diff --git a/includes/class-waves-gateway.php b/includes/class-waves-gateway.php
index 8183832..0c814ba 100644
--- a/includes/class-waves-gateway.php
+++ b/includes/class-waves-gateway.php
@@ -1,237 +1,260 @@
-id = 'waves';
- $this->title = $this->get_option('title');
- $this->description = $this->get_option('description');
- $this->address = $this->get_option('address');
- $this->secret = $this->get_option('secret');
- $this->order_button_text = __('Awaiting transfer..','waves-gateway-for-woocommerce');
- $this->has_fields = true;
- // assetCode+id if woocommerce_currency is set to Waves-like currency
- $this->currencyIsWaves = in_array(get_woocommerce_currency(), array("WAVES","WNET","ARTcoin","POL","Wykop Coin"));
- if($this->currencyIsWaves) {
- if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Waves") {
- $this->assetCode = 'Waves';
- $this->assetId = null;
- } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "WNET") {
- $this->assetCode = 'WNET';
- $this->assetId = 'AxAmJaro7BJ4KasYiZhw7HkjwgYtt2nekPuF2CN9LMym';
- } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "ARTcoin") {
- $this->assetCode = 'ARTcoin';
- $this->assetId = 'GQe2a2uReaEiHLdjzC8q4Popr9tnKonEpcaihEoZrNiR';
- } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "POL") {
- $this->assetCode = 'POL';
- $this->assetId = 'Fx2rhWK36H1nfXsiD4orNpBm2QG1JrMhx3eUcPVcoZm2';
- } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Wykop Coin") {
- $this->assetCode = 'Wykop Coin';
- $this->assetId = 'AHcY2BMoxDZ57mLCWWQYBcWvKzf7rdFMgozJn6n4xgLt';
- }
- } else {
- $this->assetId = $this->get_option('asset_id');
- $this->assetCode = $this->get_option('asset_code');
- }
- if(empty($this->assetId)) {
- $this->assetId = null;
- }
- if(empty($this->assetCode)) {
- $this->assetCode = 'Waves';
- }
- $this->initFormFields();
- $this->initSettings();
- add_action('woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array(
- $this,
- 'process_admin_options',
- ));
- add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'paymentScripts'));
- add_action('woocommerce_thankyou_' . $this->id, array($this, 'thankyouPage'));
- }
- public function initFormFields()
- {
- parent::init_form_fields();
- $this->form_fields = WavesSettings::fields();
- }
- public function initSettings()
- {
- // sha1( get_bloginfo() )
- parent::init_settings();
- }
- public function payment_fields()
- {
- global $woocommerce;
- $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();
- $total_converted = $this->get_order_total();
- $rate = null;
- if(!$this->currencyIsWaves) {
- $total_converted = WavesExchange::convertToAsset(get_woocommerce_currency(), $total_converted,$this->assetId);
- $rate = $total_converted / $this->get_order_total();
- }
- $total_waves = $total_converted * 100000000;
- $destination_tag = hexdec( substr(sha1(current_time(timestamp,1) . key ($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents ) ), 0, 7) );
- $base58 = new StephenHill\Base58();
- $destination_tag_encoded = $base58->encode(strval($destination_tag));
- // set session data
- WC()->session->set('waves_payment_total', $total_waves);
- WC()->session->set('waves_destination_tag', $destination_tag_encoded);
- WC()->session->set('waves_data_hash', sha1( $this->secret . $total_converted ));
- //QR uri
- $url = "waves://". $this->address ."?amount=". $total_waves."&attachment=".$destination_tag;
- if($this->assetId) {
- $url .= "&asset=".$this->assetId;
- }?>
- }
- public function process_payment( $order_id )
- {
- global $woocommerce;
- $this->order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
- $payment_total = WC()->session->get('waves_payment_total');
- $destination_tag = WC()->session->get('waves_destination_tag');
- $ra = new WavesApi($this->address);
- $transaction = $ra->getTransaction( $_POST['tx_hash']);
- if($transaction->attachment != $destination_tag) {
- exit('destination');
- return array(
- 'result' => 'failure',
- 'messages' => 'attachment mismatch'
- );
- }
- if($transaction->assetId != $this->assetId ) {
- return array(
