diff --git a/css-values-4/Overview.bs b/css-values-4/Overview.bs
index 460e9b76e2c..5bbbb1318e8 100644
--- a/css-values-4/Overview.bs
+++ b/css-values-4/Overview.bs
@@ -1037,12 +1037,12 @@ URL Processing Model
[=request/credentials mode=] is "same-origin", [=request/use-url-credentials flag=] is
set, and whose [=request/referrer=] is |referrer|.
- 10. [=/Fetch=] |req|, with taskDestination set to |global|, and processResponseConsumeBody
- set to the following steps given [=/response=] |res| and Null, failure or byte stream
- |byteStream|:
+ 10. Let |controller| be the result of [=/Fetch|fetching=] |req|, with taskDestination
+ set to |global|, and processResponseConsumeBody set to the following steps given
+ [=/response=] |res| and Null, failure or byte stream |byteStream|:
1. If |sheet|'s origin-clean flag is set,
- [=finalize and report timing=] with |res|, |global|, and
- "css"
. [[CSSOM]]
+ [=fetch-controller/conclude=] |controller|, with initiatorType set
+ to "css"
. [[CSSOM]]
2. Call |processResponse| with |res| and |byteStream|.