This connection method requires ViperIDE
to establish a direct network connection to your MicroPython board.
The board acts as a web server, so usually you need to be connected to the same local network.
It uses an unsecure WebSocket connection, which is not available for secure websites like ViperIDE. To workaround this, ViperIDE will also be served from the device on the local network (and your browser will be automatically redirected to the device). If you'd like to connect to your device over the internet, consider using a Secure WebSocket Relay
1. Connect ViperIDE to your device using USB
# Set your WiFi network credentials
# Password will be required to access the REPL (4-8 symbols)
import network, time
sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
if not sta.isconnected():
print('Connecting to WiFi...')
sta.connect(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS)
t = time.ticks_ms()
while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), t) < 10000:
if sta.isconnected():
print('Error: Could not connect to WiFi!')
import web_repl
In the terminal, you should see something like:
WebREPL server started on
Visit the specified link to open the IDE.
Alternatively, use WebREPL button in ViperIDE
to connect to your device.
If it opens the original MicroPython WebREPL app, it means you're using the original webrepl
package instead of the one included in viper-tools