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Debug beaker tests

beaker can use pry-byebug, a gem that combines two powerful related tools: pry and byebug. It falls back to debug if pry is unavailable.

What is Pry?

Pry is a powerful Ruby editing and debugging tool. Beaker uses Pry runtime invocation to create a developer console.

What is byebug?

Byebug is a powerful debugger for ruby. It allows for flexible control of breakpoints, stepping through lines or the call stack. It lacks some features of pry such as source code editing and replaying code execution from within the debugging session, but can be used in combination with pry.

There are several ways to have your tests break and enter debugging:

  1. Add a breakpoint to your test file
  2. Use the --debug-errors option
  3. Defining external breakpoints with byebug

What is debug?

debug is the new debugger bundled since Ruby 3.1.

Add a breakpoint to your test file

Add Pry to individual tests by adding require 'pry' to the Ruby test file. Then add the statement binding.pry at the point in code where you want access to the full, current Beaker environment.


Example test trypry.rb

Here's a test file that exercises different ways of running commands on Beaker hosts. At the end of the main hosts.each loop I've included binding.pry to invoke the console.

hosts.each do |h|
  on h, "echo hello"
  if h['platform'].include?('windows')
    scp_to h, "beaker.gemspec", "/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/"
  on(h, "echo test block") do |result|
      puts "block result.stdout: #{result.stdout}"
      puts "block result.raw_stdout: #{result.raw_stdout}"
  on(h, "echo test block, built in functions") do
      puts "built in function stdout: #{stdout}"
      puts "built in function stderr: #{stderr}"

  result = on(h, "echo no block")
  puts "return var result.stdout: #{result.stdout}"
  puts "return var result.raw_stdout: #{result.raw_stdout}"



Sample output to the first binding.pry call:

$ bundle exec beaker --tests tests/trypry.rb --hosts configs/fusion/winfusion.cfg --no-provision
    "project": "Beaker",
    "helper": [],
    "load_path": [],
    "pre_suite": [],
    "post_suite": [],
    "install": [],
    "modules": [],
    "logger": "#<Beaker::Logger:0x007f925a6b4218>"
Hypervisor for pe-centos6 is none
Hypervisor for w2k8r2 is none
Hypervisor for w2k3r2 is none
Beaker::Hypervisor, found some none boxes to create

pe-centos6 10:55:27$  which curl

pe-centos6 executed in 0.14 seconds

pe-centos6 10:55:27$  which ntpdate

pe-centos6 executed in 0.01 seconds

w2k8r2 10:55:27$  which curl

w2k8r2 executed in 0.42 seconds

w2k3r2 10:55:27$  which curl

w2k3r2 executed in 0.29 seconds
No tests to run for suite 'pre_suite'
Begin tests/trypry.rb

pe-centos6 10:55:28$  echo hello

pe-centos6 executed in 0.01 seconds

pe-centos6 10:55:28$  echo test block
test block

pe-centos6 executed in 0.01 seconds
block result.stdout: test block
block result.raw_stdout: test block

pe-centos6 10:55:28$  echo test block, built in functions
test block, built in functions

pe-centos6 executed in 0.00 seconds
built in function stdout: test block, built in functions
built in function stderr:

pe-centos6 10:55:28$  echo no block
no block

pe-centos6 executed in 0.00 seconds
return var result.stdout: no block
return var result.raw_stdout: no block

From: /Users/anode/beaker/tests/trypry.rb @ line 19 self.run_test:

    15:   result = on(h, "echo no block")
    16:   puts "return var result.stdout: #{result.stdout}"
    17:   puts "return var result.raw_stdout: #{result.raw_stdout}"
 => 19:   binding.pry
    21: end

[1] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)>

Using the console

At this point I have access to the console. I have full access to Beaker hosts, the Beaker DSL and Ruby.

Here's some sample console calls:

[1] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> hosts
=> [pe-centos6, w2k8r2, w2k3r2]
[2] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> on hosts[1], 'echo hello'

w2k8r2 10:54:11$  echo hello

w2k8r2 executed in 0.07 seconds
=> #<Beaker::Result:0x007f9f6b7a3408
 @cmd=" echo hello  ",
[3] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> on hosts[1], 'ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/'

w2k8r2 10:56:15$  ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/
Application Data
Package Cache
Start Menu

w2k8r2 executed in 0.09 seconds
=> #<Beaker::Result:0x007f925b227898
  " ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\\ and\\ Settings/All\\ Users/Application\\ Data/  ",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n">
[4] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> result = on hosts[1], 'ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/'

w2k8r2 10:56:34$  ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/
Application Data
Package Cache
Start Menu

w2k8r2 executed in 0.08 seconds
=> #<Beaker::Result:0x007f925a387018
  " ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\\ and\\ Settings/All\\ Users/Application\\ Data/  ",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n",
  "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n">
[5] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> result.stdout.chomp
=> "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol"

Continue regular test execution

Simply exit the console.

[6] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> exit

Use the --debug-errors option

You can run beaker and pass the option --debug-errors to have beaker enter the pry or debug console if or when a test error occurs. This is useful for transient/intermittent errors where you may need to run the test a large number of times before seeing the failure. It's also useful to keep your hosts at the state where error occurred, as the test's teardown will not (yet) have executed.


Consider this example test case test.rb, which is going to fail:

test_name 'An important aspect of my product'

important_expected_value = 3

step 'Assert expected matches actual' do
  actual_value = 2
  assert_equal(important_expected_value, actual_value, 'This product is faulty')

You can run this test using beaker -t test.rb or (to use the run subcommand and just run the test and bypass host provisioning etc) beaker run -t test.rb. It fails.

