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Releases: wa0x6e/cal-heatmap

Fix/add now without highlight

24 Apr 15:28
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This version is bringing some minor fixes but not backward compatible.

.now class is now applied to current time, regardless if it is highlighted or not.
If you were using the highlight functionality, the class is now replaced by a single highlight-now class.

The .future class is not applied to the current time anymore.


12 Feb 02:13
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Fix issue where the empty option in legendColors does not properly target dates with null as value


  • [fix] Fix #74: Let empty target cells with no data


19 Jan 22:39
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Some CSS fixes


  • [fix] Fix #97 Make "class" of all elements more dedicated
  • [fix] Fix #93 Tooltip position due to legendOffset and domainLabel
  • [fix] Fix #89 Add a .future class to future subdomain cells
  • [fix] Fix false error output when no callback passed to destroy()

Add support for CommonJS

13 Nov 06:45
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3.5.0 add support for CommonJS loader, along some bugfixes


  • [fix] Fix #84 Fixing highlighting for week subdomain (Dominic Barnes)
  • [new] Fix #85 Adding some CommonJS as well as Component support (Dominic Barnes)
  • [fix] Fix #107 Fix connectors for week/month/year (Andreas Jaggi)
  • [change] Use NPM to install jquery and qunit dev dependencies

Allow customizing subDomain text

13 Nov 06:48
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You can now display a more customized text inside subDomain cells, by passing a function to subDomainTextFormat


  • [fix] Fix #57 display data values in subdomain

Fix 'now' and 'highlight' classes not applied to sub domain text

31 Jan 16:08
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  • [fix] Fix #69 the now and highlight classes are not applied to subdomain text


25 Jan 17:47
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  • [new] Only consider entries less than now (in the subdomain) as zero, when considering null as zero (Peter Schwarz)
  • [change] Remove sourcemaps comment in js


03 Dec 12:49
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  • [fix] Fix #58 Legend colors are shifted
  • [fix] Fix #62 Bug when calendar container already have a style attribute

Add `destroy()` method

29 Oct 02:45
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destroy() will remove the calendar from the DOM.

It can also takes a function as argument, that will be executed when the calendar is removed, at the end of the animation.

destroy() always returns null, so remember to assign it to your calendar instance, to also free the memory.

var cal = new CalHeatMap();
cal.init({}); // Creating the calendar
cal = cal.destroy(); // Remove the calendar from the DOM, and assign the 'cal' variable to `null`, avoiding memory leak

New `highlight()` method to set highlighted dates

17 Oct 04:15
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The new highlight() method allows you to highlight one or more dates. It accepts the same arguments as the highlight setting inside init().

CSV files data can now be used directly as long as the first and second column correspond respectively to the timestamp and the value. Other structure still need some conversion works with the afterLoadDate() callback. An example with Google Analytics CSV files is added in the documentation example section.

init() will now throws an error for all invalid vital settings (itemSelector, domain and subDomain).

And as always, more tests and code improvement.


  • [new] Add highlight() method to change highlighted date after calendar initialization
  • [new] CSV files works out-of-the-box, as long as the first 2 columns are the timestamp and value.
  • [change] Fatal errors throws errors intead of a simply console.log()
  • [fix] Fix bug when trying to load plain text file as datasource
  • More test and code improvement