value, v.value, e.style] }, { default: () => { - var f; - return [e.image ? c(js, { key: "image", src: e.image, alt: "", cover: !0 }, null) : e.icon ? c(Ae, { key: "icon", icon: e.icon }, null) : ((f = t.default) == null ? void 0 : f.call(t)) ?? e.text, Ll(!1, "v-avatar")]; - } })), {}; -} }), li = O({ text: String, clickable: Boolean, ...ve(), ...Be() }, "VLabel"), jo = le()({ name: "VLabel", props: li(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - return ue(() => { - var l; - return c("label", { class: ["v-label", { "v-label--clickable": e.clickable }, e.class], style: e.style }, [e.text, (l = t.default) == null ? void 0 : l.call(t)]); - }), {}; -} }), Wo = Symbol.for("vuetify:selection-control-group"), zo = O({ color: String, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: null }, defaultsTarget: String, error: Boolean, id: String, inline: Boolean, falseIcon: me, trueIcon: me, ripple: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, multiple: { type: Boolean, default: null }, name: String, readonly: { type: Boolean, default: null }, modelValue: null, type: String, valueComparator: { type: Function, default: st }, ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...Be() }, "SelectionControlGroup"), ni = O({ ...zo({ defaultsTarget: "VSelectionControl" }) }, "VSelectionControlGroup"); -le()({ name: "VSelectionControlGroup", props: ni(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = xe(e, "modelValue"), a = qe(), o = m(() => e.id || `v-selection-control-group-${a}`), s = m(() => e.name || o.value), r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - return ke(Wo, { modelValue: l, forceUpdate: () => { - r.forEach((i) => i()); - }, onForceUpdate: (i) => { - r.add(i), Le(() => { - r.delete(i); - }); - } }), Xe({ [e.defaultsTarget]: { color: q(e, "color"), disabled: q(e, "disabled"), density: q(e, "density"), error: q(e, "error"), inline: q(e, "inline"), modelValue: l, multiple: m(() => !!e.multiple || e.multiple == null && Array.isArray(l.value)), name: s, falseIcon: q(e, "falseIcon"), trueIcon: q(e, "trueIcon"), readonly: q(e, "readonly"), ripple: q(e, "ripple"), type: q(e, "type"), valueComparator: q(e, "valueComparator") } }), ue(() => { - var i; - return c("div", { class: ["v-selection-control-group", { "v-selection-control-group--inline": e.inline }, e.class], style: e.style, role: e.type === "radio" ? "radiogroup" : void 0 }, [(i = t.default) == null ? void 0 : i.call(t)]); - }), {}; -} }); -const Go = O({ label: String, baseColor: String, trueValue: null, falseValue: null, value: null, ...ve(), ...zo() }, "VSelectionControl"), Ba = le()({ name: "VSelectionControl", directives: { Ripple: Ml }, inheritAttrs: !1, props: Go(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const { group: a, densityClasses: o, icon: s, model: r, textColorClasses: i, textColorStyles: u, backgroundColorClasses: v, backgroundColorStyles: f, trueValue: p } = function(B) { - const _ = Se(Wo, void 0), { densityClasses: V } = et(B), g = xe(B, "modelValue"), k = m(() => B.trueValue !== void 0 ? B.trueValue : B.value === void 0 || B.value), w = m(() => B.falseValue !== void 0 && B.falseValue), P = m(() => !!B.multiple || B.multiple == null && Array.isArray(g.value)), $ = m({ get() { - const I = _ ? _.modelValue.value : g.value; - return P.value ? Ie(I).some((R) => B.valueComparator(R, k.value)) : B.valueComparator(I, k.value); - }, set(I) { - if (B.readonly) - return; - const R = I ? k.value : w.value; - let j = R; - P.value && (j = I ? [...Ie(g.value), R] : Ie(g.value).filter((U) => !B.valueComparator(U, k.value))), _ ? _.modelValue.value = j : g.value = j; - } }), { textColorClasses: D, textColorStyles: M } = Je(m(() => { - if (!B.error && !B.disabled) - return $.value ? B.color : B.baseColor; - })), { backgroundColorClasses: T, backgroundColorStyles: N } = ot(m(() => !$.value || B.error || B.disabled ? void 0 : B.color)), K = m(() => $.value ? B.trueIcon : B.falseIcon); - return { group: _, densityClasses: V, trueValue: k, falseValue: w, model: $, textColorClasses: D, textColorStyles: M, backgroundColorClasses: T, backgroundColorStyles: N, icon: K }; - }(e), d = qe(), h = m(() => e.id || `input-${d}`), y = de(!1), S = de(!1), x = J(); - function A(B) { - y.value = !0, hl(B.target, ":focus-visible") !== !1 && (S.value = !0); - } - function F() { - y.value = !1, S.value = !1; - } - function C(B) { - e.readonly && a && Fe(() => a.forceUpdate()), r.value = B.target.checked; - } - return a == null || a.onForceUpdate(() => { - x.value && (x.value.checked = r.value); - }), ue(() => { - var k, w; - const B = l.label ? l.label({ label: e.label, props: { for: h.value } }) : e.label, [_, V] = Sn(t), g = c("input", ee({ ref: x, checked: r.value, disabled: !(!e.readonly && !e.disabled), id: h.value, onBlur: F, onFocus: A, onInput: C, "aria-disabled": !(!e.readonly && !e.disabled), type: e.type, value: p.value, name: e.name, "aria-checked": e.type === "checkbox" ? r.value : void 0 }, V), null); - return c("div", ee({ class: ["v-selection-control", { "v-selection-control--dirty": r.value, "v-selection-control--disabled": e.disabled, "v-selection-control--error": e.error, "v-selection-control--focused": y.value, "v-selection-control--focus-visible": S.value, "v-selection-control--inline": e.inline }, o.value, e.class] }, _, { style: e.style }), [c("div", { class: ["v-selection-control__wrapper", i.value], style: u.value }, [(k = l.default) == null ? void 0 : k.call(l, { backgroundColorClasses: v, backgroundColorStyles: f }), Ge(c("div", { class: ["v-selection-control__input"] }, [((w = l.input) == null ? void 0 : w.call(l, { model: r, textColorClasses: i, textColorStyles: u, backgroundColorClasses: v, backgroundColorStyles: f, inputNode: g, icon: s.value, props: { onFocus: A, onBlur: F, id: h.value } })) ?? c(pe, null, [s.value && c(Ae, { key: "icon", icon: s.value }, null), g])]), [[yt("ripple"), e.ripple && [!e.disabled && !e.readonly, null, ["center", "circle"]]]])]), B && c(jo, { for: h.value, clickable: !0, onClick: (P) => P.stopPropagation() }, { default: () => [B] })]); - }), { isFocused: y, input: x }; -} }), Ho = O({ indeterminate: Boolean, indeterminateIcon: { type: me, default: "$checkboxIndeterminate" }, ...Go({ falseIcon: "$checkboxOff", trueIcon: "$checkboxOn" }) }, "VCheckboxBtn"), _t = le()({ name: "VCheckboxBtn", props: Ho(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, "update:indeterminate": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = xe(e, "indeterminate"), a = xe(e, "modelValue"); - function o(i) { - l.value && (l.value = !1); - } - const s = m(() => l.value ? e.indeterminateIcon : e.falseIcon), r = m(() => l.value ? e.indeterminateIcon : e.trueIcon); - return ue(() => { - const i = bt(Ba.filterProps(e), ["modelValue"]); - return c(Ba, ee(i, { modelValue: a.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": [(u) => a.value = u, o], class: ["v-checkbox-btn", e.class], style: e.style, type: "checkbox", falseIcon: s.value, trueIcon: r.value, "aria-checked": l.value ? "mixed" : void 0 }), t); - }), {}; -} }); -function Ko(e) { - const { t: n } = it(); - return { InputIcon: function(t) { - let { name: l } = t; - const a = { prepend: "prependAction", prependInner: "prependAction", append: "appendAction", appendInner: "appendAction", clear: "clear" }[l], o = e[`onClick:${l}`], s = o && a ? n(`$vuetify.input.${a}`, e.label ?? "") : void 0; - return c(Ae, { icon: e[`${l}Icon`], "aria-label": s, onClick: o }, null); - } }; -} -const ai = O({ active: Boolean, color: String, messages: { type: [Array, String], default: () => [] }, ...ve(), ...Zt({ transition: { component: ho, leaveAbsolute: !0, group: !0 } }) }, "VMessages"), oi = le()({ name: "VMessages", props: ai(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = m(() => Ie(e.messages)), { textColorClasses: a, textColorStyles: o } = Je(m(() => e.color)); - return ue(() => c(tt, { transition: e.transition, tag: "div", class: ["v-messages", a.value, e.class], style: [o.value, e.style], role: "alert", "aria-live": "polite" }, { default: () => [e.active && l.value.map((s, r) => c("div", { class: "v-messages__message", key: `${r}-${l.value}` }, [t.message ? t.message({ message: s }) : s]))] })), {}; -} }), qo = O({ focused: Boolean, "onUpdate:focused": Ne() }, "focus"); -function $n(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - const t = xe(e, "focused"); - return { focusClasses: m(() => ({ [`${n}--focused`]: t.value })), isFocused: t, focus: function() { - t.value = !0; - }, blur: function() { - t.value = !1; - } }; -} -const ri = Symbol.for("vuetify:form"); -function Uo() { - return Se(ri, null); -} -const si = O({ disabled: { type: Boolean, default: null }, error: Boolean, errorMessages: { type: [Array, String], default: () => [] }, maxErrors: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, name: String, label: String, readonly: { type: Boolean, default: null }, rules: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, modelValue: null, validateOn: String, validationValue: null, ...qo() }, "validation"), Vn = O({ id: String, appendIcon: me, centerAffix: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, prependIcon: me, hideDetails: [Boolean, String], hideSpinButtons: Boolean, hint: String, persistentHint: Boolean, messages: { type: [Array, String], default: () => [] }, direction: { type: String, default: "horizontal", validator: (e) => ["horizontal", "vertical"].includes(e) }, "onClick:prepend": Ne(), "onClick:append": Ne(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...si() }, "VInput"), Cl = le()({ name: "VInput", props: { ...Vn() }, emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l, emit: a } = n; - const { densityClasses: o } = et(e), { rtlClasses: s } = Et(), { InputIcon: r } = Ko(e), i = qe(), u = m(() => e.id || `input-${i}`), v = m(() => `${u.value}-messages`), { errorMessages: f, isDirty: p, isDisabled: d, isReadonly: h, isPristine: y, isValid: S, isValidating: x, reset: A, resetValidation: F, validate: C, validationClasses: B } = function(g) { - let k = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(), w = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : qe(); - const P = xe(g, "modelValue"), $ = m(() => g.validationValue === void 0 ? P.value : g.validationValue), D = Uo(), M = J([]), T = de(!0), N = m(() => !(!Ie(P.value === "" ? null : P.value).length && !Ie($.value === "" ? null : $.value).length)), K = m(() => !!(g.disabled ?? (D == null ? void 0 : D.isDisabled.value))), I = m(() => !!(g.readonly ?? (D == null ? void 0 : D.isReadonly.value))), R = m(() => { - var z; - return (z = g.errorMessages) != null && z.length ? Ie(g.errorMessages).concat(M.value).slice(0, Math.max(0, +g.maxErrors)) : M.value; - }), j = m(() => { - let z = (g.validateOn ?? (D == null ? void 0 : D.validateOn.value)) || "input"; - z === "lazy" && (z = "input lazy"); - const E = new Set((z == null ? void 0 : z.split(" ")) ?? []); - return { blur: E.has("blur") || E.has("input"), input: E.has("input"), submit: E.has("submit"), lazy: E.has("lazy") }; - }), U = m(() => { - var z; - return !g.error && !((z = g.errorMessages) != null && z.length) && (!g.rules.length || (T.value ? !M.value.length && !j.value.lazy || null : !M.value.length)); - }), te = de(!1), X = m(() => ({ [`${k}--error`]: U.value === !1, [`${k}--dirty`]: N.value, [`${k}--disabled`]: K.value, [`${k}--readonly`]: I.value })), Z = m(() => g.name ?? b(w)); - function L() { - P.value = null, Fe(W); - } - function W() { - T.value = !0, j.value.lazy ? M.value = [] : G(!0); - } - async function G() { - let z = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 && arguments[0]; - const E = []; - te.value = !0; - for (const H of g.rules) { - if (E.length >= +(g.maxErrors ?? 1)) - break; - const se = typeof H == "function" ? H : () => H, Y = await se($.value); - Y !== !0 && (Y === !1 || typeof Y == "string" ? E.push(Y || "") : console.warn(`${Y} is not a valid value. Rule functions must return boolean true or a string.`)); - } - return M.value = E, te.value = !1, T.value = z, M.value; - } - return hn(() => { - D == null || D.register({ id: Z.value, validate: G, reset: L, resetValidation: W }); - }), Ze(() => { - D == null || D.unregister(Z.value); - }), ht(async () => { - j.value.lazy || await G(!0), D == null || D.update(Z.value, U.value, R.value); - }), gt(() => j.value.input, () => { - ae($, () => { - if ($.value != null) - G(); - else if (g.focused) { - const z = ae(() => g.focused, (E) => { - E || G(), z(); - }); - } - }); - }), gt(() => j.value.blur, () => { - ae(() => g.focused, (z) => { - z || G(); - }); - }), ae(U, () => { - D == null || D.update(Z.value, U.value, R.value); - }), { errorMessages: R, isDirty: N, isDisabled: K, isReadonly: I, isPristine: T, isValid: U, isValidating: te, reset: L, resetValidation: W, validate: G, validationClasses: X }; - }(e, "v-input", u), _ = m(() => ({ id: u, messagesId: v, isDirty: p, isDisabled: d, isReadonly: h, isPristine: y, isValid: S, isValidating: x, reset: A, resetValidation: F, validate: C })), V = m(() => { - var g; - return (g = e.errorMessages) != null && g.length || !y.value && f.value.length ? f.value : e.hint && (e.persistentHint || e.focused) ? e.hint : e.messages; - }); - return ue(() => { - var $, D, M, T; - const g = !(!l.prepend && !e.prependIcon), k = !(!l.append && !e.appendIcon), w = V.value.length > 0, P = !e.hideDetails || e.hideDetails === "auto" && (w || !!l.details); - return c("div", { class: ["v-input", `v-input--${e.direction}`, { "v-input--center-affix": e.centerAffix, "v-input--hide-spin-buttons": e.hideSpinButtons }, o.value, s.value, B.value, e.class], style: e.style }, [g && c("div", { key: "prepend", class: "v-input__prepend" }, [($ = l.prepend) == null ? void 0 : $.call(l, _.value), e.prependIcon && c(r, { key: "prepend-icon", name: "prepend" }, null)]), l.default && c("div", { class: "v-input__control" }, [(D = l.default) == null ? void 0 : D.call(l, _.value)]), k && c("div", { key: "append", class: "v-input__append" }, [e.appendIcon && c(r, { key: "append-icon", name: "append" }, null), (M = l.append) == null ? void 0 : M.call(l, _.value)]), P && c("div", { class: "v-input__details" }, [c(oi, { id: v.value, active: w, messages: V.value }, { message: l.message }), (T = l.details) == null ? void 0 : T.call(l, _.value)])]); - }), { reset: A, resetValidation: F, validate: C, isValid: S, errorMessages: f }; -} }), ii = O({ ...Vn(), ...bt(Ho(), ["inline"]) }, "VCheckbox"), In = le()({ name: "VCheckbox", inheritAttrs: !1, props: ii(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, "update:focused": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const a = xe(e, "modelValue"), { isFocused: o, focus: s, blur: r } = $n(e), i = qe(), u = m(() => e.id || `checkbox-${i}`); - return ue(() => { - const [v, f] = Sn(t), p = Cl.filterProps(e), d = _t.filterProps(e); - return c(Cl, ee({ class: ["v-checkbox", e.class] }, v, p, { modelValue: a.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (h) => a.value = h, id: u.value, focused: o.value, style: e.style }), { ...l, default: (h) => { - let { id: y, messagesId: S, isDisabled: x, isReadonly: A } = h; - return c(_t, ee(d, { id: y.value, "aria-describedby": S.value, disabled: x.value, readonly: A.value }, f, { modelValue: a.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (F) => a.value = F, onFocus: s, onBlur: r }), l); - } }); - }), {}; -} }), Yo = Symbol.for("vuetify:v-chip-group"), ui = O({ column: Boolean, filter: Boolean, valueComparator: { type: Function, default: st }, ...ve(), ...ko({ selectedClass: "v-chip--selected" }), ...Ve(), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "tonal" }) }, "VChipGroup"); -le()({ name: "VChipGroup", props: ui(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { themeClasses: l } = $e(e), { isSelected: a, select: o, next: s, prev: r, selected: i } = Bo(e, Yo); - return Xe({ VChip: { color: q(e, "color"), disabled: q(e, "disabled"), filter: q(e, "filter"), variant: q(e, "variant") } }), ue(() => c(e.tag, { class: ["v-chip-group", { "v-chip-group--column": e.column }, l.value, e.class], style: e.style }, { default: () => { - var u; - return [(u = t.default) == null ? void 0 : u.call(t, { isSelected: a, select: o, next: s, prev: r, selected: i.value })]; - } })), {}; -} }); -const ci = O({ activeClass: String, appendAvatar: String, appendIcon: me, closable: Boolean, closeIcon: { type: me, default: "$delete" }, closeLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.close" }, draggable: Boolean, filter: Boolean, filterIcon: { type: String, default: "$complete" }, label: Boolean, link: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, pill: Boolean, prependAvatar: String, prependIcon: me, ripple: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: !0 }, text: String, modelValue: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, onClick: Ne(), onClickOnce: Ne(), ...Tt(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...wt(), ...Co(), ...Qe(), ...Fn(), ...Lt(), ...Ve({ tag: "span" }), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "tonal" }) }, "VChip"), di = le()({ name: "VChip", directives: { Ripple: Ml }, props: ci(), emits: { "click:close": (e) => !0, "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, "group:selected": (e) => !0, click: (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, emit: l, slots: a } = n; - const { t: o } = it(), { borderClasses: s } = Qt(e), { colorClasses: r, colorStyles: i, variantClasses: u } = Ol(e), { densityClasses: v } = et(e), { elevationClasses: f } = Dt(e), { roundedClasses: p } = ut(e), { sizeClasses: d } = el(e), { themeClasses: h } = $e(e), y = xe(e, "modelValue"), S = Po(e, Yo, !1), x = _n(e, t), A = m(() => e.link !== !1 && x.isLink.value), F = m(() => !e.disabled && e.link !== !1 && (!!S || e.link || x.isClickable.value)), C = m(() => ({ "aria-label": o(e.closeLabel), onClick(V) { - V.stopPropagation(), y.value = !1, l("click:close", V); - } })); - function B(V) { - var g; - l("click", V), F.value && ((g = x.navigate) == null || g.call(x, V), S == null || S.toggle()); - } - function _(V) { - V.key !== "Enter" && V.key !== " " || (V.preventDefault(), B(V)); - } - return () => { - const V = x.isLink.value ? "a" : e.tag, g = !(!e.appendIcon && !e.appendAvatar), k = !(!g && !a.append), w = !(!a.close && !e.closable), P = !(!a.filter && !e.filter) && S, $ = !(!e.prependIcon && !e.prependAvatar), D = !(!$ && !a.prepend), M = !S || S.isSelected.value; - return y.value && Ge(c(V, { class: ["v-chip", { "v-chip--disabled": e.disabled, "v-chip--label": e.label, "v-chip--link": F.value, "v-chip--filter": P, "v-chip--pill": e.pill }, h.value, s.value, M ? r.value : void 0, v.value, f.value, p.value, d.value, u.value, S == null ? void 0 : S.selectedClass.value, e.class], style: [M ? i.value : void 0, e.style], disabled: e.disabled || void 0, draggable: e.draggable, href: x.href.value, tabindex: F.value ? 0 : void 0, onClick: B, onKeydown: F.value && !A.value && _ }, { default: () => { - var T; - return [Ll(F.value, "v-chip"), P && c(bo, { key: "filter" }, { default: () => [Ge(c("div", { class: "v-chip__filter" }, [a.filter ? c(ze, { key: "filter-defaults", disabled: !e.filterIcon, defaults: { VIcon: { icon: e.filterIcon } } }, a.filter) : c(Ae, { key: "filter-icon", icon: e.filterIcon }, null)]), [[Vt, S.isSelected.value]])] }), D && c("div", { key: "prepend", class: "v-chip__prepend" }, [a.prepend ? c(ze, { key: "prepend-defaults", disabled: !$, defaults: { VAvatar: { image: e.prependAvatar, start: !0 }, VIcon: { icon: e.prependIcon, start: !0 } } }, a.prepend) : c(pe, null, [e.prependIcon && c(Ae, { key: "prepend-icon", icon: e.prependIcon, start: !0 }, null), e.prependAvatar && c(Ut, { key: "prepend-avatar", image: e.prependAvatar, start: !0 }, null)])]), c("div", { class: "v-chip__content" }, [((T = a.default) == null ? void 0 : T.call(a, { isSelected: S == null ? void 0 : S.isSelected.value, selectedClass: S == null ? void 0 : S.selectedClass.value, select: S == null ? void 0 : S.select, toggle: S == null ? void 0 : S.toggle, value: S == null ? void 0 : S.value.value, disabled: e.disabled })) ?? e.text]), k && c("div", { key: "append", class: "v-chip__append" }, [a.append ? c(ze, { key: "append-defaults", disabled: !g, defaults: { VAvatar: { end: !0, image: e.appendAvatar }, VIcon: { end: !0, icon: e.appendIcon } } }, a.append) : c(pe, null, [e.appendIcon && c(Ae, { key: "append-icon", end: !0, icon: e.appendIcon }, null), e.appendAvatar && c(Ut, { key: "append-avatar", end: !0, image: e.appendAvatar }, null)])]), w && c("button", ee({ key: "close", class: "v-chip__close", type: "button" }, C.value), [a.close ? c(ze, { key: "close-defaults", defaults: { VIcon: { icon: e.closeIcon, size: "x-small" } } }, a.close) : c(Ae, { key: "close-icon", icon: e.closeIcon, size: "x-small" }, null)])]; - } }), [[yt("ripple"), F.value && e.ripple, null]]); - }; -} }), rn = Symbol.for("vuetify:list"); -function Xo() { - const e = Se(rn, { hasPrepend: de(!1), updateHasPrepend: () => null }), n = { hasPrepend: de(!1), updateHasPrepend: (t) => { - t && (n.hasPrepend.value = t); - } }; - return ke(rn, n), e; -} -function Jo() { - return Se(rn, null); -} -const pi = { open: (e) => { - let { id: n, value: t, opened: l, parents: a } = e; - if (t) { - const o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - o.add(n); - let s = a.get(n); - for (; s != null; ) - o.add(s), s = a.get(s); - return o; - } - return l.delete(n), l; -}, select: () => null }, Zo = { open: (e) => { - let { id: n, value: t, opened: l, parents: a } = e; - if (t) { - let o = a.get(n); - for (l.add(n); o != null && o !== n; ) - l.add(o), o = a.get(o); - return l; - } - return l.delete(n), l; -}, select: () => null }, vi = { open: Zo.open, select: (e) => { - let { id: n, value: t, opened: l, parents: a } = e; - if (!t) - return l; - const o = []; - let s = a.get(n); - for (; s != null; ) - o.push(s), s = a.get(s); - return new Set(o); -} }, sn = (e) => { - const n = { select: (t) => { - let { id: l, value: a, selected: o } = t; - if (l = nt(l), e && !a) { - const s = Array.from(o.entries()).reduce((r, i) => { - let [u, v] = i; - return v === "on" ? [...r, u] : r; - }, []); - if (s.length === 1 && s[0] === l) - return o; - } - return o.set(l, a ? "on" : "off"), o; - }, in: (t, l, a) => { - let o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - for (const s of t || []) - o = n.select({ id: s, value: !0, selected: new Map(o), children: l, parents: a }); - return o; - }, out: (t) => { - const l = []; - for (const [a, o] of t.entries()) - o === "on" && l.push(a); - return l; - } }; - return n; -}, Aa = (e) => { - const n = sn(e); - return { select: (t) => { - let { selected: l, id: a, ...o } = t; - a = nt(a); - const s = l.has(a) ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[a, l.get(a)]]) : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - return n.select({ ...o, id: a, selected: s }); - }, in: (t, l, a) => { - let o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - return t != null && t.length && (o = n.in(t.slice(0, 1), l, a)), o; - }, out: (t, l, a) => n.out(t, l, a) }; -}, Yt = Symbol.for("vuetify:nested"), Qo = { id: de(), root: { register: () => null, unregister: () => null, parents: J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), children: J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), open: () => null, openOnSelect: () => null, select: () => null, opened: J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), selected: J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), selectedValues: J([]) } }, fi = O({ selectStrategy: [String, Function], openStrategy: [String, Object], opened: Array, selected: Array, mandatory: Boolean }, "nested"), gi = (e) => { - let n = !1; - const t = J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), l = J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), a = xe(e, "opened", e.opened, (f) => new Set(f), (f) => [...f.values()]), o = m(() => { - if (typeof e.selectStrategy == "object") - return e.selectStrategy; - switch (e.selectStrategy) { - case "single-leaf": - return ((f) => { - const p = Aa(f); - return { select: (d) => { - let { id: h, selected: y, children: S, ...x } = d; - return h = nt(h), S.has(h) ? y : p.select({ id: h, selected: y, children: S, ...x }); - }, in: p.in, out: p.out }; - })(e.mandatory); - case "leaf": - return ((f) => { - const p = sn(f); - return { select: (d) => { - let { id: h, selected: y, children: S, ...x } = d; - return h = nt(h), S.has(h) ? y : p.select({ id: h, selected: y, children: S, ...x }); - }, in: p.in, out: p.out }; - })(e.mandatory); - case "independent": - return sn(e.mandatory); - case "single-independent": - return Aa(e.mandatory); - default: - return /* @__PURE__ */ ((f) => { - const p = { select: (d) => { - let { id: h, value: y, selected: S, children: x, parents: A } = d; - h = nt(h); - const F = new Map(S), C = [h]; - for (; C.length; ) { - const _ = C.shift(); - S.set(_, y ? "on" : "off"), x.has(_) && C.push(...x.get(_)); - } - let B = A.get(h); - for (; B; ) { - const _ = x.get(B), V = _.every((k) => S.get(k) === "on"), g = _.every((k) => !S.has(k) || S.get(k) === "off"); - S.set(B, V ? "on" : g ? "off" : "indeterminate"), B = A.get(B); - } - return f && !y && Array.from(S.entries()).reduce((V, g) => { - let [k, w] = g; - return w === "on" ? [...V, k] : V; - }, []).length === 0 ? F : S; - }, in: (d, h, y) => { - let S = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - for (const x of d || []) - S = p.select({ id: x, value: !0, selected: new Map(S), children: h, parents: y }); - return S; - }, out: (d, h) => { - const y = []; - for (const [S, x] of d.entries()) - x !== "on" || h.has(S) || y.push(S); - return y; - } }; - return p; - })(e.mandatory); - } - }), s = m(() => { - if (typeof e.openStrategy == "object") - return e.openStrategy; - switch (e.openStrategy) { - case "list": - return vi; - case "single": - return pi; - default: - return Zo; - } - }), r = xe(e, "selected", e.selected, (f) => o.value.in(f, t.value, l.value), (f) => o.value.out(f, t.value, l.value)); - function i(f) { - const p = []; - let d = f; - for (; d != null; ) - p.unshift(d), d = l.value.get(d); - return p; - } - Ze(() => { - n = !0; - }); - const u = Pe("nested"), v = { id: de(), root: { opened: a, selected: r, selectedValues: m(() => { - const f = []; - for (const [p, d] of r.value.entries()) - d === "on" && f.push(p); - return f; - }), register: (f, p, d) => { - p && f !== p && l.value.set(f, p), d && t.value.set(f, []), p != null && t.value.set(p, [...t.value.get(p) || [], f]); - }, unregister: (f) => { - if (n) - return; - t.value.delete(f); - const p = l.value.get(f); - if (p) { - const d = t.value.get(p) ?? []; - t.value.set(p, d.filter((h) => h !== f)); - } - l.value.delete(f), a.value.delete(f); - }, open: (f, p, d) => { - u.emit("click:open", { id: f, value: p, path: i(f), event: d }); - const h = s.value.open({ id: f, value: p, opened: new Set(a.value), children: t.value, parents: l.value, event: d }); - h && (a.value = h); - }, openOnSelect: (f, p, d) => { - const h = s.value.select({ id: f, value: p, selected: new Map(r.value), opened: new Set(a.value), children: t.value, parents: l.value, event: d }); - h && (a.value = h); - }, select: (f, p, d) => { - u.emit("click:select", { id: f, value: p, path: i(f), event: d }); - const h = o.value.select({ id: f, value: p, selected: new Map(r.value), children: t.value, parents: l.value, event: d }); - h && (r.value = h), v.root.openOnSelect(f, p, d); - }, children: t, parents: l } }; - return ke(Yt, v), v.root; -}, er = (e, n) => { - const t = Se(Yt, Qo), l = Symbol(qe()), a = m(() => e.value !== void 0 ? e.value : l), o = { ...t, id: a, open: (s, r) => t.root.open(a.value, s, r), openOnSelect: (s, r) => t.root.openOnSelect(a.value, s, r), isOpen: m(() => t.root.opened.value.has(a.value)), parent: m(() => t.root.parents.value.get(a.value)), select: (s, r) => t.root.select(a.value, s, r), isSelected: m(() => t.root.selected.value.get(nt(a.value)) === "on"), isIndeterminate: m(() => t.root.selected.value.get(a.value) === "indeterminate"), isLeaf: m(() => !t.root.children.value.get(a.value)), isGroupActivator: t.isGroupActivator }; - return !t.isGroupActivator && t.root.register(a.value, t.id.value, n), Ze(() => { - !t.isGroupActivator && t.root.unregister(a.value); - }), n && ke(Yt, o), o; -}, mi = Ht({ name: "VListGroupActivator", setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - return (() => { - const l = Se(Yt, Qo); - ke(Yt, { ...l, isGroupActivator: !0 }); - })(), () => { - var l; - return (l = t.default) == null ? void 0 : l.call(t); - }; -} }), yi = O({ activeColor: String, baseColor: String, color: String, collapseIcon: { type: me, default: "$collapse" }, expandIcon: { type: me, default: "$expand" }, prependIcon: me, appendIcon: me, fluid: Boolean, subgroup: Boolean, title: String, value: null, ...ve(), ...Ve() }, "VListGroup"), _a = le()({ name: "VListGroup", props: yi(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { isOpen: l, open: a, id: o } = er(q(e, "value"), !0), s = m(() => `v-list-group--id-${String(o.value)}`), r = Jo(), { isBooted: i } = function() { - const d = de(!1); - return ht(() => { - window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { - d.value = !0; - }); - }), { ssrBootStyles: m(() => d.value ? void 0 : { transition: "none !important" }), isBooted: mn(d) }; - }(); - function u(d) { - a(!l.value, d); - } - const v = m(() => ({ onClick: u, class: "v-list-group__header", id: s.value })), f = m(() => l.value ? e.collapseIcon : e.expandIcon), p = m(() => ({ VListItem: { active: l.value, activeColor: e.activeColor, baseColor: e.baseColor, color: e.color, prependIcon: e.prependIcon || e.subgroup && f.value, appendIcon: e.appendIcon || !e.subgroup && f.value, title: e.title, value: e.value } })); - return ue(() => c(e.tag, { class: ["v-list-group", { "v-list-group--prepend": r == null ? void 0 : r.hasPrepend.value, "v-list-group--fluid": e.fluid, "v-list-group--subgroup": e.subgroup, "v-list-group--open": l.value }, e.class], style: e.style }, { default: () => [t.activator && c(ze, { defaults: p.value }, { default: () => [c(mi, null, { default: () => [t.activator({ props: v.value, isOpen: l.value })] })] }), c(tt, { transition: { component: Ms }, disabled: !i.value }, { default: () => { - var d; - return [Ge(c("div", { class: "v-list-group__items", role: "group", "aria-labelledby": s.value }, [(d = t.default) == null ? void 0 : d.call(t)]), [[Vt, l.value]])]; - } })] })), {}; -} }), hi = uo("v-list-item-subtitle"), bi = uo("v-list-item-title"), Si = O({ active: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, activeClass: String, activeColor: String, appendAvatar: String, appendIcon: me, baseColor: String, disabled: Boolean, lines: String, link: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, nav: Boolean, prependAvatar: String, prependIcon: me, ripple: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: !0 }, slim: Boolean, subtitle: [String, Number], title: [String, Number], value: null, onClick: Ne(), onClickOnce: Ne(), ...Tt(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...St(), ...wt(), ...Qe(), ...Fn(), ...Ve(), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "text" }) }, "VListItem"), Pl = le()({ name: "VListItem", directives: { Ripple: Ml }, props: Si(), emits: { click: (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l, emit: a } = n; - const o = _n(e, t), s = m(() => e.value === void 0 ? o.href.value : e.value), { select: r, isSelected: i, isIndeterminate: u, isGroupActivator: v, root: f, parent: p, openOnSelect: d } = er(s, !1), h = Jo(), y = m(() => { - var I; - return e.active !