Results Algorithm Search Time Final Accuracy Final #Params Final FLOPS CheckPoint & Log (Drive) ENAS 06h 16m 54s 97.30% 4.20M 1303M OneDrive DARTS 09h 04m 35s 97.10% 2.81M 892M OneDrive SNAS 08h 03m 21s 97.02% 3.18M 1029M OneDrive PC-DARTS 02h 57m 03s 97.43% 4.26M 1343M OneDrive Notes: All search and final are done with 1 NVIDIA 2080Ti. ENAS Peak GPU memory: 8.2GiB during search (batch size 256), 9.2GiB during final training (batch size 64). PC-DARTS peak GPU memory: 9.5GiB during search (batch size=192, k=4), 8.9GiB during final training (batch size 64). Learning rates have been adjusted in accordance with the change of batch sizes, due to hardware limitation. Time cost may not be accurate due to interference from other projects running on the same server.