- 'result' => 'failure',
- 'messages' => 'Wrong Asset'
- );
- }
- if($transaction->amount != $payment_total) {
- return array(
- 'result' => 'failure',
- 'messages' => 'amount mismatch'
- );
- }
- $this->order->payment_complete();
- $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart();
- return array(
- 'result' => 'success',
- 'redirect' => $this->get_return_url($this->order)
- );
- }
- public function paymentScripts()
- {
- wp_enqueue_script('qrcode', plugins_url('assets/js/jquery.qrcode.min.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array('jquery'), WcWaves::$version, true);
- wp_enqueue_script('initialize', plugins_url('assets/js/jquery.initialize.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array('jquery'), WcWaves::$version, true);
- wp_enqueue_script('clipboard', plugins_url('assets/js/clipboard.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array('jquery'), WcWaves::$version, true);
- wp_enqueue_script('woocommerce_waves_js', plugins_url('assets/js/waves.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array(
- 'jquery',
- ), WcWaves::$version, true);
- wp_enqueue_style('woocommerce_waves_css', plugins_url('assets/css/waves.css', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array(), WcWaves::$version);
- // //Add js variables
- $waves_vars = array(
- 'wc_ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(),
- 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce("waves-gateway-for-woocommerce"),
- );
- wp_localize_script('woocommerce_waves_js', 'waves_vars', apply_filters('waves_vars', $waves_vars));
- }
+id = 'waves';
+ $this->title = $this->get_option('title');
+ $this->description = $this->get_option('description');
+ $this->address = $this->get_option('address');
+ $this->secret = $this->get_option('secret');
+ $this->order_button_text = __('Awaiting transfer..','waves-gateway-for-woocommerce');
+ $this->has_fields = true;
+ // assetCode+id if woocommerce_currency is set to Waves-like currency
+ $this->currencyIsWaves = in_array(get_woocommerce_currency(), array("WAVES","WNET","ARTcoin","POL","Wykop Coin","Surfcash","TN","Ecop"));
+ if($this->currencyIsWaves) {
+ if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Waves") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'Waves';
+ $this->assetId = null;
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "WNET") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'WNET';
+ $this->assetId = 'AxAmJaro7BJ4KasYiZhw7HkjwgYtt2nekPuF2CN9LMym';
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "ARTcoin") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'ARTcoin';
+ $this->assetId = 'GQe2a2uReaEiHLdjzC8q4Popr9tnKonEpcaihEoZrNiR';
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "POL") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'POL';
+ $this->assetId = 'Fx2rhWK36H1nfXsiD4orNpBm2QG1JrMhx3eUcPVcoZm2';
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Wykop Coin") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'Wykop Coin';
+ $this->assetId = 'AHcY2BMoxDZ57mLCWWQYBcWvKzf7rdFMgozJn6n4xgLt';
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Surfcash") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'Surfcash';
+ $this->assetId = 'GcQ7JVnwDizXW8KkKLKd8VDnygGgN7ZnpwnP3bA3VLsE';
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "TN") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'TN';
+ $this->assetId = 'HxQSdHu1X4ZVXmJs232M6KfZi78FseeWaEXJczY6UxJ3';
+ } else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Ecop") {
+ $this->assetCode = 'Ecop';
+ $this->assetId = 'DcLDr4g2Ys4D2RWpkhnUMjMR1gVNPxHEwNkmZzmakQ9R';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->assetId = $this->get_option('asset_id');
+ $this->assetCode = $this->get_option('asset_code');
+ }
+ if(empty($this->assetId)) {
+ $this->assetId = null;
+ }
+ if(empty($this->assetCode)) {
+ $this->assetCode = 'Waves';
+ }
+ $this->initFormFields();
+ $this->initSettings();
+ add_action('woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array(
+ $this,
+ 'process_admin_options',