== !1 && (e.active || ((I = o.isActive) == null ? void 0 : I.value) || i.value); - }), S = m(() => e.link !== !1 && o.isLink.value), x = m(() => !e.disabled && e.link !== !1 && (e.link || o.isClickable.value || e.value != null && !!h)), A = m(() => e.rounded || e.nav), F = m(() => e.color ?? e.activeColor), C = m(() => ({ color: y.value ? F.value ?? e.baseColor : e.baseColor, variant: e.variant })); - ae(() => { - var I; - return (I = o.isActive) == null ? void 0 : I.value; - }, (I) => { - I && p.value != null && f.open(p.value, !0), I && d(I); - }, { immediate: !0 }); - const { themeClasses: B } = $e(e), { borderClasses: _ } = Qt(e), { colorClasses: V, colorStyles: g, variantClasses: k } = Ol(C), { densityClasses: w } = et(e), { dimensionStyles: P } = xt(e), { elevationClasses: $ } = Dt(e), { roundedClasses: D } = ut(A), M = m(() => e.lines ? `v-list-item--${e.lines}-line` : void 0), T = m(() => ({ isActive: y.value, select: r, isSelected: i.value, isIndeterminate: u.value })); - function N(I) { - var R; - a("click", I), !v && x.value && ((R = o.navigate) == null || R.call(o, I), e.value != null && r(!i.value, I)); - } - function K(I) { - I.key !== "Enter" && I.key !== " " || (I.preventDefault(), N(I)); - } - return ue(() => { - const I = S.value ? "a" : e.tag, R = l.title || e.title != null, j = l.subtitle || e.subtitle != null, U = !(!e.appendAvatar && !e.appendIcon), te = !(!U && !l.append), X = !(!e.prependAvatar && !e.prependIcon), Z = !(!X && !l.prepend); - var L, W; - return h == null || h.updateHasPrepend(Z), e.activeColor && (L = "active-color", W = ["color", "base-color"], W = Array.isArray(W) ? W.slice(0, -1).map((G) => `'${G}'`).join(", ") + ` or '${W.at(-1)}'` : `'${W}'`, El(`[Vuetify UPGRADE] '${L}' is deprecated, use ${W} instead.`)), Ge(c(I, { class: ["v-list-item", { "v-list-item--active": y.value, "v-list-item--disabled": e.disabled, "v-list-item--link": x.value, "v-list-item--nav": e.nav, "v-list-item--prepend": !Z && (h == null ? void 0 : h.hasPrepend.value), "v-list-item--slim": e.slim, [`${e.activeClass}`]: e.activeClass && y.value }, B.value, _.value, V.value, w.value, $.value, M.value, D.value, k.value, e.class], style: [g.value, P.value, e.style], href: o.href.value, tabindex: x.value ? h ? -2 : 0 : void 0, onClick: N, onKeydown: x.value && !S.value && K }, { default: () => { - var G; - return [Ll(x.value || y.value, "v-list-item"), Z && c("div", { key: "prepend", class: "v-list-item__prepend" }, [l.prepend ? c(ze, { key: "prepend-defaults", disabled: !X, defaults: { VAvatar: { density: e.density, image: e.prependAvatar }, VIcon: { density: e.density, icon: e.prependIcon }, VListItemAction: { start: !0 } } }, { default: () => { - var z; - return [(z = l.prepend) == null ? void 0 : z.call(l, T.value)]; - } }) : c(pe, null, [e.prependAvatar && c(Ut, { key: "prepend-avatar", density: e.density, image: e.prependAvatar }, null), e.prependIcon && c(Ae, { key: "prepend-icon", density: e.density, icon: e.prependIcon }, null)]), c("div", { class: "v-list-item__spacer" }, null)]), c("div", { class: "v-list-item__content", "data-no-activator": "" }, [R && c(bi, { key: "title" }, { default: () => { - var z; - return [((z = l.title) == null ? void 0 : z.call(l, { title: e.title })) ?? e.title]; - } }), j && c(hi, { key: "subtitle" }, { default: () => { - var z; - return [((z = l.subtitle) == null ? void 0 : z.call(l, { subtitle: e.subtitle })) ?? e.subtitle]; - } }), (G = l.default) == null ? void 0 : G.call(l, T.value)]), te && c("div", { key: "append", class: "v-list-item__append" }, [l.append ? c(ze, { key: "append-defaults", disabled: !U, defaults: { VAvatar: { density: e.density, image: e.appendAvatar }, VIcon: { density: e.density, icon: e.appendIcon }, VListItemAction: { end: !0 } } }, { default: () => { - var z; - return [(z = l.append) == null ? void 0 : z.call(l, T.value)]; - } }) : c(pe, null, [e.appendIcon && c(Ae, { key: "append-icon", density: e.density, icon: e.appendIcon }, null), e.appendAvatar && c(Ut, { key: "append-avatar", density: e.density, image: e.appendAvatar }, null)]), c("div", { class: "v-list-item__spacer" }, null)])]; - } }), [[yt("ripple"), x.value && e.ripple]]); - }), {}; -} }), xi = O({ color: String, inset: Boolean, sticky: Boolean, title: String, ...ve(), ...Ve() }, "VListSubheader"), wi = le()({ name: "VListSubheader", props: xi(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { textColorClasses: l, textColorStyles: a } = Je(q(e, "color")); - return ue(() => { - const o = !(!t.default && !e.title); - return c(e.tag, { class: ["v-list-subheader", { "v-list-subheader--inset": e.inset, "v-list-subheader--sticky": e.sticky }, l.value, e.class], style: [{ textColorStyles: a }, e.style] }, { default: () => { - var s; - return [o && c("div", { class: "v-list-subheader__text" }, [((s = t.default) == null ? void 0 : s.call(t)) ?? e.title])]; - } }); - }), {}; -} }), ki = O({ color: String, inset: Boolean, length: [Number, String], thickness: [Number, String], vertical: Boolean, ...ve(), ...Be() }, "VDivider"), tr = le()({ name: "VDivider", props: ki(), setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t } = n; - const { themeClasses: l } = $e(e), { textColorClasses: a, textColorStyles: o } = Je(q(e, "color")), s = m(() => { - const r = {}; - return e.length && (r[e.vertical ? "maxHeight" : "maxWidth"] = oe(e.length)), e.thickness && (r[e.vertical ? "borderRightWidth" : "borderTopWidth"] = oe(e.thickness)), r; - }); - return ue(() => c("hr", { class: [{ "v-divider": !0, "v-divider--inset": e.inset, "v-divider--vertical": e.vertical }, l.value, a.value, e.class], style: [s.value, o.value, e.style], "aria-orientation": t.role && t.role !== "separator" ? void 0 : e.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal", role: `${t.role || "separator"}` }, null)), {}; -} }), Ci = O({ items: Array, returnObject: Boolean }, "VListChildren"), lr = le()({ name: "VListChildren", props: Ci(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - return Xo(), () => { - var l, a; - return ((l = t.default) == null ? void 0 : l.call(t)) ?? ((a = e.items) == null ? void 0 : a.map((o) => { - var p, d; - let { children: s, props: r, type: i, raw: u } = o; - if (i === "divider") - return ((p = t.divider) == null ? void 0 : p.call(t, { props: r })) ?? c(tr, r, null); - if (i === "subheader") - return ((d = t.subheader) == null ? void 0 : d.call(t, { props: r })) ?? c(wi, r, null); - const v = { subtitle: t.subtitle ? (h) => { - var y; - return (y = t.subtitle) == null ? void 0 : y.call(t, { ...h, item: u }); - } : void 0, prepend: t.prepend ? (h) => { - var y; - return (y = t.prepend) == null ? void 0 : y.call(t, { ...h, item: u }); - } : void 0, append: t.append ? (h) => { - var y; - return (y = t.append) == null ? void 0 : y.call(t, { ...h, item: u }); - } : void 0, title: t.title ? (h) => { - var y; - return (y = t.title) == null ? void 0 : y.call(t, { ...h, item: u }); - } : void 0 }, f = _a.filterProps(r); - return s ? c(_a, ee({ value: r == null ? void 0 : r.value }, f), { activator: (h) => { - let { props: y } = h; - const S = { ...r, ...y, value: e.returnObject ? u : r.value }; - return t.header ? t.header({ props: S }) : c(Pl, S, v); - }, default: () => c(lr, { items: s }, t) }) : t.item ? t.item({ props: r }) : c(Pl, ee(r, { value: e.returnObject ? u : r.value }), v); - })); - }; -} }), nr = O({ items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, itemTitle: { type: [String, Array, Function], default: "title" }, itemValue: { type: [String, Array, Function], default: "value" }, itemChildren: { type: [Boolean, String, Array, Function], default: "children" }, itemProps: { type: [Boolean, String, Array, Function], default: "props" }, returnObject: Boolean, valueComparator: { type: Function, default: st } }, "list-items"); -function un(e, n) { - const t = De(n, e.itemTitle, n), l = De(n, e.itemValue, t), a = De(n, e.itemChildren), o = { title: t, value: l, ...e.itemProps === !0 ? typeof n != "object" || n == null || Array.isArray(n) ? void 0 : "children" in n ? bt(n, ["children"]) : n : De(n, e.itemProps) }; - return { title: String(o.title ?? ""), value: o.value, props: o, children: Array.isArray(a) ? ar(e, a) : void 0, raw: n }; -} -function ar(e, n) { - const t = []; - for (const l of n) - t.push(un(e, l)); - return t; -} -function Pi(e, n) { - const t = De(n, e.itemType, "item"), l = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) { - return typeof r == "string" || typeof r == "number" || typeof r == "boolean"; - }(n) ? n : De(n, e.itemTitle), a = De(n, e.itemValue, void 0), o = De(n, e.itemChildren), s = { title: l, value: a, ...e.itemProps === !0 ? bt(n, ["children"]) : De(n, e.itemProps) }; - return { type: t, title: s.title, value: s.value, props: s, children: t === "item" && o ? or(e, o) : void 0, raw: n }; -} -function or(e, n) { - const t = []; - for (const l of n) - t.push(Pi(e, l)); - return t; -} -const Bi = O({ baseColor: String, activeColor: String, activeClass: String, bgColor: String, disabled: Boolean, lines: { type: [Boolean, String], default: "one" }, slim: Boolean, nav: Boolean, ...fi({ selectStrategy: "single-leaf", openStrategy: "list" }), ...Tt(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...St(), ...wt(), itemType: { type: String, default: "type" }, ...nr(), ...Qe(), ...Ve(), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "text" }) }, "VList"), Ai = le()({ name: "VList", props: Bi(), emits: { "update:selected": (e) => !0, "update:opened": (e) => !0, "click:open": (e) => !0, "click:select": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { items: l } = function(w) { - return { items: m(() => or(w, w.items)) }; - }(e), { themeClasses: a } = $e(e), { backgroundColorClasses: o, backgroundColorStyles: s } = ot(q(e, "bgColor")), { borderClasses: r } = Qt(e), { densityClasses: i } = et(e), { dimensionStyles: u } = xt(e), { elevationClasses: v } = Dt(e), { roundedClasses: f } = ut(e), { open: p, select: d } = gi(e), h = m(() => e.lines ? `v-list--${e.lines}-line` : void 0), y = q(e, "activeColor"), S = q(e, "baseColor"), x = q(e, "color"); - Xo(), Xe({ VListGroup: { activeColor: y, baseColor: S, color: x }, VListItem: { activeClass: q(e, "activeClass"), activeColor: y, baseColor: S, color: x, density: q(e, "density"), disabled: q(e, "disabled"), lines: q(e, "lines"), nav: q(e, "nav"), slim: q(e, "slim"), variant: q(e, "variant") } }); - const A = de(!1), F = J(); - function C(w) { - A.value = !0; - } - function B(w) { - A.value = !1; - } - function _(w) { - var P; - A.value || w.relatedTarget && ((P = F.value) != null && P.contains(w.relatedTarget)) || k(); - } - function V(w) { - if (F.value) { - if (w.key === "ArrowDown") - k("next"); - else if (w.key === "ArrowUp") - k("prev"); - else if (w.key === "Home") - k("first"); - else { - if (w.key !== "End") - return; - k("last"); - } - w.preventDefault(); - } - } - function g(w) { - A.value = !0; - } - function k(w) { - if (F.value) - return yl(F.value, w); - } - return ue(() => c(e.tag, { ref: F, class: ["v-list", { "v-list--disabled": e.disabled, "v-list--nav": e.nav, "v-list--slim": e.slim }, a.value, o.value, r.value, i.value, v.value, h.value, f.value, e.class], style: [s.value, u.value, e.style], tabindex: e.disabled || A.value ? -1 : 0, role: "listbox", "aria-activedescendant": void 0, onFocusin: C, onFocusout: B, onFocus: _, onKeydown: V, onMousedown: g }, { default: () => [c(lr, { items: l.value, returnObject: e.returnObject }, t)] })), { open: p, select: d, focus: k }; -} }); -function Ul(e, n) { - return { x: e.x + n.x, y: e.y + n.y }; -} -function Fa(e, n) { - if (e.side === "top" || e.side === "bottom") { - const { side: t, align: l } = e; - return Ul({ x: l === "left" ? 0 : l === "center" ? n.width / 2 : l === "right" ? n.width : l, y: t === "top" ? 0 : t === "bottom" ? n.height : t }, n); - } - if (e.side === "left" || e.side === "right") { - const { side: t, align: l } = e; - return Ul({ x: t === "left" ? 0 : t === "right" ? n.width : t, y: l === "top" ? 0 : l === "center" ? n.height / 2 : l === "bottom" ? n.height : l }, n); - } - return Ul({ x: n.width / 2, y: n.height / 2 }, n); -} -const rr = { static: function() { -}, connected: function(e, n, t) { - (Array.isArray(e.target.value) || function(d) { - for (; d; ) { - if (window.getComputedStyle(d).position === "fixed") - return !0; - d = d.offsetParent; - } - return !1; - }(e.target.value)) && Object.assign(t.value, { position: "fixed", top: 0, [e.isRtl.value ? "right" : "left"]: 0 }); - const { preferredAnchor: l, preferredOrigin: a } = xn(() => { - const d = nn(n.location, e.isRtl.value), h = n.origin === "overlap" ? d : n.origin === "auto" ? Gl(d) : nn(n.origin, e.isRtl.value); - return d.side === h.side && d.align === Hl(h).align ? { preferredAnchor: ea(d), preferredOrigin: ea(h) } : { preferredAnchor: d, preferredOrigin: h }; - }), [o, s, r, i] = ["minWidth", "minHeight", "maxWidth", "maxHeight"].map((d) => m(() => { - const h = parseFloat(n[d]); - return isNaN(h) ? 1 / 0 : h; - })), u = m(() => { - if (Array.isArray(n.offset)) - return n.offset; - if (typeof n.offset == "string") { - const d = n.offset.split(" ").map(parseFloat); - return d.length < 2 && d.push(0), d; - } - return typeof n.offset == "number" ? [n.offset, 0] : [0, 0]; - }); - let v = !1; - const f = new ResizeObserver(() => { - v && p(); - }); - function p() { - if (v = !1, requestAnimationFrame(() => { - requestAnimationFrame(() => v = !0); - }), !e.target.value || !e.contentEl.value) - return; - const d = ro(e.target.value), h = function(k, w) { - w ? k.style.removeProperty("left") : k.style.removeProperty("right"); - const P = wn(k); - return w ? P.x += parseFloat(k.style.right || 0) : P.x -= parseFloat(k.style.left || 0), P.y -= parseFloat(k.style.top || 0), P; - }(e.contentEl.value, e.isRtl.value), y = xl(e.contentEl.value); - y.length || (y.push(document.documentElement), e.contentEl.value.style.top && e.contentEl.value.style.left || (h.x -= parseFloat(document.documentElement.style.getPropertyValue("--v-body-scroll-x") || 0), h.y -= parseFloat(document.documentElement.style.getPropertyValue("--v-body-scroll-y") || 0))); - const S = y.reduce((k, w) => { - const P = w.getBoundingClientRect(), $ = new ft({ x: w === document.documentElement ? 0 : P.x, y: w === document.documentElement ? 0 : P.y, width: w.clientWidth, height: w.clientHeight }); - return k ? new ft({ x: Math.max(k.left, $.left), y: Math.max(k.top, $.top), width: Math.min(k.right, $.right) - Math.max(k.left, $.left), height: Math.min(k.bottom, $.bottom) - Math.max(k.top, $.top) }) : $; - }, void 0); - S.x += 12, S.y += 12, S.width -= 24, S.height -= 24; - let x = { anchor: l.value, origin: a.value }; - function A(k) { - const w = new ft(h), P = Fa(k.anchor, d), $ = Fa(k.origin, w); - let { x: D, y: M } = (N = $, { x: (T = P).x - N.x, y: T.y - N.y }); - var T, N; - switch (k.anchor.side) { - case "top": - M -= u.value[0]; - break; - case "bottom": - M += u.value[0]; - break; - case "left": - D -= u.value[0]; - break; - case "right": - D += u.value[0]; - } - switch (k.anchor.align) { - case "top": - M -= u.value[1]; - break; - case "bottom": - M += u.value[1]; - break; - case "left": - D -= u.value[1]; - break; - case "right": - D += u.value[1]; - } - return w.x += D, w.y += M, w.width = Math.min(w.width, r.value), w.height = Math.min(w.height, i.value), { overflows: la(w, S), x: D, y: M }; - } - let F = 0, C = 0; - const B = { x: 0, y: 0 }, _ = { x: !1, y: !1 }; - let V = -1; - for (; ; ) { - if (V++ > 10) { - so("Infinite loop detected in connectedLocationStrategy"); - break; - } - const { x: k, y: w, overflows: P } = A(x); - F += k, C += w, h.x += k, h.y += w; - { - const $ = ta(x.anchor), D = P.x.before || P.x.after, M = P.y.before || P.y.after; - let T = !1; - if (["x", "y"].forEach((N) => { - if (N === "x" && D && !_.x || N === "y" && M && !_.y) { - const K = { anchor: { ...x.anchor }, origin: { ...x.origin } }, I = N === "x" ? $ === "y" ? Hl : Gl : $ === "y" ? Gl : Hl; - K.anchor = I(K.anchor), K.origin = I(K.origin); - const { overflows: R } = A(K); - (R[N].before <= P[N].before && R[N].after <= P[N].after || R[N].before + R[N].after < (P[N].before + P[N].after) / 2) && (x = K, T = _[N] = !0); - } - }), T) - continue; - } - P.x.before && (F += P.x.before, h.x += P.x.before), P.x.after && (F -= P.x.after, h.x -= P.x.after), P.y.before && (C += P.y.before, h.y += P.y.before), P.y.after && (C -= P.y.after, h.y -= P.y.after); - { - const $ = la(h, S); - B.x = S.width - $.x.before - $.x.after, B.y = S.height - $.y.before - $.y.after, F += $.x.before, h.x += $.x.before, C += $.y.before, h.y += $.y.before; - } - break; - } - const g = ta(x.anchor); - return Object.assign(t.value, { "--v-overlay-anchor-origin": `${x.anchor.side} ${x.anchor.align}`, transformOrigin: `${x.origin.side} ${x.origin.align}`, top: oe(Yl(C)), left: e.isRtl.value ? void 0 : oe(Yl(F)), right: e.isRtl.value ? oe(Yl(-F)) : void 0, minWidth: oe(g === "y" ? Math.min(o.value, d.width) : o.value), maxWidth: oe($a(at(B.x, o.value === 1 / 0 ? 0 : o.value, r.value))), maxHeight: oe($a(at(B.y, s.value === 1 / 0 ? 0 : s.value, i.value))) }), { available: B, contentBox: h }; - } - return ae([e.target, e.contentEl], (d, h) => { - let [y, S] = d, [x, A] = h; - x && !Array.isArray(x) && f.unobserve(x), y && !Array.isArray(y) && f.observe(y), A && f.unobserve(A), S && f.observe(S); - }, { immediate: !0 }), Le(() => { - f.disconnect(); - }), ae(() => [l.value, a.value, n.offset, n.minWidth, n.minHeight, n.maxWidth, n.maxHeight], () => p()), Fe(() => { - const d = p(); - if (!d) - return; - const { available: h, contentBox: y } = d; - y.height > h.y && requestAnimationFrame(() => { - p(), requestAnimationFrame(() => { - p(); - }); - }); - }), { updateLocation: p }; -} }, _i = O({ locationStrategy: { type: [String, Function], default: "static", validator: (e) => typeof e == "function" || e in rr }, location: { type: String, default: "bottom" }, origin: { type: String, default: "auto" }, offset: [Number, String, Array] }, "VOverlay-location-strategies"); -function Yl(e) { - return Math.round(e * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio; -} -function $a(e) { - return Math.ceil(e * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio; -} -let cn = !0; -const Bl = []; -let Va = -1; -function dn() { - cancelAnimationFrame(Va), Va = requestAnimationFrame(() => { - const e = Bl.shift(); - e && e(), Bl.length ? dn() : cn = !0; - }); -} -const pl = { none: null, close: function(e) { - Ia(e.targetEl.value ?? e.contentEl.value, function(n) { - e.isActive.value = !1; - }); -}, block: function(e, n) { - var r; - const t = (r = e.root.value) == null ? void 0 : r.offsetParent, l = [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...xl(e.targetEl.value, n.contained ? t : void 0), ...xl(e.contentEl.value, n.contained ? t : void 0)])].filter((i) => !i.classList.contains("v-overlay-scroll-blocked")), a = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.offsetWidth, o = (s = t || document.documentElement, Cn(s) && s); - var s; - o && e.root.value.classList.add("v-overlay--scroll-blocked"), l.forEach((i, u) => { - i.style.setProperty("--v-body-scroll-x", oe(-i.scrollLeft)), i.style.setProperty("--v-body-scroll-y", oe(-i.scrollTop)), i !== document.documentElement && i.style.setProperty("--v-scrollbar-offset", oe(a)), i.classList.add("v-overlay-scroll-blocked"); - }), Le(() => { - l.forEach((i, u) => { - const v = parseFloat(i.style.getPropertyValue("--v-body-scroll-x")), f = parseFloat(i.style.getPropertyValue("--v-body-scroll-y")); - i.style.removeProperty("--v-body-scroll-x"), i.style.removeProperty("--v-body-scroll-y"), i.style.removeProperty("--v-scrollbar-offset"), i.classList.remove("v-overlay-scroll-blocked"), i.scrollLeft = -v, i.scrollTop = -f; - }), o && e.root.value.classList.remove("v-overlay--scroll-blocked"); - }); -}, reposition: function(e, n, t) { - let l = !1, a = -1, o = -1; - function s(r) { - var i; - i = () => { - var f, p; - const u = performance.now(); - (p = (f = e.updateLocation).value) == null || p.call(f, r), l = (performance.now() - u) / (1e3 / 60) > 2; - }, !cn || Bl.length ? (Bl.push(i), dn()) : (cn = !1, i(), dn()); - } - o = (typeof requestIdleCallback > "u" ? (r) => r() : requestIdleCallback)(() => { - t.run(() => { - Ia(e.targetEl.value ?? e.contentEl.value, (r) => { - l ? (cancelAnimationFrame(a), a = requestAnimationFrame(() => { - a = requestAnimationFrame(() => { - s(r); - }); - })) : s(r); - }); - }); - }), Le(() => { - typeof cancelIdleCallback < "u" && cancelIdleCallback(o), cancelAnimationFrame(a); - }); -} }, Fi = O({ scrollStrategy: { type: [String, Function], default: "block", validator: (e) => typeof e == "function" || e in pl } }, "VOverlay-scroll-strategies"); -function Ia(e, n) { - const t = [document, ...xl(e)]; - t.forEach((l) => { - l.addEventListener("scroll", n, { passive: !0 }); - }), Le(() => { - t.forEach((l) => { - l.removeEventListener("scroll", n); - }); - }); -} -const pn = Symbol.for("vuetify:v-menu"), $i = O({ closeDelay: [Number, String], openDelay: [Number, String] }, "delay"); -function Vi(e, n) { - let t = () => { - }; - function l(a) { - t == null || t(); - const o = Number(a ? e.openDelay : e.closeDelay); - return new Promise((s) => { - t = function(r, i) { - if (!Ee || r === 0) - return i(), () => { - }; - const u = window.setTimeout(i, r); - return () => window.clearTimeout(u); - }(o, () => { - n == null || n(a), s(a); - }); - }); - } - return { clearDelay: t, runOpenDelay: function() { - return l(!0); - }, runCloseDelay: function() { - return l(!1); - } }; -} -const Ii = O({ target: [String, Object], activator: [String, Object], activatorProps: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) }, openOnClick: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, openOnHover: Boolean, openOnFocus: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, closeOnContentClick: Boolean, ...$i() }, "VOverlay-activator"); -function Ei(e, n) { - let { isActive: t, isTop: l } = n; - const a = Pe("useActivator"), o = J(); - let s = !1, r = !1, i = !0; - const u = m(() => e.openOnFocus || e.openOnFocus == null && e.openOnHover), v = m(() => e.openOnClick || e.openOnClick == null && !e.openOnHover && !u.value), { runOpenDelay: f, runCloseDelay: p } = Vi(e, (P) => { - P !== (e.openOnHover && s || u.value && r) || e.openOnHover && t.value && !l.value || (t.value !== P && (i = !0), t.value = P); - }), d = J(), h = (P) => { - P.stopPropagation(), o.value = P.currentTarget || P.target, t.value || (d.value = [P.clientX, P.clientY]), t.value = !t.value; - }, y = (P) => { - var $; - ($ = P.sourceCapabilities) != null && $.firesTouchEvents || (s = !0, o.value = P.currentTarget || P.target, f()); - }, S = (P) => { - s = !1, p(); - }, x = (P) => { - hl(P.target, ":focus-visible") !== !1 && (r = !0, P.stopPropagation(), o.value = P.currentTarget || P.target, f()); - }, A = (P) => { - r = !1, P.stopPropagation(), p(); - }, F = m(() => { - const P = {}; - return v.value && (P.onClick = h), e.openOnHover && (P.onMouseenter = y, P.onMouseleave = S), u.value && (P.onFocus = x, P.onBlur = A), P; - }), C = m(() => { - const P = {}; - if (e.openOnHover && (P.onMouseenter = () => { - s = !0, f(); - }, P.onMouseleave = () => { - s = !1, p(); - }), u.value && (P.onFocusin = () => { - r = !0, f(); - }, P.onFocusout = () => { - r = !1, p(); - }), e.closeOnContentClick) { - const $ = Se(pn, null); - P.onClick = () => { - t.value = !1, $ == null || $.closeParents(); - }; - } - return P; - }), B = m(() => { - const P = {}; - return e.openOnHover && (P.onMouseenter = () => { - i && (s = !0, i = !1, f()); - }, P.onMouseleave = () => { - s = !1, p(); - }), P; - }); - ae(l, (P) => { - !P || (!e.openOnHover || s || u.value && r) && (!u.value || r || e.openOnHover && s) || (t.value = !1); - }), ae(t, (P) => { - P || setTimeout(() => { - d.value = void 0; - }); - }, { flush: "post" }); - const _ = J(); - Re(() => { - _.value && Fe(() => { - o.value = fl(_.value); - }); - }); - const V = J(), g = m(() => e.target === "cursor" && d.value ? d.value : V.value ? fl(V.value) : Ea(e.target, a) || o.value), k = m(() => Array.isArray(g.value) ? void 0 : g.value); - let w; - return ae(() => !!e.activator, (P) => { - P && Ee ? (w = yn(), w.run(() => { - (function($, D, M) { - let { activatorEl: T, activatorEvents: N } = M; - function K() { - let j = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : R(), U = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : $.activatorProps; - j && function(te, X) { - Object.keys(X).forEach((Z) => { - if (gl(Z)) { - const L = Jn(Z), W = rl.get(te); - if (X[Z] == null) - W == null || W.forEach((G) => { - const [z, E] = G; - z === L && (te.removeEventListener(L, E), W.delete(G)); - }); - else if (!W || ![...W].some((G) => G[0] === L && G[1] === X[Z])) { - te.addEventListener(L, X[Z]); - const G = W || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - G.add([L, X[Z]]), rl.has(te) || rl.set(te, G); - } - } else - X[Z] == null ? te.removeAttribute(Z) : te.setAttribute(Z, X[Z]); - }); - }(j, ee(N.value, U)); - } - function I() { - let j = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : R(), U = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : $.activatorProps; - j && function(te, X) { - Object.keys(X).forEach((Z) => { - if (gl(Z)) { - const L = Jn(Z), W = rl.get(te); - W == null || W.forEach((G) => { - const [z, E] = G; - z === L && (te.removeEventListener(L, E), W.delete(G)); - }); - } else - te.removeAttribute(Z); - }); - }(j, ee(N.value, U)); - } - function R() { - const j = Ea(arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : $.activator, D); - return T.value = (j == null ? void 0 : j.nodeType) === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? j : void 0, T.value; - } - ae(() => $.activator, (j, U) => { - if (U && j !== U) { - const te = R(U); - te && I(te); - } - j && Fe(() => K()); - }, { immediate: !0 }), ae(() => $.activatorProps, () => { - K(); - }), Le(() => { - I(); - }); - })(e, a, { activatorEl: o, activatorEvents: F }); - })) : w && w.stop(); - }, { flush: "post", immediate: !0 }), Le(() => { - w == null || w.stop(); - }), { activatorEl: o, activatorRef: _, target: g, targetEl: k, targetRef: V, activatorEvents: F, contentEvents: C, scrimEvents: B }; -} -function Ea(e, n) { - var l, a; - if (!e) - return; - let t; - if (e === "parent") { - let o = (a = (l = n == null ? void 0 : n.proxy) == null ? void 0 : l.$el) == null ? void 0 : a.parentNode; - for (; o != null && o.hasAttribute("data-no-activator"); ) - o = o.parentNode; - t = o; - } else - t = typeof e == "string" ? document.querySelector(e) : "$el" in e ? e.$el : e; - return t; -} -const Nl = ["sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "xxl"], Ti = Symbol.for("vuetify:display"); -function En() { - let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}, n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : Ue(); - const t = Se(Ti); - if (!t) - throw new Error("Could not find Vuetify display injection"); - const l = m(() => { - if (!e.mobileBreakpoint) - return t.mobile.value; - const o = typeof e.mobileBreakpoint == "number" ? e.mobileBreakpoint : t.thresholds.value[e.mobileBreakpoint]; - return t.width.value < o; - }), a = m(() => n ? { [`${n}--mobile`]: l.value } : {}); - return { ...t, displayClasses: a, mobile: l }; -} -const Di = O({ eager: Boolean }, "lazy"); -function sr() { - const e = Pe("useScopeId").vnode.scopeId; - return { scopeId: e ? { [e]: "" } : void 0 }; -} -const Ta = Symbol.for("vuetify:stack"), Nt = Xt([]); -function Li() { - return !0; -} -function Da(e, n, t) { - if (!e || ir(e, t) === !1) - return !1; - const l = co(n); - if (typeof ShadowRoot < "u" && l instanceof ShadowRoot && l.host === e.target) - return !1; - const a = (typeof t.value == "object" && t.value.include || (() => []))(); - return a.push(n), !a.some((o) => o == null ? void 0 : o.contains(e.target)); -} -function ir(e, n) { - return (typeof n.value == "object" && n.value.closeConditional || Li)(e); -} -function La(e, n) { - const t = co(e); - n(document), typeof ShadowRoot < "u" && t instanceof ShadowRoot && n(t); -} -const Oi = { mounted(e, n) { - const t = (a) => function(o, s, r) { - const i = typeof r.value == "function" ? r.value : r.value.handler; - s._clickOutside.lastMousedownWasOutside && Da(o, s, r) && setTimeout(() => { - ir(o, r) && i && i(o); - }, 0); - }(a, e, n), l = (a) => { - e._clickOutside.lastMousedownWasOutside = Da(a, e, n); - }; - La(e, (a) => { - a.addEventListener("click", t, !0), a.addEventListener("mousedown", l, !0); - }), e._clickOutside || (e._clickOutside = { lastMousedownWasOutside: !1 }), e._clickOutside[n.instance.$.uid] = { onClick: t, onMousedown: l }; -}, unmounted(e, n) { - e._clickOutside && (La(e, (t) => { - var o; - if (!t || !((o = e._clickOutside) != null && o[n.instance.$.uid])) - return; - const { onClick: l, onMousedown: a } = e._clickOutside[n.instance.$.uid]; - t.removeEventListener("click", l, !0), t.removeEventListener("mousedown", a, !0); - }), delete e._clickOutside[n.instance.