Sesta uses a technology solution to track the following:
- Track livelihood activities of the community service providers
- Loan management system to track the loan repayment process
Technology used: ReactJS
Steps for project setup:
Create a file .env
Copy contents of file .env.txt to file .env
In terminal use commands below:
cd webapp
npm install
Technology used:
Database: PostgreSql
Steps for project setup:
Create a file .env
Copy contents of file .env.sample to file .env
In terminal use commands below:
cd backend/strapi
yarn install
Configure Database settings in backend/strapi/config/database.js, backend/strapi/config/config.js, backend/strapi/config/bookshelf.js
Take a clone of crmplatform plugin and place it in backend/strapi/plugins
In terminal use commands below:
yarn build
yarn develop
To get loan models, users and activity types data, go to path backend/strapi/scripts/migratedata and run following command:
node index.js