+ ));
+ add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'paymentScripts'));
+ add_action('woocommerce_thankyou_' . $this->id, array($this, 'thankyouPage'));
+ }
+ public function initFormFields()
+ {
+ parent::init_form_fields();
+ $this->form_fields = WavesSettings::fields();
+ }
+ public function initSettings()
+ {
+ // sha1( get_bloginfo() )
+ parent::init_settings();
+ }
+ public function payment_fields()
+ {
+ global $woocommerce;
+ $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();
+ $total_converted = $this->get_order_total();
+ $rate = null;
+ if(!$this->currencyIsWaves) {
+ $total_converted = WavesExchange::convertToAsset(get_woocommerce_currency(), $total_converted,$this->assetId);
+ $rate = $total_converted / $this->get_order_total();
+ }
+ // Set decimals for tokens other than default value 8
+ if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Ecop") {
+ $total_waves = $total_converted * 100000;
+ }
+ else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "Surfcash") {
+ $total_waves = $total_converted * 100;
+ }
+ else if (get_woocommerce_currency() == "TN") {
+ $total_waves = $total_converted * 100;
+ }
+ else {
+ $total_waves = $total_converted * 100000000;
+ }
+ $destination_tag = hexdec( substr(sha1(current_time(timestamp,1) . key ($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents ) ), 0, 7) );
+ $base58 = new StephenHill\Base58();
+ $destination_tag_encoded = $base58->encode(strval($destination_tag));
+ // set session data
+ WC()->session->set('waves_payment_total', $total_waves);
+ WC()->session->set('waves_destination_tag', $destination_tag_encoded);
+ WC()->session->set('waves_data_hash', sha1( $this->secret . $total_converted ));
+ //QR uri
+ $url = "waves://". $this->address ."?amount=". $total_waves."&attachment=".$destination_tag;
+ if($this->assetId) {
+ $url .= "&asset=".$this->assetId;
+ }?>
+ }
+ public function process_payment( $order_id )
+ {
+ global $woocommerce;
+ $this->order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
+ $payment_total = WC()->session->get('waves_payment_total');
+ $destination_tag = WC()->session->get('waves_destination_tag');
+ $ra = new WavesApi($this->address);
+ $transaction = $ra->getTransaction( $_POST['tx_hash']);
+ if($transaction->attachment != $destination_tag) {
+ exit('destination');
+ return array(
+ 'result' => 'failure',
+ 'messages' => 'attachment mismatch'
+ );
+ }
+ if($transaction->assetId != $this->assetId ) {
+ return array(
+ 'result' => 'failure',
+ 'messages' => 'Wrong Asset'
+ );
+ }
+ if($transaction->amount != $payment_total) {
+ return array(
+ 'result' => 'failure',
+ 'messages' => 'amount mismatch'
+ );
+ }
+ $this->order->payment_complete();
+ $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart();
+ return array(
+ 'result' => 'success',
+ 'redirect' => $this->get_return_url($this->order)
+ );
+ }
+ public function paymentScripts()
+ {
+ wp_enqueue_script('qrcode', plugins_url('assets/js/jquery.qrcode.min.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array('jquery'), WcWaves::$version, true);
+ wp_enqueue_script('initialize', plugins_url('assets/js/jquery.initialize.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array('jquery'), WcWaves::$version, true);
+ wp_enqueue_script('clipboard', plugins_url('assets/js/clipboard.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array('jquery'), WcWaves::$version, true);
+ wp_enqueue_script('woocommerce_waves_js', plugins_url('assets/js/waves.js', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array(
+ 'jquery',
+ ), WcWaves::$version, true);
+ wp_enqueue_style('woocommerce_waves_css', plugins_url('assets/css/waves.css', WcWaves::$plugin_basename), array(), WcWaves::$version);
+ // //Add js variables
+ $waves_vars = array(
+ 'wc_ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(),
+ 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce("waves-gateway-for-woocommerce"),
+ );
+ wp_localize_script('woocommerce_waves_js', 'waves_vars', apply_filters('waves_vars', $waves_vars));
+ }