$.uid]); -} }; -function Mi(e) { - const { modelValue: n, color: t, ...l } = e; - return c(mt, { name: "fade-transition", appear: !0 }, { default: () => [e.modelValue && c("div", ee({ class: ["v-overlay__scrim", e.color.backgroundColorClasses.value], style: e.color.backgroundColorStyles.value }, l), null)] }); -} -const ur = O({ absolute: Boolean, attach: [Boolean, String, Object], closeOnBack: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, contained: Boolean, contentClass: null, contentProps: null, disabled: Boolean, noClickAnimation: Boolean, modelValue: Boolean, persistent: Boolean, scrim: { type: [Boolean, String], default: !0 }, zIndex: { type: [Number, String], default: 2e3 }, ...Ii(), ...ve(), ...St(), ...Di(), ..._i(), ...Fi(), ...Be(), ...Zt() }, "VOverlay"), Oa = le()({ name: "VOverlay", directives: { ClickOutside: Oi }, inheritAttrs: !1, props: { _disableGlobalStack: Boolean, ...ur() }, emits: { "click:outside": (e) => !0, "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, afterLeave: () => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - var X, Z; - let { slots: t, attrs: l, emit: a } = n; - const o = xe(e, "modelValue"), s = m({ get: () => o.value, set: (L) => { - L && e.disabled || (o.value = L); - } }), { teleportTarget: r } = function(L) { - return { teleportTarget: m(() => { - const W = L.value; - if (W === !0 || !Ee) - return; - const G = W === !1 ? document.body : typeof W == "string" ? document.querySelector(W) : W; - if (G == null) - return void El(`Unable to locate target ${W}`); - let z = G.querySelector(":scope > .v-overlay-container"); - return z || (z = document.createElement("div"), z.className = "v-overlay-container", G.appendChild(z)), z; - }) }; - }(m(() => e.attach || e.contained)), { themeClasses: i } = $e(e), { rtlClasses: u, isRtl: v } = Et(), { hasContent: f, onAfterLeave: p } = function(L, W) { - const G = de(!1), z = m(() => G.value || L.eager || W.value); - return ae(W, () => G.value = !0), { isBooted: G, hasContent: z, onAfterLeave: function() { - L.eager || (G.value = !1); - } }; - }(e, s), d = ot(m(() => typeof e.scrim == "string" ? e.scrim : null)), { globalTop: h, localTop: y, stackStyles: S } = function(L, W, G) { - const z = Pe("useStack"), E = !G, H = Se(Ta, void 0), se = Xt({ activeChildren: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }); - ke(Ta, se); - const Y = de(+W.value); - gt(L, () => { - var he; - const ie = (he = Nt.at(-1)) == null ? void 0 : he[1]; - Y.value = ie ? ie + 10 : +W.value, E && Nt.push([z.uid, Y.value]), H == null || H.activeChildren.add(z.uid), Le(() => { - if (E) { - const je = nt(Nt).findIndex((kt) => kt[0] === z.uid); - Nt.splice(je, 1); - } - H == null || H.activeChildren.delete(z.uid); - }); - }); - const Q = de(!0); - E && Re(() => { - var he; - const ie = ((he = Nt.at(-1)) == null ? void 0 : he[0]) === z.uid; - setTimeout(() => Q.value = ie); - }); - const re = m(() => !se.activeChildren.size); - return { globalTop: mn(Q), localTop: re, stackStyles: m(() => ({ zIndex: Y.value })) }; - }(s, q(e, "zIndex"), e._disableGlobalStack), { activatorEl: x, activatorRef: A, target: F, targetEl: C, targetRef: B, activatorEvents: _, contentEvents: V, scrimEvents: g } = Ei(e, { isActive: s, isTop: y }), { dimensionStyles: k } = xt(e), w = function() { - if (!Ee) - return de(!1); - const { ssr: L } = En(); - if (L) { - const W = de(!1); - return ht(() => { - W.value = !0; - }), W; - } - return de(!0); - }(), { scopeId: P } = sr(); - ae(() => e.disabled, (L) => { - L && (s.value = !1); - }); - const $ = J(), D = J(), { contentStyles: M, updateLocation: T } = function(L, W) { - const G = J({}), z = J(); - function E(H) { - var se; - (se = z.value) == null || se.call(z, H); - } - return Ee && gt(() => !(!W.isActive.value || !L.locationStrategy), (H) => { - var se, Y; - ae(() => L.locationStrategy, H), Le(() => { - window.removeEventListener("resize", E), z.value = void 0; - }), window.addEventListener("resize", E, { passive: !0 }), typeof L.locationStrategy == "function" ? z.value = (se = L.locationStrategy(W, L, G)) == null ? void 0 : se.updateLocation : z.value = (Y = rr[L.locationStrategy](W, L, G)) == null ? void 0 : Y.updateLocation; - }), { contentStyles: G, updateLocation: z }; - }(e, { isRtl: v, contentEl: D, target: F, isActive: s }); - function N(L) { - a("click:outside", L), e.persistent ? U() : s.value = !1; - } - function K() { - return s.value && h.value; - } - function I(L) { - var W, G; - L.key === "Escape" && h.value && (e.persistent ? U() : (s.value = !1, (W = D.value) != null && W.contains(document.activeElement) && ((G = x.value) == null || G.focus()))); - } - (function(L, W) { - if (!Ee) - return; - let G; - Re(async () => { - G == null || G.stop(), W.isActive.value && L.scrollStrategy && (G = yn(), await Fe(), G.active && G.run(() => { - var z; - typeof L.scrollStrategy == "function" ? L.scrollStrategy(W, L, G) : (z = pl[L.scrollStrategy]) == null || z.call(pl, W, L, G); - })); - }), Le(() => { - G == null || G.stop(); - }); - })(e, { root: $, contentEl: D, targetEl: C, isActive: s, updateLocation: T }), Ee && ae(s, (L) => { - L ? window.addEventListener("keydown", I) : window.removeEventListener("keydown", I); - }, { immediate: !0 }), Ze(() => { - Ee && window.removeEventListener("keydown", I); - }); - const R = (Z = (X = Pe("useRouter")) == null ? void 0 : X.proxy) == null ? void 0 : Z.$router; - gt(() => e.closeOnBack, () => { - (function(L, W) { - let G, z, E = !1; - function H(se) { - var Y; - (Y = se.state) != null && Y.replaced || (E = !0, setTimeout(() => E = !1)); - } - Ee && (Fe(() => { - window.addEventListener("popstate", H), G = L == null ? void 0 : L.beforeEach((se, Y, Q) => { - ql ? E ? W(Q) : Q() : setTimeout(() => E ? W(Q) : Q()), ql = !0; - }), z = L == null ? void 0 : L.afterEach(() => { - ql = !1; - }); - }), Le(() => { - window.removeEventListener("popstate", H), G == null || G(), z == null || z(); - })); - })(R, (L) => { - h.value && s.value ? (L(!1), e.persistent ? U() : s.value = !1) : L(); - }); - }); - const j = J(); - function U() { - e.noClickAnimation || D.value && Bt(D.value, [{ transformOrigin: "center" }, { transform: "scale(1.03)" }, { transformOrigin: "center" }], { duration: 150, easing: Sl }); - } - function te() { - p(), a("afterLeave"); - } - return ae(() => s.value && (e.absolute || e.contained) && r.value == null, (L) => { - if (L) { - const W = vo($.value); - W && W !== document.scrollingElement && (j.value = W.scrollTop); - } - }), ue(() => { - var L; - return c(pe, null, [(L = t.activator) == null ? void 0 : L.call(t, { isActive: s.value, props: ee({ ref: A, targetRef: B }, _.value, e.activatorProps) }), !e.disabled && w.value && f.value && c(gs, { disabled: !r.value, to: r.value }, { default: () => [c("div", ee({ class: ["v-overlay", { "v-overlay--absolute": e.absolute || e.contained, "v-overlay--active": s.value, "v-overlay--contained": e.contained }, i.value, u.value, e.class], style: [S.value, { top: oe(j.value) }, e.style], ref: $ }, P, l), [c(Mi, ee({ color: d, modelValue: !!e.scrim && s.value }, g.value), null), c(tt, { appear: !0, persisted: !0, transition: e.transition, target: F.value, onAfterLeave: te }, { default: () => { - var W; - return [Ge(c("div", ee({ ref: D, class: ["v-overlay__content", e.contentClass], style: [k.value, M.value] }, V.value, e.contentProps), [(W = t.default) == null ? void 0 : W.call(t, { isActive: s })]), [[Vt, s.value], [yt("click-outside"), { handler: N, closeConditional: K, include: () => [x.value] }]])]; - } })])] })]); - }), { activatorEl: x, target: F, animateClick: U, contentEl: D, globalTop: h, localTop: y, updateLocation: T }; -} }), Xl = Symbol("Forwarded refs"); -function Jl(e, n) { - let t = e; - for (; t; ) { - const l = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); - if (l) - return l; - t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t); - } -} -function Tn(e) { - for (var n = arguments.length, t = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < n; l++) - t[l - 1] = arguments[l]; - return e[Xl] = t, new Proxy(e, { get(a, o) { - if (Reflect.has(a, o)) - return Reflect.get(a, o); - if (typeof o != "symbol" && !o.startsWith("$") && !o.startsWith("__")) { - for (const s of t) - if (s.value && Reflect.has(s.value, o)) { - const r = Reflect.get(s.value, o); - return typeof r == "function" ? r.bind(s.value) : r; - } - } - }, has(a, o) { - if (Reflect.has(a, o)) - return !0; - if (typeof o == "symbol" || o.startsWith("$") || o.startsWith("__")) - return !1; - for (const s of t) - if (s.value && Reflect.has(s.value, o)) - return !0; - return !1; - }, set(a, o, s) { - if (Reflect.has(a, o)) - return Reflect.set(a, o, s); - if (typeof o == "symbol" || o.startsWith("$") || o.startsWith("__")) - return !1; - for (const r of t) - if (r.value && Reflect.has(r.value, o)) - return Reflect.set(r.value, o, s); - return !1; - }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, o) { - var r; - const s = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, o); - if (s) - return s; - if (typeof o != "symbol" && !o.startsWith("$") && !o.startsWith("__")) { - for (const i of t) { - if (!i.value) - continue; - const u = Jl(i.value, o) ?? ("_" in i.value ? Jl((r = i.value._) == null ? void 0 : r.setupState, o) : void 0); - if (u) - return u; - } - for (const i of t) { - const u = i.value && i.value[Xl]; - if (!u) - continue; - const v = u.slice(); - for (; v.length; ) { - const f = v.shift(), p = Jl(f.value, o); - if (p) - return p; - const d = f.value && f.value[Xl]; - d && v.push(...d); - } - } - } - } }); -} -const Ni = O({ id: String, ...bt(ur({ closeDelay: 250, closeOnContentClick: !0, locationStrategy: "connected", openDelay: 300, scrim: !1, scrollStrategy: "reposition", transition: { component: yo } }), ["absolute"]) }, "VMenu"), Ri = le()({ name: "VMenu", props: Ni(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = xe(e, "modelValue"), { scopeId: a } = sr(), o = qe(), s = m(() => e.id || `v-menu-${o}`), r = J(), i = Se(pn, null), u = de(0); - async function v(y) { - var A, F, C; - const S = y.relatedTarget, x = y.target; - await Fe(), l.value && S !== x && ((A = r.value) != null && A.contentEl) && ((F = r.value) != null && F.globalTop) && ![document, r.value.contentEl].includes(x) && !r.value.contentEl.contains(x) && ((C = ln(r.value.contentEl)[0]) == null || C.focus()); - } - function f() { - i == null || i.closeParents(); - } - function p(y) { - var S, x, A; - !e.disabled && y.key === "Tab" && (no(ln((S = r.value) == null ? void 0 : S.contentEl, !1), y.shiftKey ? "prev" : "next", (F) => F.tabIndex >= 0) || (l.value = !1, (A = (x = r.value) == null ? void 0 : x.activatorEl) == null || A.focus())); - } - function d(y) { - var x; - if (e.disabled) - return; - const S = (x = r.value) == null ? void 0 : x.contentEl; - S && l.value ? y.key === "ArrowDown" ? (y.preventDefault(), yl(S, "next")) : y.key === "ArrowUp" && (y.preventDefault(), yl(S, "prev")) : ["ArrowDown", "ArrowUp"].includes(y.key) && (l.value = !0, y.preventDefault(), setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() => d(y)))); - } - ke(pn, { register() { - ++u.value; - }, unregister() { - --u.value; - }, closeParents() { - setTimeout(() => { - u.value || (l.value = !1, i == null || i.closeParents()); - }, 40); - } }), ae(l, (y) => { - y ? (i == null || i.register(), document.addEventListener("focusin", v, { once: !0 })) : (i == null || i.unregister(), document.removeEventListener("focusin", v)); - }); - const h = m(() => ee({ "aria-haspopup": "menu", "aria-expanded": String(l.value), "aria-owns": s.value, onKeydown: d }, e.activatorProps)); - return ue(() => { - const y = Oa.filterProps(e); - return c(Oa, ee({ ref: r, class: ["v-menu", e.class], style: e.style }, y, { modelValue: l.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (S) => l.value = S, absolute: !0, activatorProps: h.value, "onClick:outside": f, onKeydown: p }, a), { activator: t.activator, default: function() { - for (var S = arguments.length, x = new Array(S), A = 0; A < S; A++) - x[A] = arguments[A]; - return c(ze, { root: "VMenu" }, { default: () => { - var F; - return [(F = t.default) == null ? void 0 : F.call(t, ...x)]; - } }); - } }); - }), Tn({ id: s, ΨopenChildren: u }, r); -} }), ji = O({ active: Boolean, max: [Number, String], value: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, ...ve(), ...Zt({ transition: { component: ho } }) }, "VCounter"), Wi = le()({ name: "VCounter", functional: !0, props: ji(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = m(() => e.max ? `${e.value} / ${e.max}` : String(e.value)); - return ue(() => c(tt, { transition: e.transition }, { default: () => [Ge(c("div", { class: ["v-counter", e.class], style: e.style }, [t.default ? t.default({ counter: l.value, max: e.max, value: e.value }) : l.value]), [[Vt, e.active]])] })), {}; -} }), zi = O({ floating: Boolean, ...ve() }, "VFieldLabel"), ul = le()({ name: "VFieldLabel", props: zi(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - return ue(() => c(jo, { class: ["v-field-label", { "v-field-label--floating": e.floating }, e.class], style: e.style, "aria-hidden": e.floating || void 0 }, t)), {}; -} }), Gi = ["underlined", "outlined", "filled", "solo", "solo-inverted", "solo-filled", "plain"], cr = O({ appendInnerIcon: me, bgColor: String, clearable: Boolean, clearIcon: { type: me, default: "$clear" }, active: Boolean, centerAffix: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, color: String, baseColor: String, dirty: Boolean, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: null }, error: Boolean, flat: Boolean, label: String, persistentClear: Boolean, prependInnerIcon: me, reverse: Boolean, singleLine: Boolean, variant: { type: String, default: "filled", validator: (e) => Gi.includes(e) }, "onClick:clear": Ne(), "onClick:appendInner": Ne(), "onClick:prependInner": Ne(), ...ve(), ...Bn(), ...Qe(), ...Be() }, "VField"), Ma = le()({ name: "VField", inheritAttrs: !1, props: { id: String, ...qo(), ...cr() }, emits: { "update:focused": (e) => !0, "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, emit: l, slots: a } = n; - const { themeClasses: o } = $e(e), { loaderClasses: s } = An(e), { focusClasses: r, isFocused: i, focus: u, blur: v } = $n(e), { InputIcon: f } = Ko(e), { roundedClasses: p } = ut(e), { rtlClasses: d } = Et(), h = m(() => e.dirty || e.active), y = m(() => !(e.singleLine || !e.label && !a.label)), S = qe(), x = m(() => e.id || `input-${S}`), A = m(() => `${x.value}-messages`), F = J(), C = J(), B = J(), _ = m(() => ["plain", "underlined"].includes(e.variant)), { backgroundColorClasses: V, backgroundColorStyles: g } = ot(q(e, "bgColor")), { textColorClasses: k, textColorStyles: w } = Je(m(() => e.error || e.disabled ? void 0 : h.value && i.value ? e.color : e.baseColor)); - ae(h, (D) => { - if (y.value) { - const M = F.value.$el, T = C.value.$el; - requestAnimationFrame(() => { - const N = wn(M), K = T.getBoundingClientRect(), I = K.x - N.x, R = K.y - N.y - (N.height / 2 - K.height / 2), j = K.width / 0.75, U = Math.abs(j - N.width) > 1 ? { maxWidth: oe(j) } : void 0, te = getComputedStyle(M), X = getComputedStyle(T), Z = 1e3 * parseFloat(te.transitionDuration) || 150, L = parseFloat(X.getPropertyValue("--v-field-label-scale")), W = X.getPropertyValue("color"); - M.style.visibility = "visible", T.style.visibility = "hidden", Bt(M, { transform: `translate(${I}px, ${R}px) scale(${L})`, color: W, ...U }, { duration: Z, easing: Sl, direction: D ? "normal" : "reverse" }).finished.then(() => { - M.style.removeProperty("visibility"), T.style.removeProperty("visibility"); - }); - }); - } - }, { flush: "post" }); - const P = m(() => ({ isActive: h, isFocused: i, controlRef: B, blur: v, focus: u })); - function $(D) { - D.target !== document.activeElement && D.preventDefault(); - } - return ue(() => { - var I, R, j; - const D = e.variant === "outlined", M = a["prepend-inner"] || e.prependInnerIcon, T = !(!e.clearable && !a.clear), N = !!(a["append-inner"] || e.appendInnerIcon || T), K = () => a.label ? a.label({ ...P.value, label: e.label, props: { for: x.value } }) : e.label; - return c("div", ee({ class: ["v-field", { "v-field--active": h.value, "v-field--appended": N, "v-field--center-affix": e.centerAffix ?? !_.value, "v-field--disabled": e.disabled, "v-field--dirty": e.dirty, "v-field--error": e.error, "v-field--flat": e.flat, "v-field--has-background": !!e.bgColor, "v-field--persistent-clear": e.persistentClear, "v-field--prepended": M, "v-field--reverse": e.reverse, "v-field--single-line": e.singleLine, "v-field--no-label": !K(), [`v-field--variant-${e.variant}`]: !0 }, o.value, V.value, r.value, s.value, p.value, d.value, e.class], style: [g.value, e.style], onClick: $ }, t), [c("div", { class: "v-field__overlay" }, null), c(Eo, { name: "v-field", active: !!e.loading, color: e.error ? "error" : typeof e.loading == "string" ? e.loading : e.color }, { default: a.loader }), M && c("div", { key: "prepend", class: "v-field__prepend-inner" }, [e.prependInnerIcon && c(f, { key: "prepend-icon", name: "prependInner" }, null), (I = a["prepend-inner"]) == null ? void 0 : I.call(a, P.value)]), c("div", { class: "v-field__field", "data-no-activator": "" }, [["filled", "solo", "solo-inverted", "solo-filled"].includes(e.variant) && y.value && c(ul, { key: "floating-label", ref: C, class: [k.value], floating: !0, for: x.value, style: w.value }, { default: () => [K()] }), c(ul, { ref: F, for: x.value }, { default: () => [K()] }), (R = a.default) == null ? void 0 : R.call(a, { ...P.value, props: { id: x.value, class: "v-field__input", "aria-describedby": A.value }, focus: u, blur: v })]), T && c(bo, { key: "clear" }, { default: () => [Ge(c("div", { class: "v-field__clearable", onMousedown: (U) => { - U.preventDefault(), U.stopPropagation(); - } }, [a.clear ? a.clear() : c(f, { name: "clear" }, null)]), [[Vt, e.dirty]])] }), N && c("div", { key: "append", class: "v-field__append-inner" }, [(j = a["append-inner"]) == null ? void 0 : j.call(a, P.value), e.appendInnerIcon && c(f, { key: "append-icon", name: "appendInner" }, null)]), c("div", { class: ["v-field__outline", k.value], style: w.value }, [D && c(pe, null, [c("div", { class: "v-field__outline__start" }, null), y.value && c("div", { class: "v-field__outline__notch" }, [c(ul, { ref: C, floating: !0, for: x.value }, { default: () => [K()] })]), c("div", { class: "v-field__outline__end" }, null)]), _.value && y.value && c(ul, { ref: C, floating: !0, for: x.value }, { default: () => [K()] })])]); - }), { controlRef: B }; -} }), Hi = ["color", "file", "time", "date", "datetime-local", "week", "month"], dr = O({ autofocus: Boolean, counter: [Boolean, Number, String], counterValue: [Number, Function], prefix: String, placeholder: String, persistentPlaceholder: Boolean, persistentCounter: Boolean, suffix: String, role: String, type: { type: String, default: "text" }, modelModifiers: Object, ...Vn(), ...cr() }, "VTextField"), vn = le()({ name: "VTextField", directives: { Intersect: xo }, inheritAttrs: !1, props: dr(), emits: { "click:control": (e) => !0, "mousedown:control": (e) => !0, "update:focused": (e) => !0, "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, emit: l, slots: a } = n; - const o = xe(e, "modelValue"), { isFocused: s, focus: r, blur: i } = $n(e), u = m(() => typeof e.counterValue == "function" ? e.counterValue(o.value) : typeof e.counterValue == "number" ? e.counterValue : (o.value ?? "").toString().length), v = m(() => t.maxlength ? t.maxlength : !e.counter || typeof e.counter != "number" && typeof e.counter != "string" ? void 0 : e.counter), f = m(() => ["plain", "underlined"].includes(e.variant)); - function p(_, V) { - var g, k; - e.autofocus && _ && ((k = (g = V[0].target) == null ? void 0 : g.focus) == null || k.call(g)); - } - const d = J(), h = J(), y = J(), S = m(() => Hi.includes(e.type) || e.persistentPlaceholder || s.value || e.active); - function x() { - var _; - y.value !== document.activeElement && ((_ = y.value) == null || _.focus()), s.value || r(); - } - function A(_) { - l("mousedown:control", _), _.target !== y.value && (x(), _.preventDefault()); - } - function F(_) { - x(), l("click:control", _); - } - function C(_) { - _.stopPropagation(), x(), Fe(() => { - o.value = null, function(V) { - for (var g = arguments.length, k = new Array(g > 1 ? g - 1 : 0), w = 1; w < g; w++) - k[w - 1] = arguments[w]; - if (Array.isArray(V)) - for (const P of V) - P(...k); - else - typeof V == "function" && V(...k); - }(e["onClick:clear"], _); - }); - } - function B(_) { - var g; - const V = _.target; - if (o.value = V.value, ((g = e.modelModifiers) == null ? void 0 : g.trim) && ["text", "search", "password", "tel", "url"].includes(e.type)) { - const k = [V.selectionStart, V.selectionEnd]; - Fe(() => { - V.selectionStart = k[0], V.selectionEnd = k[1]; - }); - } - } - return ue(() => { - const _ = !!(a.counter || e.counter !== !1 && e.counter != null), V = !(!_ && !a.details), [g, k] = Sn(t), { modelValue: w, ...P } = Cl.filterProps(e), $ = function(D) { - return eo(D, Object.keys(Ma.props).filter((M) => !gl(M) && M !== "class" && M !== "style")); - }(e); - return c(Cl, ee({ ref: d, modelValue: o.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (D) => o.value = D, class: ["v-text-field", { "v-text-field--prefixed": e.prefix, "v-text-field--suffixed": e.suffix, "v-input--plain-underlined": f.value }, e.class], style: e.style }, g, P, { centerAffix: !f.value, focused: s.value }), { ...a, default: (D) => { - let { id: M, isDisabled: T, isDirty: N, isReadonly: K, isValid: I } = D; - return c(Ma, ee({ ref: h, onMousedown: A, onClick: F, "onClick:clear": C, "onClick:prependInner": e["onClick:prependInner"], "onClick:appendInner": e["onClick:appendInner"], role: e.role }, $, { id: M.value, active: S.value || N.value, dirty: N.value || e.dirty, disabled: T.value, focused: s.value, error: I.value === !1 }), { ...a, default: (R) => { - let { props: { class: j, ...U } } = R; - const te = Ge(c("input", ee({ ref: y, value: o.value, onInput: B, autofocus: e.autofocus, readonly: K.value, disabled: T.value, name: e.name, placeholder: e.placeholder, size: 1, type: e.type, onFocus: x, onBlur: i }, U, k), null), [[yt("intersect"), { handler: p }, null, { once: !0 }]]); - return c(pe, null, [e.prefix && c("span", { class: "v-text-field__prefix" }, [c("span", { class: "v-text-field__prefix__text" }, [e.prefix])]), a.default ? c("div", { class: j, "data-no-activator": "" }, [a.default(), te]) : ms(te, { class: j }), e.suffix && c("span", { class: "v-text-field__suffix" }, [c("span", { class: "v-text-field__suffix__text" }, [e.suffix])])]); - } }); - }, details: V ? (D) => { - var M; - return c(pe, null, [(M = a.details) == null ? void 0 : M.call(a, D), _ && c(pe, null, [c("span", null, null), c(Wi, { active: e.persistentCounter || s.value, value: u.value, max: v.value }, a.counter)])]); - } : void 0 }); - }), Tn({}, d, h, y); -} }), Ki = O({ renderless: Boolean, ...ve() }, "VVirtualScrollItem"), qi = le()({ name: "VVirtualScrollItem", inheritAttrs: !1, props: Ki(), emits: { "update:height": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, emit: l, slots: a } = n; - const { resizeRef: o, contentRect: s } = Dl(void 0, "border"); - ae(() => { - var r; - return (r = s.value) == null ? void 0 : r.height; - }, (r) => { - r != null && l("update:height", r); - }), ue(() => { - var r, i; - return e.renderless ? c(pe, null, [(r = a.default) == null ? void 0 : r.call(a, { itemRef: o })]) : c("div", ee({ ref: o, class: ["v-virtual-scroll__item", e.class], style: e.style }, t), [(i = a.default) == null ? void 0 : i.call(a)]); - }); -} }), Ui = O({ itemHeight: { type: [Number, String], default: null }, height: [Number, String] }, "virtual"); -function Yi(e, n) { - const t = En(), l = de(0); - Re(() => { - l.value = parseFloat(e.itemHeight || 0); - }); - const a = de(0), o = de(Math.ceil((parseInt(e.height) || t.height.value) / (l.value || 16)) || 1), s = de(0), r = de(0), i = J(), u = J(); - let v = 0; - const { resizeRef: f, contentRect: p } = Dl(); - Re(() => { - f.value = i.value; - }); - const d = m(() => { - var T; - return i.value === document.documentElement ? t.height.value : ((T = p.value) == null ? void 0 : T.height) || parseInt(e.height) || 0; - }), h = m(() => !!(i.value && u.value && d.value && l.value)); - let y = Array.from({ length: n.value.length }), S = Array.from({ length: n.value.length }); - const x = de(0); - let A = -1; - const F = function(T, N) { - let K = 0; - const I = function() { - for (var R = arguments.length, j = new Array(R), U = 0; U < R; U++) - j[U] = arguments[U]; - clearTimeout(K), K = setTimeout(() => T(...j), b(N)); - }; - return I.clear = () => { - clearTimeout(K); - }, I.immediate = T, I; - }(() => { - const T = performance.now(); - S[0] = 0; - const N = n.value.length; - for (let K = 1; K <= N - 1; K++) - S[K] = (S[K - 1] || 0) + (y[K - 1] || l.value); - x.value = Math.max(x.value, performance.now() - T); - }, x), C = ae(h, (T) => { - T && (C(), v = u.value.offsetTop, F.immediate(), P(), ~A && Fe(() => { - Ee && window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { - D(A), A = -1; - }); - })); - }); - function B(T) { - return T = at(T, 0, n.value.length - 1), S[T] || 0; - } - function _(T) { - return function(N, K) { - let I = N.length - 1, R = 0, j = 0, U = null, te = -1; - if (N[I] < K) - return I; - for (; R <= I; ) - if (j = R + I >> 1, U = N[j], U > K) - I = j - 1; - else { - if (!(U < K)) - return U === K ? j : R; - te = j, R = j + 1; - } - return te; - }(S, T); - } - ae(d, (T, N) => { - N && P(); - }), Le(() => { - F.clear(); - }); - let V = 0, g = 0, k = 0, w = -1; - function P() { - cancelAnimationFrame(w), w = requestAnimationFrame($); - } - function $() { - if (!i.value || !d.value) - return; - const T = V - v, N = Math.sign(g), K = at(_(Math.max(0, T - 100)), 0, n.value.length), I = at(_(T + d.value + 100) + 1, K + 1, n.value.length); - if ((N !== -1 || K < a.value) && (N !== 1 || I > o.value)) { - const R = B(a.value) - B(K), j = B(I) - B(o.value); - Math.max(R, j) > 100 ? (a.value = K, o.value = I) : (K <= 0 && (a.value = K), I >= n.value.length && (o.value = I)); - } - s.value = B(a.value), r.value = B(n.value.length) - B(o.value); - } - function D(T) { - const N = B(T); - !i.value || T && !N ? A = T : i.value.scrollTop = N; - } - const M = m(() => n.value.slice(a.value, o.value).map((T, N) => ({ raw: T, index: N + a.value }))); - return ae(n, () => { - y = Array.from({ length: n.value.length }), S = Array.from({ length: n.value.length }), F.immediate(), P(); - }, { deep: !0 }), { containerRef: i, markerRef: u, computedItems: M, paddingTop: s, paddingBottom: r, scrollToIndex: D, handleScroll: function() { - if (!i.value || !u.value) - return; - const T = i.value.scrollTop, N = performance.now(); - N - k > 500 ? (g = Math.sign(T - V), v = u.value.offsetTop) : g = T - V, V = T, k = N, P(); - }, handleScrollend: function() { - i.value && u.value && (g = 0, k = 0, P()); - }, handleItemResize: function(T, N) { - const K = y[T], I = l.value; - l.value = I ? Math.min(l.value, N) : N, K === N && I === l.value || (y[T] = N, F()); - } }; -} -const Xi = O({ items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, renderless: Boolean, ...Ui(), ...ve(), ...St() }, "VVirtualScroll"), Ji = le()({ name: "VVirtualScroll", props: Xi(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = Pe("VVirtualScroll"), { dimensionStyles: a } = xt(e), { containerRef: o, markerRef: s, handleScroll: r, handleScrollend: i, handleItemResize: u, scrollToIndex: v, paddingTop: f, paddingBottom: p, computedItems: d } = Yi(e, q(e, "items")); - return gt(() => e.renderless, () => { - function h() { - var S, x; - const y = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 && arguments[0] ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener"; - o.value === document.documentElement ? (document[y]("scroll", r, { passive: !0 }), document[y]("scrollend", i)) : ((S = o.value) == null || S[y]("scroll", r, { passive: !0 }), (x = o.value) == null || x[y]("scrollend", i)); - } - ht(() => { - o.value = vo(l.vnode.el, !0), h(!0); - }), Le(h); - }), ue(() => { - const h = d.value.map((y) => c(qi, { key: y.index, renderless: e.renderless, "onUpdate:height": (S) => u(y.index, S) }, { default: (S) => { - var x; - return (x = t.default) == null ? void 0 : x.call(t, { item: y.raw, index: y.index, ...S }); - } })); - return e.renderless ? c(pe, null, [c("div", { ref: s, class: "v-virtual-scroll__spacer", style: { paddingTop: oe(f.value) } }, null), h, c("div", { class: "v-virtual-scroll__spacer", style: { paddingBottom: oe(p.value) } }, null)]) : c("div", { ref: o, class: ["v-virtual-scroll", e.class], onScrollPassive: r, onScrollend: i, style: [a.value, e.style] }, [c("div", { ref: s, class: "v-virtual-scroll__container", style: { paddingTop: oe(f.value), paddingBottom: oe(p.value) } }, [h])]); - }), { scrollToIndex: v }; -} }); -function Zi(e, n) { - const t = de(!1); - let l; - return { onListScroll: function(a) { - cancelAnimationFrame(l), t.value = !0, l = requestAnimationFrame(() => { - l = requestAnimationFrame(() => { - t.value = !1; - }); - }); - }, onListKeydown: async function(a) { - var r, i; - if (a.key === "Tab" && ((r = n.value) == null || r.focus()), !["PageDown", "PageUp", "Home", "End"].includes(a.key)) - return; - const o = (i = e.value) == null ? void 0 : i.$el; - if (!o) - return; - a.key !== "Home" && a.key !== "End" || o.scrollTo({ top: a.key === "Home" ? 0 : o.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" }), await async function() { - await new Promise((u) => requestAnimationFrame(u)), await new Promise((u) => requestAnimationFrame(u)), await new Promise((u) => requestAnimationFrame(u)), await new Promise((u) => { - if (t.value) { - const v = ae(t, () => { - v(), u(); - }); - } else - u(); - }); - }(); - const s = o.querySelectorAll(":scope > :not(.v-virtual-scroll__spacer)"); - if (a.key === "PageDown" || a.key === "Home") { - const u = o.getBoundingClientRect().top; - for (const v of s) - if (v.getBoundingClientRect().top >= u) { - v.focus(); - break; - } - } else { - const u = o.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; - for (const v of [...s].reverse()) - if (v.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <= u) { - v.focus(); - break; - } - } - } }; -} -const Qi = O({ chips: Boolean, closableChips: Boolean, closeText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.close" }, openText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.open" }, eager: Boolean, hideNoData: Boolean, hideSelected: Boolean, menu: Boolean, menuIcon: { type: me, default: "$dropdown" }, menuProps: { type: Object }, multiple: Boolean, noDataText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.noDataText" }, openOnClear: Boolean, itemColor: String, ...nr({ itemChildren: !1 }) }, "Select"), eu = O({ ...Qi(), ...bt(dr({ modelValue: null, role: "combobox" }), ["validationValue", "dirty", "appendInnerIcon"]), ...Zt({ transition: { component: yo } }) }, "VSelect"), tu = le()({ name: "VSelect", props: eu(), emits: { "update:focused": (e) => !0, "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, "update:menu": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { t: l } = it(), a = J(), o = J(), s = J(), r = xe(e, "menu"), i = m({ get: () => r.value, set: (I) => { - var R; - r.value && !I && ((R = o.value) != null && R.