This is an inception style (Docker inside Vagrant inside Host) development environment built around tmux/vim workflow.
We (Devs) use too many tools for our everyday tasks, from editors to webservers to terminals. This makes switching machines painful. In case of theft, data damage, or simply format-reinstall OS, you need to go through the pain of reinstall reconfigure everytime... Solution to this problem is to have all your dev tools inside a container that can be created, destroyed, reproduced on any machine without a hit to productivity.
With DevCeption, you can go from mac to linux to windows and always find your habitual dev environment. This is huge boost to productivity and versatility as Host OS becomes meaningless.
p.s. Also because docker on mac really sucks!
- services
- webserver
- nginx
- php generic config (Laravel)
- WordPress optmized config
- php5-fpm, php7-fpm
- mariadb
- docker-compose
- php-tools
- php-cli
- composer
- phpunit
- phpcs (with wpcs), phpcbf
- plugins: git, history-substring-search, tmux
- vim-quantum
- ctrlp
- vim-vinegar
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-trailing-whitespace
- editorconfig-vim
- delimitMate
- syntastic
- indentLine
- vim-commentary
- vim-polyglot
- matchtagalways
- vim-buftabline
- vim-bracketed-paste
- vim-tmux-focus-events
- vim-tmux-clipboard
- vim-surround
- YouCompleteMe
- ultisnips
- vim-snippets
- node lts
- npm
- gulp
- diff-so-fancy
- git-commit-template
- diff-so-fancy
- virtualbox
- vagrant
- ansible
- rsync
git clone
cd DevCeption
vagrant up
Vagrant will perform following operations:
- It will first download and then import the centos7 base box.
- It will rsync www and docker configuration files to the newly created centos7 base box.
- Then using ansible it will configure and install dev tools from playbooks.
... grab a coffee, it will take some time on a slow connection.
Note: Install vim plugins
task could take a while, but if it hangs see Common issues section below.
Lets configure ssh on host machine for painless ssh-eing. On macOS you would do:
vi ~/.ssh/config
and paste
Host DevCeption
User vagrant
Port 2222
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
PasswordAuthentication no
IdentityFile ~/Code/Vagrant/DevCeption/.vagrant/machines/DevCeption/virtualbox/private_key
IdentitiesOnly yes
LogLevel FATAL
obviously replacing IdentityFile
path ~/Code/Vagrant/DevCeption
with the location of your DevCeption directory.
and now you can simply ssh DevCeption
from your host machine.
We need to build docker webserver containers inside a DevCeption box - and while we are at it, we can take tmux out for a spin.
ssh DevCeption
and once you are in type ts webserver
- new tmux session will start, type a.
cd /srv/docker/services
, - lets divide window in two panels type b.
, - to navigate panels use
In the left panel cd webserver
directory on the right one cd phpcs
- in the webserver directory run
sudo docker-compose up
- and inside phpcs dir run
sudo docker build -t phphcs .
<- note the.
You can now quit iterm2 but tmux session will continue to run inside DevCeption box (in the background), you can always go back to it by typing ta webserver
, and to see all running sessions type tl
Lets connect to mariadb running inside DevCeption box, inside docker container, from our host machine. On macOS sequelpro works really well for managing mariadb/mysql:
- We are using ssh tunneling to DevCeption box.
- ssh key is the same as IdentityFile from step 2, e.g.
- mariadb root password is defined in docker-compose.yml
We need to route a project.test to the DevCeption box. You can do this simply by adding a relevant entry in /etc/hosts
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
# DevCeption project.test is the DevCeption box IP we assigned in the vagrant config.
But for multiple projects, manually adding/removing local names to the hosts file will get boring pretty fast.
Using Dnsmasq we can route all *.test names to the vagrant box, avoiding manual entries in /etc/hosts
file for each project.
On macOS:
brew install dnsmasq
sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolver/test'
bash -c 'echo "address=/test/" > $(brew --prefix)/etc/dnsmasq.d/devception.conf'
Uncomment conf-dir=/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.d/,*.conf
in $(brew --prefix)/etc/dnsmasq.conf
And using homebrew-services start dnsmasq service:
sudo brew services start dnsmasq
Add local DNS to search order in System Preferences:
System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi (or whatever you use) > Advanced... > DNS > add to top of the list.
pinging any *.test name should now produce these results:
PING test.test ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.544 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.408 ms
Finally, let's see how to get a web project up and running.
It is important to understand that project files will live inside DevCeption box and will not be synced back to host machine automatically. You have to do this manually.
Inside DevCeption root directory you can run ./
to download (backup) changes from the virtual box, and ./
to upload.
Warnning: Don't forget to periodically bring back / backup changes to your host machine, especially if you decide to do vagrant destroy
- Ansible task Install vim plugins hangs:
- Iterm2 settings disable
profile -> terminal -> environment -> set locale variable automatically
- oh-my-zsh uncomment
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
- Iterm2 settings disable
- Copying to host machine clipboard:
- Iterm2 in general settings enable
Applications in terminal may access clipboard
(works for tmux).
- Iterm2 in general settings enable
- In some browsers, project.test will trigger google search, to avoid this add
in front or/
in the end.