30 minutes: 4:50pm -> 5:20pm: readme, planning
4 hours: 6:50pm -> 10:50pm: Reading about Terraform and the EKS provider, Wordpress EKS configuration creation and testing, IAM policy adjustments
1 hour: 12:30pm -> 1:30pm: Finish EKS creation
2 hours: 1:30pm -> 3:30pm: RDS creation
3 hours: 8:30pm -> 11:30pm: Refactor/RDS connection
1.5 hours: 8:30am -> 10:00am: Tidying up EKS/RDS setup, horizontal pod autoscaling
2 hours: 10:00am -> 12:00pm: Cloudfront work
2 hours: 12:30pm -> 2:30pm: Documentation, diagram, testing and finishing touches