Server-side implementation of the HaveAPI protocol in Elixir in the form of a framework that can be used to create self-descriptive RESTful web APIs. The framework features a DSL aimed at creating API resources, actions and specifying input/output parameters. HaveAPI handles everything from HTTP communication, authentication, parsing of input parameters and formatting output, so that users can focus on their bussiness logic.
HaveAPI for Elixir is based on Plug and Plug.Router, so in the end it's a plug as well.
Not available in Hex yet, but the package can be installed by adding haveapi
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:haveapi, path: "/path/to/this/repo"}]
Then list both cowboy
and plug
as your application dependencies:
def application do
[applications: [:cowboy, :plug]]
The following example demostrates a fully functional API that can be used with any of HaveAPI clients.
# Simple authentication handler for HTTP basic
defmodule HttpBasic do
use HaveAPI.Authentication.Basic
def find_user(_request, "admin" = user, "1234"), do: user
def find_user(_request, _user, _password), do: nil
# Define a REST resource
defmodule Resource do
use HaveAPI.Resource
# Define actions
# Index returns a list of items (resources)
defmodule Index do
use HaveAPI.Action.Index
# Define output parameters
output do
integer :id
string :label
# Authorize user's access to this action
def authorize(_request, "admin"), do: :allow
def authorize(_request, _user), do: :deny
# This function is called when the action is requested
def exec(_request) do
# Return a list of maps with output parameters
for x <- 1..10 do
%{id: x, label: "Item ##{x}"}
# Show returns a single item (resource) specified by its id
defmodule Show do
use HaveAPI.Action.Show
output do
integer :id
string :label
def authorize(_request, "admin"), do: :allow
def authorize(_request, _user), do: :deny
# Return a map with output parameters describing a single item
def exec(request) do
id = request.params[:resource_id]
%{id: id, label: "Item ##{id}"}
# Actions Index, Show, Create, Update and Delete are frequently used and
# thus have templates that define their HTTP method, path and parameters.
# We can also create custom actions with arbitrary settings.
defmodule Custom do
use HaveAPI.Action
method :post
route 'my_custom_action'
input do
string :action
output do
string :result
def authorize(_request, "admin"), do: :allow
def authorize(_request, _user), do: :deny
def exec(request) do
{:error, "Would execute action '#{request.input.action}'"}
# Register actions to the resource
actions [Index, Show, Custom]
# Define API, which can consist of several versions. Each API and each
# version is basically a plug router.
defmodule MyApi do
use HaveAPI.Builder
version "1.0" do
# Register authentication providers
auth_chain [HttpBasic]
# Register API resources
resources [Resource]
# Mount the API with all its versions, resources and actions under
# a chosen prefix
mount "/"
Module MyApi
is a plug router and can be started as such:
$ iex -S mix
iex> {:ok, _} = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.http MyApi, []
{:ok, #PID<...>}
Or you can add it to supervision tree:
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
# See
# for more information on OTP Applications
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec
children = [
# Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised
Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.child_spec(:http, MyApi, [], [port: 4001])
# See
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
See Plug documentation for more information.