ΨopenChildren) || (r.value = I); - } }), { items: u, transformIn: v, transformOut: f } = function(I) { - const R = m(() => ar(I, I.items)), j = m(() => R.value.some((U) => U.value === null)); - return { items: R, transformIn: function(U) { - return j.value || (U = U.filter((te) => te !== null)), U.map((te) => I.returnObject && typeof te == "string" ? un(I, te) : R.value.find((X) => I.valueComparator(te, X.value)) || un(I, te)); - }, transformOut: function(U) { - return I.returnObject ? U.map((te) => { - let { raw: X } = te; - return X; - }) : U.map((te) => { - let { value: X } = te; - return X; - }); - } }; - }(e), p = xe(e, "modelValue", [], (I) => v(I === null ? [null] : Ie(I)), (I) => { - const R = f(I); - return e.multiple ? R : R[0] ?? null; - }), d = m(() => typeof e.counterValue == "function" ? e.counterValue(p.value) : typeof e.counterValue == "number" ? e.counterValue : p.value.length), h = Uo(), y = m(() => p.value.map((I) => I.value)), S = de(!1), x = m(() => i.value ? e.closeText : e.openText); - let A, F = ""; - const C = m(() => e.hideSelected ? u.value.filter((I) => !p.value.some((R) => R === I)) : u.value), B = m(() => e.hideNoData && !C.value.length || e.readonly || (h == null ? void 0 : h.isReadonly.value)), _ = m(() => { - var I; - return { ...e.menuProps, activatorProps: { ...((I = e.menuProps) == null ? void 0 : I.activatorProps) || {}, "aria-haspopup": "listbox" } }; - }), V = J(), { onListScroll: g, onListKeydown: k } = Zi(V, a); - function w(I) { - e.openOnClear && (i.value = !0); - } - function P() { - B.value || (i.value = !i.value); - } - function $(I) { - var U, te; - if (!I.key || e.readonly || h != null && h.isReadonly.value || (["Enter", " ", "ArrowDown", "ArrowUp", "Home", "End"].includes(I.key) && I.preventDefault(), ["Enter", "ArrowDown", " "].includes(I.key) && (i.value = !0), ["Escape", "Tab"].includes(I.key) && (i.value = !1), I.key === "Home" ? (U = V.value) == null || U.focus("first") : I.key === "End" && ((te = V.value) == null || te.focus("last")), e.multiple || !function(X) { - const Z = X.key.length === 1, L = !X.ctrlKey && !X.metaKey && !X.altKey; - return Z && L; - }(I))) - return; - const R = performance.now(); - R - A > 1e3 && (F = ""), F += I.key.toLowerCase(), A = R; - const j = u.value.find((X) => X.title.toLowerCase().startsWith(F)); - j !== void 0 && (p.value = [j]); - } - function D(I) { - if (e.multiple) { - const R = p.value.findIndex((j) => e.valueComparator(j.value, I.value)); - if (R === -1) - p.value = [...p.value, I]; - else { - const j = [...p.value]; - j.splice(R, 1), p.value = j; - } - } else - p.value = [I], i.value = !1; - } - function M(I) { - var R; - (R = V.value) != null && R.$el.contains(I.relatedTarget) || (i.value = !1); - } - function T() { - var I; - S.value && ((I = a.value) == null || I.focus()); - } - function N(I) { - S.value = !0; - } - function K(I) { - if (I == null) - p.value = []; - else if (hl(a.value, ":autofill") || hl(a.value, ":-webkit-autofill")) { - const R = u.value.find((j) => j.title === I); - R && D(R); - } else - a.value && (a.value.value = ""); - } - return ae(i, () => { - if (!e.hideSelected && i.value && p.value.length) { - const I = C.value.findIndex((R) => p.value.some((j) => e.valueComparator(j.value, R.value))); - Ee && window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { - var R; - I >= 0 && ((R = s.value) == null || R.scrollToIndex(I)); - }); - } - }), ae(C, (I, R) => { - S.value && (!I.length && e.hideNoData && (i.value = !1), !R.length && I.length && (i.value = !0)); - }), ue(() => { - const I = !(!e.chips && !t.chip), R = !!(!e.hideNoData || C.value.length || t["prepend-item"] || t["append-item"] || t["no-data"]), j = p.value.length > 0, U = vn.filterProps(e), te = j || !S.value && e.label && !e.persistentPlaceholder ? void 0 : e.placeholder; - return c(vn, ee({ ref: a }, U, { modelValue: p.value.map((X) => X.props.value).join(", "), "onUpdate:modelValue": K, focused: S.value, "onUpdate:focused": (X) => S.value = X, validationValue: p.externalValue, counterValue: d.value, dirty: j, class: ["v-select", { "v-select--active-menu": i.value, "v-select--chips": !!e.chips, ["v-select--" + (e.multiple ? "multiple" : "single")]: !0, "v-select--selected": p.value.length, "v-select--selection-slot": !!t.selection }, e.class], style: e.style, inputmode: "none", placeholder: te, "onClick:clear": w, "onMousedown:control": P, onBlur: M, onKeydown: $, "aria-label": l(x.value), title: l(x.value) }), { ...t, default: () => c(pe, null, [c(Ri, ee({ ref: o, modelValue: i.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (X) => i.value = X, activator: "parent", contentClass: "v-select__content", disabled: B.value, eager: e.eager, maxHeight: 310, openOnClick: !1, closeOnContentClick: !1, transition: e.transition, onAfterLeave: T }, _.value), { default: () => [R && c(Ai, { ref: V, selected: y.value, selectStrategy: e.multiple ? "independent" : "single-independent", onMousedown: (X) => X.preventDefault(), onKeydown: k, onFocusin: N, onScrollPassive: g, tabindex: "-1", "aria-live": "polite", color: e.itemColor ?? e.color }, { default: () => { - var X, Z, L; - return [(X = t["prepend-item"]) == null ? void 0 : X.call(t), !C.value.length && !e.hideNoData && (((Z = t["no-data"]) == null ? void 0 : Z.call(t)) ?? c(Pl, { title: l(e.noDataText) }, null)), c(Ji, { ref: s, renderless: !0, items: C.value }, { default: (W) => { - var se; - let { item: G, index: z, itemRef: E } = W; - const H = ee(G.props, { ref: E, key: z, onClick: () => D(G) }); - return ((se = t.item) == null ? void 0 : se.call(t, { item: G, index: z, props: H })) ?? c(Pl, ee(H, { role: "option" }), { prepend: (Y) => { - let { isSelected: Q } = Y; - return c(pe, null, [e.multiple && !e.hideSelected ? c(_t, { key: G.value, modelValue: Q, ripple: !1, tabindex: "-1" }, null) : void 0, G.props.prependAvatar && c(Ut, { image: G.props.prependAvatar }, null), G.props.prependIcon && c(Ae, { icon: G.props.prependIcon }, null)]); - } }); - } }), (L = t["append-item"]) == null ? void 0 : L.call(t)]; - } })] }), p.value.map((X, Z) => { - const L = { "onClick:close": function(z) { - z.stopPropagation(), z.preventDefault(), D(X); - }, onMousedown(z) { - z.preventDefault(), z.stopPropagation(); - }, modelValue: !0, "onUpdate:modelValue": void 0 }, W = I ? !!t.chip : !!t.selection, G = W ? ao(I ? t.chip({ item: X, index: Z, props: L }) : t.selection({ item: X, index: Z })) : void 0; - if (!W || G) - return c("div", { key: X.value, class: "v-select__selection" }, [I ? t.chip ? c(ze, { key: "chip-defaults", defaults: { VChip: { closable: e.closableChips, size: "small", text: X.title } } }, { default: () => [G] }) : c(di, ee({ key: "chip", closable: e.closableChips, size: "small", text: X.title, disabled: X.props.disabled }, L), null) : G ?? c("span", { class: "v-select__selection-text" }, [X.title, e.multiple && Z < p.value.length - 1 && c("span", { class: "v-select__selection-comma" }, [vl(",")])])]); - })]), "append-inner": function() { - var W; - for (var X = arguments.length, Z = new Array(X), L = 0; L < X; L++) - Z[L] = arguments[L]; - return c(pe, null, [(W = t["append-inner"]) == null ? void 0 : W.call(t, ...Z), e.menuIcon ? c(Ae, { class: "v-select__menu-icon", icon: e.menuIcon }, null) : void 0]); - } }); - }), Tn({ isFocused: S, menu: i, select: D }, a); -} }), lu = (e, n, t) => e == null || n == null ? -1 : e.toString().toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(n.toString().toLocaleLowerCase()), nu = O({ customFilter: Function, customKeyFilter: Object, filterKeys: [Array, String], filterMode: { type: String, default: "intersection" }, noFilter: Boolean }, "filter"); -function au(e, n, t, l) { - const a = J([]), o = J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), s = m(() => l != null && l.transform ? b(n).map((r) => [r, l.transform(r)]) : b(n)); - return Re(() => { - const r = typeof t == "function" ? t() : b(t), i = typeof r != "string" && typeof r != "number" ? "" : String(r), u = function(d, h, y) { - var C; - const S = [], x = (y == null ? void 0 : y.default) ?? lu, A = !!(y != null && y.filterKeys) && Ie(y.filterKeys), F = Object.keys((y == null ? void 0 : y.customKeyFilter) ?? {}).length; - if (!(d != null && d.length)) - return S; - e: - for (let B = 0; B < d.length; B++) { - const [_, V = _] = Ie(d[B]), g = {}, k = {}; - let w = -1; - if (h && !(y != null && y.noFilter)) { - if (typeof _ == "object") { - const D = A || Object.keys(V); - for (const M of D) { - const T = De(V, M, V), N = (C = y == null ? void 0 : y.customKeyFilter) == null ? void 0 : C[M]; - if (w = N ? N(T, h, _) : x(T, h, _), w !== -1 && w !== !1) - N ? g[M] = w : k[M] = w; - else if ((y == null ? void 0 : y.filterMode) === "every") - continue e; - } - } else - w = x(_, h, _), w !== -1 && w !== !1 && (k.title = w); - const P = Object.keys(k).length, $ = Object.keys(g).length; - if (!P && !$ || (y == null ? void 0 : y.filterMode) === "union" && $ !== F && !P || (y == null ? void 0 : y.filterMode) === "intersection" && ($ !== F || !P)) - continue; - } - S.push({ index: B, matches: { ...k, ...g } }); - } - return S; - }(s.value, i, { customKeyFilter: { ...e.customKeyFilter, ...b(l == null ? void 0 : l.customKeyFilter) }, default: e.customFilter, filterKeys: e.filterKeys, filterMode: e.filterMode, noFilter: e.noFilter }), v = b(n), f = [], p = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - u.forEach((d) => { - let { index: h, matches: y } = d; - const S = v[h]; - f.push(S), p.set(S.value, y); - }), a.value = f, o.value = p; - }), { filteredItems: a, filteredMatches: o, getMatches: function(r) { - return o.value.get(r.value); - } }; -} -const ou = O({ expandOnClick: Boolean, showExpand: Boolean, expanded: { type: Array, default: () => [] } }, "DataTable-expand"), pr = Symbol.for("vuetify:datatable:expanded"); -function vr(e) { - const n = q(e, "expandOnClick"), t = xe(e, "expanded", e.expanded, (s) => new Set(s), (s) => [...s.values()]); - function l(s, r) { - const i = new Set(t.value); - r ? i.add(s.value) : i.delete(s.value), t.value = i; - } - function a(s) { - return t.value.has(s.value); - } - const o = { expand: l, expanded: t, expandOnClick: n, isExpanded: a, toggleExpand: function(s) { - l(s, !a(s)); - } }; - return ke(pr, o), o; -} -function fr() { - const e = Se(pr); - if (!e) - throw new Error("foo"); - return e; -} -const ru = O({ groupBy: { type: Array, default: () => [] } }, "DataTable-group"), gr = Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-group"); -function mr(e) { - return { groupBy: xe(e, "groupBy") }; -} -function yr(e) { - const { groupBy: n, sortBy: t } = e, l = J(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); - function a(s) { - return l.value.has(s.id); - } - const o = { sortByWithGroups: m(() => n.value.map((s) => ({ ...s, order: s.order ?? !1 })).concat(t.value)), toggleGroup: function(s) { - const r = new Set(l.value); - a(s) ? r.delete(s.id) : r.add(s.id), l.value = r; - }, opened: l, groupBy: n, extractRows: function(s) { - return function r(i) { - const u = []; - for (const v of i.items) - "type" in v && v.type === "group" ? u.push(...r(v)) : u.push(v); - return u; - }({ type: "group", items: s, id: "dummy", key: "dummy", value: "dummy", depth: 0 }); - }, isGroupOpen: a }; - return ke(gr, o), o; -} -function hr() { - const e = Se(gr); - if (!e) - throw new Error("Missing group!"); - return e; -} -function br(e, n) { - let t = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : 0, l = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : "root"; - if (!n.length) - return []; - const a = function(r, i) { - if (!r.length) - return []; - const u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - for (const v of r) { - const f = zt(v.raw, i); - u.has(f) || u.set(f, []), u.get(f).push(v); - } - return u; - }(e, n[0]), o = [], s = n.slice(1); - return a.forEach((r, i) => { - const u = n[0], v = `${l}_${u}_${i}`; - o.push({ depth: t, id: v, key: u, value: i, items: s.length ? br(r, s, t + 1, v) : r, type: "group" }); - }), o; -} -function Sr(e, n) { - const t = []; - for (const l of e) - "type" in l && l.type === "group" ? (l.value != null && t.push(l), (n.has(l.id) || l.value == null) && t.push(...Sr(l.items, n))) : t.push(l); - return t; -} -function xr(e, n, t) { - return { flatItems: m(() => n.value.length ? Sr(br(e.value, n.value.map((l) => l.key)), t.value) : e.value) }; -} -function wr(e) { - let { page: n, itemsPerPage: t, sortBy: l, groupBy: a, search: o } = e; - const s = Pe("VDataTable"), r = m(() => ({ page: n.value, itemsPerPage: t.value, sortBy: l.value, groupBy: a.value, search: o.value })); - let i = null; - ae(r, () => { - st(i, r.value) || ((i == null ? void 0 : i.search) !== r.value.search && (n.value = 1), s.emit("update:options", r.value), i = r.value); - }, { deep: !0, immediate: !0 }); -} -const kr = O({ page: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, itemsPerPage: { type: [Number, String], default: 10 } }, "DataTable-paginate"), Cr = Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-pagination"); -function Pr(e) { - return { page: xe(e, "page", void 0, (n) => +(n ?? 1)), itemsPerPage: xe(e, "itemsPerPage", void 0, (n) => +(n ?? 10)) }; -} -function Br(e) { - const { page: n, itemsPerPage: t, itemsLength: l } = e, a = m(() => t.value === -1 ? 0 : t.value * (n.value - 1)), o = m(() => t.value === -1 ? l.value : Math.min(l.value, a.value + t.value)), s = m(() => t.value === -1 || l.value === 0 ? 1 : Math.ceil(l.value / t.value)); - Re(() => { - n.value > s.value && (n.value = s.value); - }); - const r = { page: n, itemsPerPage: t, startIndex: a, stopIndex: o, pageCount: s, itemsLength: l, nextPage: function() { - n.value = at(n.value + 1, 1, s.value); - }, prevPage: function() { - n.value = at(n.value - 1, 1, s.value); - }, setPage: function(i) { - n.value = at(i, 1, s.value); - }, setItemsPerPage: function(i) { - t.value = i, n.value = 1; - } }; - return ke(Cr, r), r; -} -const su = { showSelectAll: !1, allSelected: () => [], select: (e) => { - var l; - let { items: n, value: t } = e; - return new Set(t ? [(l = n[0]) == null ? void 0 : l.value] : []); -}, selectAll: (e) => { - let { selected: n } = e; - return n; -} }, Ar = { showSelectAll: !0, allSelected: (e) => { - let { currentPage: n } = e; - return n; -}, select: (e) => { - let { items: n, value: t, selected: l } = e; - for (const a of n) - t ? l.add(a.value) : l.delete(a.value); - return l; -}, selectAll: (e) => { - let { value: n, currentPage: t, selected: l } = e; - return Ar.select({ items: t, value: n, selected: l }); -} }, _r = { showSelectAll: !0, allSelected: (e) => { - let { allItems: n } = e; - return n; -}, select: (e) => { - let { items: n, value: t, selected: l } = e; - for (const a of n) - t ? l.add(a.value) : l.delete(a.value); - return l; -}, selectAll: (e) => { - let { value: n, allItems: t, selected: l } = e; - return _r.select({ items: t, value: n, selected: l }); -} }, iu = O({ showSelect: Boolean, selectStrategy: { type: [String, Object], default: "page" }, modelValue: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, valueComparator: { type: Function, default: st } }, "DataTable-select"), Fr = Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-selection"); -function $r(e, n) { - let { allItems: t, currentPage: l } = n; - const a = xe(e, "modelValue", e.modelValue, (d) => new Set(Ie(d).map((h) => { - var y; - return ((y = t.value.find((S) => e.valueComparator(h, S.value))) == null ? void 0 : y.value) ?? h; - })), (d) => [...d.values()]), o = m(() => t.value.filter((d) => d.selectable)), s = m(() => l.value.filter((d) => d.selectable)), r = m(() => { - if (typeof e.selectStrategy == "object") - return e.selectStrategy; - switch (e.selectStrategy) { - case "single": - return su; - case "all": - return _r; - default: - return Ar; - } - }); - function i(d) { - return Ie(d).every((h) => a.value.has(h.value)); - } - function u(d, h) { - const y = r.value.select({ items: d, value: h, selected: new Set(a.value) }); - a.value = y; - } - const v = m(() => a.value.size > 0), f = m(() => { - const d = r.value.allSelected({ allItems: o.value, currentPage: s.value }); - return !!d.length && i(d); - }), p = { toggleSelect: function(d) { - u([d], !i([d])); - }, select: u, selectAll: function(d) { - const h = r.value.selectAll({ value: d, allItems: o.value, currentPage: s.value, selected: new Set(a.value) }); - a.value = h; - }, isSelected: i, isSomeSelected: function(d) { - return Ie(d).some((h) => a.value.has(h.value)); - }, someSelected: v, allSelected: f, showSelectAll: r.value.showSelectAll }; - return ke(Fr, p), p; -} -function Rl() { - const e = Se(Fr); - if (!e) - throw new Error("Missing selection!"); - return e; -} -const uu = O({ sortBy: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, customKeySort: Object, multiSort: Boolean, mustSort: Boolean }, "DataTable-sort"), Vr = Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-sort"); -function Ir(e) { - return { sortBy: xe(e, "sortBy"), mustSort: q(e, "mustSort"), multiSort: q(e, "multiSort") }; -} -function Er(e) { - const { sortBy: n, mustSort: t, multiSort: l, page: a } = e, o = { sortBy: n, toggleSort: (s) => { - if (s.key == null) - return; - let r = n.value.map((u) => ({ ...u })) ?? []; - const i = r.find((u) => u.key === s.key); - i ? i.order === "desc" ? t.value ? i.order = "asc" : r = r.filter((u) => u.key !== s.key) : i.order = "desc" : r = l.value ? [...r, { key: s.key, order: "asc" }] : [{ key: s.key, order: "asc" }], n.value = r, a && (a.value = 1); - }, isSorted: function(s) { - return !!n.value.find((r) => r.key === s.key); - } }; - return ke(Vr, o), o; -} -function cu(e, n, t, l) { - const a = it(); - return { sortedItems: m(() => t.value.length ? function(s, r, i, u) { - const v = new Intl.Collator(i, { sensitivity: "accent", usage: "sort" }); - return [...s].sort((f, p) => { - for (let d = 0; d < r.length; d++) { - const h = r[d].key, y = r[d].order ?? "asc"; - if (y === !1) - continue; - let S = zt(f.raw, h), x = zt(p.raw, h); - if (y === "desc" && ([S, x] = [x, S]), u == null ? void 0 : u[h]) { - const A = u[h](S, x); - if (!A) - continue; - return A; - } - if (S instanceof Date && x instanceof Date) - return S.getTime() - x.getTime(); - if ([S, x] = [S, x].map((A) => A != null ? A.toString().toLocaleLowerCase() : A), S !== x) - return ol(S) && ol(x) ? 0 : ol(S) ? -1 : ol(x) ? 1 : isNaN(S) || isNaN(x) ? v.compare(S, x) : Number(S) - Number(x); - } - return 0; - }); - }(n.value, t.value, a.current.value, { ...e.customKeySort, ...l == null ? void 0 : l.value }) : n.value) }; -} -const du = O({ activeColor: String, start: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, modelValue: { type: Number, default: (e) => e.start }, disabled: Boolean, length: { type: [Number, String], default: 1, validator: (e) => e % 1 == 0 }, totalVisible: [Number, String], firstIcon: { type: me, default: "$first" }, prevIcon: { type: me, default: "$prev" }, nextIcon: { type: me, default: "$next" }, lastIcon: { type: me, default: "$last" }, ariaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.root" }, pageAriaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.page" }, currentPageAriaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.currentPage" }, firstAriaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.first" }, previousAriaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.previous" }, nextAriaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.next" }, lastAriaLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.pagination.ariaLabel.last" }, ellipsis: { type: String, default: "..." }, showFirstLastPage: Boolean, ...Tt(), ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...wt(), ...Qe(), ...Lt(), ...Ve({ tag: "nav" }), ...Be(), ...ct({ variant: "text" }) }, "VPagination"), Na = le()({ name: "VPagination", props: du(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, first: (e) => !0, prev: (e) => !0, next: (e) => !0, last: (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t, emit: l } = n; - const a = xe(e, "modelValue"), { t: o, n: s } = it(), { isRtl: r } = Et(), { themeClasses: i } = $e(e), { width: u } = En(), v = de(-1); - Xe(void 0, { scoped: !0 }); - const { resizeRef: f } = Dl((g) => { - if (!g.length) - return; - const { target: k, contentRect: w } = g[0], P = k.querySelector(".v-pagination__list > *"); - if (!P) - return; - const $ = w.width, D = P.offsetWidth + 2 * parseFloat(getComputedStyle(P).marginRight); - v.value = y($, D); - }), p = m(() => parseInt(e.length, 10)), d = m(() => parseInt(e.start, 10)), h = m(() => e.totalVisible != null ? parseInt(e.totalVisible, 10) : v.value >= 0 ? v.value : y(u.value, 58)); - function y(g, k) { - const w = e.showFirstLastPage ? 5 : 3; - return Math.max(0, Math.floor(+((g - k * w) / k).toFixed(2))); - } - const S = m(() => { - if (p.value <= 0 || isNaN(p.value) || p.value > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) - return []; - if (h.value <= 0) - return []; - if (h.value === 1) - return [a.value]; - if (p.value <= h.value) - return al(p.value, d.value); - const g = h.value % 2 == 0, k = g ? h.value / 2 : Math.floor(h.value / 2), w = g ? k : k + 1, P = p.value - k; - if (w - a.value >= 0) - return [...al(Math.max(1, h.value - 1), d.value), e.ellipsis, p.value]; - if (a.value - P >= (g ? 1 : 0)) { - const $ = h.value - 1, D = p.value - $ + d.value; - return [d.value, e.ellipsis, ...al($, D)]; - } - { - const $ = Math.max(1, h.value - 3), D = $ === 1 ? a.value : a.value - Math.ceil($ / 2) + d.value; - return [d.value, e.ellipsis, ...al($, D), e.ellipsis, p.value]; - } - }); - function x(g, k, w) { - g.preventDefault(), a.value = k, w && l(w, k); - } - const { refs: A, updateRef: F } = function() { - const g = J([]); - return ys(() => g.value = []), { refs: g, updateRef: function(k, w) { - g.value[w] = k; - } }; - }(); - Xe({ VPaginationBtn: { color: q(e, "color"), border: q(e, "border"), density: q(e, "density"), size: q(e, "size"), variant: q(e, "variant"), rounded: q(e, "rounded"), elevation: q(e, "elevation") } }); - const C = m(() => S.value.map((g, k) => { - const w = (P) => F(P, k); - if (typeof g == "string") - return { isActive: !1, key: `ellipsis-${k}`, page: g, props: { ref: w, ellipsis: !0, icon: !0, disabled: !0 } }; - { - const P = g === a.value; - return { isActive: P, key: g, page: s(g), props: { ref: w, ellipsis: !1, icon: !0, disabled: !!e.disabled || +e.length < 2, color: P ? e.activeColor : e.color, ariaCurrent: P, ariaLabel: o(P ? e.currentPageAriaLabel : e.pageAriaLabel, g), onClick: ($) => x($, g) } }; - } - })), B = m(() => { - const g = !!e.disabled || a.value <= d.value, k = !!e.disabled || a.value >= d.value + p.value - 1; - return { first: e.showFirstLastPage ? { icon: r.value ? e.lastIcon : e.firstIcon, onClick: (w) => x(w, d.value, "first"), disabled: g, ariaLabel: o(e.firstAriaLabel), ariaDisabled: g } : void 0, prev: { icon: r.value ? e.nextIcon : e.prevIcon, onClick: (w) => x(w, a.value - 1, "prev"), disabled: g, ariaLabel: o(e.previousAriaLabel), ariaDisabled: g }, next: { icon: r.value ? e.prevIcon : e.nextIcon, onClick: (w) => x(w, a.value + 1, "next"), disabled: k, ariaLabel: o(e.nextAriaLabel), ariaDisabled: k }, last: e.showFirstLastPage ? { icon: r.value ? e.firstIcon : e.lastIcon, onClick: (w) => x(w, d.value + p.value - 1, "last"), disabled: k, ariaLabel: o(e.lastAriaLabel), ariaDisabled: k } : void 0 }; - }); - function _() { - var k; - const g = a.value - d.value; - (k = A.value[g]) == null || k.$el.focus(); - } - function V(g) { - g.key === Un.left && !e.disabled && a.value > +e.start ? (a.value = a.value - 1, Fe(_)) : g.key === Un.right && !e.disabled && a.value < d.value + p.value - 1 && (a.value = a.value + 1, Fe(_)); - } - return ue(() => c(e.tag, { ref: f, class: ["v-pagination", i.value, e.class], style: e.style, role: "navigation", "aria-label": o(e.ariaLabel), onKeydown: V, "data-test": "v-pagination-root" }, { default: () => [c("ul", { class: "v-pagination__list" }, [e.showFirstLastPage && c("li", { key: "first", class: "v-pagination__first", "data-test": "v-pagination-first" }, [t.first ? t.first(B.value.first) : c(pt, ee({ _as: "VPaginationBtn" }, B.value.first), null)]), c("li", { key: "prev", class: "v-pagination__prev", "data-test": "v-pagination-prev" }, [t.prev ? t.prev(B.value.prev) : c(pt, ee({ _as: "VPaginationBtn" }, B.value.prev), null)]), C.value.map((g, k) => c("li", { key: g.key, class: ["v-pagination__item", { "v-pagination__item--is-active": g.isActive }], "data-test": "v-pagination-item" }, [t.item ? t.item(g) : c(pt, ee({ _as: "VPaginationBtn" }, g.props), { default: () => [g.page] })])), c("li", { key: "next", class: "v-pagination__next", "data-test": "v-pagination-next" }, [t.next ? t.next(B.value.next) : c(pt, ee({ _as: "VPaginationBtn" }, B.value.next), null)]), e.showFirstLastPage && c("li", { key: "last", class: "v-pagination__last", "data-test": "v-pagination-last" }, [t.last ? t.last(B.value.last) : c(pt, ee({ _as: "VPaginationBtn" }, B.value.last), null)])])] })), {}; -} }), Dn = O({ prevIcon: { type: String, default: "$prev" }, nextIcon: { type: String, default: "$next" }, firstIcon: { type: String, default: "$first" }, lastIcon: { type: String, default: "$last" }, itemsPerPageText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataFooter.itemsPerPageText" }, pageText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataFooter.pageText" }, firstPageLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataFooter.firstPage" }, prevPageLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataFooter.prevPage" }, nextPageLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataFooter.nextPage" }, lastPageLabel: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataFooter.lastPage" }, itemsPerPageOptions: { type: Array, default: () => [{ value: 10, title: "10" }, { value: 25, title: "25" }, { value: 50, title: "50" }, { value: 100, title: "100" }, { value: -1, title: "$vuetify.dataFooter.itemsPerPageAll" }] }, showCurrentPage: Boolean }, "VDataTableFooter"), Al = le()({ name: "VDataTableFooter", props: Dn(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { t: l } = it(), { page: a, pageCount: o, startIndex: s, stopIndex: r, itemsLength: i, itemsPerPage: u, setItemsPerPage: v } = function() { - const p = Se(Cr); - if (!p) - throw new Error("Missing pagination!"); - return p; - }(), f = m(() => e.itemsPerPageOptions.map((p) => typeof p == "number" ? { value: p, title: p === -1 ? l("$vuetify.dataFooter.itemsPerPageAll") : String(p) } : { ...p, title: l(p.title) })); - return ue(() => { - var d; - const p = Na.filterProps(e); - return c("div", { class: "v-data-table-footer" }, [(d = t.prepend) == null ? void 0 : d.call(t), c("div", { class: "v-data-table-footer__items-per-page" }, [c("span", null, [l(e.itemsPerPageText)]), c(tu, { items: f.value, modelValue: u.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (h) => v(Number(h)), density: "compact", variant: "outlined", "hide-details": !0 }, null)]), c("div", { class: "v-data-table-footer__info" }, [c("div", null, [l(e.pageText, i.value ? s.value + 1 : 0, r.value, i.value)])]), c("div", { class: "v-data-table-footer__pagination" }, [c(Na, ee({ modelValue: a.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": (h) => a.value = h, density: "comfortable", "first-aria-label": e.firstPageLabel, "last-aria-label": e.lastPageLabel, length: o.value, "next-aria-label": e.nextPageLabel, "previous-aria-label": e.prevPageLabel, rounded: !0, "show-first-last-page": !0, "total-visible": e.showCurrentPage ? 1 : 0, variant: "plain" }, p), null)])]); - }), {}; -} }), Ln = (Ra = { align: { type: String, default: "start" }, fixed: Boolean, fixedOffset: [Number, String], height: [Number, String], lastFixed: Boolean, noPadding: Boolean, tag: String, width: [Number, String] }, Zl = (e, n) => { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = e.tag ?? "td"; - return c(l, { class: ["v-data-table__td", { "v-data-table-column--fixed": e.fixed, "v-data-table-column--last-fixed": e.lastFixed, "v-data-table-column--no-padding": e.noPadding }, `v-data-table-column--align-${e.align}`], style: { height: oe(e.height), width: oe(e.width), left: oe(e.fixedOffset || null) } }, { default: () => { - var a; - return [(a = t.default) == null ? void 0 : a.call(t)]; - } }); -}, Zl.props = Ra, Zl); -var Ra, Zl; -const pu = O({ headers: Array }, "DataTable-header"), Tr = Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-headers"), Dr = { title: "", sortable: !1 }, vu = { ...Dr, width: 48 }; -function fn(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : []; - if (e.children) - for (const t of e.children) - fn(t, n); - else - n.push(e); - return n; -} -function Lr(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - for (const t of e) - t.key && n.add(t.key), t.children && Lr(t.children, n); - return n; -} -function fu(e) { - if (e.key) - return e.key === "data-table-group" ? Dr : ["data-table-expand", "data-table-select"].includes(e.key) ? vu : void 0; -} -function On(e) { - let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0; - return e.children ? Math.max(n, ...e.children.map((t) => On(t, n + 1))) : n; -} -function gu(e, n) { - const t = []; - let l = 0; - const a = function() { - const o = (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : []).map((s) => ({ element: s, priority: 0 })); - return { enqueue: (s, r) => { - let i = !1; - for (let u = 0; u < o.length; u++) - if (o[u].priority > r) { - o.splice(u, 0, { element: s, priority: r }), i = !0; - break; - } - i || o.push({ element: s, priority: r }); - }, size: () => o.length, count: () => { - let s = 0; - if (!o.length) - return 0; - const r = Math.floor(o[0].priority); - for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) - Math.floor(o[i].priority) === r && (s += 1); - return s; - }, dequeue: () => o.shift() }; - }(e); - for (; a.size() > 0; ) { - let o = a.count(); - const s = []; - let r = 1; - for (; o > 0; ) { - const { element: i, priority: u } = a.dequeue(), v = n - l - On(i); - if (s.push({ ...i, rowspan: v ?? 