This sample shows how to create a bot that uses Rich Cards. This bot example uses restify
and dotenv
- Clone the repository
git clone
- In a terminal,
cd samples/javascript_nodejs/06.using-cards
- [Optional] Update the .env file under samples/javascript_nodejs/06.using-cards with your botFileSecret For Azure Bot Service bots, you can find the botFileSecret under application settings.
- Install modules and start the bot
Alternatively you can also use nodemon via
npm i & npm start
npm i & npm run watch
Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.
- Install the Bot Framework Emulator from here
- Launch Bot Framework Emulator
- File -> Open Bot Configuration and navigate to samples/javascript_nodejs/06.using-cards folder
- Select file
A key to good bot design is to send interactive media, such as Rich Cards. There are several different types of Rich Cards, which are as follows:
- Animation Card
- Audio Card
- Hero Card
- Receipt Card
- Signin Card
- Thumbnail Card
- Video Card
When designing the user experience developers should consider adding visual elements such as Rich Cards.
You can use the MSBot Bot Builder CLI tool to clone and configure any services this sample depends on.
To install all Bot Builder tools -
Ensure you have Node.js version 8.5 or higher
npm i -g msbot chatdown ludown qnamaker luis-apis botdispatch luisgen
To clone this bot, run
msbot clone services -f deploymentScripts/msbotClone -n <BOT-NAME> -l <Azure-location> --subscriptionId <Azure-subscription-id>