Now try beaker run -t test.rb --debug-errors This will enter a pry or debug console when the failure occurs.

* Assert expected matches actual
  Exception raised during step execution and debug-errors option is set, entering pry or debug. Exception was: #<Minitest::Assertion: This product is faulty.
   Expected: 3
    Actual: 2>
  HINT: Use the pry 'backtrace' and 'up' commands to navigate to the test code

From: /home/puppet/code/beaker/lib/beaker/dsl/structure.rb @ line 51 Beaker::DSL::Structure#step:

    38: def step step_name, &block
    39:   logger.notify "\n* #{step_name}\n"
    40:   set_current_step_name(step_name)
    41:   if block_given?
    42:     logger.with_indent do
    43:       begin
    44:         yield
    45:       rescue Exception => e
    46:         if(@options.has_key?(:debug_errors) && @options[:debug_errors] == true)
    47: "Exception raised during step execution and debug-errors option is set, entering pry. Exception was: #{e.inspect}")
    48: "HINT: Use the pry 'backtrace' and 'up' commands to navigate to the test code")
    49:           binding.pry
    50:         end
 => 51:         raise e
    52:       end
    53:     end
    54:   end
    55: end

[1] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)>

Because beaker is catching the exception, pry is showing you beaker code. But you can navigate to your own test code using the backtrace and up commands.

backtrace shows output like:

[1] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> backtrace
--> #0  rescue in Beaker::DSL::Structure.rescue in step(step_name#String, &block#Proc) at /home/puppet/code/beaker/lib/beaker/dsl/structure.rb:51
    #1  Beaker::DSL::Structure.step(step_name#String, &block#Proc) at /home/puppet/code/beaker/lib/beaker/dsl/structure.rb:43
    #2  block in #<Class:#<Beaker::TestCase:0x00000001761848>>.block in run_test at /home/puppet/code/beaker/test.rb:5
    I+--- #3  Kernel.eval(*args) at /home/puppet/code/beaker/lib/beaker/test_case.rb:133
    #4  block in #<Class:#<Beaker::TestCase:0x00000001761848>>.block in run_test at /home/puppet/code/beaker/lib/beaker/test_case.rb:133

The arrow indicates pry is showing code at the top of the stack trace. At position #2 in the stack you can see line 5 of test.rb - this is the actual test code that failed. You can navigate there by entering the up command twice.

    From: /home/puppet/code/beaker/test.rb @ line 5 self.run_test:

    1: test_name 'An important aspect of my product'
    3: important_expected_value = 3
 => 5: step 'Assert expected matches actual' do
    6:   actual_value = 2
    7:   assert_equal(important_expected_value, actual_value, 'This product is faulty')
    8: end

[2] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)>

NOTE: Bear in mind that though you are navigating through your code here; pry is not rewinding code execution. When you exit pry, beaker will continue its execution from the top of the backtrace, failing the test due to the error that occurred.

From here, you can examine variables in your test. If you have hosts provisioned, you can send them commands using the on method, or in a separate terminal ssh into them to investigate their state at the point of failure.

Defining external breakpoints with byebug

This method is perhaps the least intuitive to use; but combines the advantages of letting you pick the line(s) of code to set breakpoints on; and being able to debug without needing to edit your test code directly. It is sometimes desirable to debug a test without changing the test's code at all; for example, if you want to compare a test at two or more different git commits, your test source needs to remain unmodified from its committed form.

byebug allows you to externally define breakpoints to keep them separate from your source code.


Consider the following test file test.rb:

test_name 'An important aspect of my product'

important_expected_value = 3

step 'Assert expected matches actual' do
  actual_value = 2
  assert_equal(important_expected_value, actual_value, 'This product is faulty')

If you wanted to debug at line 6 to investigate the state of your System Under Test before the failing assertion executes, then create a file in your working directory named .byebugrc with contents:

break test.rb:7

You can then run beaker within byebug like this:

[centos@test-development project]$ bundle exec byebug beaker -t test.rb

[4, 13] in /home/puppet/code/beaker/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/bin/beaker
    4: #
    5: # The application 'beaker' is installed as part of a gem, and
    6: # this file is here to facilitate running it.
    7: #
=>  9: require 'rubygems'
   11: version = ">= 0.a"
   13: if ARGV.first

Note that byebug has immediately stopped at the first line of beaker and awaits your command. Type 'continue' to command byebug to continue execution until it next hits a breakpoint.

=>  9: require 'rubygems'
   11: version = ">= 0.a"
   13: if ARGV.first
(byebug) continue
      |o o|
      | O |  3.18.0!
     / \X/ \
    |   V   |
    |   |   |
    "project": "Beaker",
    "department": "unknown",
    "created_by": "centos",
    "host_tags": {},
    "openstack_api_key": null,
    "openstack_username": null,
    "timestamp": "2017-06-23 13:21:11 +0000",
    "beaker_version": "3.18.0",
    "log_prefix": "beaker_logs",
    "xml_dated_dir": "junit/beaker_logs/2017-06-23_13_21_11",
    "log_dated_dir": "log/beaker_logs/2017-06-23_13_21_11",
    "logger_sut": "#<Beaker::Logger:0x000000034a2998>"
No tests to run for suite 'pre_suite'
Begin test.rb

An important aspect of my product

* Assert expected matches actual
Stopped by breakpoint 1 at test.rb:7

[1, 8] in test.rb
   1: test_name 'An important aspect of my product'
   3: important_expected_value = 3
   5: step 'Assert expected matches actual' do
   6:   actual_value = 2
=> 7:   assert_equal(important_expected_value, actual_value, 'This product is faulty')
   8: end

You can now debug at this point in the file using byebug commands