1, colspan: i.children ? fn(i).length : 1 }), i.children) - for (const f of i.children) { - const p = u % 1 + r / Math.pow(10, l + 2); - a.enqueue(f, l + v + p); - } - r += 1, o -= 1; - } - l += 1, t.push(s); - } - return { columns: e.map((o) => fn(o)).flat(), headers: t }; -} -function Or(e) { - const n = []; - for (const t of e) { - const l = { ...fu(t), ...t }, a = l.key ?? (typeof l.value == "string" ? l.value : null), o = l.value ?? a ?? null, s = { ...l, key: a, value: o, sortable: l.sortable ?? (l.key != null || !!l.sort), children: l.children ? Or(l.children) : void 0 }; - n.push(s); - } - return n; -} -function Mr(e, n) { - const t = J([]), l = J([]), a = J(), o = J(); - Re(() => { - var d, h, y; - const r = (e.headers || Object.keys(e.items[0] ?? {}).map((S) => ({ key: S, title: Ft(S) }))).slice(), i = Lr(r); - (d = n == null ? void 0 : n.groupBy) != null && d.value.length && !i.has("data-table-group") && r.unshift({ key: "data-table-group", title: "Group" }), (h = n == null ? void 0 : n.showSelect) != null && h.value && !i.has("data-table-select") && r.unshift({ key: "data-table-select" }), (y = n == null ? void 0 : n.showExpand) != null && y.value && !i.has("data-table-expand") && r.push({ key: "data-table-expand" }); - const u = Or(r); - (function(S) { - let x = !1; - function A(B) { - if (B) - if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 && arguments[1] && (B.fixed = !0), B.fixed) - if (B.children) - for (let _ = B.children.length - 1; _ >= 0; _--) - A(B.children[_], !0); - else - x ? isNaN(+B.width) && so(`Multiple fixed columns should have a static width (key: ${B.key})`) : B.lastFixed = !0, x = !0; - else if (B.children) - for (let _ = B.children.length - 1; _ >= 0; _--) - A(B.children[_]); - else - x = !1; - } - for (let B = S.length - 1; B >= 0; B--) - A(S[B]); - function F(B) { - let _ = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0; - if (!B) - return _; - if (B.children) { - B.fixedOffset = _; - for (const V of B.children) - _ = F(V, _); - } else - B.fixed && (B.fixedOffset = _, _ += parseFloat(B.width || "0") || 0); - return _; - } - let C = 0; - for (const B of S) - C = F(B, C); - })(u); - const v = Math.max(...u.map((S) => On(S))) + 1, f = gu(u, v); - t.value = f.headers, l.value = f.columns; - const p = f.headers.flat(1); - a.value = p.reduce((S, x) => (x.sortable && x.key && x.sort && (S[x.key] = x.sort), S), {}), o.value = p.reduce((S, x) => (x.key && x.filter && (S[x.key] = x.filter), S), {}); - }); - const s = { headers: t, columns: l, sortFunctions: a, filterFunctions: o }; - return ke(Tr, s), s; -} -function jl() { - const e = Se(Tr); - if (!e) - throw new Error("Missing headers!"); - return e; -} -const Nr = O({ color: String, sticky: Boolean, multiSort: Boolean, sortAscIcon: { type: me, default: "$sortAsc" }, sortDescIcon: { type: me, default: "$sortDesc" }, ...Bn() }, "VDataTableHeaders"), _l = le()({ name: "VDataTableHeaders", props: Nr(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { toggleSort: l, sortBy: a, isSorted: o } = function() { - const F = Se(Vr); - if (!F) - throw new Error("Missing sort!"); - return F; - }(), { someSelected: s, allSelected: r, selectAll: i, showSelectAll: u } = Rl(), { columns: v, headers: f } = jl(), { loaderClasses: p } = An(e); - function d(F, C) { - if (e.sticky || F.fixed) - return { position: "sticky", left: F.fixed ? oe(F.fixedOffset) : void 0, top: e.sticky ? `calc(var(--v-table-header-height) * ${C})` : void 0 }; - } - function h(F) { - const C = a.value.find((B) => B.key === F.key); - return C ? C.order === "asc" ? e.sortAscIcon : e.sortDescIcon : e.sortAscIcon; - } - const { backgroundColorClasses: y, backgroundColorStyles: S } = ot(e, "color"), x = m(() => ({ headers: f.value, columns: v.value, toggleSort: l, isSorted: o, sortBy: a.value, someSelected: s.value, allSelected: r.value, selectAll: i, getSortIcon: h })), A = (F) => { - let { column: C, x: B, y: _ } = F; - const V = C.key === "data-table-select" || C.key === "data-table-expand"; - return c(Ln, ee({ tag: "th", align: C.align, class: ["v-data-table__th", { "v-data-table__th--sortable": C.sortable, "v-data-table__th--sorted": o(C), "v-data-table__th--fixed": C.fixed, "v-data-table__th--sticky": e.sticky }, p.value], style: { width: oe(C.width), minWidth: oe(C.minWidth), ...d(C, _) }, colspan: C.colspan, rowspan: C.rowspan, onClick: C.sortable ? () => l(C) : void 0, fixed: C.fixed, lastFixed: C.lastFixed, noPadding: V }, C.headerProps), { default: () => { - var w; - const g = `header.${C.key}`, k = { column: C, selectAll: i, isSorted: o, toggleSort: l, sortBy: a.value, someSelected: s.value, allSelected: r.value, getSortIcon: h }; - return t[g] ? t[g](k) : C.key === "data-table-select" ? ((w = t["header.data-table-select"]) == null ? void 0 : w.call(t, k)) ?? (u && c(_t, { modelValue: r.value, indeterminate: s.value && !r.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": i }, null)) : c("div", { class: "v-data-table-header__content" }, [c("span", null, [C.title]), C.sortable && c(Ae, { key: "icon", class: "v-data-table-header__sort-icon", icon: h(C) }, null), e.multiSort && o(C) && c("div", { key: "badge", class: ["v-data-table-header__sort-badge", ...y.value], style: S.value }, [a.value.findIndex((P) => P.key === C.key) + 1])]); - } }); - }; - ue(() => c(pe, null, [t.headers ? t.headers(x.value) : f.value.map((F, C) => c("tr", null, [F.map((B, _) => c(A, { column: B, x: _, y: C }, null))])), e.loading && c("tr", { class: "v-data-table-progress" }, [c("th", { colspan: v.value.length }, [c(Eo, { name: "v-data-table-progress", absolute: !0, active: !0, color: typeof e.loading == "boolean" ? void 0 : e.loading, indeterminate: !0 }, { default: t.loader })])])])); -} }), mu = O({ item: { type: Object, required: !0 } }, "VDataTableGroupHeaderRow"), yu = le()({ name: "VDataTableGroupHeaderRow", props: mu(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { isGroupOpen: l, toggleGroup: a, extractRows: o } = hr(), { isSelected: s, isSomeSelected: r, select: i } = Rl(), { columns: u } = jl(), v = m(() => o([e.item])); - return () => c("tr", { class: "v-data-table-group-header-row", style: { "--v-data-table-group-header-row-depth": e.item.depth } }, [u.value.map((f) => { - var p, d; - if (f.key === "data-table-group") { - const h = l(e.item) ? "$expand" : "$next", y = () => a(e.item); - return ((p = t["data-table-group"]) == null ? void 0 : p.call(t, { item: e.item, count: v.value.length, props: { icon: h, onClick: y } })) ?? c(Ln, { class: "v-data-table-group-header-row__column" }, { default: () => [c(pt, { size: "small", variant: "text", icon: h, onClick: y }, null), c("span", null, [e.item.value]), c("span", null, [vl("("), v.value.length, vl(")")])] }); - } - if (f.key === "data-table-select") { - const h = s(v.value), y = r(v.value) && !h, S = (x) => i(v.value, x); - return ((d = t["data-table-select"]) == null ? void 0 : d.call(t, { props: { modelValue: h, indeterminate: y, "onUpdate:modelValue": S } })) ?? c("td", null, [c(_t, { modelValue: h, indeterminate: y, "onUpdate:modelValue": S }, null)]); - } - return c("td", null, null); - })]); -} }), hu = O({ index: Number, item: Object, cellProps: [Object, Function], onClick: Ne(), onContextmenu: Ne(), onDblclick: Ne() }, "VDataTableRow"), bu = le()({ name: "VDataTableRow", props: hu(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { isSelected: l, toggleSelect: a } = Rl(), { isExpanded: o, toggleExpand: s } = fr(), { columns: r } = jl(); - ue(() => c("tr", { class: ["v-data-table__tr", { "v-data-table__tr--clickable": !!(e.onClick || e.onContextmenu || e.onDblclick) }], onClick: e.onClick, onContextmenu: e.onContextmenu, onDblclick: e.onDblclick }, [e.item && r.value.map((i, u) => { - const v = e.item, f = `item.${i.key}`, p = { index: e.index, item: v.raw, internalItem: v, value: zt(v.columns, i.key), column: i, isSelected: l, toggleSelect: a, isExpanded: o, toggleExpand: s }, d = typeof e.cellProps == "function" ? e.cellProps({ index: p.index, item: p.item, internalItem: p.internalItem, value: p.value, column: i }) : e.cellProps, h = typeof i.cellProps == "function" ? i.cellProps({ index: p.index, item: p.item, internalItem: p.internalItem, value: p.value }) : i.cellProps; - return c(Ln, ee({ align: i.align, fixed: i.fixed, fixedOffset: i.fixedOffset, lastFixed: i.lastFixed, noPadding: i.key === "data-table-select" || i.key === "data-table-expand", width: i.width }, d, h), { default: () => { - var y, S; - return t[f] ? t[f](p) : i.key === "data-table-select" ? ((y = t["item.data-table-select"]) == null ? void 0 : y.call(t, p)) ?? c(_t, { disabled: !v.selectable, modelValue: l([v]), onClick: en(() => a(v), ["stop"]) }, null) : i.key === "data-table-expand" ? ((S = t["item.data-table-expand"]) == null ? void 0 : S.call(t, p)) ?? c(pt, { icon: o(v) ? "$collapse" : "$expand", size: "small", variant: "text", onClick: en(() => s(v), ["stop"]) }, null) : Za(p.value); - } }); - })])); -} }), Rr = O({ loading: [Boolean, String], loadingText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.dataIterator.loadingText" }, hideNoData: Boolean, items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, noDataText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.noDataText" }, rowProps: [Object, Function], cellProps: [Object, Function] }, "VDataTableRows"), Fl = le()({ name: "VDataTableRows", inheritAttrs: !1, props: Rr(), setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const { columns: a } = jl(), { expandOnClick: o, toggleExpand: s, isExpanded: r } = fr(), { isSelected: i, toggleSelect: u } = Rl(), { toggleGroup: v, isGroupOpen: f } = hr(), { t: p } = it(); - return ue(() => { - var d, h; - return !e.loading || e.items.length && !l.loading ? e.loading || e.items.length || e.hideNoData ? c(pe, null, [e.items.map((y, S) => { - var F; - if (y.type === "group") { - const C = { index: S, item: y, columns: a.value, isExpanded: r, toggleExpand: s, isSelected: i, toggleSelect: u, toggleGroup: v, isGroupOpen: f }; - return l["group-header"] ? l["group-header"](C) : c(yu, ee({ key: `group-header_${y.id}`, item: y }, va(t, ":group-header", () => C)), l); - } - const x = { index: S, item: y.raw, internalItem: y, columns: a.value, isExpanded: r, toggleExpand: s, isSelected: i, toggleSelect: u }, A = { ...x, props: ee({ key: `item_${y.key ?? y.index}`, onClick: o.value ? () => { - s(y); - } : void 0, index: S, item: y, cellProps: e.cellProps }, va(t, ":row", () => x), typeof e.rowProps == "function" ? e.rowProps({ item: x.item, index: x.index, internalItem: x.internalItem }) : e.rowProps) }; - return c(pe, { key: A.props.key }, [l.item ? l.item(A) : c(bu, A.props, l), r(y) && ((F = l["expanded-row"]) == null ? void 0 : F.call(l, x))]); - })]) : c("tr", { class: "v-data-table-rows-no-data", key: "no-data" }, [c("td", { colspan: a.value.length }, [((d = l["no-data"]) == null ? void 0 : d.call(l)) ?? p(e.noDataText)])]) : c("tr", { class: "v-data-table-rows-loading", key: "loading" }, [c("td", { colspan: a.value.length }, [((h = l.loading) == null ? void 0 : h.call(l)) ?? p(e.loadingText)])]); - }), {}; -} }), jr = O({ fixedHeader: Boolean, fixedFooter: Boolean, height: [Number, String], hover: Boolean, ...ve(), ...Ye(), ...Ve(), ...Be() }, "VTable"), $l = le()({ name: "VTable", props: jr(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t, emit: l } = n; - const { themeClasses: a } = $e(e), { densityClasses: o } = et(e); - return ue(() => c(e.tag, { class: ["v-table", { "v-table--fixed-height": !!e.height, "v-table--fixed-header": e.fixedHeader, "v-table--fixed-footer": e.fixedFooter, "v-table--has-top": !!t.top, "v-table--has-bottom": !!t.bottom, "v-table--hover": e.hover }, a.value, o.value, e.class], style: e.style }, { default: () => { - var s, r, i; - return [(s = t.top) == null ? void 0 : s.call(t), t.default ? c("div", { class: "v-table__wrapper", style: { height: oe(e.height) } }, [c("table", null, [t.default()])]) : (r = t.wrapper) == null ? void 0 : r.call(t), (i = t.bottom) == null ? void 0 : i.call(t)]; - } })), {}; -} }), Su = O({ items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, itemValue: { type: [String, Array, Function], default: "id" }, itemSelectable: { type: [String, Array, Function], default: null }, rowProps: [Object, Function], cellProps: [Object, Function], returnObject: Boolean }, "DataTable-items"); -function xu(e, n, t) { - return n.map((l, a) => function(o, s, r, i) { - const u = o.returnObject ? s : De(s, o.itemValue), v = De(s, o.itemSelectable, !0), f = i.reduce((p, d) => (d.key != null && (p[d.key] = De(s, d.value)), p), {}); - return { type: "item", key: o.returnObject ? De(s, o.itemValue) : u, index: r, value: u, selectable: v, columns: f, raw: s }; - }(e, l, a, t)); -} -function Wr(e, n) { - return { items: m(() => xu(e, e.items, n.value)) }; -} -const zr = O({ ...Rr(), width: [String, Number], search: String, ...ou(), ...ru(), ...pu(), ...Su(), ...iu(), ...uu(), ...Nr(), ...jr() }, "DataTable"), wu = O({ ...kr(), ...zr(), ...nu(), ...Dn() }, "VDataTable"), ku = le()({ name: "VDataTable", props: wu(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, "update:page": (e) => !0, "update:itemsPerPage": (e) => !0, "update:sortBy": (e) => !0, "update:options": (e) => !0, "update:groupBy": (e) => !0, "update:expanded": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const { groupBy: a } = mr(e), { sortBy: o, multiSort: s, mustSort: r } = Ir(e), { page: i, itemsPerPage: u } = Pr(e), { columns: v, headers: f, sortFunctions: p, filterFunctions: d } = Mr(e, { groupBy: a, showSelect: q(e, "showSelect"), showExpand: q(e, "showExpand") }), { items: h } = Wr(e, v), y = q(e, "search"), { filteredItems: S } = au(e, h, y, { transform: (L) => L.columns, customKeyFilter: d }), { toggleSort: x } = Er({ sortBy: o, multiSort: s, mustSort: r, page: i }), { sortByWithGroups: A, opened: F, extractRows: C, isGroupOpen: B, toggleGroup: _ } = yr({ groupBy: a, sortBy: o }), { sortedItems: V } = cu(e, S, A, p), { flatItems: g } = xr(V, a, F), k = m(() => g.value.length), { startIndex: w, stopIndex: P, pageCount: $, setItemsPerPage: D } = Br({ page: i, itemsPerPage: u, itemsLength: k }), { paginatedItems: M } = function(L) { - const { items: W, startIndex: G, stopIndex: z, itemsPerPage: E } = L; - return { paginatedItems: m(() => E.value <= 0 ? W.value : W.value.slice(G.value, z.value)) }; - }({ items: g, startIndex: w, stopIndex: P, itemsPerPage: u }), T = m(() => C(M.value)), { isSelected: N, select: K, selectAll: I, toggleSelect: R, someSelected: j, allSelected: U } = $r(e, { allItems: h, currentPage: T }), { isExpanded: te, toggleExpand: X } = vr(e); - wr({ page: i, itemsPerPage: u, sortBy: o, groupBy: a, search: y }), Xe({ VDataTableRows: { hideNoData: q(e, "hideNoData"), noDataText: q(e, "noDataText"), loading: q(e, "loading"), loadingText: q(e, "loadingText") } }); - const Z = m(() => ({ page: i.value, itemsPerPage: u.value, sortBy: o.value, pageCount: $.value, toggleSort: x, setItemsPerPage: D, someSelected: j.value, allSelected: U.value, isSelected: N, select: K, selectAll: I, toggleSelect: R, isExpanded: te, toggleExpand: X, isGroupOpen: B, toggleGroup: _, items: T.value.map((L) => L.raw), internalItems: T.value, groupedItems: M.value, columns: v.value, headers: f.value })); - return ue(() => { - const L = Al.filterProps(e), W = _l.filterProps(e), G = Fl.filterProps(e), z = $l.filterProps(e); - return c($l, ee({ class: ["v-data-table", { "v-data-table--show-select": e.showSelect, "v-data-table--loading": e.loading }, e.class], style: e.style }, z), { top: () => { - var E; - return (E = l.top) == null ? void 0 : E.call(l, Z.value); - }, default: () => { - var E, H, se, Y, Q, re; - return l.default ? l.default(Z.value) : c(pe, null, [(E = l.colgroup) == null ? void 0 : E.call(l, Z.value), c("thead", null, [c(_l, W, l)]), (H = l.thead) == null ? void 0 : H.call(l, Z.value), c("tbody", null, [(se = l["body.prepend"]) == null ? void 0 : se.call(l, Z.value), l.body ? l.body(Z.value) : c(Fl, ee(t, G, { items: M.value }), l), (Y = l["body.append"]) == null ? void 0 : Y.call(l, Z.value)]), (Q = l.tbody) == null ? void 0 : Q.call(l, Z.value), (re = l.tfoot) == null ? void 0 : re.call(l, Z.value)]); - }, bottom: () => l.bottom ? l.bottom(Z.value) : c(pe, null, [c(tr, null, null), c(Al, L, { prepend: l["footer.prepend"] })]) }); - }), {}; -} }), Cu = O({ itemsLength: { type: [Number, String], required: !0 }, ...kr(), ...zr(), ...Dn() }, "VDataTableServer"), Pu = le()({ name: "VDataTableServer", props: Cu(), emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0, "update:page": (e) => !0, "update:itemsPerPage": (e) => !0, "update:sortBy": (e) => !0, "update:options": (e) => !0, "update:expanded": (e) => !0, "update:groupBy": (e) => !0 }, setup(e, n) { - let { attrs: t, slots: l } = n; - const { groupBy: a } = mr(e), { sortBy: o, multiSort: s, mustSort: r } = Ir(e), { page: i, itemsPerPage: u } = Pr(e), v = m(() => parseInt(e.itemsLength, 10)), { columns: f, headers: p } = Mr(e, { groupBy: a, showSelect: q(e, "showSelect"), showExpand: q(e, "showExpand") }), { items: d } = Wr(e, f), { toggleSort: h } = Er({ sortBy: o, multiSort: s, mustSort: r, page: i }), { opened: y, isGroupOpen: S, toggleGroup: x, extractRows: A } = yr({ groupBy: a, sortBy: o }), { pageCount: F, setItemsPerPage: C } = Br({ page: i, itemsPerPage: u, itemsLength: v }), { flatItems: B } = xr(d, a, y), { isSelected: _, select: V, selectAll: g, toggleSelect: k, someSelected: w, allSelected: P } = $r(e, { allItems: d, currentPage: d }), { isExpanded: $, toggleExpand: D } = vr(e), M = m(() => A(d.value)); - wr({ page: i, itemsPerPage: u, sortBy: o, groupBy: a, search: q(e, "search") }), ke("v-data-table", { toggleSort: h, sortBy: o }), Xe({ VDataTableRows: { hideNoData: q(e, "hideNoData"), noDataText: q(e, "noDataText"), loading: q(e, "loading"), loadingText: q(e, "loadingText") } }); - const T = m(() => ({ page: i.value, itemsPerPage: u.value, sortBy: o.value, pageCount: F.value, toggleSort: h, setItemsPerPage: C, someSelected: w.value, allSelected: P.value, isSelected: _, select: V, selectAll: g, toggleSelect: k, isExpanded: $, toggleExpand: D, isGroupOpen: S, toggleGroup: x, items: M.value.map((N) => N.raw), internalItems: M.value, groupedItems: B.value, columns: f.value, headers: p.value })); - ue(() => { - const N = Al.filterProps(e), K = _l.filterProps(e), I = Fl.filterProps(e), R = $l.filterProps(e); - return c($l, ee({ class: ["v-data-table", { "v-data-table--loading": e.loading }, e.class], style: e.style }, R), { top: () => { - var j; - return (j = l.top) == null ? void 0 : j.call(l, T.value); - }, default: () => { - var j, U, te, X, Z, L; - return l.default ? l.default(T.value) : c(pe, null, [(j = l.colgroup) == null ? void 0 : j.call(l, T.value), c("thead", { class: "v-data-table__thead", role: "rowgroup" }, [c(_l, ee(K, { sticky: e.fixedHeader }), l)]), (U = l.thead) == null ? void 0 : U.call(l, T.value), c("tbody", { class: "v-data-table__tbody", role: "rowgroup" }, [(te = l["body.prepend"]) == null ? void 0 : te.call(l, T.value), l.body ? l.body(T.value) : c(Fl, ee(t, I, { items: B.value }), l), (X = l["body.append"]) == null ? void 0 : X.call(l, T.value)]), (Z = l.tbody) == null ? void 0 : Z.call(l, T.value), (L = l.tfoot) == null ? void 0 : L.call(l, T.value)]); - }, bottom: () => l.bottom ? l.bottom(T.value) : c(Al, N, { prepend: l["footer.prepend"] }) }); - }); -} }), Gr = Nl.reduce((e, n) => (e[n] = { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: !1 }, e), {}), Hr = Nl.reduce((e, n) => (e["offset" + Ft(n)] = { type: [String, Number], default: null }, e), {}), Kr = Nl.reduce((e, n) => (e["order" + Ft(n)] = { type: [String, Number], default: null }, e), {}), ja = { col: Object.keys(Gr), offset: Object.keys(Hr), order: Object.keys(Kr) }; -function Bu(e, n, t) { - let l = e; - if (t != null && t !== !1) - return n && (l += `-${n.replace(e, "")}`), e === "col" && (l = "v-" + l), (e !== "col" || t !== "" && t !== !0) && (l += `-${t}`), l.toLowerCase(); -} -const Au = ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "baseline", "stretch"], _u = O({ cols: { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: !1 }, ...Gr, offset: { type: [String, Number], default: null }, ...Hr, order: { type: [String, Number], default: null }, ...Kr, alignSelf: { type: String, default: null, validator: (e) => Au.includes(e) }, ...ve(), ...Ve() }, "VCol"), At = le()({ name: "VCol", props: _u(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = m(() => { - const a = []; - let o; - for (o in ja) - ja[o].forEach((r) => { - const i = e[r], u = Bu(o, r, i); - u && a.push(u); - }); - const s = a.some((r) => r.startsWith("v-col-")); - return a.push({ "v-col": !s || !e.cols, [`v-col-${e.cols}`]: e.cols, [`offset-${e.offset}`]: e.offset, [`order-${e.order}`]: e.order, [`align-self-${e.alignSelf}`]: e.alignSelf }), a; - }); - return () => { - var a; - return $t(e.tag, { class: [l.value, e.class], style: e.style }, (a = t.default) == null ? void 0 : a.call(t)); - }; -} }), Mn = ["start", "end", "center"], qr = ["space-between", "space-around", "space-evenly"]; -function Nn(e, n) { - return Nl.reduce((t, l) => (t[e + Ft(l)] = n(), t), {}); -} -const Fu = [...Mn, "baseline", "stretch"], Ur = (e) => Fu.includes(e), Yr = Nn("align", () => ({ type: String, default: null, validator: Ur })), $u = [...Mn, ...qr], Xr = (e) => $u.includes(e), Jr = Nn("justify", () => ({ type: String, default: null, validator: Xr })), Vu = [...Mn, ...qr, "stretch"], Zr = (e) => Vu.includes(e), Qr = Nn("alignContent", () => ({ type: String, default: null, validator: Zr })), Wa = { align: Object.keys(Yr), justify: Object.keys(Jr), alignContent: Object.keys(Qr) }, Iu = { align: "align", justify: "justify", alignContent: "align-content" }; -function Eu(e, n, t) { - let l = Iu[e]; - if (t != null) - return n && (l += `-${n.replace(e, "")}`), l += `-${t}`, l.toLowerCase(); -} -const Tu = O({ dense: Boolean, noGutters: Boolean, align: { type: String, default: null, validator: Ur }, ...Yr, justify: { type: String, default: null, validator: Xr }, ...Jr, alignContent: { type: String, default: null, validator: Zr }, ...Qr, ...ve(), ...Ve() }, "VRow"), es = le()({ name: "VRow", props: Tu(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const l = m(() => { - const a = []; - let o; - for (o in Wa) - Wa[o].forEach((s) => { - const r = e[s], i = Eu(o, s, r); - i && a.push(i); - }); - return a.push({ "v-row--no-gutters": e.noGutters, "v-row--dense": e.dense, [`align-${e.align}`]: e.align, [`justify-${e.justify}`]: e.justify, [`align-content-${e.alignContent}`]: e.alignContent }), a; - }); - return () => { - var a; - return $t(e.tag, { class: ["v-row", l.value, e.class], style: e.style }, (a = t.default) == null ? void 0 : a.call(t)); - }; -} }), Du = { actions: "button@2", article: "heading, paragraph", avatar: "avatar", button: "button", card: "image, heading", "card-avatar": "image, list-item-avatar", chip: "chip", "date-picker": "list-item, heading, divider, date-picker-options, date-picker-days, actions", "date-picker-options": "text, avatar@2", "date-picker-days": "avatar@28", divider: "divider", heading: "heading", image: "image", "list-item": "text", "list-item-avatar": "avatar, text", "list-item-two-line": "sentences", "list-item-avatar-two-line": "avatar, sentences", "list-item-three-line": "paragraph", "list-item-avatar-three-line": "avatar, paragraph", ossein: "ossein", paragraph: "text@3", sentences: "text@2", subtitle: "text", table: "table-heading, table-thead, table-tbody, table-tfoot", "table-heading": "chip, text", "table-thead": "heading@6", "table-tbody": "table-row-divider@6", "table-row-divider": "table-row, divider", "table-row": "text@6", "table-tfoot": "text@2, avatar@2", text: "text" }; -function Lu(e) { - return c("div", { class: ["v-skeleton-loader__bone", `v-skeleton-loader__${e}`] }, [arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : []]); -} -function za(e) { - const [n, t] = e.split("@"); - return Array.from({ length: t }).map(() => Wl(n)); -} -function Wl(e) { - let n = []; - if (!e) - return n; - const t = Du[e]; - if (e !== t) { - if (e.includes(",")) - return Ga(e); - if (e.includes("@")) - return za(e); - t.includes(",") ? n = Ga(t) : t.includes("@") ? n = za(t) : t && n.push(Wl(t)); - } - return [Lu(e, n)]; -} -function Ga(e) { - return e.replace(/\s/g, "").split(",").map(Wl); -} -const Ou = O({ boilerplate: Boolean, color: String, loading: Boolean, loadingText: { type: String, default: "$vuetify.loading" }, type: { type: [String, Array], default: "ossein" }, ...St(), ...wt(), ...Be() }, "VSkeletonLoader"), Mu = le()({ name: "VSkeletonLoader", props: Ou(), setup(e, n) { - let { slots: t } = n; - const { backgroundColorClasses: l, backgroundColorStyles: a } = ot(q(e, "color")), { dimensionStyles: o } = xt(e), { elevationClasses: s } = Dt(e), { themeClasses: r } = $e(e), { t: i } = it(), u = m(() => Wl(Ie(e.type).join(","))); - return ue(() => { - var f; - const v = !t.default || e.loading; - return c("div", { class: ["v-skeleton-loader", { "v-skeleton-loader--boilerplate": e.boilerplate }, r.value, l.value, s.value], style: [a.value, v ? o.value : {}], "aria-busy": e.boilerplate ? void 0 : v, "aria-live": e.boilerplate ? void 0 : "polite", "aria-label": e.boilerplate ? void 0 : i(e.loadingText), role: e.boilerplate ? void 0 : "alert" }, [v ? u.value : (f = t.default) == null ? void 0 : f.call(t)]); - }), {}; -} }), Vl = { background: "--v-theme-surface", border: "transparent", color: "--v-theme-on-surface" }, ts = { colorPercentageChange: 15, colorPercentageDirection: "desc", colors: () => ({ default: Vl, footer: { background: void 0, color: void 0 }, header: { background: void 0, color: void 0 }, percentageChange: 15, percentageDirection: "desc" }), columnWidths: () => [], defaultColors: () => Vl, density: "default", drilldownKey: "id", elevation: 0, expandOnClick: !1, filterKeys: void 0, footerBackgroundColor: void 0, footerColor: void 0, footers: () => [], headerBackgroundColor: void 0, headerColor: void 0, height: "auto", hideNoData: !1, hover: !1, isDrilldown: !1, itemChildrenKey: "child", itemSelectable: void 0, itemValue: "id", items: () => [], itemsLength: 0, itemsPerPage: 10, level: 1, levels: 1, loaderProps: () => ({ circular: { bgColor: "theme-surface", color: "primary", indeterminate: !0 }, linear: { color: "surface-variant", height: "2px", indeterminate: !0 }, skelton: { type: "heading@1" }, text: { color: "surface-variant" } }), loaderType: "linear", loading: !1, loadingText: "$vuetify.dataIterator.loadingText", matchColumnWidths: !1, noDataText: "$vuetify.noDataText", noFilter: !1, page: 1, returnObject: !0, search: "", searchContainerCols: () => ({ lg: 3, md: 6, sm: 12, xl: 3, xs: 12, xxl: 2 }), searchDebounce: 0, searchMaxWait: 1e3, searchProps: () => ({}), selectStrategy: "page", separator: "default", server: !1, showDrilldownWhenLoading: !0, showExpand: !1, showFooterRow: !1, showSearch: !1, showSelect: !1, sortAscIcon: "$sortAsc", sortBy: () => [], tableType: () => ({}) }, Nu = rt({ __name: "BottomSlot", props: { slotProps: {} }, setup: (e) => (n, t) => be(n.$slots, "bottom") }), ce = "v-drilldown-table"; -function Ha(e, n, t = "") { - let l = e; - const a = n.length - 1; - if (a < 0) - return l === void 0 ? t : l; - for (let o = 0; o < a; o++) { +const At = Symbol("data"), be = { background: "--v-theme-surface", border: "transparent", color: "--v-theme-on-surface" }, Je = { colorPercentageChange: 15, colorPercentageDirection: "desc", colors: () => ({ default: be, footer: { background: void 0, color: void 0 }, header: { background: void 0, color: void 0 }, percentageChange: 15, percentageDirection: "desc" }), columnWidths: () => [], defaultColors: () => be, density: "default", drilldownKey: "id", elevation: 0, expandOnClick: !1, filterKeys: void 0, footerBackgroundColor: void 0, footerColor: void 0, footers: () => [], headerBackgroundColor: void 0, headerColor: void 0, height: "auto", hideNoData: !1, hover: !1, isDrilldown: !1, itemChildrenKey: "child", itemSelectable: void 0, itemValue: "id", items: () => [], itemsLength: 0, itemsPerPage: 10, level: 1, levels: 1, loaderProps: () => ({ circular: { bgColor: "theme-surface", color: "primary", indeterminate: !0 }, linear: { color: "surface-variant", height: "2px", indeterminate: !0 }, skelton: { type: "heading@1" }, text: { color: "surface-variant" } }), loaderType: "linear", loading: !1, loadingText: "$vuetify.dataIterator.loadingText", matchColumnWidths: !1, noDataText: "$vuetify.noDataText", noFilter: !1, page: 1, returnObject: !0, search: "", searchContainerCols: () => ({ lg: 3, md: 6, sm: 12, xl: 3, xs: 12, xxl: 2 }), searchDebounce: 0, searchMaxWait: 1e3, searchProps: () => ({}), selectStrategy: "page", separator: "default", server: !1, showDrilldownWhenLoading: !0, showExpand: !1, showFooterRow: !1, showSearch: !1, showSelect: !1, sortAscIcon: "$sortAsc", sortBy: () => [], tableType: () => ({}) }, Tt = de({ __name: "BottomSlot", props: { slotProps: {} }, setup: (a) => (n, r) => W(n.$slots, "bottom") }), S = "v-drilldown-table"; +function je(a, n, r = "") { + let l = a; + const t = n.length - 1; + if (t < 0) + return l === void 0 ? r : l; + for (let d = 0; d < t; d++) { if (l == null) - return t; - l = l[n[o]]; + return r; + l = l[n[d]]; } - return l == null || l[n[a]] === void 0 ? t : l[n[a]]; + return l == null || l[n[t]] === void 0 ? r : l[n[t]]; } -function Ru(e, n, t = "") { +function Et(a, n, r = "") { if (n == null) - return e === void 0 ? t : e; - if (e !== Object(e)) { + return a === void 0 ? r : a; + if (a !== Object(a)) { if (typeof n != "function") - return t; - const a = n(e, t); - return a === void 0 ? t : a; + return r; + const t = n(a, r); + return t === void 0 ? r : t; } if (typeof n == "string") - return function(a, o, s = "") { - let r = o; - return a != null && r && typeof r == "string" ? a[r] !== void 0 ? a[r] : (r = r.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1"), r = r.replace(/^\./, ""), Ha(a, r.split("."), s)) : s; - }(e, n, t); + return function(t, d, u = "") { + let p = d; + return t != null && p && typeof p == "string" ? t[p] !== void 0 ? t[p] : (p = p.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1"), p = p.replace(/^\./, ""), je(t, p.split("."), u)) : u; + }(a, n, r); if (Array.isArray(n)) - return Ha(e, n, t); + return je(a, n, r); if (typeof n != "function") - return t; - const l = n(e, t); - return l === void 0 ? t : l; -} -const Ka = (e) => { - const { id: n, sortBy: t } = e; - if (t) { - const l = t.find((a) => a.key === n); + return r; + const l = n(a, r); + return l === void 0 ? r : l; +} +const Re = (a) => { + const { id: n, sortBy: r } = a; + if (r) { + const l = r.find((t) => t.key === n); if (l) return l.order; } -}, lt = (e) => { - const { str: n, unit: t = "px" } = e; +}, ae = (a) => { + const { str: n, unit: r = "px" } = a; if (n != null && n !