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QADOCS tool use guide

Luis González edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 15 revisions

How to use qa-docs tool

After installing qa-docs(you can follow the installation guide steps), you can check the qa-docs help.

  • -h, --help: Print the qa-docs help message.
  • --sanity-check: Perform a sanity check using the data previously parsed. Tests coverage, errors, and tests count.
  • -v, --version: Print the qa-docs version.
  • --no-logging: Disable qa-docs logging.
  • -d, --debug: Run in debug mode.
  • -p, --tests-path: Specify the path of the tests to be parsed. Set it when you want to parse or run a sanity check.
  • -t, --types: Parse the tests from type(s) that it is passed as an argument.
  • -c, --components: Parse the tests from type(s) that it is passed as an argument.
  • -s, --suites: Parse the tests from type(s) that it is passed as an argument.
  • -m, --modules: Parse the tests from module(s) that it is passed as an argument.
  • -o: Select the output directory where the documentation will be generated.
  • --format: Select the generated files format. Set as JSON by default.
  • -e, --exist: Check if the given test(s) exist(s).
  • --check-documentation: Check if the modules(s) passed with -m is(are) documented following the current qa-docs schema.
  • --validate-parameters: Validate the parameters passed to the qa-docs tool.
  • -i: Index the data previously parsed.
  • -l: Launch search-uiwith the data previously indexed.
  • -il: Index the data previously parsed and launch search-ui
  • --docker-run: Run a docker container that runs qa-docs with the same arguments that it receives. This allows you to run qa-docs as you would do in a local environment.
  • --qa-branch: Specifies the branch that allocates the tests input when --docker-run is passed.

Parameter restrictions

  • --types, --components, --suites, --modules, --exist and --sanity-check need the -p option.
  • -e cannot be launched with --types and --modules, -i, -l and -il options.
  • --check-documentation only allows runs with the -m option.
  • --qa-branch only allows runs with the --docker-run option.


Parse all the tests within the path.
qa-docs --tests-path /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests
Parse integration tests
qa-docs --tests-path /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests --types integration
Parse test_active_response and test_agentd components
qa-docs --tests-path /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests --types integration --components test_active_response test_agentd
Parse config and rbac suites from api component
qa-docs --tests-path /path-to-tests/ --types integration --components test_api --suites test_config test_rbac
Parse some modules from logtest configuration suite
qa-docs --tests-path /path-to-tests/ --types integration --components test_logtest --suites test_configuration --modules test_configuration_file test_get_configuration_sock
Check if some modules exist
qa-docs --tests-path /path-to-tests/ --types integration --components test_logtest --suites test_configuration --exist test_configuration_file test_get_configuration_sock
Parse some modules and select the custom output directory
qa-docs --tests-path /path-to-tests/ --types integration --components test_logtest --suites test_configuration --modules test_configuration_file test_get_configuration_sock -o /tmp/logtest_cfg
Check if some logtest modules has documentation blocks
qa-docs -p /path-to-tests/ --types integration --components test_logtest --suites test_configuration --modules test_configuration_file test_get_configuration_sock --check-documentation
Create an index with the data previously parsed
qa-docs -i index_name
Launch search-ui the data previously indexed via web browser
qa-docs -l index_name
Index the data previously parsed and launch search-ui
qa-docs -il index_name
Parse integration tests components, index the data and launch search-ui to visualize it via web browser
qa-docs --tests-path /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests --types integration --components test_active_response test_agentd -il index_name
Parse integration tests components, index the data and launch search-ui to visualize it via web browser(using YAML format)
qa-docs --tests-path /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests --types integration --components test_active_response test_agentd -il index_name --format yaml
Perform a sanity check after a previous parse run
qa-docs --tests-path /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests --sanity-check
Parse test_active_response tests and generate the documentation in /tmp/qa_docs using Docker
qa-docs --docker-run --qa-branch 1796-migrate-doc-active-response --types integration --components test_active_response
Parse test_fim tests and generate the documentation in custom output path using Docker
qa-docs --docker-run --qa-branch 1796-migrate-doc-active-response --types integration --components test_fim -o /custom/path
Parse test_active_response tests and launch search-ui to visualize the documentation using Docker
qa-docs --docker-run --qa-branch 1796-migrate-doc-active-response --types integration --components test_active_response -il qa-index

More details and examples can be found in the qa-docs README.MD.