Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | Pointer to string | The unique identifier for the document | [optional] |
CreatedAt | Pointer to time.Time | The date and time at which the document was uploaded | [optional] |
FileName | Pointer to string | The name of the uploaded file | [optional] |
FileSize | Pointer to int32 | The size of the file in bytes | [optional] |
FileType | Pointer to string | The file type of the uploaded file | [optional] |
Type | Pointer to string | The type of document | [optional] |
Side | Pointer to string | The side of the document, if applicable. The possible values are front and back | [optional] |
IssuingCountry | Pointer to string | The issuing country of the document, a 3-letter ISO code. | [optional] |
Href | Pointer to string | The uri of this resource | [optional] |
DownloadHref | Pointer to string | The uri that can be used to download the document | [optional] |
func NewDocument() *Document
NewDocument instantiates a new Document object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDocumentWithDefaults() *Document
NewDocumentWithDefaults instantiates a new Document object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (o *Document) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetId(v string)
SetId sets Id field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time)
SetCreatedAt sets CreatedAt field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasCreatedAt() bool
HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetFileName() string
GetFileName returns the FileName field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetFileNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetFileNameOk returns a tuple with the FileName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetFileName(v string)
SetFileName sets FileName field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasFileName() bool
HasFileName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetFileSize() int32
GetFileSize returns the FileSize field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetFileSizeOk() (*int32, bool)
GetFileSizeOk returns a tuple with the FileSize field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetFileSize(v int32)
SetFileSize sets FileSize field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasFileSize() bool
HasFileSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetFileType() string
GetFileType returns the FileType field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetFileTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetFileTypeOk returns a tuple with the FileType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetFileType(v string)
SetFileType sets FileType field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasFileType() bool
HasFileType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetType(v string)
SetType sets Type field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasType() bool
HasType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetSide() string
GetSide returns the Side field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetSideOk() (*string, bool)
GetSideOk returns a tuple with the Side field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetSide(v string)
SetSide sets Side field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasSide() bool
HasSide returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetIssuingCountry() string
GetIssuingCountry returns the IssuingCountry field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetIssuingCountryOk() (*string, bool)
GetIssuingCountryOk returns a tuple with the IssuingCountry field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetIssuingCountry(v string)
SetIssuingCountry sets IssuingCountry field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasIssuingCountry() bool
HasIssuingCountry returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetHref() string
GetHref returns the Href field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetHrefOk() (*string, bool)
GetHrefOk returns a tuple with the Href field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetHref(v string)
SetHref sets Href field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasHref() bool
HasHref returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *Document) GetDownloadHref() string
GetDownloadHref returns the DownloadHref field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *Document) GetDownloadHrefOk() (*string, bool)
GetDownloadHrefOk returns a tuple with the DownloadHref field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *Document) SetDownloadHref(v string)
SetDownloadHref sets DownloadHref field to given value.
func (o *Document) HasDownloadHref() bool
HasDownloadHref returns a boolean if a field has been set.