== "") - return +n ? `${Number(n)}${t}` : String(n); + return +n ? `${Number(n)}${r}` : String(n); }; -function ls(e) { - const n = e.title, t = [n, e]; - return e.renderer ? e.renderer(...t) : e.renderHeader ? e.renderHeader(...t) : e.renderFooter ? e.renderFooter(...t) : n || ""; +function Qe(a) { + const n = a.title, r = [n, a]; + return a.renderer ? a.renderer(...r) : a.renderHeader ? a.renderHeader(...r) : a.renderFooter ? a.renderFooter(...r) : n || ""; } -function Ql(e) { - return e && typeof e == "object" && !Array.isArray(e); +function $e(a) { + return a && typeof a == "object" && !Array.isArray(a); } -function Wt(e, ...n) { +function ye(a, ...n) { if (!n.length) - return e; - const t = n.shift(); - if (Ql(e) && Ql(t)) - for (const l in t) - Ql(t[l]) ? (e[l] || Object.assign(e, { [l]: {} }), Wt(e[l], t[l])) : Object.assign(e, { [l]: t[l] }); - return Wt(e, ...n); -} -const ns = (e) => { - const { align: n } = e; + return a; + const r = n.shift(); + if ($e(a) && $e(r)) + for (const l in r) + $e(r[l]) ? (a[l] || Object.assign(a, { [l]: {} }), ye(a[l], r[l])) : Object.assign(a, { [l]: r[l] }); + return ye(a, ...n); +} +const Ze = (a) => { + const { align: n } = a; return { "d-flex align-center": !0, [`justify-${n}`]: n || !1, "justify-start": !n }; -}, as = (e) => { - const { level: n } = e; - return { "d-flex": !0, [`${ce}--header-select-all-checkbox`]: !0, [`${ce}--header-select-all-checkbox-${n}`]: !0 }; +}, Xe = (a) => { + const { level: n } = a; + return { "d-flex": !0, [`${S}--header-select-all-checkbox`]: !0, [`${S}--header-select-all-checkbox-${n}`]: !0 }; }; -function os(e) { - return e === "transparent" || e === "none" || e === "inherit" || e === "currentColor" || e === "initial" || e === "unset"; -} -function rs(e) { - return e.includes("--v-theme"); -} -const ss = (e, n) => { - if (os(e)) - return e; - if (rs(e)) - return `rgb(var(${e}))`; - const t = function(l, a) { - const o = a.global.current.value.colors; - return Object.entries(o).find(([s]) => s === l); - }(e, n); - return t ? `hsl(${Il(t[1])})` : `hsl(${Il(e)})`; -}, ju = (e) => { - const { colors: n, level: t, prop: l = "default", theme: a, type: o } = e, s = { ...n[l] }, r = n == null ? void 0 : n.percentageDirection; - if (s === void 0) +function et(a) { + return a === "transparent" || a === "none" || a === "inherit" || a === "currentColor" || a === "initial" || a === "unset"; +} +function tt(a) { + return a.includes("--v-theme"); +} +const ot = (a, n) => { + if (et(a)) + return a; + if (tt(a)) + return `rgb(var(${a}))`; + const r = function(l, t) { + const d = t.global.current.value.colors; + return Object.entries(d).find(([u]) => u === l); + }(a, n); + return r ? `hsl(${xe(r[1])})` : `hsl(${xe(a)})`; +}, Lt = (a) => { + const { colors: n, level: r, prop: l = "default", theme: t, type: d } = a, u = { ...n[l] }, p = n == null ? void 0 : n.percentageDirection; + if (u === void 0) throw new Error(`[VDrilldownTable]: The color option '${l}' does not exist`); - let i = ((u, v, f) => { - let p = 100, d = (u == null ? void 0 : u.percentageChange) ?? 0; - return isNaN(d) && (p = 100), d *= v, f !== "desc" && f !== "descending" || (p = 100 - d), f !== "asc" && f !== "ascending" || (p = 0 + d), p < 0 && (p = 0), p > 100 && (p = 100), isNaN(p) && (p = 100), v === 0 && (p = 100), p; - })(n, t - 1, r); - return o || Object.entries(s).forEach(([u, v]) => { - let f = a.global.current.value.colors[v] ?? v; - if (f || (f = n.default[u] ?? "transparent", f = ss(f, a)), os(f)) - return void (s[u] = f); - if ((u === "color" || t === 0 && r === "asc") && (i = 100), rs(f)) - return void (s[u] = `rgb(var(${f}))`); - const p = `/ ${i}%`, d = Il(f); - if (d.includes("/")) - return s[u] = `hsl(${d})`; - s[u] = `hsl(${Il(f)} ${p})`; - }), s; + let D = ((m, P, x) => { + let T = 100, g = (m == null ? void 0 : m.percentageChange) ?? 0; + return isNaN(g) && (T = 100), g *= P, x !== "desc" && x !== "descending" || (T = 100 - g), x !== "asc" && x !== "ascending" || (T = 0 + g), T < 0 && (T = 0), T > 100 && (T = 100), isNaN(T) && (T = 100), P === 0 && (T = 100), T; + })(n, r - 1, p); + return d || Object.entries(u).forEach(([m, P]) => { + let x = t.global.current.value.colors[P] ?? P; + if (x || (x = n.default[m] ?? "transparent", x = ot(x, t)), et(x)) + return void (u[m] = x); + if ((m === "color" || r === 0 && p === "asc") && (D = 100), tt(x)) + return void (u[m] = `rgb(var(${x}))`); + const T = `/ ${D}%`, g = xe(x); + if (g.includes("/")) + return u[m] = `hsl(${g})`; + u[m] = `hsl(${xe(x)} ${T})`; + }), u; }; -function Il(e) { - let n = function(v) { - const f = { AliceBlue: "#F0F8FF", AntiqueWhite: "#FAEBD7", Aqua: "#00FFFF", Aquamarine: "#7FFFD4", Azure: "#F0FFFF", Beige: "#F5F5DC", Bisque: "#FFE4C4", Black: "#000000", BlanchedAlmond: "#FFEBCD", Blue: "#0000FF", BlueViolet: "#8A2BE2", Brown: "#A52A2A", BurlyWood: "#DEB887", CadetBlue: "#5F9EA0", Chartreuse: "#7FFF00", Chocolate: "#D2691E", Coral: "#FF7F50", CornflowerBlue: "#6495ED", Cornsilk: "#FFF8DC", Crimson: "#DC143C", Cyan: "#00FFFF", DarkBlue: "#00008B", DarkCyan: "#008B8B", DarkGoldenRod: "#B8860B", DarkGray: "#A9A9A9", DarkGreen: "#006400", DarkGrey: "#A9A9A9", DarkKhaki: "#BDB76B", DarkMagenta: "#8B008B", DarkOliveGreen: "#556B2F", DarkOrange: "#FF8C00", DarkOrchid: "#9932CC", DarkRed: "#8B0000", DarkSalmon: "#E9967A", DarkSeaGreen: "#8FBC8F", DarkSlateBlue: "#483D8B", DarkSlateGray: "#2F4F4F", DarkSlateGrey: "#2F4F4F", DarkTurquoise: "#00CED1", DarkViolet: "#9400D3", DeepPink: "#FF1493", DeepSkyBlue: "#00BFFF", DimGray: "#696969", DimGrey: "#696969", DodgerBlue: "#1E90FF", FireBrick: "#B22222", FloralWhite: "#FFFAF0", ForestGreen: "#228B22", Fuchsia: "#FF00FF", Gainsboro: "#DCDCDC", GhostWhite: "#F8F8FF", Gold: "#FFD700", GoldenRod: "#DAA520", Gray: "#808080", Green: "#008000", GreenYellow: "#ADFF2F", Grey: "#808080", HoneyDew: "#F0FFF0", HotPink: "#FF69B4", IndianRed: "#CD5C5C", Indigo: "#4B0082", Ivory: "#FFFFF0", Khaki: "#F0E68C", Lavender: "#E6E6FA", LavenderBlush: "#FFF0F5", LawnGreen: "#7CFC00", LemonChiffon: "#FFFACD", LightBlue: "#ADD8E6", LightCoral: "#F08080", LightCyan: "#E0FFFF", LightGoldenRodYellow: "#FAFAD2", LightGray: "#D3D3D3", LightGreen: "#90EE90", LightGrey: "#D3D3D3", LightPink: "#FFB6C1", LightSalmon: "#FFA07A", LightSeaGreen: "#20B2AA", LightSkyBlue: "#87CEFA", LightSlateGray: "#778899", LightSlateGrey: "#778899", LightSteelBlue: "#B0C4DE", LightYellow: "#FFFFE0", Lime: "#00FF00", LimeGreen: "#32CD32", Linen: "#FAF0E6", Magenta: "#FF00FF", Maroon: "#800000", MediumAquaMarine: "#66CDAA", MediumBlue: "#0000CD", MediumOrchid: "#BA55D3", MediumPurple: "#9370DB", MediumSeaGreen: "#3CB371", MediumSlateBlue: "#7B68EE", MediumSpringGreen: "#00FA9A", MediumTurquoise: "#48D1CC", MediumVioletRed: "#C71585", MidnightBlue: "#191970", MintCream: "#F5FFFA", MistyRose: "#FFE4E1", Moccasin: "#FFE4B5", NavajoWhite: "#FFDEAD", Navy: "#000080", OldLace: "#FDF5E6", Olive: "#808000", OliveDrab: "#6B8E23", Orange: "#FFA500", OrangeRed: "#FF4500", Orchid: "#DA70D6", PaleGoldenRod: "#EEE8AA", PaleGreen: "#98FB98", PaleTurquoise: "#AFEEEE", PaleVioletRed: "#DB7093", PapayaWhip: "#FFEFD5", PeachPuff: "#FFDAB9", Peru: "#CD853F", Pink: "#FFC0CB", Plum: "#DDA0DD", PowderBlue: "#B0E0E6", Purple: "#800080", RebeccaPurple: "#663399", Red: "#FF0000", RosyBrown: "#BC8F8F", RoyalBlue: "#4169E1", SaddleBrown: "#8B4513", Salmon: "#FA8072", SandyBrown: "#F4A460", SeaGreen: "#2E8B57", SeaShell: "#FFF5EE", Sienna: "#A0522D", Silver: "#C0C0C0", SkyBlue: "#87CEEB", SlateBlue: "#6A5ACD", SlateGray: "#708090", SlateGrey: "#708090", Snow: "#FFFAFA", SpringGreen: "#00FF7F", SteelBlue: "#4682B4", Tan: "#D2B48C", Teal: "#008080", Thistle: "#D8BFD8", Tomato: "#FF6347", Turquoise: "#40E0D0", Violet: "#EE82EE", Wheat: "#F5DEB3", White: "#FFFFFF", WhiteSmoke: "#F5F5F5", Yellow: "#FFFF00", YellowGreen: "#9ACD32" }; - let p = v; - return Object.entries(f).forEach(([d, h]) => { - v.toLowerCase() != d.toLowerCase() || (p = h); - }), p; - }(e), t = 0, l = 0, a = 0, o = 0, s = 0, r = 0; +function xe(a) { + let n = function(P) { + const x = { AliceBlue: "#F0F8FF", AntiqueWhite: "#FAEBD7", Aqua: "#00FFFF", Aquamarine: "#7FFFD4", Azure: "#F0FFFF", Beige: "#F5F5DC", Bisque: "#FFE4C4", Black: "#000000", BlanchedAlmond: "#FFEBCD", Blue: "#0000FF", BlueViolet: "#8A2BE2", Brown: "#A52A2A", BurlyWood: "#DEB887", CadetBlue: "#5F9EA0", Chartreuse: "#7FFF00", Chocolate: "#D2691E", Coral: "#FF7F50", CornflowerBlue: "#6495ED", Cornsilk: "#FFF8DC", Crimson: "#DC143C", Cyan: "#00FFFF", DarkBlue: "#00008B", DarkCyan: "#008B8B", DarkGoldenRod: "#B8860B", DarkGray: "#A9A9A9", DarkGreen: "#006400", DarkGrey: "#A9A9A9", DarkKhaki: "#BDB76B", DarkMagenta: "#8B008B", DarkOliveGreen: "#556B2F", DarkOrange: "#FF8C00", DarkOrchid: "#9932CC", DarkRed: "#8B0000", DarkSalmon: "#E9967A", DarkSeaGreen: "#8FBC8F", DarkSlateBlue: "#483D8B", DarkSlateGray: "#2F4F4F", DarkSlateGrey: "#2F4F4F", DarkTurquoise: "#00CED1", DarkViolet: "#9400D3", DeepPink: "#FF1493", DeepSkyBlue: "#00BFFF", DimGray: "#696969", DimGrey: "#696969", DodgerBlue: "#1E90FF", FireBrick: "#B22222", FloralWhite: "#FFFAF0", ForestGreen: "#228B22", Fuchsia: "#FF00FF", Gainsboro: "#DCDCDC", GhostWhite: "#F8F8FF", Gold: "#FFD700", GoldenRod: "#DAA520", Gray: "#808080", Green: "#008000", GreenYellow: "#ADFF2F", Grey: "#808080", HoneyDew: "#F0FFF0", HotPink: "#FF69B4", IndianRed: "#CD5C5C", Indigo: "#4B0082", Ivory: "#FFFFF0", Khaki: "#F0E68C", Lavender: "#E6E6FA", LavenderBlush: "#FFF0F5", LawnGreen: "#7CFC00", LemonChiffon: "#FFFACD", LightBlue: "#ADD8E6", LightCoral: "#F08080", LightCyan: "#E0FFFF", LightGoldenRodYellow: "#FAFAD2", LightGray: "#D3D3D3", LightGreen: "#90EE90", LightGrey: "#D3D3D3", LightPink: "#FFB6C1", LightSalmon: "#FFA07A", LightSeaGreen: "#20B2AA", LightSkyBlue: "#87CEFA", LightSlateGray: "#778899", LightSlateGrey: "#778899", LightSteelBlue: "#B0C4DE", LightYellow: "#FFFFE0", Lime: "#00FF00", LimeGreen: "#32CD32", Linen: "#FAF0E6", Magenta: "#FF00FF", Maroon: "#800000", MediumAquaMarine: "#66CDAA", MediumBlue: "#0000CD", MediumOrchid: "#BA55D3", MediumPurple: "#9370DB", MediumSeaGreen: "#3CB371", MediumSlateBlue: "#7B68EE", MediumSpringGreen: "#00FA9A", MediumTurquoise: "#48D1CC", MediumVioletRed: "#C71585", MidnightBlue: "#191970", MintCream: "#F5FFFA", MistyRose: "#FFE4E1", Moccasin: "#FFE4B5", NavajoWhite: "#FFDEAD", Navy: "#000080", OldLace: "#FDF5E6", Olive: "#808000", OliveDrab: "#6B8E23", Orange: "#FFA500", OrangeRed: "#FF4500", Orchid: "#DA70D6", PaleGoldenRod: "#EEE8AA", PaleGreen: "#98FB98", PaleTurquoise: "#AFEEEE", PaleVioletRed: "#DB7093", PapayaWhip: "#FFEFD5", PeachPuff: "#FFDAB9", Peru: "#CD853F", Pink: "#FFC0CB", Plum: "#DDA0DD", PowderBlue: "#B0E0E6", Purple: "#800080", RebeccaPurple: "#663399", Red: "#FF0000", RosyBrown: "#BC8F8F", RoyalBlue: "#4169E1", SaddleBrown: "#8B4513", Salmon: "#FA8072", SandyBrown: "#F4A460", SeaGreen: "#2E8B57", SeaShell: "#FFF5EE", Sienna: "#A0522D", Silver: "#C0C0C0", SkyBlue: "#87CEEB", SlateBlue: "#6A5ACD", SlateGray: "#708090", SlateGrey: "#708090", Snow: "#FFFAFA", SpringGreen: "#00FF7F", SteelBlue: "#4682B4", Tan: "#D2B48C", Teal: "#008080", Thistle: "#D8BFD8", Tomato: "#FF6347", Turquoise: "#40E0D0", Violet: "#EE82EE", Wheat: "#F5DEB3", White: "#FFFFFF", WhiteSmoke: "#F5F5F5", Yellow: "#FFFF00", YellowGreen: "#9ACD32" }; + let T = P; + return Object.entries(x).forEach(([g, K]) => { + P.toLowerCase() != g.toLowerCase() || (T = K); + }), T; + }(a), r = 0, l = 0, t = 0, d = 0, u = 0, p = 0; if (n.substring(0, 1) === "#") - n = function(v) { - let f = v.replace("#", ""); - f.length === 3 && (f = f.split("").map((y) => y + y).join("")); - const p = parseInt(f.substring(0, 2), 16), d = parseInt(f.substring(2, 4), 16), h = parseInt(f.substring(4, 6), 16); - return [p, d, h]; + n = function(P) { + let x = P.replace("#", ""); + x.length === 3 && (x = x.split("").map((I) => I + I).join("")); + const T = parseInt(x.substring(0, 2), 16), g = parseInt(x.substring(2, 4), 16), K = parseInt(x.substring(4, 6), 16); + return [T, g, K]; }(n); else if (n.includes("rgb")) n = [...n.matchAll(/\d+/g)].map(Number); else if (n.includes("hsl")) - return n = [...n.matchAll(/\d+/g)].map(Number), t = n[0], l = n[1], a = n[2], `${t} ${l}% ${a}%`; - [o, s, r] = n, o /= 255, s /= 255, r /= 255; - const i = Math.max(o, s, r), u = Math.min(o, s, r); - if (i === null || !u === null || isNaN(i) || isNaN(u)) { - const v = "0 0% 100% / 12%"; - return console.warn(`[VDrilldownTable]: The "color" prop value using "${n}" doesn't exist. Using the value "hsl(${v})" in it's place.`), v; - } - if (t = (i + u) / 2, l = (i + u) / 2, a = (i + u) / 2, i == u) - t = l = 0; + return n = [...n.matchAll(/\d+/g)].map(Number), r = n[0], l = n[1], t = n[2], `${r} ${l}% ${t}%`; + [d, u, p] = n, d /= 255, u /= 255, p /= 255; + const D = Math.max(d, u, p), m = Math.min(d, u, p); + if (D === null || !m === null || isNaN(D) || isNaN(m)) { + const P = "0 0% 100% / 12%"; + return console.warn(`[VDrilldownTable]: The "color" prop value using "${n}" doesn't exist. Using the value "hsl(${P})" in it's place.`), P; + } + if (r = (D + m) / 2, l = (D + m) / 2, t = (D + m) / 2, D == m) + r = l = 0; else { - const v = i - u; - switch (l = a > 0.5 ? v / (2 - i - u) : v / (i + u), i) { - case o: - t = (s - r) / v + (s < r ? 6 : 0); + const P = D - m; + switch (l = t > 0.5 ? P / (2 - D - m) : P / (D + m), D) { + case d: + r = (u - p) / P + (u < p ? 6 : 0); break; - case s: - t = (r - o) / v + 2; + case u: + r = (p - d) / P + 2; break; - case r: - t = (o - s) / v + 4; + case p: + r = (d - u) / P + 4; } - t /= 6; + r /= 6; } - return t = Math.round(360 * t), l = Math.round(100 * l), a = Math.round(100 * a), `${t} ${l}% ${a}%`; + return r = Math.round(360 * r), l = Math.round(100 * l), t = Math.round(100 * t), `${r} ${l}% ${t}%`; } -const Rn = (e) => { - const { colors: n, level: t, prop: l = "default", themeColors: a, type: o = null } = e; +const Te = (a) => { + const { colors: n, level: r, prop: l = "default", themeColors: t, type: d = null } = a; if (typeof n != "object" || n == null) return {}; - const s = ju({ colors: n, level: t, prop: l, theme: a, type: o }); - return o ? s[o] : s; -}, Wu = ["colspan"], zu = rt({ __name: "TableLoader", props: { colors: {}, colspan: {}, height: { default: 2 }, level: {}, loaderType: { type: [String, Array, Boolean, null], default: "linear" }, loading: {}, loaderProps: {}, loadingText: { default: "Loading..." }, size: { default: "default" }, textLoader: { type: Boolean, default: !0 } }, setup(e) { - const n = Tl(), t = e, l = m(() => ((x) => { - const { isLinearOnly: A, loaderHeight: F } = x; - let C = { height: 0, minHeight: 0 }; - return b(A) && (C = { height: lt({ str: b(F) }), minHeight: lt({ str: b(F) }) }), C; - })({ isLinearOnly: u, loaderHeight: i })), a = m(() => ((x) => { - const { isLinearOnly: A, loaderHeight: F } = x; - return b(A) ? { height: lt({ str: b(F) }), position: "absolute", top: 0, width: "100%" } : {}; - })({ isLinearOnly: u, loaderHeight: i })), o = m(() => ((x) => { - const { isLinearOnly: A } = x; - return { [`${ce}--loader-tr`]: !0, [`${ce}--loader-tr-not-linear`]: !b(A), "ma-0": !0, "pa-0": !0, "text-center": !0 }; - })({ isLinearOnly: u })), s = m(() => ({ [`${ce}--loader-tr-vrow`]: !0, "align-center": !1, "d-grid": !1, "flex-column": !0, "ma-0": !0, "pa-0": !0, "text-center": !0 })), r = m(() => { - var x; - return ((x = t.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : x.linear) ?? {}; - }), i = m(() => { - var x, A; - return function(F) { - return lt({ str: F }) || "2px"; - }(((A = (x = t.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : x.linear) == null ? void 0 : A.height) || "2px"); - }), u = m(() => { - let x = !1; - return t.loaderType !== null && t.loaderType !== !1 && (x = function(A) { - let F = !1; - return A === "linear" && (F = !0), Array.isArray(A) && (F = A.length === 1 && A[0] === "linear"), F; - }(t.loaderType)), x; - }), v = m(() => { - var x; - return ((x = t.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : x.circular) ?? {}; - }), f = m(() => { - var x; - return ((x = t.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : x.skelton) ?? {}; - }), p = m(() => t.loading), d = m(() => { - var A, F; - let x = ((F = (A = t.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : A.text) == null ? void 0 : F.color) ?? "surface-variant"; - return x = ss(x, n), { color: x }; - }), h = m(() => t.loadingText || "Loading..."), y = (x) => { - const A = t.loaderType; - return Array.isArray(A) ? A.indexOf(x) : 1; - }, S = (x) => { - const A = t.loaderType; - return x === t.loaderType || !!Array.isArray(A) && A.includes(x); + const u = Lt({ colors: n, level: r, prop: l, theme: t, type: d }); + return d ? u[d] : u; +}, Ot = ["colspan"], Ee = (a, n) => { + const r = a.__vccOpts || a; + for (const [l, t] of n) + r[l] = t; + return r; +}, Mt = Ee(de({ __name: "TableLoader", props: { colors: {}, colspan: {}, height: { default: 2 }, level: {}, loaderType: { type: [String, Array, Boolean, null], default: "linear" }, loading: {}, loaderProps: {}, loadingText: { default: "Loading..." }, size: { default: "default" }, textLoader: { type: Boolean, default: !0 } }, setup(a) { + const n = Pe(), r = a, l = y(() => ((F) => { + const { isLinearOnly: A, loaderHeight: _ } = F; + let i = { height: 0, minHeight: 0 }; + return e(A) && (i = { height: ae({ str: e(_) }), minHeight: ae({ str: e(_) }) }), i; + })({ isLinearOnly: m, loaderHeight: D })), t = y(() => ((F) => { + const { isLinearOnly: A, loaderHeight: _ } = F; + return e(A) ? { height: ae({ str: e(_) }), position: "absolute", top: 0, width: "100%" } : {}; + })({ isLinearOnly: m, loaderHeight: D })), d = y(() => ((F) => { + const { isLinearOnly: A } = F; + return { [`${S}--loader-tr`]: !0, [`${S}--loader-tr-not-linear`]: !e(A), "ma-0": !0, "pa-0": !0, "text-center": !0 }; + })({ isLinearOnly: m })), u = y(() => ({ [`${S}--loader-tr-vrow`]: !0, "align-center": !1, "d-grid": !1, "flex-column": !0, "ma-0": !0, "pa-0": !0, "text-center": !0 })), p = y(() => { + var F; + return ((F = r.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : F.linear) ?? {}; + }), D = y(() => { + var F, A; + return function(_) { + return ae({ str: _ }) || "2px"; + }(((A = (F = r.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : F.linear) == null ? void 0 : A.height) || "2px"); + }), m = y(() => { + let F = !1; + return r.loaderType !== null && r.loaderType !== !1 && (F = function(A) { + let _ = !1; + return A === "linear" && (_ = !0), Array.isArray(A) && (_ = A.length === 1 && A[0] === "linear"), _; + }(r.loaderType)), F; + }), P = y(() => { + var F; + return ((F = r.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : F.circular) ?? {}; + }), x = y(() => { + var F; + return ((F = r.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : F.skelton) ?? {}; + }), T = y(() => r.loading), g = y(() => { + var A, _; + let F = ((_ = (A = r.loaderProps) == null ? void 0 : A.text) == null ? void 0 : _.color) ?? "surface-variant"; + return F = ot(F, n), { color: F }; + }), K = y(() => r.loadingText || "Loading..."), I = (F) => { + const A = r.loaderType; + return Array.isArray(A) ? A.indexOf(F) : 1; + }, R = (F) => { + const A = r.loaderType; + return F === r.loaderType || !!Array.isArray(A) && A.includes(F); }; - return (x, A) => (ne(), ye("tr", { class: ge(b(o)), style: Te(b(l)) }, [Ke("td", { class: "px-0 ma-0", colspan: x.colspan, style: Te(b(a)) }, [x.loading ? (ne(), we(es, { key: 0, class: ge(b(s)), "no-gutters": "" }, { default: fe(() => [S("linear") ? (ne(), we(At, { key: 0, class: "pa-0 ma-0", order: y("linear") }, { default: fe(() => [c(Io, _e(We(b(r))), null, 16)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order"])) : Ce("", !0), S("circular") ? (ne(), we(At, { key: 1, class: "pa-0 my-2", order: y("circular") }, { default: fe(() => [c(Fo, _e(We(b(v))), null, 16)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order"])) : Ce("", !0), S("skelton") ? (ne(), we(At, { key: 2, class: "pa-0 ma-0", order: y("skelton") }, { default: fe(() => [c(Mu, ee(b(f), { loading: b(p) }), null, 16, ["loading"])]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order"])) : Ce("", !0), S("text") ? (ne(), we(At, { key: 3, class: "my-2", order: y("text"), style: Te(b(d)) }, { default: fe(() => [vl(Za(b(h)), 1)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order", "style"])) : Ce("", !0)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"])) : Ce("", !0)], 12, Wu)], 6)); -} }), jn = (e, n) => { - const t = e.__vccOpts || e; - for (const [l, a] of n) - t[l] = a; - return t; -}, Gu = jn(zu, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b954d026"]]), Hu = ["colspan"], Ku = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], qu = ["colspan"], Uu = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], Yu = ["colspan", "onClick"], Xu = ["innerHTML"], Ju = rt({ __name: "HeadersSlot", props: { colorPercentageChange: {}, colorPercentageDirection: {}, colors: {}, columnWidths: {}, headerBackgroundColor: {}, headerColor: {}, isTheadSlot: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, items: {}, loaderProps: {}, loaderSettings: {}, matchColumnWidths: { type: Boolean }, selectStrategy: {}, slotProps: {}, sortAscIcon: {}, tableModelValue: {}, density: {}, level: {}, showSelect: { default: !1 }, sortBy: {} }, emits: ["click:selectAll"], setup(e, { emit: n }) { - const t = Jt(), l = n, a = e, o = J(), s = Se(Symbol.for("vuetify:icons")), r = J(!1), i = J(a.items), u = J(a.matchColumnWidths), v = J(a.columnWidths || []), f = J(a.sortAscIcon), p = m(() => a.tableModelValue), d = Tl(), h = m(() => function() { - const w = a.slotProps.columns; - if (a.level <= 1 || !u.value) - return w; - if (v.value.length === 0) + return (F, A) => (v(), V("tr", { class: M(e(d)), style: Q(e(l)) }, [re("td", { class: "px-0 ma-0", colspan: F.colspan, style: Q(e(t)) }, [F.loading ? (v(), j(qe, { key: 0, class: M(e(u)), "no-gutters": "" }, { default: O(() => [R("linear") ? (v(), j(ce, { key: 0, class: "pa-0 ma-0", order: I("linear") }, { default: O(() => [ge(Dt, q(X(e(p))), null, 16)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order"])) : N("", !0), R("circular") ? (v(), j(ce, { key: 1, class: "pa-0 my-2", order: I("circular") }, { default: O(() => [ge(Bt, q(X(e(P))), null, 16)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order"])) : N("", !0), R("skelton") ? (v(), j(ce, { key: 2, class: "pa-0 ma-0", order: I("skelton") }, { default: O(() => [ge($t, ie(e(x), { loading: e(T) }), null, 16, ["loading"])]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order"])) : N("", !0), R("text") ? (v(), j(ce, { key: 3, class: "my-2", order: I("text"), style: Q(e(g)) }, { default: O(() => [dt(ct(e(K)), 1)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["order", "style"])) : N("", !0)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"])) : N("", !0)], 12, Ot)], 6)); +} }), [["__scopeId", "data-v-b954d026"]]), Vt = ["colspan"], Wt = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], _t = ["colspan"], Gt = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], It = ["colspan", "onClick"], Ht = ["innerHTML"], jt = Ee(de({ __name: "HeadersSlot", props: { colorPercentageChange: {}, colorPercentageDirection: {}, colors: {}, columnWidths: {}, headerBackgroundColor: {}, headerColor: {}, isTheadSlot: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, items: {}, loaderProps: {}, loaderSettings: {}, matchColumnWidths: { type: Boolean }, selectStrategy: {}, slotProps: {}, sortAscIcon: {}, tableModelValue: {}, density: {}, level: {}, showSelect: { default: !1 }, sortBy: {} }, emits: ["click:selectAll"], setup(a, { emit: n }) { + const r = ve(), l = n, t = a, d = Z(), u = Se(Symbol.for("vuetify:icons")), p = Z(!1), D = Z(t.items), m = Z(t.matchColumnWidths), P = Z(t.columnWidths || []), x = Z(t.sortAscIcon), T = y(() => t.tableModelValue), g = Pe(), K = y(() => function() { + const c = t.slotProps.columns; + if (t.level <= 1 || !m.value) + return c; + if (P.value.length === 0) throw new Error("VDrilldownTable (matchColumnWidths): There was an issue getting the parent tables widths."); - return Object.entries(w).forEach(([P]) => { - Object.keys(w).length !== parseInt(P) + 1 && w[P].width === void 0 && (w[P].width = v.value[parseInt(P)]); - }), w; + return Object.entries(c).forEach(([L]) => { + Object.keys(c).length !== parseInt(L) + 1 && c[L].width === void 0 && (c[L].width = P.value[parseInt(L)]); + }), c; }()); - ae(() => a.items, (w) => { - i.value = w, o.value = (w == null ? void 0 : w.filter((P) => P.selectable)) ?? [], o.value = w == null ? void 0 : w.filter((P) => P.selectable !== !1); - }); - const y = m(() => ((w) => { - const { level: P } = w; - return { [`${ce}--header-row`]: !0, [`${ce}--header-row-${P}`]: !0 }; - })({ level: a.level })), S = (w, P = "") => (($) => { - const { column: D, level: M, slotName: T = "" } = $; - return { [`${ce}--header-row-th`]: !0, [`${ce}--header-row-th-${T}`]: T !== "", [`${ce}--header-row-th-${T}-${M}`]: T !== "", [`${ce}--header-row-th-${M}`]: !0, [`${ce}--header-row-th-sortable`]: D.sortable || !1, [`${ce}--header-row-th-sortable-default-color`]: D.sortable || !1, [`${D.cellClass}`]: D.cellClass || !1 }; - })({ column: w, level: a.level, slotName: P }), x = m(() => { - const w = a.colors; - return w && (w.header = { background: a.headerBackgroundColor, color: a.headerColor }, w.percentageChange = a.colorPercentageChange, w.percentageDirection = a.colorPercentageDirection), w; - }), A = (w, P = !1) => (($) => { - const { colors: D, column: M, dataTableExpand: T = !1, level: N, theme: K } = $, I = { minWidth: M.width ? lt({ str: M.width }) : "auto", width: M.width ? lt({ str: M.width }) : "auto" }; - T && !M.width && (I.width = M.width ? lt({ str: M.width }) : "56px", I.minWidth = M.width ? lt({ str: M.width }) : "56px"); - const R = Rn({ colors: D, level: N, prop: "header", themeColors: K }); - return I.backgroundColor = R.background, I.color = R.color, I; - })({ colors: x.value, column: w, dataTableExpand: P, level: a.level, theme: d }), F = (w) => { - const P = A(w); - return a.headerColor === void 0 ? {} : { color: P.color }; - }, C = m(() => { - var w; - return !a.slotProps.allSelected && ((w = p == null ? void 0 : p.value) == null ? void 0 : w.length) !== 0; - }); - function B() { - r.value = !r.value, a.slotProps.selectAll(r.value), l("click:selectAll", r.value); - } - ae(() => a.slotProps.allSelected, (w) => { - r.value = w; - }), ae(() => a.slotProps.someSelected, () => { - if (a.slotProps.allSelected) + ee(() => t.items, (c) => { + D.value = c, d.value = (c == null ? void 0 : c.filter((L) => L.selectable)) ?? [], d.value = c == null ? void 0 : c.filter((L) => L.selectable !== !1); + }); + const I = y(() => ((c) => { + const { level: L } = c; + return { [`${S}--header-row`]: !0, [`${S}--header-row-${L}`]: !0 }; + })({ level: t.level })), R = (c, L = "") => ((f) => { + const { column: Y, level: z, slotName: J = "" } = f; + return { [`${S}--header-row-th`]: !0, [`${S}--header-row-th-${J}`]: J !== "", [`${S}--header-row-th-${J}-${z}`]: J !== "", [`${S}--header-row-th-${z}`]: !0, [`${S}--header-row-th-sortable`]: Y.sortable || !1, [`${S}--header-row-th-sortable-default-color`]: Y.sortable || !1, [`${Y.cellClass}`]: Y.cellClass || !1 }; + })({ column: c, level: t.level, slotName: L }), F = y(() => { + const c = t.colors; + return c && (c.header = { background: t.headerBackgroundColor, color: t.headerColor }, c.percentageChange = t.colorPercentageChange, c.percentageDirection = t.colorPercentageDirection), c; + }), A = (c, L = !1) => ((f) => { + const { colors: Y, column: z, dataTableExpand: J = !1, level: Be, theme: De } = f, te = { minWidth: z.width ? ae({ str: z.width }) : "auto", width: z.width ? ae({ str: z.width }) : "auto" }; + J && !z.width && (te.width = z.width ? ae({ str: z.width }) : "56px", te.minWidth = z.width ? ae({ str: z.width }) : "56px"); + const ue = Te({ colors: Y, level: Be, prop: "header", themeColors: De }); + return te.backgroundColor = ue.background, te.color = ue.color, te; + })({ colors: F.value, column: c, dataTableExpand: L, level: t.level, theme: g }), _ = (c) => { + const L = A(c); + return t.headerColor === void 0 ? {} : { color: L.color }; + }, i = y(() => { + var c; + return !t.slotProps.allSelected && ((c = T == null ? void 0 : T.value) == null ? void 0 : c.length) !== 0; + }); + function E() { + p.value = !p.value, t.slotProps.selectAll(p.value), l("click:selectAll", p.value); + } + ee(() => t.slotProps.allSelected, (c) => { + p.value = c; + }), ee(() => t.slotProps.someSelected, () => { + if (t.slotProps.allSelected) return !1; }); - const _ = m(() => as({ level: a.level })), V = (w) => ((P) => { - const { iconOptions: $, key: D, level: M, sortBy: T } = P; - return { "fa-fw": ($ == null ? void 0 : $.defaultSet) === "fa", "mx-1": !0, [`${ce}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon`]: !0, [`${ce}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon-${M}`]: !0, [`${ce}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon-desc`]: Ka({ id: D, sortBy: T }) === "desc", [`${ce}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon-asc`]: Ka({ id: D, sortBy: T }) === "asc" }; - })({ iconOptions: s, key: w, level: a.level, sortBy: a.sortBy }), g = m(() => (s == null ? void 0 : s.defaultSet) === "fa" ? "small" : (f.value = (a == null ? void 0 : a.sortAscIcon) ?? "$sortAsc", "default")); - function k(w) { - return ls(w); - } - return (w, P) => (ne(), ye(pe, null, [Ke("tr", { class: ge(b(y)) }, [(ne(!0), ye(pe, null, He(b(h), ($) => { - return ne(), ye(pe, { key: $ }, [b(t)[`column.${$.key}`] || b(t)[`header.${$.key}`] ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 0, class: ge(S($, $.key)), colspan: $.colspan || 1, style: Te(A($, !0)) }, [be(w.$slots, `header.${$.key}`, { column: $ }, void 0, !0)], 14, Hu)) : $.key === "data-table-group" || $.key === "data-table-group" ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 1, class: ge(S($, "header-data-table-group")), colspan: $.colspan || 1, style: Te(A($, !0)), innerHTML: k($) }, null, 14, Ku)) : $.key === "data-table-select" || $.key === "data-table-select" && w.showSelect ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 2, class: ge(S($, "header-data-table-select")), colspan: $.colspan || 1, style: Te(A($, !0)) }, [w.selectStrategy !== "single" ? (ne(), we(In, { key: 0, class: ge(b(_)), density: w.density, focused: !1, indeterminate: b(C), "model-value": b(r), "onUpdate:modelValue": B }, null, 8, ["class", "density", "indeterminate", "model-value"])) : Ce("", !0)], 14, qu)) : $.key === "data-table-expand" ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 3, class: ge(S($, "data-table-expand")), colspan: $.colspan || 1, style: Te(A($, !0)), innerHTML: k($) }, null, 14, Uu)) : (ne(), ye("th", { key: 4, class: ge(S($)), colspan: $.colspan || 1, style: Te(A($)), onClick: (M) => function(T) { - T.sortable && a.slotProps.toggleSort(T); - }($) }, [Ke("div", { class: ge((D = $.align, ns({ align: D }))), style: Te(F($)) }, [Ke("span", { innerHTML: k($) }, null, 8, Xu), $.sortable && b(t)["header.sortIcon"] ? (ne(), ye("span", { key: 0, class: ge(V($.key)) }, [be(w.$slots, "header.sortIcon", {}, void 0, !0)], 2)) : $.sortable ? (ne(), we(Ae, { key: 1, class: ge(V($.key)), icon: b(f), size: b(g) }, null, 8, ["class", "icon", "size"])) : Ce("", !0)], 6)], 14, Yu))], 64); - var D; - }), 128))], 2), w.loaderSettings.loaderType && !b(t).loading ? (ne(), we(b(Gu), { key: 0, colors: w.colors, colspan: w.loaderSettings.colspan, height: w.loaderSettings.height, level: w.level, "loader-props": w.loaderProps, "loader-settings": w.loaderSettings, "loader-type": w.loaderSettings.loaderType, loading: w.loaderSettings.loading || !1, "loading-text": w.loaderSettings.loadingText, size: w.loaderSettings.size }, null, 8, ["colors", "colspan", "height", "level", "loader-props", "loader-settings", "loader-type", "loading", "loading-text", "size"])) : Ce("", !0)], 64)); -} }), Zu = jn(Ju, [["__scopeId", "data-v-d18d56b2"]]), Qu = ["colspan"], ec = ["colspan"], tc = ["colspan"], lc = ["colspan"], nc = ["innerHTML"], ac = rt({ __name: "ItemSlot", props: { expandOnClick: {}, itemSelectable: {}, items: {}, levels: {}, showExpand: {}, slotProps: {}, density: {}, level: {}, showSelect: {} }, emits: ["click:row", "click:row:checkbox", "update:expanded"], setup(e, { emit: n }) { - const t = Jt(), l = n, a = e, o = Se(Symbol.for("vuetify:icons")), s = m(() => a.slotProps.columns), r = m(() => a.slotProps.index), i = m(() => a.slotProps.isExpanded), u = m(() => a.slotProps.item), v = m(() => a.slotProps.internalItem), f = m(() => a.slotProps.level), p = m(() => a.slotProps.toggleExpand), d = m(() => a.slotProps.toggleSelect), h = m(() => a.itemSelectable), y = m(() => ((C) => { - const { expandOnClick: B, level: _, levels: V } = C; - return { "v-data-table__tr": !0, "v-data-table__tr--clickable": B && _ < V, [`${ce}--body-row`]: !0, [`${ce}--body-row-${_}`]: !0 }; - })({ expandOnClick: a.expandOnClick, level: a.level, levels: a.levels })), S = (C) => ((B) => { - const { column: _, elm: V, level: g } = B; - return { [`${ce}--${V}-row-td`]: !0, [`${ce}--${V}-row-td-${g}`]: !0, [`${_.cellClass}`]: _.cellClass || !1 }; - })({ column: C, elm: "body", level: a.level }); - function x(C) { - const { isRow: B, internalItem: _, level: V, toggleExpand: g } = C; - if (!(a.level >= a.levels || a.expandOnClick && !B) && (!a.expandOnClick || B)) { - if (C.$event) { - if (!a.expandOnClick) + const C = y(() => Xe({ level: t.level })), h = (c) => ((L) => { + const { iconOptions: f, key: Y, level: z, sortBy: J } = L; + return { "fa-fw": (f == null ? void 0 : f.defaultSet) === "fa", "mx-1": !0, [`${S}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon`]: !0, [`${S}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon-${z}`]: !0, [`${S}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon-desc`]: Re({ id: Y, sortBy: J }) === "desc", [`${S}--header-row-th-sortable-sort-icon-asc`]: Re({ id: Y, sortBy: J }) === "asc" }; + })({ iconOptions: u, key: c, level: t.level, sortBy: t.sortBy }), o = y(() => (u == null ? void 0 : u.defaultSet) === "fa" ? "small" : (x.value = (t == null ? void 0 : t.sortAscIcon) ?? "$sortAsc", "default")); + function U(c) { + return Qe(c); + } + return (c, L) => (v(), V(ne, null, [re("tr", { class: M(e(I)) }, [(v(!0), V(ne, null, le(e(K), (f) => { + return v(), V(ne, { key: f }, [e(r)[`column.${f.key}`] || e(r)[`header.${f.key}`] ? (v(), V("th", { key: 0, class: M(R(f, f.key)), colspan: f.colspan || 1, style: Q(A(f, !0)) }, [W(c.$slots, `header.${f.key}`, { column: f }, void 0, !0)], 14, Vt)) : f.key === "data-table-group" || f.key === "data-table-group" ? (v(), V("th", { key: 1, class: M(R(f, "header-data-table-group")), colspan: f.colspan || 1, style: Q(A(f, !0)), innerHTML: U(f) }, null, 14, Wt)) : f.key === "data-table-select" || f.key === "data-table-select" && c.showSelect ? (v(), V("th", { key: 2, class: M(R(f, "header-data-table-select")), colspan: f.colspan || 1, style: Q(A(f, !0)) }, [c.selectStrategy !== "single" ? (v(), j(Ae, { key: 0, class: M(e(C)), density: c.density, focused: !1, indeterminate: e(i), "model-value": e(p), "onUpdate:modelValue": E }, null, 8, ["class", "density", "indeterminate", "model-value"])) : N("", !0)], 14, _t)) : f.key === "data-table-expand" ? (v(), V("th", { key: 3, class: M(R(f, "data-table-expand")), colspan: f.colspan || 1, style: Q(A(f, !0)), innerHTML: U(f) }, null, 14, Gt)) : (v(), V("th", { key: 4, class: M(R(f)), colspan: f.colspan || 1, style: Q(A(f)), onClick: (z) => function(J) { + J.sortable && t.slotProps.toggleSort(J); + }(f) }, [re("div", { class: M((Y = f.align, Ze({ align: Y }))), style: Q(_(f)) }, [re("span", { innerHTML: U(f) }, null, 8, Ht), f.sortable && e(r)["header.sortIcon"] ? (v(), V("span", { key: 0, class: M(h(f.key)) }, [W(c.$slots, "header.sortIcon", {}, void 0, !0)], 2)) : f.sortable ? (v(), j(Ye, { key: 1, class: M(h(f.key)), icon: e(x), size: e(o) }, null, 8, ["class", "icon", "size"])) : N("", !0)], 6)], 14, It))], 64); + var Y; + }), 128))], 2), c.loaderSettings.loaderType && !e(r).loading ? (v(), j(e(Mt), { key: 0, colors: c.colors, colspan: c.loaderSettings.colspan, height: c.loaderSettings.height, level: c.level, "loader-props": c.loaderProps, "loader-settings": c.loaderSettings, "loader-type": c.loaderSettings.loaderType, loading: c.loaderSettings.loading || !1, "loading-text": c.loaderSettings.loadingText, size: c.loaderSettings.size }, null, 8, ["colors", "colspan", "height", "level", "loader-props", "loader-settings", "loader-type", "loading", "loading-text", "size"])) : N("", !0)], 64)); +} }), [["__scopeId", "data-v-d18d56b2"]]), Rt = ["colspan"], Nt = ["colspan"], Kt = ["colspan"], zt = ["colspan"], Ut = ["innerHTML"], qt = Ee(de({ __name: "ItemSlot", props: { expandOnClick: {}, itemSelectable: {}, items: {}, levels: {}, showExpand: {}, slotProps: {}, density: {}, level: {}, showSelect: {} }, emits: ["click:row", "click:row:checkbox", "update:expanded"], setup(a, { emit: n }) { + const r = ve(), l = n, t = a, d = Se(Symbol.for("vuetify:icons")), u = y(() => t.slotProps.columns), p = y(() => t.slotProps.index), D = y(() => t.slotProps.isExpanded), m = y(() => t.slotProps.item), P = y(() => t.slotProps.internalItem), x = y(() => t.slotProps.level), T = y(() => t.slotProps.toggleExpand), g = y(() => t.slotProps.toggleSelect), K = y(() => t.itemSelectable), I = y(() => ((i) => { + const { expandOnClick: E, level: C, levels: h } = i; + return { "v-data-table__tr": !0, "v-data-table__tr--clickable": E && C < h, [`${S}--body-row`]: !0, [`${S}--body-row-${C}`]: !0 }; + })({ expandOnClick: t.expandOnClick, level: t.level, levels: t.levels })), R = (i) => ((E) => { + const { column: C, elm: h, level: o } = E; + return { [`${S}--${h}-row-td`]: !0, [`${S}--${h}-row-td-${o}`]: !0, [`${C.cellClass}`]: C.cellClass || !1 }; + })({ column: i, elm: "body", level: t.level }); + function F(i) { + const { isRow: E, internalItem: C, level: h, toggleExpand: o } = i; + if (!(t.level >= t.levels || t.expandOnClick && !E) && (!t.expandOnClick || E)) { + if (i.$event) { + if (!t.expandOnClick) return; - l("click:row", C.$event); + l("click:row", i.$event); } - V === a.level && g(_), l("update:expanded", C); + h === t.level && o(C), l("update:expanded", i); } } - const A = m(() => (o == null ? void 0 : o.defaultSet) === "fa" ? "x-small" : "default"); - function F(C, B) { - return function(_, V) { - if (!V.key) + const A = y(() => (d == null ? void 0 : d.defaultSet) === "fa" ? "x-small" : "default"); + function _(i, E) { + return function(C, h) { + if (!h.key) return ""; - const g = Ru(_, V.key); - return V.renderItem ? V.renderItem(g, _, V) : g; - }(C, B); - } - return (C, B) => (ne(), ye("tr", { class: ge(b(y)), onClick: B[2] || (B[2] = (_) => x({ columns: b(s), index: b(r), isExpanded: b(i), isRow: !0, item: b(u), internalItem: b(v), level: b(f), toggleExpand: b(p), $event: _ })) }, [(ne(!0), ye(pe, null, He(b(s), (_) => (ne(), ye(pe, { key: _ }, [C.$slots[`item.${_.key}`] ? (ne(), ye("td", { key: 0, class: ge(S(_)), colspan: _.colspan || 1 }, [be(C.$slots, `item.${_.key}`, { columns: b(s), index: b(r), item: b(u) }, void 0, !0)], 10, Qu)) : _.key === "data-table-select" || _.key === "data-table-select" && a.showSelect ? (ne(), ye("td", { key: 1, class: ge(S(_)), colspan: _.colspan || 1 }, [b(t)["item.data-table-select"] ? be(C.$slots, "item.data-table-select", { key: 0 }, void 0, !0) : Ce("", !0), c(In, { class: "d-flex v-simple-checkbox", density: C.density, disabled: b(u).selectable === !1 && b(h) === "selectable", "model-value": C.slotProps.isSelected([b(v)]), onClick: B[0] || (B[0] = en((V) => function(g) { - const { internalItem: k, item: w, toggleSelect: P } = g; - P(k), l("click:row:checkbox", w); - }({ columns: b(s), index: b(r), internalItem: b(v), item: b(u), level: b(f), toggleSelect: b(d) }), ["stop"])) }, null, 8, ["density", "disabled", "model-value"])], 10, ec)) : _.key === "data-table-expand" || _.key === "data-table-expand" && C.showExpand ? (ne(), ye("td", { key: 2, class: ge(S(_)), colspan: _.colspan || 1 }, [b(f) < C.levels ? (ne(), ye("div", { key: 0, class: ge(["v-drilldown-table--expand-icon", b(i)(b(v)) ? "rotate-180" : ""]), onClick: B[1] || (B[1] = (V) => x({ columns: b(s), index: b(r), isExpanded: b(i), item: b(u), internalItem: b(v), level: b(f), toggleExpand: b(p) })) }, [C.$slots["item.data-table-expand"] ? be(C.$slots, "item.data-table-expand", { key: 0 }, void 0, !0) : (ne(), we(Ae, { key: 1, icon: "$expand", size: b(A) }, null, 8, ["size"]))], 2)) : Ce("", !0)], 10, tc)) : (ne(), ye("td", { key: 3, class: ge(S(_)), colspan: _.colspan || 1 }, [Ke("span", { innerHTML: F(b(u), _) }, null, 8, nc)], 10, lc))], 64))), 128))], 2)); -} }), oc = jn(ac, [["__scopeId", "data-v-91892b42"]]), rc = ["colspan"], sc = ["colspan"], ic = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], uc = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], cc = ["colspan"], dc = ["innerHTML"], pc = rt({ __name: "TfootSlot", props: { colorPercentageChange: {}, colorPercentageDirection: {}, footerBackgroundColor: {}, footerColor: {}, footers: {}, items: {}, selectStrategy: {}, slotProps: {}, tableModelValue: {}, colors: {}, density: {}, level: {} }, emits: ["click:selectAll"], setup(e, { emit: n }) { - const t = Jt(), l = n, a = e, o = J(), s = Tl(), r = J(!1), i = J(a.items), u = m(() => a.tableModelValue), v = m(() => a.footers.length ? a.footers : a.slotProps.columns); - ae(() => a.items, (C) => { - i.value = C, o.value = (C == null ? void 0 : C.filter((B) => B.selectable)) ?? [], o.value = C == null ? void 0 : C.filter((B) => B.selectable !== !1); - }); - const f = m(() => ((C) => { - const { level: B } = C; - return { [`${ce}--tfoot`]: !0, [`${ce}--tfoot-${B}`]: !0 }; - })({ level: a.level })), p = m(() => ((C) => { - const { level: B } = C; - return { [`${ce}--tfoot-row`]: !0, [`${ce}--tfoot-row-${B}`]: !0 }; - })({ level: a.level })), d = (C, B = "") => ((_) => { - const { column: V, level: g, slotName: k = "" } = _; - return { [`${ce}--tfoot-row-td`]: !0, [`${ce}--tfoot-row-td-${k}`]: k !== "", [`${ce}--tfoot-row-td-${k}-${g}`]: k, [`${ce}--tfoot-row-td-${g}`]: !0, [`${V.cellClass}`]: V.cellClass || !1 }; - })({ column: C, level: a.level, slotName: B }), h = m(() => { - const C = a.colors; - return C && (C.footer = { background: a.footerBackgroundColor, color: a.footerColor }, C.percentageChange = a.colorPercentageChange, C.percentageDirection = a.colorPercentageDirection), C; - }), y = m(() => ((C) => { - const { colors: B, elm: _, level: V, theme: g } = C, k = Rn({ colors: B, level: V, prop: _, themeColors: g }); - return { backgroundColor: k.background, color: k.color }; - })({ colors: h.value, elm: "footer", footerColor: a.footerColor, level: a.level, theme: s })), S = m(() => { - var C; - return !a.slotProps.allSelected && ((C = u == null ? void 0 : u.value) == null ? void 0 : C.length) !== 0; + const o = Et(C, h.key); + return h.renderItem ? h.renderItem(o, C, h) : o; + }(i, E); + } + return (i, E) => (v(), V("tr", { class: M(e(I)), onClick: E[2] || (E[2] = (C) => F({ columns: e(u), index: e(p), isExpanded: e(D), isRow: !0, item: e(m), internalItem: e(P), level: e(x), toggleExpand: e(T), $event: C })) }, [(v(!0), V(ne, null, le(e(u), (C) => (v(), V(ne, { key: C }, [i.$slots[`item.${C.key}`] ? (v(), V("td", { key: 0, class: M(R(C)), colspan: C.colspan || 1 }, [W(i.$slots, `item.${C.key}`, { columns: e(u), index: e(p), item: e(m) }, void 0, !0)], 10, Rt)) : C.key === "data-table-select" || C.key === "data-table-select" && t.showSelect ? (v(), V("td", { key: 1, class: M(R(C)), colspan: C.colspan || 1 }, [e(r)["item.data-table-select"] ? W(i.$slots, "item.data-table-select", { key: 0 }, void 0, !0) : N("", !0), ge(Ae, { class: "d-flex v-simple-checkbox", density: i.density, disabled: e(m).selectable === !1 && e(K) === "selectable", "model-value": i.slotProps.isSelected([e(P)]), onClick: E[0] || (E[0] = ut((h) => function(o) { + const { internalItem: U, item: c, toggleSelect: L } = o; + L(U), l("click:row:checkbox", c); + }({ columns: e(u), index: e(p), internalItem: e(P), item: e(m), level: e(x), toggleSelect: e(g) }), ["stop"])) }, null, 8, ["density", "disabled", "model-value"])], 10, Nt)) : C.key === "data-table-expand" || C.key === "data-table-expand" && i.showExpand ? (v(), V("td", { key: 2, class: M(R(C)), colspan: C.colspan || 1 }, [e(x) < i.levels ? (v(), V("div", { key: 0, class: M(["v-drilldown-table--expand-icon", e(D)(e(P)) ? "rotate-180" : ""]), onClick: E[1] || (E[1] = (h) => F({ columns: e(u), index: e(p), isExpanded: e(D), item: e(m), internalItem: e(P), level: e(x), toggleExpand: e(T) })) }, [i.$slots["item.data-table-expand"] ? W(i.$slots, "item.data-table-expand", { key: 0 }, void 0, !0) : (v(), j(Ye, { key: 1, icon: "$expand", size: e(A) }, null, 8, ["size"]))], 2)) : N("", !0)], 10, Kt)) : (v(), V("td", { key: 3, class: M(R(C)), colspan: C.colspan || 1 }, [re("span", { innerHTML: _(e(m), C) }, null, 8, Ut)], 10, zt))], 64))), 128))], 2)); +} }), [["__scopeId", "data-v-91892b42"]]), Yt = ["colspan"], Jt = ["colspan"], Qt = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], Zt = ["colspan", "innerHTML"], Xt = ["colspan"], eo = ["innerHTML"], to = de({ __name: "TfootSlot", props: { colorPercentageChange: {}, colorPercentageDirection: {}, footerBackgroundColor: {}, footerColor: {}, footers: {}, items: {}, selectStrategy: {}, slotProps: {}, tableModelValue: {}, colors: {}, density: {}, level: {} }, emits: ["click:selectAll"], setup(a, { emit: n }) { + const r = ve(), l = n, t = a, d = Z(), u = Pe(), p = Z(!1), D = Z(t.items), m = y(() => t.tableModelValue), P = y(() => t.footers.length ? t.footers : t.slotProps.columns); + ee(() => t.items, (i) => { + D.value = i, d.value = (i == null ? void 0 : i.filter((E) => E.selectable)) ?? [], d.value = i == null ? void 0 : i.filter((E) => E.selectable !== !1); + }); + const x = y(() => ((i) => { + const { level: E } = i; + return { [`${S}--tfoot`]: !0, [`${S}--tfoot-${E}`]: !0 }; + })({ level: t.level })), T = y(() => ((i) => { + const { level: E } = i; + return { [`${S}--tfoot-row`]: !0, [`${S}--tfoot-row-${E}`]: !0 }; + })({ level: t.level })), g = (i, E = "") => ((C) => { + const { column: h, level: o, slotName: U = "" } = C; + return { [`${S}--tfoot-row-td`]: !0, [`${S}--tfoot-row-td-${U}`]: U !== "", [`${S}--tfoot-row-td-${U}-${o}`]: U, [`${S}--tfoot-row-td-${o}`]: !0, [`${h.cellClass}`]: h.cellClass || !1 }; + })({ column: i, level: t.level, slotName: E }), K = y(() => { + const i = t.colors; + return i && (i.footer = { background: t.footerBackgroundColor, color: t.footerColor }, i.percentageChange = t.colorPercentageChange, i.percentageDirection = t.colorPercentageDirection), i; + }), I = y(() => ((i) => { + const { colors: E, elm: C, level: h, theme: o } = i, U = Te({ colors: E, level: h, prop: C, themeColors: o }); + return { backgroundColor: U.background, color: U.color }; + })({ colors: K.value, elm: "footer", footerColor: t.footerColor, level: t.level, theme: u })), R = y(() => { + var i; + return !t.slotProps.allSelected && ((i = m == null ? void 0 : m.value) == null ? void 0 : i.length) !== 0; }); - function x() { - r.value = !r.value, a.slotProps.selectAll(r.value), l("click:selectAll", r.value); + function F() { + p.value = !p.value, t.slotProps.selectAll(p.value), l("click:selectAll", p.value); } - ae(() => a.slotProps.allSelected, (C) => { - r.value = C; - }), ae(() => a.slotProps.someSelected, () => { - if (a.slotProps.allSelected) + ee(() => t.slotProps.allSelected, (i) => { + p.value = i; + }), ee(() => t.slotProps.someSelected, () => { + if (t.slotProps.allSelected) return !1; }); - const A = m(() => as({ level: a.level })); - function F(C) { - return ls(C); + const A = y(() => Xe({ level: t.level })); + function _(i) { + return Qe(i); } - return (C, B) => { - var _; - return (_ = b(v)) != null && _.length ? (ne(), ye("tfoot", { key: 0, class: ge(b(f)) }, [Ke("tr", { class: ge(b(p)) }, [(ne(!0), ye(pe, null, He(b(v), (V) => { - return ne(), ye(pe, { key: V }, [b(t)[`tfoot.${V.key}`] ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 0, class: ge(d(V, V.key)), colspan: V.colspan || 1, style: Te(b(y)) }, [be(C.$slots, `tfoot.${V.key}`, { column: V })], 14, rc)) : V.key === "data-table-select" ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 1, class: ge(d(V, "tfoot-data-table-select")), colspan: V.colspan || 1, style: Te(b(y)) }, [C.selectStrategy !== "single" ? (ne(), we(In, { key: 0, class: ge(b(A)), density: C.density, focused: !1, indeterminate: b(S), "model-value": b(r), "onUpdate:modelValue": x }, null, 8, ["class", "density", "indeterminate", "model-value"])) : Ce("", !0)], 14, sc)) : V.key === "data-table-expand" ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 2, class: ge(d(V, "tfoot-data-table-expand")), colspan: V.colspan || 1, style: Te(b(y)), innerHTML: F(V) }, null, 14, ic)) : V.renderFooterCell ? (ne(), ye("th", { key: 3, class: ge(d(V)), colspan: V.colspan || 1, style: Te(b(y)), innerHTML: F(V) }, null, 14, uc)) : (ne(), ye("th", { key: 4, class: ge(d(V)), colspan: V.colspan || 1, style: Te(b(y)) }, [Ke("div", { class: ge((g = V.align, ns({ align: g }))) }, [Ke("span", { innerHTML: F(V) }, null, 8, dc)], 2)], 14, cc))], 64); - var g; - }), 128))], 2)], 2)) : Ce("", !0); + return (i, E) => { + var C; + return (C = e(P)) != null && C.length ? (v(), V("tfoot", { key: 0, class: M(e(x)) }, [re("tr", { class: M(e(T)) }, [(v(!0), V(ne, null, le(e(P), (h) => { + return v(), V(ne, { key: h }, [e(r)[`tfoot.${h.key}`] ? (v(), V("th", { key: 0, class: M(g(h, h.key)), colspan: h.colspan || 1, style: Q(e(I)) }, [W(i.$slots, `tfoot.${h.key}`, { column: h })], 14, Yt)) : h.key === "data-table-select" ? (v(), V("th", { key: 1, class: M(g(h, "tfoot-data-table-select")), colspan: h.colspan || 1, style: Q(e(I)) }, [i.selectStrategy !== "single" ? (v(), j(Ae, { key: 0, class: M(e(A)), density: i.density, focused: !1, indeterminate: e(R), "model-value": e(p), "onUpdate:modelValue": F }, null, 8, ["class", "density", "indeterminate", "model-value"])) : N("", !0)], 14, Jt)) : h.key === "data-table-expand" ? (v(), V("th", { key: 2, class: M(g(h, "tfoot-data-table-expand")), colspan: h.colspan || 1, style: Q(e(I)), innerHTML: _(h) }, null, 14, Qt)) : h.renderFooterCell ? (v(), V("th", { key: 3, class: M(g(h)), colspan: h.colspan || 1, style: Q(e(I)), innerHTML: _(h) }, null, 14, Zt)) : (v(), V("th", { key: 4, class: M(g(h)), colspan: h.colspan || 1, style: Q(e(I)) }, [re("div", { class: M((o = h.align, Ze({ align: o }))) }, [re("span", { innerHTML: _(h) }, null, 8, eo)], 2)], 14, Xt))], 64); + var o; + }), 128))], 2)], 2)) : N("", !0); }; -} }), vc = rt({ __name: "TopSlot", props: { items: {}, level: {}, loading: {}, searchContainerCols: {}, searchProps: {}, showSearch: { type: Boolean }, slotProps: {} }, emits: ["click:selectAll", "update:search"], setup(e, { emit: n }) { - const t = Jt(), l = n, a = e, o = J(""), s = J(!0), r = m(() => a.items), i = m(() => ({ allSelected: a.slotProps.allSelected, columns: a.slotProps.columns, headers: a.slotProps.headers, items: r, itemsPerPage: a.slotProps.itemsPerPage, level: a.level, loading: a.loading, page: a.slotProps.page, pageCount: a.slotProps.pageCount, search: b(o), selectAll: u, setItemsPerPage: a.slotProps.setItemsPerPage, toggleSelectAll: v })); - function u(d) { - a.slotProps.selectAll(d), l("click:selectAll", d); +} }), oo = de({ __name: "TopSlot", props: { items: {}, level: {}, loading: {}, searchContainerCols: {}, searchProps: {}, showSearch: { type: Boolean }, slotProps: {} }, emits: ["click:selectAll", "update:search"], setup(a, { emit: n }) { + const r = ve(), l = n, t = a, d = Z(""), u = Z(!0), p = y(() => t.items), D = y(() => ({ allSelected: t.slotProps.allSelected, columns: t.slotProps.columns, headers: t.slotProps.headers, items: p, itemsPerPage: t.slotProps.itemsPerPage, level: t.level, loading: t.loading, page: t.slotProps.page, pageCount: t.slotProps.pageCount, search: e(d), selectAll: m, setItemsPerPage: t.slotProps.setItemsPerPage, toggleSelectAll: P })); + function m(g) { + t.slotProps.selectAll(g), l("click:selectAll", g); } - function v() { - a.slotProps.selectAll(!a.slotProps.allSelected), l("click:selectAll", !a.slotProps.allSelected); + function P() { + t.slotProps.selectAll(!t.slotProps.allSelected), l("click:selectAll", !t.slotProps.allSelected); } - ht(() => { - const d = document.querySelector(`[data-id="vdt-top-id-${a.level}"]`); - (d == null ? void 0 : d.children.length) === 0 && (s.value = !1); - }), ae(o, () => { - l("update:search", o.value); + Ue(() => { + const g = document.querySelector(`[data-id="vdt-top-id-${t.level}"]`); + (g == null ? void 0 : g.children.length) === 0 && (u.value = !1); + }), ee(d, () => { + l("update:search", d.value); }); - const f = m(() => ({ density: "compact", hideDetails: !0, label: "Search", singleLine: !0, variant: "underlined", ...a.searchProps })), p = m(() => { - const d = a.searchContainerCols ?? ts.searchContainerCols(); - return { [`${ce}--search-field`]: !0, [`v-col-${d.xs}`]: !0, [`v-col-sm-${d.sm}`]: !0, [`v-col-md-${d.md}`]: !0, [`v-col-lg-${d.lg}`]: !0, [`v-col-xl-${d.xl}`]: !0, [`v-col-xxl-${d.xxl}`]: !0 }; + const x = y(() => ({ density: "compact", hideDetails: !0, label: "Search", singleLine: !0, variant: "underlined", ...t.searchProps })), T = y(() => { + const g = t.searchContainerCols ?? Je.searchContainerCols(); + return { [`${S}--search-field`]: !0, [`v-col-${g.xs}`]: !0, [`v-col-sm-${g.sm}`]: !0, [`v-col-md-${g.md}`]: !0, [`v-col-lg-${g.lg}`]: !0, [`v-col-xl-${g.xl}`]: !0, [`v-col-xxl-${g.xxl}`]: !0 }; }); - return (d, h) => b(t).top ? be(d.$slots, "top", _e(ee({ key: 0 }, b(i)))) : (d.showSearch || b(t)["top.left"] || b(t)["top.right"]) && b(s) ? (ne(), we(At, { key: 1, lg: "12" }, { default: fe(() => [c(es, { "data-id": `vdt-top-id-${a.level}` }, { default: fe(() => [b(t)["top.left"] ? be(d.$slots, "top.left", _e(ee({ key: 0 }, b(i)))) : d.showSearch ? (ne(), we(At, { key: 1, class: ge(["d-flex align-center justify-end", b(p)]) }, { default: fe(() => [d.showSearch ? (ne(), we(vn, ee({ key: 0 }, b(f), { modelValue: b(o), "onUpdate:modelValue": h[0] || (h[0] = (y) => It(o) ? o.value = y : null), class: "mt-0 pt-0" }), null, 16, ["modelValue"])) : Ce("", !0)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"])) : Ce("", !0), b(t)["top.right"] ? be(d.$slots, "top.right", _e(ee({ key: 2 }, b(i)))) : Ce("", !0)]), _: 3 }, 8, ["data-id"])]), _: 3 })) : Ce("", !0); + return (g, K) => e(r).top ? W(g.$slots, "top", q(ie({ key: 0 }, e(D)))) : (g.showSearch || e(r)["top.left"] || e(r)["top.right"]) && e(u) ? (v(), j(ce, { key: 1, lg: "12" }, { default: O(() => [ge(qe, { "data-id": `vdt-top-id-${t.level}` }, { default: O(() => [e(r)["top.left"] ? W(g.$slots, "top.left", q(ie({ key: 0 }, e(D)))) : g.showSearch ? (v(), j(ce, { key: 1, class: M(["d-flex align-center justify-end", e(T)]) }, { default: O(() => [g.showSearch ? (v(), j(St, ie({ key: 0 }, e(x), { modelValue: e(d), "onUpdate:modelValue": K[0] || (K[0] = (I) => pt(d) ? d.value = I : null), class: "mt-0 pt-0" }), null, 16, ["modelValue"])) : N("", !0)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"])) : N("", !0), e(r)["top.right"] ? W(g.$slots, "top.right", q(ie({ key: 2 }, e(D)))) : N("", !0)]), _: 3 }, 8, ["data-id"])]), _: 3 })) : N("", !0); } }); -function qa(e) { - return typeof e == "function" ? e() : b(e); -} -const Ua = () => { -}, fc = (e) => e(); -function gc(e, n = {}) { - let t, l, a = Ua; - const o = (s) => { - clearTimeout(s), a(), a = Ua; +function Ne(a) { + return typeof a == "function" ? a() : e(a); +} +const Ke = () => { +}, lo = (a) => a(); +function ro(a, n = {}) { + let r, l, t = Ke; + const d = (u) => { + clearTimeout(u), t(), t = Ke; }; - return (s) => { - const r = qa(e), i = qa(n.maxWait); - return t && o(t), r <= 0 || i !== void 0 && i <= 0 ? (l && (o(l), l = null), Promise.resolve(s())) : new Promise((u, v) => { - a = n.rejectOnCancel ? v : u, i && !l && (l = setTimeout(() => { - t && o(t), l = null, u(s()); - }, i)), t = setTimeout(() => { - l && o(l), l = null, u(s()); - }, r); + return (u) => { + const p = Ne(a), D = Ne(n.maxWait); + return r && d(r), p <= 0 || D !== void 0 && D <= 0 ? (l && (d(l), l = null), Promise.resolve(u())) : new Promise((m, P) => { + t = n.rejectOnCancel ? P : m, D && !l && (l = setTimeout(() => { + r && d(r), l = null, m(u()); + }, D)), r = setTimeout(() => { + l && d(l), l = null, m(u()); + }, p); }); }; } -function mc(e, n, t = {}) { - const { eventFilter: l = fc, ...a } = t; - return ae(e, (o = l, s = n, function(...r) { - return new Promise((i, u) => { - Promise.resolve(o(() => s.apply(this, r), { fn: s, thisArg: this, args: r })).then(i).catch(u); +function ao(a, n, r = {}) { + const { eventFilter: l = lo, ...t } = r; + return ee(a, (d = l, u = n, function(...p) { + return new Promise((D, m) => { + Promise.resolve(d(() => u.apply(this, p), { fn: u, thisArg: this, args: p })).then(D).catch(m); }); - }), a); - var o, s; -} -function Ya(e, n, t = {}) { - const { debounce: l = 0, maxWait: a, ...o } = t; - return mc(e, n, { ...o, eventFilter: gc(l, { maxWait: a }) }); -} -const Rt = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), yc = ["colspan"], hc = rt({ __name: "VDrilldownTable", props: bs({ colorPercentageChange: {}, colorPercentageDirection: {}, colors: {}, columnWidths: {}, customFilter: {}, customKeyFilter: {}, defaultColors: {}, density: {}, drilldown: {}, drilldownKey: {}, elevation: {}, expandOnClick: {}, expanded: {}, filterKeys: {}, filterMode: {}, fixedFooter: { type: Boolean }, fixedHeader: { type: Boolean }, footerBackgroundColor: {}, footerColor: {}, footers: {}, groupBy: {}, headerBackgroundColor: {}, headerColor: {}, headers: {}, height: {}, hideNoData: {}, hover: {}, isDrilldown: { type: Boolean }, item: {}, itemChildrenKey: {}, itemSelectable: {}, itemValue: {}, items: {}, itemsLength: {}, itemsPerPage: {}, itemsPerPageOptions: {}, level: {}, levels: {}, loaderProps: {}, loaderSize: {}, loaderType: { type: [String, Array, Boolean, null] }, loading: {}, loadingText: {}, matchColumnWidths: { type: Boolean }, modelValue: {}, multiSort: {}, mustSort: {}, noDataText: {}, noFilter: {}, page: {}, returnObject: {}, search: {}, searchContainerCols: {}, searchDebounce: {}, searchMaxWait: {}, searchProps: {}, separator: {}, server: { type: Boolean }, selectStrategy: {}, showDrilldownWhenLoading: { type: Boolean }, showExpand: {}, showFooterRow: { type: Boolean }, showSearch: { type: Boolean }, showSelect: {}, sortAscIcon: {}, sortBy: {}, tableType: {}, width: {} }, { ...ts }), emits: ["click:row", "click:row:checkbox", "update:expanded", "update:drilldown", "update:options", "update:itemsPerPage", "update:page", "update:search", "update:sortBy"], setup(e, { emit: n }) { - const t = n, l = e, a = Se(is, {}), o = J({ ...l, ...a }), { colorPercentageChange: s, colorPercentageDirection: r, elevation: i, expandOnClick: u, footerBackgroundColor: v, footerColor: f, headerBackgroundColor: p, headerColor: d, hover: h, itemsPerPageOptions: y, loaderProps: S, loaderType: x, separator: A, sortAscIcon: F } = gn(o.value), C = Jt(), B = Ss(), _ = de(null), V = m(() => l.density); - ht(() => { - l.level === 1 && g.level !== 1 || g.server || I(); - }), hn(() => { - _.value = Object.assign({}, l.server ? Pu : ku); - }); - let g = Xt(Object.assign({}, l)); - g != null && g.colors && (g.colors.default = { ...Vl, ...o.value.defaultColors }); - const k = { ...l, ...g }, w = J(B["data-vdt-id"] ?? `v-drilldown-table-${Date.now()}`), P = J(""), $ = Tl(), D = m(() => g.sortBy), M = m(() => !!g.loading || g.hideNoData); - (function(E, H, se) { - const Y = ae(E, (...Q) => (Fe(() => Y()), H(...Q)), se); + }), t); + var d, u; +} +function ze(a, n, r = {}) { + const { debounce: l = 0, maxWait: t, ...d } = r; + return ao(a, n, { ...d, eventFilter: ro(l, { maxWait: t }) }); +} +const me = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), no = ["colspan"], so = de({ __name: "VDrilldownTable", props: gt({ colorPercentageChange: {}, colorPercentageDirection: {}, colors: {}, columnWidths: {}, customFilter: {}, customKeyFilter: {}, defaultColors: {}, density: {}, drilldown: {}, drilldownKey: {}, elevation: {}, expandOnClick: {}, expanded: {}, filterKeys: {}, filterMode: {}, fixedFooter: { type: Boolean }, fixedHeader: { type: Boolean }, footerBackgroundColor: {}, footerColor: {}, footers: {}, groupBy: {}, headerBackgroundColor: {}, headerColor: {}, headers: {}, height: {}, hideNoData: {}, hover: {}, isDrilldown: { type: Boolean }, item: {}, itemChildrenKey: {}, itemSelectable: {}, itemValue: {}, items: {}, itemsLength: {}, itemsPerPage: {}, itemsPerPageOptions: {}, level: {}, levels: {}, loaderProps: {}, loaderSize: {}, loaderType: { type: [String, Array, Boolean, null] }, loading: {}, loadingText: {}, matchColumnWidths: { type: Boolean }, modelValue: {}, multiSort: {}, mustSort: {}, noDataText: {}, noFilter: {}, page: {}, returnObject: {}, search: {}, searchContainerCols: {}, searchDebounce: {}, searchMaxWait: {}, searchProps: {}, separator: {}, server: { type: Boolean }, selectStrategy: {}, showDrilldownWhenLoading: { type: Boolean }, showExpand: {}, showFooterRow: { type: Boolean }, showSearch: { type: Boolean }, showSelect: {}, sortAscIcon: {}, sortBy: {}, tableType: {}, width: {} }, { ...Je }), emits: ["click:row", "click:row:checkbox", "update:expanded", "update:drilldown", "update:options", "update:itemsPerPage", "update:page", "update:search", "update:sortBy"], setup(a, { emit: n }) { + const r = n, l = a, t = Se(lt, {}), d = Z({ ...l, ...t }), { colorPercentageChange: u, colorPercentageDirection: p, elevation: D, expandOnClick: m, footerBackgroundColor: P, footerColor: x, headerBackgroundColor: T, headerColor: g, hover: K, itemsPerPageOptions: I, loaderProps: R, loaderType: F, separator: A, sortAscIcon: _ } = yt(d.value), i = ve(), E = vt(), C = ft(null), h = y(() => l.density); + Ue(() => { + l.level === 1 && o.level !== 1 || o.server || te(); + }), kt(() => { + C.value = Object.assign({}, l.server ? xt : Pt); + }); + let o = Ft(Object.assign({}, l)); + o != null && o.colors && (o.colors.default = { ...be, ...d.value.defaultColors }); + const U = { ...l, ...o }, c = Z(E["data-vdt-id"] ?? `v-drilldown-table-${Date.now()}`), L = Z(""), f = Pe(), Y = y(() => o.sortBy), z = y(() => !!o.loading || o.hideNoData); + (function(s, k, G) { + const w = ee(s, (...b) => (ht(() => w()), k(...b)), G); })(l, () => { - l.level === 1 && g.level !== 1 || I(), g.itemsPerPage = l.itemsPerPage; - }, { immediate: !1 }), ae(() => l.items, () => { - l.loading || I(); - }, { deep: !0 }), ae(() => l.loading, () => { + l.level === 1 && o.level !== 1 || te(), o.itemsPerPage = l.itemsPerPage; + }, { immediate: !1 }), ee(() => l.items, () => { + l.loading || te(); + }, { deep: !0 }), ee(() => l.loading, () => { if (l.loading) - return g.loading = l.loading, !1; - I(); - }), Re(() => { - g.colors && o.value.defaultColors && (g.colors.default = { ...Vl, ...o.value.defaultColors }); - }), Re(() => { - o.value = { ...l, ...a }; - }); - const T = (E) => { - const H = b(o.value.loaderType); - return !(E && (H === "skelton" || Array.isArray(H) && H.length === 1 && H[0] === "skelton" || !g.showDrilldownWhenLoading)); - }, N = m(() => ((E) => { - const { elevation: H, fixedHeader: se, isDrilldown: Y, isHover: Q, isServerSide: re, level: ie, separator: he } = E; - return { [`${ce}--child`]: Y, [`${ce}--fixed-header`]: se, [`${ce}--hover`]: Q, [`${ce}--level-${ie}`]: !0, [`${ce}--server`]: re, [`${ce}--separator-${he}`]: he, [`${ce}`]: !0, [`elevation-${H}`]: parseInt(H) > 0 }; - })({ elevation: b(i), fixedHeader: g.fixedHeader, isDrilldown: l.isDrilldown, isHover: b(h), isServerSide: !1, level: g.level, separator: b(A) })), K = m(() => ((E) => { - const { colors: H, level: se, theme: Y } = E; - let Q = {}; - typeof H == "object" && H !== null && (Q = Rn({ colors: H, level: se, prop: "default", themeColors: Y })); - const re = { borderBottom: "none" }; - return Q.border && (re.borderBottom = `1px solid ${Q.border}`), re; - })({ colors: g.colors, level: g.level, theme: $ })); - function I() { - var E; - l.drilldown ? g = ((H) => { - const { drilldown: se, item: Y, level: Q, levels: re, loadedDrilldown: ie } = H; - let he = ie; - const je = Y; - he = Wt(ie, se); - const kt = (ie.items || [{}]).find((tl) => { - const ll = tl[ie.drilldownKey]; - let Ot = {}; - return je && (Ot = je[ie.drilldownKey]), ll === Ot; + return o.loading = l.loading, !1; + te(); + }), He(() => { + o.colors && d.value.defaultColors && (o.colors.default = { ...be, ...d.value.defaultColors }); + }), He(() => { + d.value = { ...l, ...t }; + }); + const J = (s) => { + const k = e(d.value.loaderType); + return !(s && (k === "skelton" || Array.isArray(k) && k.length === 1 && k[0] === "skelton" || !o.showDrilldownWhenLoading)); + }, Be = y(() => ((s) => { + const { elevation: k, fixedHeader: G, isDrilldown: w, isHover: b, isServerSide: B, level: $, separator: H } = s; + return { [`${S}--child`]: w, [`${S}--fixed-header`]: G, [`${S}--hover`]: b, [`${S}--level-${$}`]: !0, [`${S}--server`]: B, [`${S}--separator-${H}`]: H, [`${S}`]: !0, [`elevation-${k}`]: parseInt(k) > 0 }; + })({ elevation: e(D), fixedHeader: o.fixedHeader, isDrilldown: l.isDrilldown, isHover: e(K), isServerSide: !1, level: o.level, separator: e(A) })), De = y(() => ((s) => { + const { colors: k, level: G, theme: w } = s; + let b = {}; + typeof k == "object" && k !== null && (b = Te({ colors: k, level: G, prop: "default", themeColors: w })); + const B = { borderBottom: "none" }; + return b.border && (B.borderBottom = `1px solid ${b.border}`), B; + })({ colors: o.colors, level: o.level, theme: f })); + function te() { + var s; + l.drilldown ? o = ((k) => { + const { drilldown: G, item: w, level: b, levels: B, loadedDrilldown: $ } = k; + let H = $; + const oe = w; + H = ye($, G); + const ke = ($.items || [{}]).find((Fe) => { + const Ce = Fe[$.drilldownKey]; + let he = {}; + return oe && (he = oe[$.drilldownKey]), Ce === he; }); - return he = Wt(ie, kt[ie.itemChildrenKey]), re === Q && (he.showExpand = !1), he; - })({ drilldown: l.drilldown, item: l.item, level: l.level, levels: l.levels, loadedDrilldown: g, matchColumnWidths: l.matchColumnWidths }) : (g = Wt(g, l), l.matchColumnWidths && ((E = g == null ? void 0 : g.columnWidths) == null ? void 0 : E.length) === 0 && (g.columnWidths = ((H) => { - const { tableId: se } = H, Y = [], Q = b(se), re = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-vdt-id="${Q}"] .v-drilldown-table--header-row-th-1`); - if (Object.keys(re).length > 0) - for (let ie = 0; ie < re.length; ie += 1) { - const he = re[ie]; - Y.push(he.offsetWidth); + return H = ye($, ke[$.itemChildrenKey]), B === b && (H.showExpand = !1), H; + })({ drilldown: l.drilldown, item: l.item, level: l.level, levels: l.levels, loadedDrilldown: o, matchColumnWidths: l.matchColumnWidths }) : (o = ye(o, l), l.matchColumnWidths && ((s = o == null ? void 0 : o.columnWidths) == null ? void 0 : s.length) === 0 && (o.columnWidths = ((k) => { + const { tableId: G } = k, w = [], b = e(G), B = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-vdt-id="${b}"] .v-drilldown-table--header-row-th-1`); + if (Object.keys(B).length > 0) + for (let $ = 0; $ < B.length; $ += 1) { + const H = B[$]; + w.push(H.offsetWidth); } - return Y; - })({ tableId: w }))); - } - function R(E) { - let H = { ...k, ...g, ...E }; - l.server && (H = { ...g, ...k, ...E }), ((se) => { - const { data: Y, drilldownData: Q, emit: re } = se; - Y.isExpanded(Y.internalItem) && re("update:drilldown", Q), re("update:expanded", Y.item); - })({ data: E, drilldownData: H, emit: t }); - } - function j(E) { - return { items: E.items, itemsPerPage: E.itemsPerPage, page: E.page, search: P.value, server: E.server, sortBy: E.sortBy }; - } - const U = function(E) { - const H = hs(); - function se(re) { - var ie; - const he = Rt.get(E) || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - he.add(re), Rt.set(E, he); - const je = () => Y(re); - return (ie = H == null ? void 0 : H.cleanups) == null || ie.push(je), je; - } - function Y(re) { - const ie = Rt.get(E); - ie && (ie.delete(re), ie.size || Q()); - } - function Q() { - Rt.delete(E); - } - return { on: se, once: function(re) { - return se(function ie(...he) { - Y(ie), re(...he); + return w; + })({ tableId: c }))); + } + function ue(s) { + let k = { ...U, ...o, ...s }; + l.server && (k = { ...o, ...U, ...s }), ((G) => { + const { data: w, drilldownData: b, emit: B } = G; + w.isExpanded(w.internalItem) && B("update:drilldown", b), B("update:expanded", w.item); + })({ data: s, drilldownData: k, emit: r }); + } + function fe(s) { + return { items: s.items, itemsPerPage: s.itemsPerPage, page: s.page, search: L.value, server: s.server, sortBy: s.sortBy }; + } + const pe = function(s) { + const k = mt(); + function G(B) { + var $; + const H = me.get(s) || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + H.add(B), me.set(s, H); + const oe = () => w(B); + return ($ = k == null ? void 0 : k.cleanups) == null || $.push(oe), oe; + } + function w(B) { + const $ = me.get(s); + $ && ($.delete(B), $.size || b()); + } + function b() { + me.delete(s); + } + return { on: G, once: function(B) { + return G(function $(...H) { + w($), B(...H); }); - }, off: Y, emit: function(re, ie) { - var he; - (he = Rt.get(E)) == null || he.forEach((je) => je(re, ie)); - }, reset: Q }; - }(ks), te = U.on(function(E) { - l.level === 1 && E.drilldown.server && t("update:options", { ...E }); - }); - function X(E) { - g.itemsPerPage = E; - const H = j(g), se = { drilldown: { ...l, ...H, itemsPerPage: E }, itemsPerPage: E, name: "update:itemsPerPage" }; - U.emit(se), t("update:itemsPerPage", E); - } - function Z(E) { - g.page = E; - const H = j(g), se = { drilldown: { ...l, ...H, page: E }, name: "update:page", page: E }; - U.emit(se), t("update:page", E); - } - xs(() => { - te(); - }); - const L = { debounce: g.searchDebounce, maxWait: g.searchMaxWait }; - function W() { - C.top || C["top.left"] || (g.search = P.value), (C.top || C["top.left"]) && (P.value = l.search || ""); - const E = j(g), H = { drilldown: { ...l, ...E, search: P.value }, search: P.value }; - U.emit(H), t("update:search", H); - } - function G(E) { - g.sortBy = E; - const H = j(g), se = { drilldown: { ...l, ...H, sortBy: E }, name: "update:sortBy", sortBy: E }; - U.emit(se), t("update:sortBy", E); - } - function z() { - } - return Ya(() => l.search, () => { - W(); - }, L), Ya(P, () => { - C.top || C["top.left"] || W(); - }, L), (E, H) => { - const se = ws("VDrilldownTable", !0); - return b(_) ? (ne(), we(Ja(b(_)), ee({ key: 0 }, E.$attrs, { modelValue: b(g).modelValue, "onUpdate:modelValue": [H[5] || (H[5] = (Y) => b(g).modelValue = Y), z], class: b(N), "data-vdt-id": b(w), density: b(V), "expand-on-click": b(u), expanded: b(g).expanded, "fixed-header": b(g).fixedHeader, "group-by": b(g).groupBy, headers: b(g).headers, height: b(g).height, "hide-no-data": b(M), hover: b(h), "item-selectable": b(g).itemSelectable, "item-value": b(g).itemValue, items: b(g).items, "items-length": b(g).itemsLength, "items-per-page": b(g).itemsPerPage, "items-per-page-options": b(y), loading: (!b(x) || b(C).loading) && b(g).loading, "multi-sort": b(g).multiSort, "must-sort": b(g).mustSort, "no-data-text": b(g).noDataText, page: b(g).page, "return-object": b(g).returnObject, search: b(P), "select-strategy": b(g).selectStrategy, "show-expand": b(g).showExpand, "sort-by": b(D), style: b(K), "onUpdate:itemsPerPage": X, "onUpdate:page": Z, "onUpdate:sortBy": G }), dt({ top: fe((Y) => [(ne(), we(b(vc), { key: E.level, items: b(g).items, level: b(g).level, loading: b(g).loading, "search-container-cols": b(g).searchContainerCols, "search-props": b(g).searchProps, "show-search": b(g).showSearch ?? !1, "slot-props": Y, "onUpdate:search": H[0] || (H[0] = (Q) => P.value = Q) }, dt({ _: 2 }, [He(b(C), (Q, re) => ({ name: re, fn: fe((ie) => [be(E.$slots, re, _e(We({ ...ie })))]) }))]), 1032, ["items", "level", "loading", "search-container-cols", "search-props", "show-search", "slot-props"]))]), headers: fe((Y) => [(ne(), we(b(Zu), { key: E.level, colorPercentageChange: b(s), colorPercentageDirection: b(r), colors: b(g).colors, "column-widths": b(g).columnWidths, density: b(V), headerBackgroundColor: b(o).headerBackgroundColor, headerColor: b(d), items: b(g).items, level: E.level, "loader-props": b(S), "loader-settings": { colspan: Y.columns.length, loaderType: b(x), loading: b(g).loading, loadingText: E.loadingText }, "match-column-widths": b(g).matchColumnWidths, "select-strategy": b(g).selectStrategy, "show-select": b(g).showSelect, "slot-props": { ...Y }, "sort-asc-icon": b(F), "sort-by": b(g).sortBy, "table-model-value": b(g).modelValue }, dt({ _: 2 }, [He(b(C), (Q, re) => ({ name: re, fn: fe((ie) => [be(E.$slots, re, _e(We({ ...ie })))]) }))]), 1032, ["colorPercentageChange", "colorPercentageDirection", "colors", "column-widths", "density", "headerBackgroundColor", "headerColor", "items", "level", "loader-props", "loader-settings", "match-column-widths", "select-strategy", "show-select", "slot-props", "sort-asc-icon", "sort-by", "table-model-value"]))]), item: fe((Y) => [(ne(), we(b(oc), { key: E.level, density: b(V), "expand-on-click": b(u), "group-by": b(g).groupBy, "item-selectable": b(g).itemSelectable, items: b(g).items, level: b(g).level, levels: b(g).levels, "show-expand": b(g).showExpand, "show-select": b(g).showSelect, "slot-props": { level: E.level, ...Y }, "onClick:row": H[1] || (H[1] = (Q) => { - t("click:row", Q); - }), "onClick:row:checkbox": H[2] || (H[2] = (Q) => { - t("click:row:checkbox", Q); - }), "onUpdate:expanded": H[3] || (H[3] = (Q) => R(Q)) }, dt({ _: 2 }, [He(b(C), (Q, re) => ({ name: re, fn: fe((ie) => [be(E.$slots, re, _e(We({ ...ie })))]) }))]), 1032, ["density", "expand-on-click", "group-by", "item-selectable", "items", "level", "levels", "show-expand", "show-select", "slot-props"]))]), "expanded-row": fe(({ columns: Y, item: Q, internalItem: re }) => { - var ie, he, je, kt, tl, ll, Ot, Wn, zn, Gn, Hn; - return [Ke("tr", { class: ge(T((ie = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : ie.loading) ? "" : "d-none") }, [Ke("td", { class: "px-0 ma-0", colspan: Y.length, style: { "vertical-align": "top" } }, [(ne(), we(se, { key: re.key, "column-widths": b(g).columnWidths, defaultColors: b(o).defaultColors, density: b(V), drilldown: b(g), "footer-background-color": b(v), "footer-color": b(f), "header-background-color": b(p), "header-color": b(d), headers: (he = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : he.headers, "is-drilldown": !0, item: Q, items: (je = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : je.items, "items-length": (kt = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : kt.itemsLength, "items-per-page": (tl = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : tl.itemsPerPage, level: E.level + 1, levels: b(g).levels, loaderProps: (ll = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : ll.loaderProps, loaderType: (Ot = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Ot.loaderType, loading: (Wn = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Wn.loading, loadingText: E.loadingText, "match-column-widths": b(g).matchColumnWidths, "multi-sort": (zn = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : zn.multiSort, "no-data-text": b(g).noDataText, server: (Gn = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Gn.server, "show-footer-row": (Hn = Q[E.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Hn.showFooterRow, "sort-by": b(g).sortBy, "table-type": b(_), "onUpdate:drilldown": H[4] || (H[4] = (nl) => R(nl)), "onUpdate:modelValue": z }, dt({ default: fe(() => [(ne(!0), ye(pe, null, He(Object.keys(b(C)), (nl) => be(E.$slots, nl)), 256))]), _: 2 }, [He(b(C), (nl, Kn) => ({ name: Kn, fn: fe((us) => [be(E.$slots, Kn, _e(We({ ...us })))]) }))]), 1032, ["column-widths", "defaultColors", "density", "drilldown", "footer-background-color", "footer-color", "header-background-color", "header-color", "headers", "item", "items", "items-length", "items-per-page", "level", "levels", "loaderProps", "loaderType", "loading", "loadingText", "match-column-widths", "multi-sort", "no-data-text", "server", "show-footer-row", "sort-by", "table-type"]))], 8, yc)], 2)]; - }), "footer.prepend": fe(() => [b(C)["footer.prepend"] ? be(E.$slots, "footer.prepend", { key: 0 }) : Ce("", !0)]), _: 2 }, [b(C).loader ? { name: "loader", fn: fe(() => [be(E.$slots, "loader")]), key: "0" } : void 0, b(C).loading ? { name: "loading", fn: fe(() => [be(E.$slots, "loading")]), key: "1" } : void 0, b(C).thead ? { name: "thead", fn: fe((Y) => [be(E.$slots, "thead", _e(We({ ...Y, columnWidths: b(g).columnWidths, items: b(g).items, loaderSettings: { colspan: Y.columns.length, loaderType: b(x), loading: b(g).loading, loadingText: E.loadingText }, matchColumnWidths: b(g).matchColumnWidths, selectStrategy: b(g).selectStrategy, sortBy: b(g).sortBy })))]), key: "2" } : void 0, b(C).body ? { name: "body", fn: fe((Y) => [be(E.$slots, "body", _e(We({ ...Y })))]), key: "3" } : void 0, b(C)["group-header"] ? { name: "group-header", fn: fe((Y) => [be(E.$slots, "group-header", _e(We({ ...Y })))]), key: "4" } : void 0, b(C).tbody ? { name: "tbody", fn: fe((Y) => [be(E.$slots, "tbody", _e(We({ ...Y })))]), key: "5" } : void 0, b(C)["no-data"] ? { name: "no-data", fn: fe(() => [be(E.$slots, "no-data")]), key: "6" } : void 0, b(C).tfoot || E.showFooterRow ? { name: "tfoot", fn: fe((Y) => [b(C).tfoot ? be(E.$slots, "tfoot", _e(ee({ key: 0 }, { ...Y }))) : (ne(), we(b(pc), { key: E.level, colorPercentageChange: b(s), colorPercentageDirection: b(r), colors: b(g).colors, density: b(V), footerBackgroundColor: b(v), footerColor: b(f), footers: b(g).footers || [], items: b(g).items, level: b(g).level, "select-strategy": b(g).selectStrategy, "show-select": b(g).showSelect, "slot-props": { ...Y }, "table-model-value": b(g).modelValue }, dt({ _: 2 }, [He(b(C), (Q, re) => ({ name: re, fn: fe((ie) => [be(E.$slots, re, _e(We({ ...ie })))]) }))]), 1032, ["colorPercentageChange", "colorPercentageDirection", "colors", "density", "footerBackgroundColor", "footerColor", "footers", "items", "level", "select-strategy", "show-select", "slot-props", "table-model-value"]))]), key: "7" } : void 0, b(C).bottom ? { name: "bottom", fn: fe((Y) => [(ne(), we(b(Nu), { key: E.level, "slot-props": Y }, dt({ _: 2 }, [He(b(C), (Q, re) => ({ name: re, fn: fe((ie) => [be(E.$slots, re, _e(We({ ...ie })))]) }))]), 1032, ["slot-props"]))]), key: "8" } : void 0]), 1040, ["modelValue", "class", "data-vdt-id", "density", "expand-on-click", "expanded", "fixed-header", "group-by", "headers", "height", "hide-no-data", "hover", "item-selectable", "item-value", "items", "items-length", "items-per-page", "items-per-page-options", "loading", "multi-sort", "must-sort", "no-data-text", "page", "return-object", "search", "select-strategy", "show-expand", "sort-by", "style"])) : Ce("", !0); + }, off: w, emit: function(B, $) { + var H; + (H = me.get(s)) == null || H.forEach((oe) => oe(B, $)); + }, reset: b }; + }(At), rt = pe.on(function(s) { + l.level === 1 && s.drilldown.server && r("update:options", { ...s }); + }); + function at(s) { + o.itemsPerPage = s; + const k = fe(o), G = { drilldown: { ...l, ...k, itemsPerPage: s }, itemsPerPage: s, name: "update:itemsPerPage" }; + pe.emit(G), r("update:itemsPerPage", s); + } + function nt(s) { + o.page = s; + const k = fe(o), G = { drilldown: { ...l, ...k, page: s }, name: "update:page", page: s }; + pe.emit(G), r("update:page", s); + } + Ct(() => { + rt(); + }); + const Le = { debounce: o.searchDebounce, maxWait: o.searchMaxWait }; + function Oe() { + i.top || i["top.left"] || (o.search = L.value), (i.top || i["top.left"]) && (L.value = l.search || ""); + const s = fe(o), k = { drilldown: { ...l, ...s, search: L.value }, search: L.value }; + pe.emit(k), r("update:search", k); + } + function st(s) { + o.sortBy = s; + const k = fe(o), G = { drilldown: { ...l, ...k, sortBy: s }, name: "update:sortBy", sortBy: s }; + pe.emit(G), r("update:sortBy", s); + } + function Me() { + } + return ze(() => l.search, () => { + Oe(); + }, Le), ze(L, () => { + i.top || i["top.left"] || Oe(); + }, Le), (s, k) => { + const G = wt("VDrilldownTable", !0); + return e(C) ? (v(), j(bt(e(C)), ie({ key: 0 }, s.$attrs, { modelValue: e(o).modelValue, "onUpdate:modelValue": [k[5] || (k[5] = (w) => e(o).modelValue = w), Me], class: e(Be), "data-vdt-id": e(c), density: e(h), "expand-on-click": e(m), expanded: e(o).expanded, "fixed-header": e(o).fixedHeader, "group-by": e(o).groupBy, headers: e(o).headers, height: e(o).height, "hide-no-data": e(z), hover: e(K), "item-selectable": e(o).itemSelectable, "item-value": e(o).itemValue, items: e(o).items, "items-length": e(o).itemsLength, "items-per-page": e(o).itemsPerPage, "items-per-page-options": e(I), loading: (!e(F) || e(i).loading) && e(o).loading, "multi-sort": e(o).multiSort, "must-sort": e(o).mustSort, "no-data-text": e(o).noDataText, page: e(o).page, "return-object": e(o).returnObject, search: e(L), "select-strategy": e(o).selectStrategy, "show-expand": e(o).showExpand, "sort-by": e(Y), style: e(De), "onUpdate:itemsPerPage": at, "onUpdate:page": nt, "onUpdate:sortBy": st }), se({ top: O((w) => [(v(), j(e(oo), { key: s.level, items: e(o).items, level: e(o).level, loading: e(o).loading, "search-container-cols": e(o).searchContainerCols, "search-props": e(o).searchProps, "show-search": e(o).showSearch ?? !1, "slot-props": w, "onUpdate:search": k[0] || (k[0] = (b) => L.value = b) }, se({ _: 2 }, [le(e(i), (b, B) => ({ name: B, fn: O(($) => [W(s.$slots, B, q(X({ ...$ })))]) }))]), 1032, ["items", "level", "loading", "search-container-cols", "search-props", "show-search", "slot-props"]))]), headers: O((w) => [(v(), j(e(jt), { key: s.level, colorPercentageChange: e(u), colorPercentageDirection: e(p), colors: e(o).colors, "column-widths": e(o).columnWidths, density: e(h), headerBackgroundColor: e(d).headerBackgroundColor, headerColor: e(g), items: e(o).items, level: s.level, "loader-props": e(R), "loader-settings": { colspan: w.columns.length, loaderType: e(F), loading: e(o).loading, loadingText: s.loadingText }, "match-column-widths": e(o).matchColumnWidths, "select-strategy": e(o).selectStrategy, "show-select": e(o).showSelect, "slot-props": { ...w }, "sort-asc-icon": e(_), "sort-by": e(o).sortBy, "table-model-value": e(o).modelValue }, se({ _: 2 }, [le(e(i), (b, B) => ({ name: B, fn: O(($) => [W(s.$slots, B, q(X({ ...$ })))]) }))]), 1032, ["colorPercentageChange", "colorPercentageDirection", "colors", "column-widths", "density", "headerBackgroundColor", "headerColor", "items", "level", "loader-props", "loader-settings", "match-column-widths", "select-strategy", "show-select", "slot-props", "sort-asc-icon", "sort-by", "table-model-value"]))]), item: O((w) => [(v(), j(e(qt), { key: s.level, density: e(h), "expand-on-click": e(m), "group-by": e(o).groupBy, "item-selectable": e(o).itemSelectable, items: e(o).items, level: e(o).level, levels: e(o).levels, "show-expand": e(o).showExpand, "show-select": e(o).showSelect, "slot-props": { level: s.level, ...w }, "onClick:row": k[1] || (k[1] = (b) => { + r("click:row", b); + }), "onClick:row:checkbox": k[2] || (k[2] = (b) => { + r("click:row:checkbox", b); + }), "onUpdate:expanded": k[3] || (k[3] = (b) => ue(b)) }, se({ _: 2 }, [le(e(i), (b, B) => ({ name: B, fn: O(($) => [W(s.$slots, B, q(X({ ...$ })))]) }))]), 1032, ["density", "expand-on-click", "group-by", "item-selectable", "items", "level", "levels", "show-expand", "show-select", "slot-props"]))]), "expanded-row": O(({ columns: w, item: b, internalItem: B }) => { + var $, H, oe, ke, Fe, Ce, he, Ve, We, _e, Ge; + return [re("tr", { class: M(J(($ = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : $.loading) ? "" : "d-none") }, [re("td", { class: "px-0 ma-0", colspan: w.length, style: { "vertical-align": "top" } }, [(v(), j(G, { key: B.key, "column-widths": e(o).columnWidths, defaultColors: e(d).defaultColors, density: e(h), drilldown: e(o), "footer-background-color": e(P), "footer-color": e(x), "header-background-color": e(T), "header-color": e(g), headers: (H = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : H.headers, "is-drilldown": !0, item: b, items: (oe = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : oe.items, "items-length": (ke = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : ke.itemsLength, "items-per-page": (Fe = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Fe.itemsPerPage, level: s.level + 1, levels: e(o).levels, loaderProps: (Ce = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Ce.loaderProps, loaderType: (he = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : he.loaderType, loading: (Ve = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Ve.loading, loadingText: s.loadingText, "match-column-widths": e(o).matchColumnWidths, "multi-sort": (We = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : We.multiSort, "no-data-text": e(o).noDataText, server: (_e = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : _e.server, "show-footer-row": (Ge = b[s.itemChildrenKey]) == null ? void 0 : Ge.showFooterRow, "sort-by": e(o).sortBy, "table-type": e(C), "onUpdate:drilldown": k[4] || (k[4] = (we) => ue(we)), "onUpdate:modelValue": Me }, se({ default: O(() => [(v(!0), V(ne, null, le(Object.keys(e(i)), (we) => W(s.$slots, we)), 256))]), _: 2 }, [le(e(i), (we, Ie) => ({ name: Ie, fn: O((it) => [W(s.$slots, Ie, q(X({ ...it })))]) }))]), 1032, ["column-widths", "defaultColors", "density", "drilldown", "footer-background-color", "footer-color", "header-background-color", "header-color", "headers", "item", "items", "items-length", "items-per-page", "level", "levels", "loaderProps", "loaderType", "loading", "loadingText", "match-column-widths", "multi-sort", "no-data-text", "server", "show-footer-row", "sort-by", "table-type"]))], 8, no)], 2)]; + }), "footer.prepend": O(() => [e(i)["footer.prepend"] ? W(s.$slots, "footer.prepend", { key: 0 }) : N("", !0)]), _: 2 }, [e(i).loader ? { name: "loader", fn: O(() => [W(s.$slots, "loader")]), key: "0" } : void 0, e(i).loading ? { name: "loading", fn: O(() => [W(s.$slots, "loading")]), key: "1" } : void 0, e(i).thead ? { name: "thead", fn: O((w) => [W(s.$slots, "thead", q(X({ ...w, columnWidths: e(o).columnWidths, items: e(o).items, loaderSettings: { colspan: w.columns.length, loaderType: e(F), loading: e(o).loading, loadingText: s.loadingText }, matchColumnWidths: e(o).matchColumnWidths, selectStrategy: e(o).selectStrategy, sortBy: e(o).sortBy })))]), key: "2" } : void 0, e(i).body ? { name: "body", fn: O((w) => [W(s.$slots, "body", q(X({ ...w })))]), key: "3" } : void 0, e(i)["group-header"] ? { name: "group-header", fn: O((w) => [W(s.$slots, "group-header", q(X({ ...w })))]), key: "4" } : void 0, e(i).tbody ? { name: "tbody", fn: O((w) => [W(s.$slots, "tbody", q(X({ ...w })))]), key: "5" } : void 0, e(i)["no-data"] ? { name: "no-data", fn: O(() => [W(s.$slots, "no-data")]), key: "6" } : void 0, e(i).tfoot || s.showFooterRow ? { name: "tfoot", fn: O((w) => [e(i).tfoot ? W(s.$slots, "tfoot", q(ie({ key: 0 }, { ...w }))) : (v(), j(e(to), { key: s.level, colorPercentageChange: e(u), colorPercentageDirection: e(p), colors: e(o).colors, density: e(h), footerBackgroundColor: e(P), footerColor: e(x), footers: e(o).footers || [], items: e(o).items, level: e(o).level, "select-strategy": e(o).selectStrategy, "show-select": e(o).showSelect, "slot-props": { ...w }, "table-model-value": e(o).modelValue }, se({ _: 2 }, [le(e(i), (b, B) => ({ name: B, fn: O(($) => [W(s.$slots, B, q(X({ ...$ })))]) }))]), 1032, ["colorPercentageChange", "colorPercentageDirection", "colors", "density", "footerBackgroundColor", "footerColor", "footers", "items", "level", "select-strategy", "show-select", "slot-props", "table-model-value"]))]), key: "7" } : void 0, e(i).bottom ? { name: "bottom", fn: O((w) => [(v(), j(e(Tt), { key: s.level, "slot-props": w }, se({ _: 2 }, [le(e(i), (b, B) => ({ name: B, fn: O(($) => [W(s.$slots, B, q(X({ ...$ })))]) }))]), 1032, ["slot-props"]))]), key: "8" } : void 0]), 1040, ["modelValue", "class", "data-vdt-id", "density", "expand-on-click", "expanded", "fixed-header", "group-by", "headers", "height", "hide-no-data", "hover", "item-selectable", "item-value", "items", "items-length", "items-per-page", "items-per-page-options", "loading", "multi-sort", "must-sort", "no-data-text", "page", "return-object", "search", "select-strategy", "show-expand", "sort-by", "style"])) : N("", !0); }; -} }), is = Symbol(); -function xc(e = {}) { +} }), lt = Symbol(); +function ko(a = {}) { return { install: (n) => { - n.provide(is, e), n.component("VDrilldownTable", hc); + n.provide(lt, a), n.component("VDrilldownTable", so); } }; } export { - hc as VDrilldownTable, - xc as createVDrilldownTable, - hc as default, - is as globalOptions + so as VDrilldownTable, + ko as createVDrilldownTable, + so as default, + lt as globalOptions }; (function(){"use strict";try{if(typeof document<"u"){var 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.v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-15 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-14 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-13 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-12 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-11 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-10 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-9 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-8 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-7 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-6 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-5 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-4 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-3 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-2 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-1 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-0 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr td{background:rgb(var(--v-theme-surface))}.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-20 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-19 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-18 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-17 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-16 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-15 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-14 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-13 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-12 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-11 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-10 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-9 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-8 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-7 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-6 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-5 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-4 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-3 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-2 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-1 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td,.v-drilldown-table--hover tr:hover .v-drilldown-table .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr .v-drilldown-table--level-0 .v-table__wrapper table tbody tr:hover td{background:rgb(var(--v-border-color) var(--v-hover-opacity))}.v-drilldown-table--expand-icon{transform:rotate(0);transition:all .3s 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.v-table__wrapper>table>thead>tr>td{background:unset}.v-drilldown-table .v-data-table-footer{border-bottom:var(--vdt-border);padding-bottom:4px;padding-top:4px}")),document.head.appendChild(t)}}catch(r){console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js",r)}})(); diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 7c03cd6..af25ab3 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "@wdns/vuetify-drilldown-table", - "version": "1.1.2", + "version": "1.1.3", "description": "The Vuetify Drilldown Table is a powerful component that enhances the functionality of the Vuetify framework's VDataTable and VDataTableServer. It provides a recursive table structure, allowing you to display hierarchical data in a nested format.", "private": false, "publishConfig": { diff --git a/vite.build.config.mts b/vite.build.config.mts index d08738c..b4bf7e4 100644 --- a/vite.build.config.mts +++ b/vite.build.config.mts @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ export default defineConfig({ }, external: [ ...Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}), + /^vuetify($|\/.+)/, ], output: { banner,